Archived Important Changes

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King of Deldrimor
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
Deldrimorian Dominion
Roleplay Guilds
Concerning 1.9 and the EULA Changes
Sorry for all the complaining on this post, but these are suggestions I feel as if I have to make.

Fix Power
My biggest concern with the most recent changes has been fix power. I, personally have gone through a few thousand regals so far fixing armor. I would darkroom and get the levels myself but with the current TPS, killing mobs is in slooowww motionnn, discouraging me and my members from grinding for these levels. This brings me to my next point. My usual form of business would be selling god weapons to make up for money lost purchasing potion materials and to pay for my faction's taxes. But now with the new Gift4All donations, and thousands of god weapons being spawned in to the server daily, the prices have gone down sharply from around 250 to 20 in a few days. I'm now stuck with the struggle of having to purchase potion materials, faction taxes, and a ton of fix power. I know it may seem like just me whining about personal problems but I'm not the only PvPer who finds the fix power price to be an issue.
Possible Solutions
- Lower the price of fix power, .5 regals per fix instead of 1 would probably be fine
- Bring fix back to its previous state where you have a limited amount per day, maybe 300 per day, for everyone and not just premiums
- At 1000 in Repairs Mcmmo you can a 100% chance to keep enchants on armor

A year ago anyone would have called me crazy for this but damage needs to be increased in some way. Perhaps this is just lag but no one seems to drop, even when they're missing a piece of armor.
This is a video of one of my recent raids. I don't think deaths on raids should be determined by whose armor pops first. This one is just my personal opinion so I'd like to hear what everyone thinks about it.

I don't want to be that guy, but the TPS has been awful recently on almost all servers and this is while hoppers are currently disabled.

Potion Crafting
This is just a glitch I'm assuming but when crafting splash potions it creates them in a stack of 3 instead of them spilling all over the floor. This could be easily be misused in PvP.

Going to tag some people I'd like to hear from. Everyone's opinions matter so lets try to avoid being rude if you disagree with someone. Just had to mention that because it seems to often happen on these threads.
@65jes89 @spoonly @Synthesia @jquaile
@Shaneski101 @Traxex20 @Yoloorange @Argyll @Jackmo_Jones @Jack_Castle @Wannag @Bond1337 @shinbun @morrc5 @Tokugawryuu
@Gobian @Mazukii @Neckerei @_Vidaar @Night_Raider_

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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I did a quick rudimentary calculation on the current economic downturn. Of course my calculations are infantile and don't account for exponential decrease of spending, but from the most liberal point of view when playing with numbers, there will be 0 Regals in circulation in 160 days. Ideally the economy is in a very slight upturn, meaning a few thousands of Regals going into the economy every day, instead of the 20 or 30 thousand it used to be. Currently it's -10,000. We have to alter this, and we will. The statistics now make that much clear. What is exactly going to be altered is not entirely certain yet, but I will carry the suggestion to make /fix cheaper to the Tech staff for discussion.
What numbers did you use for these calculations? 160 days sounds way too quick to burn off just a little over 15 million regals.
What numbers did you use for these calculations? 160 days sounds way too quick to burn off just a little over 15 million regals.
Upon re-investigation it seems I misplaced a 0. Turns out it's actually 1600 days. Regardless. It doesn't really change the fact that -10,000 a day is still too much. It should be closer to 0 ideally.
I did a quick rudimentary calculation on the current economic downturn. Of course my calculations are infantile and don't account for exponential decrease of spending, but from the most liberal point of view when playing with numbers, there will be 0 Regals in circulation in 160 days. Ideally the economy is in a very slight upturn, meaning a few thousands of Regals going into the economy every day, instead of the 20 or 30 thousand it used to be. Currently it's -10,000. We have to alter this, and we will. The statistics now make that much clear. What is exactly going to be altered is not entirely certain yet, but I will carry the suggestion to make /fix cheaper to the Tech staff for discussion.

