Archived Important Changes

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King of Deldrimor
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
Deldrimorian Dominion
Roleplay Guilds
Concerning 1.9 and the EULA Changes
Sorry for all the complaining on this post, but these are suggestions I feel as if I have to make.

Fix Power
My biggest concern with the most recent changes has been fix power. I, personally have gone through a few thousand regals so far fixing armor. I would darkroom and get the levels myself but with the current TPS, killing mobs is in slooowww motionnn, discouraging me and my members from grinding for these levels. This brings me to my next point. My usual form of business would be selling god weapons to make up for money lost purchasing potion materials and to pay for my faction's taxes. But now with the new Gift4All donations, and thousands of god weapons being spawned in to the server daily, the prices have gone down sharply from around 250 to 20 in a few days. I'm now stuck with the struggle of having to purchase potion materials, faction taxes, and a ton of fix power. I know it may seem like just me whining about personal problems but I'm not the only PvPer who finds the fix power price to be an issue.
Possible Solutions
- Lower the price of fix power, .5 regals per fix instead of 1 would probably be fine
- Bring fix back to its previous state where you have a limited amount per day, maybe 300 per day, for everyone and not just premiums
- At 1000 in Repairs Mcmmo you can a 100% chance to keep enchants on armor

A year ago anyone would have called me crazy for this but damage needs to be increased in some way. Perhaps this is just lag but no one seems to drop, even when they're missing a piece of armor.
This is a video of one of my recent raids. I don't think deaths on raids should be determined by whose armor pops first. This one is just my personal opinion so I'd like to hear what everyone thinks about it.

I don't want to be that guy, but the TPS has been awful recently on almost all servers and this is while hoppers are currently disabled.

Potion Crafting
This is just a glitch I'm assuming but when crafting splash potions it creates them in a stack of 3 instead of them spilling all over the floor. This could be easily be misused in PvP.

Going to tag some people I'd like to hear from. Everyone's opinions matter so lets try to avoid being rude if you disagree with someone. Just had to mention that because it seems to often happen on these threads.
@65jes89 @spoonly @Synthesia @jquaile
@Shaneski101 @Traxex20 @Yoloorange @Argyll @Jackmo_Jones @Jack_Castle @Wannag @Bond1337 @shinbun @morrc5 @Tokugawryuu
@Gobian @Mazukii @Neckerei @_Vidaar @Night_Raider_

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I agree with most of it, but the damage. If people use AxeRes ofc you won't deal much damage. The same happens with people who use ArcheryVulnerable and drops with 2 arrows. Ofc you will drop with 2 arrows if you're using Archeryvulnerable... It makes sense.
I just made a thread about the damage thing yeah there is something seriously wrong with the damage. If I can sit there and 2v1 2 accomplished PvPers using nothing but a shovel and taking almost no damage there is definitely a serious problem.
I agree with most of it, but the damage. If people use AxeRes ofc you won't deal much damage. The same happens with people who use ArcheryVulnerable and drops with 2 arrows. Ofc you will drop with 2 arrows if you're using Archeryvulnerable... It makes sense.
No, feiooos that's the thing I was using archeryvuln on a raid today and I was getting pinged by arrows and at most it took half a heart off with a fully charged shot. Something is really funky about the damage.
I agree with most of it, but the damage. If people use AxeRes ofc you won't deal much damage. The same happens with people who use ArcheryVulnerable and drops with 2 arrows. Ofc you will drop with 2 arrows if you're using Archeryvulnerable... It makes sense.
The archery seems to be doing a bit too much damage though while axes don't seem to do anything at all. AxeRes should certainly make a difference but its insane how low the damage output is with melee weapons.
While I can't confirm this, I do believe the TPS is due to the old lwc plugin and McMMo duking it out with 1.9 as the announcer (that is, 1.9 caused lwc & McMMo to start clashing for reasons) and with the phasing out of lwc the TPS *should* go up again.

With regards to damage, I still died pretty quickly. A good hit from a god bow took down half my health with god armor on one time. But that's not my AOE, it's yours.

