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Shelved Character Kailang

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score

KAILANG (Translation: "Loathing Wolf")

Coconut Mall - Mario Kart Wii | Every Death in Hotline Miami
Character Information
  • Name: Sujin Kailang Zhao
    • Aliases: Soldier of Morrlond, Jade Warlord
  • Race: Sihai + Spiritual Mystech (Invaded Spirit)
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Male
  • Occultism: Void
Core Concept
Kailang is a wandering Sihai and former foot soldier with a parasitic demon inhabiting him. After abandoning Loong Virtue, contacting Morrlond, and going on a merciless rampage in Regalia, he starts to question what he's fighting for and retreats to the wilderness for salvation. His temporary peace is disrupted by an unexpected reunion with his brother. Driven by guilt, Kailang attempts to rebuild their relationship while trying to avoid the consequences of his violent past.

A scraggly-haired Sihai with a rugged face, murky brown eyes, and dirt-smothered robes.
Kailang Art from Rowet.webp kaiwnygreen.webp kaiwyn.webp Qoll417_2.webp

Combat Style

Proficiency Information
Strength | 7


Technique Parry Pack
Knockback Sweep Pack
Cheap Shot Pack
Combat Sight Pack
Weapon Throw Pack (free from +4 Melee investment)
Careful Fighter Pack (free from +4 Melee investment)


Force Toss Pack
Steady Body Pack
Oceanic Pack
Constitution | 7
Training Point Buy

Rebound Pack
Rage Counter Pack
Interception Pack

Thick Hide Pack
Intelligence | 0
Wardrobe Pack (free from Invaded Mechanic III)
Wisdom | 0
Dexterity | 0
Faith | 0

Magic | 0
SINISTRAL Magic Bolster Pack (free from Invaded Mechanic II)


Life Story
  • His parents were cartographers by day and closeted alcoholic gamblers by night in Huo-Chang, the Southern Zhong Kingdom.
  • He passed the mandated bureaucracy exams and trained as an infantry soldier.
  • He enlisted in the Sihai military, fighting wars at the gateway to Dexai, the Jade Wall. Shattered by the loss of his comrades to the Akula demons, his trust in his superiors diminished and resentment clawed at his heart.
  • He openly challenged authority and was dismissed from the army for insubordination. He traveled the Jade Seas and joined the Ölöötümen of the North (people who opposed structured Sihai society). Together, they raided coastal villages and harvested slain Akula parts to sell on the black market.
  • He abandoned Loong Virtue and made unexpected contact with Morrlond. This resulted in an invaded spirit attaching to him. Finding salvation through Void Worship, he continued his streak of violence finding himself in Regalia.

Kailang is a full-blooded Sihai, born to a gambling, alcohol-reliant family of cartographers. Unlike the broad-shouldered, rough shape of other Sihai from the Southern Kingdom, the Liu family was skinny, thin, and on the poorer side of the social hierarchy. Many regarded them as losers because none of them ever passed the bureaucratic exams to enlist as soldiers. Kailang's mother had cheated once or twice even, while under the influence of alcohol and had some bastard children (unknowingly to Kailang or his father). Kailang does have a younger brother named Senlang, whom he dislikes.

In his youth, Kailang studied hard for the bureaucratic exams and barely passed. He is able to enlist in the military as a foot soldier (he cheats his weight and muscular strength during the exams, as taught to him by his father's gambling tactics; but who would notice amongst the honest, humble Sihai collective?). Eager to make something of himself and his family, Kailang enlists, he trains. He feels ashamed about his parents and guilty for his shame.

He is bullied by the broader Sihai who beat him in almost every exercise. He was one of the lowest ranking foot soldiers, but he does make a friend. She's like him, an underdog, a loser, skinny and lank, Daishu. She defends him and gets the bullies to back off. She comes from another kingdom of farmers. Her goals are different; she wants to be better, to be a commander, to be more than just a foot soldier, but an archer and strategist; a general. Kailang grows to be a coward in the beginning, always standing in Daishu's shadow, always second-best but supporting her as best he could. The general is an ass who uses fear-based training.

Daishu and Kailang are called to arms at the Jade Wall. It is their first time out in the field with the Akula. Kailang is scared. Daishu encourages him that this is their moment, Saaima told her so. Kailang nods, not quite believing her. He always questioned the Dragons in his dream. They arrive at the scene and it, demons as large as palaces erupting from the waters, bursting through the barrier as if it were glass. They are on a ship with a duty to protect their general. Something knocks their ship sideways and Daishu grabs ahold of Kailang to stop him from falling. The battle spirals out of control and Kailang is afraid. Daishu encourages him again and their general tells them to continue their attack. Kailang follows. He attacks the swinging arms and spiked scales that swing out. He stabs his guan do into it. Daishu protects him. The general continues to scream out orders while Kailang witnesses his comrades be eaten alive.

