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Played Character Mae Unji

This character is actively played.
Jan 3, 2017
Reaction score
Character Information
-Full Name: Mae Unji
-Heritage / Culture: Sihai
-Age: 24
-Gender / Pronouns: Female (She/Her)
-Religion: Draconism
-Occult: No
-Character Occupation: Diplomat

Appearance Information
-Eye Color: Jade
-Skin Color: Peach
-Hair: Black
-Height: 5'2"
-Body Type: Curvy
-Additional Features: N/A

Skill Information
-Hobbies and Talents: N/A
--Sihai can telekinetically move, reshape, recolor, and restructure Jade with their mind. They can also turn any crystal-like substance or noble metal into Jade.

--Sihai can read the position of the stars anywhere telepathically, allowing them to know exactly where in the world they are at any time, even during daylight.

--Sihai can enter a trance-sleep, enveloping themselves in a hard shell of jade in a tranquil state, unable to be acted upon or to act, only freed with the touch of a friend.

--Sihai may receive calamity visions during pivotal choice moments in Staff Events (Private Message to DM to discuss opportunities) that may warn from bad decisions.

--Sihai weapons, when channeled with the powers of the Loong Dragons (out of Combat only) can cut through any material, including objects, doors, gates, but not solid walls.

-Languages: Common, Wai-lan, Sign, d'Ithanie, Calem, Anglisch


Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 4
Defense Stat: 3
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
-Strength: 0
-Constitution: 0
-Intelligence: 4
--Oceanic Pack
--Wardrobe Pack
--Tech Livewire Pack
--Tech Thruster Pack
-Wisdom: 3
--Chem Bolts Pack (Stance)
--Technique Parry Pack
--Chem Bang Pack
-Dexterity: 1
--Escape Artist Pack
-Faith: 0
-Magic: 0
-Charisma: 7
--Hosting Presence Pack
--Sanctioned Presence Pack
--Political Presence Pack
--Hazard Presence Pack
--Undisclosed Presence Pack
--Fiscal Presence Pack
--Fame Presence Pack
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