I wish I could give this every possible up vote.
Since nobody (I think?) has raised the issue, I'll do it. Every time you repair anything with an anvil, the cost to repair said item if it gets damaged again goes up, usually in the range of 5-6 levels per repair. Because of this, almost every set of god armor (25) that I own requires either 34 levels to repair ONE PIECE OF ARMOR, or it simply reads "Too Expensive." This is an issue that I think needs to be addressed and I don't feel as if MCMMO repair is the solution. A possible fix to this may be that naming your item resets the XP required to repair said item and stops it from increasing (I think @Sevrish talked about this in TeamSpeak.) Another possible solution could be to implement 300 /fix power to everyone on the server, and when it is used on items the cost to repair the item resets back to the default amount of XP. I don't know how technically possible these suggestions would be but I feel that this XP increase issue needs to be addressed, as I am practically forced to PvP in half broken armor and weapons because of it.
The fan favorite idea for fix (tho some will argue that it's "having no fix at all") is having a universal 300 points a day. Anything after that... You pay for similar to now.
I added a poll for the fix power debate :)
I shall go ahead and throw in my thoughts here quickly, as opposed to making my own thread.

Before this current economic issue I had previously brought up bringing fix power down to 100. The idea behind it was that you could use it to fix lore items/things that couldn't be repaired normally, but only 1 per day. Any other enchanted item you needed to repair with an anvil.

Now there are two ways I see this working. The first is where people are forced to repair their items, with the level to repair increasing each time. This in turn eventually removes weapons/tools/armor out of the economy, unless you use /fix to repair it. This can create a demand for new tools as it cycles old stuff out.

Second way would be to change repair back to a previous version where named tools have a specific repair value, and doesn't increase each time it is repaired. This way forces players to spend levels/diamonds to fix things, or pay someone to do so. Players would still have a bit of fix power to fix items quickly, or repair special things.
can @Staff decide on something because all my armor is too expensive to repair and /fix is vacuuming up my regals, and I can't sell god weapons to make it back because they are worth about 60r now. And I'm guessing I'm not the only one with this problem.
Was /fix really that much of a problem? If feels like God armor was more valuable when the fix was still 500 points than it is now. If it's an issue about being premium… I don't see a problem with non-premium players having access to the 500 point fix.
Was /fix really that much of a problem? If feels like God armor was more valuable when the fix was still 500 points than it is now. If it's an issue about being premium… I don't see a problem with non-premium players having access to the 500 point fix.
That's because God armour was more valuable before the /fix change, but it's not because of the change.

The idea behind charging for /fix is to not break the economy. You need to choose wisely whether or not to fix something, which makes sense, and if you want to fix more you need to earn more, which would encourage selling and helping the economy.
However, with the introduction of [item]4All, the price of weapons and armour have dropped severely over the course of a few days. So how are people supposed to make money by selling stuff that's worth so little?
It may be argued that one can sell other items, but you can only sell so much until you don't have anything anymore and your armour will continue breaking.
Although the voting increase is helping put regaled into the economy and into the hands of players, it doesn't help much when the items people sell are in high supply and relatively lower demand.
Forgive me if this was already touched upon before
Oh I see… I was mixing two issues together. I don't remember where it was… But I remember somebody saying that if the armor4all was changed a little bit to remove the god enchantments and bring it down to gold armor. Then that would be better on the economy.
I really like the idea of making 100% chance of keeping enchants using an McMMO anvil, because not only are we spending hundreds and thousands of regals daily to repair our armor, but if we use McMMO, everyone is happy and it also helps the diamond market because you're using diamonds to repair said god armor. Love the idea, although some staff think 60% is enough but it's not worth the risk.
I really like the idea of making 100% chance of keeping enchants using an McMMO anvil, because not only are we spending hundreds and thousands of regals daily to repair our armor, but if we use McMMO, everyone is happy and it also helps the diamond market because you're using diamonds to repair said god armor. Love the idea, although some staff think 60% is enough but it's not worth the risk.
It would be worth the risk if not for.. lore items.

In a normal server McMMO repair would be fine but nobody wants to grind repair to 1k so they can repair their lore items without fear of the lore and enchants being removed.
It would be worth the risk if not for.. lore items.