Their boat is hit and it starts to sink. They are beyond the Jade Wall. Kailang and Daishu fall off the ship. They cling to a piece of wood. Daishu tells him not to fret. She would live and so would he. That night he dreams of the Dragons and they tell him to let go. He lets go. When he awakes, Daishu is there and she is cold as ice. She is frozen. No ships are to be found, but there are bodies hanging in the water and bobbing with their chests round as barrels. He is frantic, trying to wake Daishu, but couldn't. He is devastated and takes her dogtag. He waits for another ship to arrive and they do, hours later, the General intact and whole. He had escaped early on. Only the strong stay standing. Kailang gets on the ship, grieving over his loss. Everyone is silent. He watches Daishu's body bob in the water as they sail away.

A vigil is held, their ashes sprinkled in the volcanic mountain of the Souther Kingdom. They return to training as if nothing had happened the day after. The general shares sake with other commanders. Distracted, Kailang is kicked into the ground by his training partner who calls him weak and soft. Enraged, Kailang fights back. He knocks his opponent to the ground, without holding back. The general comes out and scolds him with a slap to the face. Kailang is sent to do cleaning duties and clean the horse shit. He does so. Weeks pass, Kailang returns to training. New recruits are brought in, he bonds with the underdog, Mailang, who resembles himself. They are sent to the Jade Wall again. Kailang doesn't believe the recruits are ready. The general says they don't have a choice. They will protect their people and the wall, no matter the cost because that's what Saaima wants for them. Kailang is angry, he doesn't want to lose his comrades and yells. A fight breaks out. The general calls him out as a coward, who always stood in Daishu's shadow. Kailang says nothing. He asks Mailang to come with him as everyone watches, as he is forced to leave and exiled. Mailang said no because the Dragons told him that this is his duty. Kailang is devastated.

He shows face at home but his parents have taken a liking to Senlang, praising his efforts as the second son. Kailang doesn't like what he sees. He boards a ship late at night and departs North, rowing away. He sends letters home when he comes across mail carriers. He apologizes to his parents, over and over, never receiving a letter back. Kailang presumes this is because of Senlang or because he was disowned.

He ends up in the Northern sea, stranded when a storm hits. He lays on top of the boat, thinking he will die. Saaima tells him to let go again. He sees visions of Daishu and he shakes them off, haunted by his past. He meets up with rugged Sihai sailors, rogues, known as the Ölöötümen, who take him aboard the ship and introduce him to their crew. Kailang is treated to some sake.

Kailang becomes accustomed with sailing life, helping lift the sails, wash the deck, and learns to fish (which becomes his favorite food) in exchange for free board and room. Many are like him, outcasts, former soldiers, people who were rejected from Sihai society. Kailang bonds with them. He receives a dream from Saaima but his connection is weakening. The vision is faint. He hears Diashu's whispers in the night, telling him to be something. He can let go.

They arrive in the Western Kingdom, with goals of hitting one of the villages. At first, Kailang doesn't necessarily agree. He thinks it isn't a good idea, but then Daishu's words echo in mind. He doesn't want to be a coward. He doesn't want to be a loser. He decides to go with them. They raid the village. Kailang does not kill anyone, only threatens. Some of the others take lives along with riches and seem to enjoy doing so. He saves a comrade from being speared after knocking it aside.

That night they celebrate on ship. Kailang feels part of the circle and it feels good. He feels like he's being a part of something. He dreams that night of Saaima telling him to turn his back to this life, but Kailang challenges it. He asks why not? He blames the dragons and say they've failed him.

Kailang helps the the Oluutomen in more raids, still hesitant on taking life. They decide to hit the Southern Kingdom for weaponry. Kailang hesitates, but agrees. He wants to be a good soldier. He wants to follow orders. He wants to make something of himself, and with the Oluutomen, he is someone. They hit the village at night. They set fires on the outer edges of the land, drawing attention away. The general finds out and a battle breaks out. They become outnumbered. Mailang recognizes Kailang and calls him a coward that abandoned the dragons. Kailang can't bring himself to fight Mailang. They tussle in the dirt, rolling down the hillside. Mailang can barely contain himself and Kailang doesn't stop him. The General, a coward, runs from battle under the guise of getting reinforcements and sees Kailang and Mailang fighting. Kailang eventually knocks Mailang unconscious to chase after the General. He can feel Daishu's presence around him, telling him to let go. He catches up to the General. He hits him. They fight. Kailang draws his sword. He is determined. Rage circulates through him and he slashes forward. Kailang ends the battle, beating the General to near-death, followed by a violent slash to the General's throat. The body erupts in Void flames, something Kailang is not accustomed to. It is his first contact with Carraq. Daishu's whispers quiet, telling him to let go. He lets go of the General's hair and walks away.

He continues more raids with his crew. People come and go. He eventually becomes a captain of his own ship. He takes control assisting in raids. He kills for the sake of his comrades. They regard him as a hero. His violence grows, as does his anger. Every night Saaima visited and every night he cast them away. He writes home to his parents, telling them not to worry. He can handle himself. He tries asking them to come with him, to travel the seas, where they'll be well taken care of, but when they write back, it's addressed to Senlang, not Kailang, and jealousy ripples through him. He keeps the letter.

