Archived Important Changes

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King of Deldrimor
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
Deldrimorian Dominion
Roleplay Guilds
Concerning 1.9 and the EULA Changes
Sorry for all the complaining on this post, but these are suggestions I feel as if I have to make.

Fix Power
My biggest concern with the most recent changes has been fix power. I, personally have gone through a few thousand regals so far fixing armor. I would darkroom and get the levels myself but with the current TPS, killing mobs is in slooowww motionnn, discouraging me and my members from grinding for these levels. This brings me to my next point. My usual form of business would be selling god weapons to make up for money lost purchasing potion materials and to pay for my faction's taxes. But now with the new Gift4All donations, and thousands of god weapons being spawned in to the server daily, the prices have gone down sharply from around 250 to 20 in a few days. I'm now stuck with the struggle of having to purchase potion materials, faction taxes, and a ton of fix power. I know it may seem like just me whining about personal problems but I'm not the only PvPer who finds the fix power price to be an issue.
Possible Solutions
- Lower the price of fix power, .5 regals per fix instead of 1 would probably be fine
- Bring fix back to its previous state where you have a limited amount per day, maybe 300 per day, for everyone and not just premiums
- At 1000 in Repairs Mcmmo you can a 100% chance to keep enchants on armor

A year ago anyone would have called me crazy for this but damage needs to be increased in some way. Perhaps this is just lag but no one seems to drop, even when they're missing a piece of armor.
This is a video of one of my recent raids. I don't think deaths on raids should be determined by whose armor pops first. This one is just my personal opinion so I'd like to hear what everyone thinks about it.

I don't want to be that guy, but the TPS has been awful recently on almost all servers and this is while hoppers are currently disabled.

Potion Crafting
This is just a glitch I'm assuming but when crafting splash potions it creates them in a stack of 3 instead of them spilling all over the floor. This could be easily be misused in PvP.

Going to tag some people I'd like to hear from. Everyone's opinions matter so lets try to avoid being rude if you disagree with someone. Just had to mention that because it seems to often happen on these threads.
@65jes89 @spoonly @Synthesia @jquaile
@Shaneski101 @Traxex20 @Yoloorange @Argyll @Jackmo_Jones @Jack_Castle @Wannag @Bond1337 @shinbun @morrc5 @Tokugawryuu
@Gobian @Mazukii @Neckerei @_Vidaar @Night_Raider_

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Honestly 1k mcmmo is ridiculously easy to get. But nonetheless, I still don't want 100% but only because it would be incredibly easy to repair armor. I mean, 2 diamonds and your armor is fixed. That's worth, what, 6 or 7 regals to fix a full set of God armor unlimited times? I'd much prefer a 85-95% chance, so that there is at least a small chance of losing enchants. I do agree, however, that 60% is way too low.
Welp, if this does get implemented, mail me a good way to grind it out to 1k plis.
Welp, if this does get implemented, mail me a good way to grind it out to 1k plis.
Cactus + diamond. If you want it to go faster get a diamond axe and hit some grass or a dead tree and take away your f access to it. Jitter click on it and repair as needed.
Cactus + diamond. If you want it to go faster get a diamond axe and hit some grass or a dead tree and take away your f access to it. Jitter click on it and repair as needed.
Aight I'll try the cactus one cause I can just AFK with a regen potion
Aight I'll try the cactus one cause I can just AFK with a regen potion
Afk grinding is illegal, unless you're actually there hitting it yourself instead of putting weight on your mouse and having it do it for you.
Afk grinding is illegal, unless you're actually there hitting it yourself instead of putting weight on your mouse and having it do it for you.
No, you get damaged by the cactus, run over to the iron block and repair the armor. Hardly afk grinding, as you do have to get up and fix ur armor regularly.
No, you get damaged by the cactus, run over to the iron block and repair the armor. Hardly afk grinding, as you do have to get up and fix ur armor regularly.
I swear I was high when i wrote that reply, my bad. It doesn't even make sense. ._. Sorry. xD
Oh wow, you can't do it anymore. How splendid. Make up your mind Staff, either fix xp repair or fix mcmmo repair, instead of making the server increasingly difficult despite players stating they want exactly the opposite.
Okay look. The staff are working very hard to come up with a solution. But do you know what is worse than the repair situation? What would be worse is if the staff made quick change after quick change that continues to get disapproved by the players. Instead of wasting everybody's time with quick changes.. Let's wait for the one big one that fixes it all.
Honestly 1k mcmmo is ridiculously easy to get. But nonetheless, I still don't want 100% but only because it would be incredibly easy to repair armor. I mean, 2 diamonds and your armor is fixed. That's worth, what, 6 or 7 regals to fix a full set of God armor unlimited times? I'd much prefer a 85-95% chance, so that there is at least a small chance of losing enchants. I do agree, however, that 60% is way too low.
It's actually 3 to 4 diamonds if your amor is on red. So 6 to 8 would be d best.
It's actually 3 to 4 diamonds if your amor is on red. So 6 to 8 would be d best.
That's for anvil repair, not McMMO repair.