In a normal server McMMO repair would be fine but nobody wants to grind repair to 1k so they can repair their lore items without fear of the lore and enchants being removed.
Well I guess I'm lucky I joined the server 3 and a half years ago, so I was able to get my repair to 2.3k. but now that armor durability is decreased, repair grinding is easy if you stay in a darkroom getting attacked by mobs. I still gain at least 1-2 levels per piece at 2k.
Well I guess I'm lucky I joined the server 3 and a half years ago, so I was able to get my repair to 2.3k. but now that armor durability is decreased, repair grinding is easy if you stay in a darkroom getting attacked by mobs. I still gain at least 1-2 levels per piece at 2k.
oh wow. Okay okay i'll try that.
Not only am I out of armor for myself, but I've also been purchasing fix for my PvPers so they are able to come on raids.
can @Staff decide on something because all my armor is too expensive to repair and /fix is vacuuming up my regals, and I can't sell god weapons to make it back because they are worth about 60r now. And I'm guessing I'm not the only one with this problem.
The server does NOT have a lot of time to fix this. As @MonMarty said..
I did a quick rudimentary calculation on the current economic downturn. Of course my calculations are infantile and don't account for exponential decrease of spending, but from the most liberal point of view when playing with numbers, there will be 0 Regals in circulation in 1600 days. Ideally the economy is in a very slight upturn, meaning a few thousands of Regals going into the economy every day, instead of the 20 or 30 thousand it used to be. Currently it's -10,000. We have to alter this, and we will. The statistics now make that much clear. What is exactly going to be altered is not entirely certain yet, but I will carry the suggestion to make /fix cheaper to the Tech staff for discussion.

I dont like this steady downfall of the economy and I understand that staff are busy and there is a lot to do right now but this is TIME SENSITIVE.

LWC is still screwing stuff up and hasnt been removed yet (god only knows why)

These things need to happen.
God the tps and hit registration is so terrible. I tried playing yesterday and hit maybe 3 times in a 3 minute fight. It was sooo bad.
Yeah when I go on a raid, I could get 2 kills and 2 god weapons, but the damage to my armor would cost me FAR more than any profit I would make from the raid. Why am I even raiding lol?
Yeah when I go on a raid, I could get 2 kills and 2 god weapons, but the damage to my armor would cost me FAR more than any profit I would make from the raid. Why am I even raiding lol?
because raiding is teh funz
Possibly if it is made 100% could the diamond consumption of repairs be increased? The price of diamonds would go up a ton and a I think most of us would be pretty happy.
I really like the idea of making 100% chance of keeping enchants using an McMMO anvil, because not only are we spending hundreds and thousands of regals daily to repair our armor, but if we use McMMO, everyone is happy and it also helps the diamond market because you're using diamonds to repair said god armor. Love the idea, although some staff think 60% is enough but it's not worth the risk.
Possibly if it is made 100% could the diamond consumption of repairs be increased? The price of diamonds would go up a ton and a I think most of us would be pretty happy.
I would be happy with this. It would encourage people to grind to 1k and also it would allow people who already have 1k to "sell" their services.
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Possibly if it is made 100% could the diamond consumption of repairs be increased? The price of diamonds would go up a ton and a I think most of us would be pretty happy.
It takes maybe 2 diamonds, sometimes 1 diamond to fully repair a non-enchanted diamond armor piece for me and im at 2k. And still at 2k, I level pretty quick considering you get a few levels per full repair. I'm sure they can make it so it'd cost more, which would be a good thing, as diamonds are insanely cheap and easy to acquire as of now, so 15 or so diamonds to fix a full set is better than spending hundreds upon hundreds of regals on one set. I'd love to see this implemented. :)
@ulumulu1510 Would it be possible if a change was implemented, this being using diamonds to repair anything, with a 100% success rate at level 1k of McMMO repair, to make it so more diamonds have to be used? This way, it'd be a sink for diamonds while allowing players to not waste all of their regals on /fix.
@ulumulu1510 Would it be possible if a change was implemented, this being using diamonds to repair anything, with a 100% success rate at level 1k of McMMO repair, to make it so more diamonds have to be used? This way, it'd be a sink for diamonds while allowing players to not waste all of their regals on /fix.