Kailang's contempt toward Sihai society grows. He has a particular dislike for generals and will hunt out the greatest warriors or commanders, slaughtering them. Every time, he sees the Void flames. He doesn't understand it. He terrorizes the Jade Seas with his crew. In some ways, he uses fear-based tactics against them. He doesn't realize he takes after his older General. It follows him like a shadow.

They are in the slums of Dexai, selling stolen goods. Kailang spots the same Void flames and ghostly glow coming from one of the shacks. He is immediately attacked in the dark by multiple people. He strikes back. He wins the battle, but receives wounds. A deep urge erupts in him. He threatens them, demanding who they were. All they said was that the Game of Blood never ends. Kailang killed them all. Their bodies erupt in Void flames. Kailang steals a book from them, written in Katharic language about Carraq. He tries to read, but he is unable to.

He and his crew set out to raid a monastery where Kailang threatens a monk to translate it for him. Kailang learns about Carraq.

He follows the tenets, raiding coastal villages in Carraq's name, and causing terror on the jade seas. He carves a name for himself as the Jade Warlord. When he drops the body of a dead warlord into the volcanic mountains of the Souther Kingdom, Void flames erupt and Carraq pays visit in flaming illusion. He grants him a blessing. Kailang accepts. He is told to travel to Regalia and fight the dragon worshippers there. He accepts and heads for the capital. His crew stays behind.
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Just a couple things, & then I think we're good to go. @soggytoenails

+5 Husbandry Art (from proficiency points)
  • Declare which domesticated pet your character has with this investment, preferably under the Special Traits subcategory. If they have none currently, just make sure to add it in on your application if/when they do obtain one.
  • +10 Pathfinding Art (from hobby points)
  • +6 Horticulture Art (from proficiency points)
  • +5 Hunting Art (from proficiency points)
  • +5 Husbandry Art (from proficiency points)
  • +5 Construction Art (from proficiency points)
  • +2 Cooking Art (from proficiency points)
  • I think it'd be worth expanding on how your character achieved all these skills in their Life Story. It seems very focused on their failures & shortcomings, but doesn't allude in any way to how they might've been able to build their expertise in Husbandry Art, Pathfinding, Horticulture, etc..
Dragon Worship - Loong Dragons (10/10).
  • Also, being 10/10 in belief for any religion means they should be incredibly devout, but it doesn't seem like it affects any aspects of Ra'zz'an's life judging by the backstory alone. I'd recommend either lessening the level of belief or altering the Life Story to have this make more sense.
Please make the appropriate edits in green so I don't miss them & tag me in the replies once finished. Thanks!
@microwavemmm Thank you for the review and feedback!
  • Declared domesticated pet as requested: common farm goat.
  • Added bullet points in life story to explain how he acquired those skills.
  • Lowered belief in religion.
@Magivore Ready for re-review. Nothing in blue because everything was changed.

- updated to new character sheet template
- changed name to go along with the new Sihai update coming out (the google doc that was posted in staff announcements)
- completely swapped around the proficiencies.
- completely changed the life story
@Volaie Need re-review. Changes in blue.
  • Von Kerle bloodline added.
  • Swapped around proficiencies. I initially had a lot invested into roguery, but I've moved them into some hobby categories, because it fit more with the melee combat class.
  • Updated character concept.
@Volaie Need re-review. Changes in blue.
  • Swapped shielding for dagger combat
  • Updated vampire abilities. Added vampiric familiar and vampiric form
  • Mutations were applied IC
  • Cleaned up life story. Made more condense. No major changes.
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@Volaie Re-review needed.
  • Updated character concept due to IC progressions.
  • Moved some points around. Added in some fist combat to get in more martial arts. Took it away from Sailing Art.
  • Updated Vampiric Form. Only change to note is that it matches some aesthetics of Qarrakh, the God of Battle.
  • Updated appearance due to IC progressions.
  • Updated backstory to match revised Sihai lore.
@Volaie Re-review needed. Updates are to go along with custom kit approval, centered around Qarrakh the Void God of Battle. He was also cured and had his mutations removed.
@Volaie Re-review needed.
Minor edits:
  • Swapped Vandalism Pack and Burglary Pack for Multi-Shielding Pack and Metallurgy Craft Packs. My character isn't slick enough to pull this off. Even if he was going to burglar a place, it's more likely he'd be found out about it and it'd be counted more as vandalism.
  • Added in +4 commutable Point-Buy points due to IC vampiric infection.
As an added note, the point spread looks incredibly overpowered, but there's not a chance I'll be using it in a way that's powergamey. Any points used from vampirism won't be cheated on with disguises or loop holes. If there is a concern with that though, please let me know and I'll modify things accordingly.

Changes in blue.
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Swapped AXE PACK for POLEARM PACK because Battle Hunger is redundant given he already maxed out his strength.
@Caelamus Updated proficiencies based on most recent changes to melee and defensive point spreads. Also updated vampirism commutable point-buy in the case that he becomes infected. See photo below which can be found under the Vampirism spoiler.

@Caelamus Re-review needed with proficiency updates and changes to custom kit. Added cavalry packs related to custom kit; see screenshot below.


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