Also speaking of game breaking quick-fixes, is nobody going to mention that you can stack heals to infinity now? That should've been fixed day 1.
I just made a thread about the damage thing yeah there is something seriously wrong with the damage. If I can sit there and 2v1 2 accomplished PvPers using nothing but a shovel and taking almost no damage there is definitely a serious problem.
the tps drops are because of /glow. it really hurts my tps or lag or whatever it is when i look at a glowing premium
the tps drops are because of /glow. it really hurts my tps or lag or whatever it is when i look at a glowing premium
I would've never thought that /glow would do this. I get bad tps whether or not players have /glow on or not.
the tps drops are because of /glow. it really hurts my tps or lag or whatever it is when i look at a glowing premium
You are referring to FPS, which is client side. I can only assume it seems as though you are watching a slideshow when this lag occurrs or your game becomes jerky.
yea... fps... lol i knew there where 2 types of lag, one cilent and one server, but thought the server one was either FPS or TPS and the cilent one was just lag
Okay look. The staff are working very hard to come up with a solution. But do you know what is worse than the repair situation? What would be worse is if the staff made quick change after quick change that continues to get disapproved by the players. Instead of wasting everybody's time with quick changes.. Let's wait for the one big one that fixes it all.
my name is mark and i approve this message

although it could have been put more politely
Would there be a way to make it so that pieces of armor only cost 5 levels per piece to repair? Would it also be possible to make it never increase?
Concerning 1.9 and the EULA Changes
Sorry for all the complaining on this post, but these are suggestions I feel as if I have to make.

Fix Power
My biggest concern with the most recent changes has been fix power. I, personally have gone through a few thousand regals so far fixing armor. I would darkroom and get the levels myself but with the current TPS, killing mobs is in slooowww motionnn, discouraging me and my members from grinding for these levels. This brings me to my next point. My usual form of business would be selling god weapons to make up for money lost purchasing potion materials and to pay for my faction's taxes. But now with the new Gift4All donations, and thousands of god weapons being spawned in to the server daily, the prices have gone down sharply from around 250 to 20 in a few days. I'm now stuck with the struggle of having to purchase potion materials, faction taxes, and a ton of fix power. I know it may seem like just me whining about personal problems but I'm not the only PvPer who finds the fix power price to be an issue.
Possible Solutions
- Lower the price of fix power, .5 regals per fix instead of 1 would probably be fine
- Bring fix back to its previous state where you have a limited amount per day, maybe 300 per day, for everyone and not just premiums
- At 1000 in Repairs Mcmmo you can a 100% chance to keep enchants on armor

A year ago anyone would have called me crazy for this but damage needs to be increased in some way. Perhaps this is just lag but no one seems to drop, even when they're missing a piece of armor.
This is a video of one of my recent raids. I don't think deaths on raids should be determined by whose armor pops first. This one is just my personal opinion so I'd like to hear what everyone thinks about it.

I don't want to be that guy, but the TPS has been awful recently on almost all servers and this is while hoppers are currently disabled.

Potion Crafting
This is just a glitch I'm assuming but when crafting splash potions it creates them in a stack of 3 instead of them spilling all over the floor. This could be easily be misused in PvP.

Going to tag some people I'd like to hear from. Everyone's opinions matter so lets try to avoid being rude if you disagree with someone. Just had to mention that because it seems to often happen on these threads.
@65jes89 @spoonly @Synthesia @jquaile
@Shaneski101 @Traxex20 @Yoloorange @Argyll @Jackmo_Jones @Jack_Castle @Wannag @Bond1337 @shinbun @morrc5 @Tokugawryuu
@Gobian @Mazukii @Neckerei @_Vidaar @Night_Raider_

1. Fix cost was reduced.
2. Damage needs to be increased, we are working on finding the best way to do this.
3. TPS needs to improve. It certainly does. Hoppers can be disabled but turns out they cause lag just by being there. Hoppers are insanely weird but we hope Cay can find the TPS problem and squash it, however it seems to be in the core server software so our hands are kind of tied if that turns out to be the case. We will however try to fix this as soon as possible as good TPS is important for us as well.
4. The tech staff have been working on a fix for the potion glitch, this should be done soon.
Concerning armor damage, it's still ridiculous how you can kill someone in a raid and the cost to fix your armor from said fight costs more than the weapon you gained from the kill. If any PvPer is anything like me (Which I know a fair few of them are), most of their armor is un-repairable with XP.