I second this. It's the best solution. Opens up a new industry for 1k+ repairers, you sink tons of diamonds with people grinding repair, and pvp factions will once again have a "goal" of getting a couple members to be dedicated repairers for them. Once they do, they'll have an advantage over other facs who might have to pay and outsource their repairing. It'll make people work to be successful, which is what MassiveCraft really needs right now.
I second this. It's the best solution. Opens up a new industry for 1k+ repairers, you sink tons of diamonds with people grinding repair, and pvp factions will once again have a "goal" of getting a couple members to be dedicated repairers for them. Once they do, they'll have an advantage over other facs who might have to pay and outsource their repairing. It'll make people work to be successful, which is what MassiveCraft really needs right now.
Would you like to combine and make a thread specifically for this topic?
So I guess I'll throw in my opinion on this one. Personally, I hate /fix. I mean, I still remember the days when I sold God armor sets for 1000r each, so I'm a bit biased, but 400r a set just isn't even worth the money. But, removing fix without some kind of alternate way doesn't really work either. I was rather optimistic at fisrt, but I really don't think it will work. I used around 10 sets of God armor this weekend. That in itself isn't bad (I still support the durability change 100%), however after the second, or sometimes even first repair, it gets ridiculous. By the 4-5th repair, a set is too expensive to fix.

Now, I don't want to see fix come back in anyway. We need some way to drain God armor out of the supply, and that will never happen if we have a way to fix God armor for free. However, mcmmo fix should be buffed, and mob xp drops should be increased. I don't think it should be changed to 100% keep chance with mcmmo, repair is literally the easiest skill to grind other than acrobatics. However, it should be buffed to somewhere between 85-95% enchant keep chance. Keep in mind, that this chance is actually a lot lower than it seems, since it applies each time you use an anvil, and at level 1000 it takes around 2 goes to goes to get a full fix. This will lead to enchants exiting the economy, but won't completely destroy everyone's God armor stashes immediately.

Additionally, armor 4 all and weapons 4 all need to be nerfed. Change it to sharp 3/prot 3 or iron armor or whatever, but giving out 250 God weapons every couple hours just isn't going to work.
I shall go ahead and throw in my thoughts here quickly, as opposed to making my own thread.

Before this current economic issue I had previously brought up bringing fix power down to 100. The idea behind it was that you could use it to fix lore items/things that couldn't be repaired normally, but only 1 per day. Any other enchanted item you needed to repair with an anvil.

Now there are two ways I see this working. The first is where people are forced to repair their items, with the level to repair increasing each time. This in turn eventually removes weapons/tools/armor out of the economy, unless you use /fix to repair it. This can create a demand for new tools as it cycles old stuff out.

Second way would be to change repair back to a previous version where named tools have a specific repair value, and doesn't increase each time it is repaired. This way forces players to spend levels/diamonds to fix things, or pay someone to do so. Players would still have a bit of fix power to fix items quickly, or repair special things.
Second plis
The cost of fix has now been reduced. It now costs .5 regals per 1% of Fix.

We are currently watching the market and money situation to evaluate if we need to make more changes, where, and what to modify.
@ulumulu1510 Would it be possible if a change was implemented, this being using diamonds to repair anything, with a 100% success rate at level 1k of McMMO repair, to make it so more diamonds have to be used? This way, it'd be a sink for diamonds while allowing players to not waste all of their regals on /fix.
It is techincally possible, of course. We can access the mcmmo levels of someone and check if they are 1000 (or any number for that matter)
It is techincally possible, of course. We can access the mcmmo levels of someone and check if they are 1000 (or any number for that matter)
The problem I see with Repair being 100% is that it forces everyone on the server to grind an MCMMO stat to even be able to play the game.
The problem I see with Repair being 100% is that it forces everyone on the server to grind an MCMMO stat to even be able to play the game.
Honestly 1k mcmmo is ridiculously easy to get. But nonetheless, I still don't want 100% but only because it would be incredibly easy to repair armor. I mean, 2 diamonds and your armor is fixed. That's worth, what, 6 or 7 regals to fix a full set of God armor unlimited times? I'd much prefer a 85-95% chance, so that there is at least a small chance of losing enchants. I do agree, however, that 60% is way too low.
Honestly 1k mcmmo is ridiculously easy to get. But nonetheless, I still don't want 100% but only because it would be incredibly easy to repair armor. I mean, 2 diamonds and your armor is fixed. That's worth, what, 6 or 7 regals to fix a full set of God armor unlimited times? I'd much prefer a 85-95% chance, so that there is at least a small chance of losing enchants. I do agree, however, that 60% is way too low.
That's why I suggested increasing the amount of diamonds it takes. Maybe like 5 or 6 per piece
That's why I suggested increasing the amount of diamonds it takes. Maybe like 5 or 6 per piece
Ah. That's definitely doable in the config. I think I'd still prefer just raising the chance to keep enchants, but I could deal with that.