Money wise, I think taxes should be lowered to cancel out the current /fix costs and the loss of 750 a month to all premium members. That, or change fix back the way it was AND lower faction taxes, because that 750 a month was a lifesaver for many a faction.

With regards to armor prices, shit happens. It's not fun when it does, but those donations do help the server survive.
While I can't confirm this, I do believe the TPS is due to the old lwc plugin and McMMo duking it out with 1.9 as the announcer (that is, 1.9 caused lwc & McMMo to start clashing for reasons) and with the phasing out of lwc the TPS *should* go up again.

With regards to damage, I still died pretty quickly. A good hit from a god bow took down half my health with god armor on one time. But that's not my AOE, it's yours.

Money wise, I think taxes should be lowered to cancel out the current /fix costs and the loss of 750 a month to all premium members. That, or change fix back the way it was AND lower faction taxes, because that 750 a month was a lifesaver for many a faction.

With regards to armor prices, shit happens. It's not fun when it does, but those donations do help the server survive.
remember that votes went from 3r-10r. I do believe taxes should also be lowered tho
While I can't confirm this, I do believe the TPS is due to the old lwc plugin and McMMo duking it out with 1.9 as the announcer (that is, 1.9 caused lwc & McMMo to start clashing for reasons) and with the phasing out of lwc the TPS *should* go up again.

With regards to damage, I still died pretty quickly. A good hit from a god bow took down half my health with god armor on one time. But that's not my AOE, it's yours.

Money wise, I think taxes should be lowered to cancel out the current /fix costs and the loss of 750 a month to all premium members. That, or change fix back the way it was AND lower faction taxes, because that 750 a month was a lifesaver for many a faction.

With regards to armor prices, shit happens. It's not fun when it does, but those donations do help the server survive.
God armor does one thing, but with PvP tank traits and an inventory of health potions it takes forever for anyone to drop. Yeah I agree the server does need donations
For everyone complaining about the damage, with a god axe or sword, on a strength II pot on someone wearing no armour, it takes 3-4 hits to kill them. Pre-1.9 it took 1-2 hits. The damage wasn't overpowered at all, and actually lead to some good PvP. Now, people rarely die until armour gets completely shredded, and with the new /fix changes and armour durability, this is not good.
Fixed the damned tps and bring up the damage a bit and I think it'll be fine. I'll make a post tomorrow when I'm (finally) back to my computer about the /fix situation. I think a good short term solution, however, would just be raising the xp drops from MassiveMobs.
And one point I'd like to make about fix power is that if we limit it (ex. 300 per day) like the premium fix power used to be limited, it opens up a market for people to pay others a little extra for them to /fix their gear.

I also agree with the TPS issues in the main post, it's been a constant downside of Massive and I really hope removal of LWC can at least improve it slightly.

Note: I haven't pvped yet in 1.9 so I can't comment on the damage.
I agree with most of it, but the damage. If people use AxeRes ofc you won't deal much damage. The same happens with people who use ArcheryVulnerable and drops with 2 arrows. Ofc you will drop with 2 arrows if you're using Archeryvulnerable... It makes sense.
In what alternate universe is two-shotting considered "Making sense"?
For everyone complaining about the damage, with a god axe or sword, on a strength II pot on someone wearing no armour, it takes 3-4 hits to kill them. Pre-1.9 it took 1-2 hits. The damage wasn't overpowered at all, and actually lead to some good PvP. Now, people rarely die until armour gets completely shredded, and with the new /fix changes and armour durability, this is not good.
This. The fact that you deal 9 percent to someone in full god gear is ridiculous. I do think, however, that this is not the fault of Massive as Strength potions were significantly nerfed, going from 260% damage to +6 hearts.
Out of all the least they can do is change the fix and tps. The other stuff is needed but not as much as fix and tps. Just a reccomend @Sevak rank them in priority? Mabey? Please dont insult me if you thing my comments are wrong Im sorry if they are
Out of all the least they can do is change the fix and tps. The other stuff is needed but not as much as fix and tps. Just a reccomend @Sevak rank them in priority? Mabey? Please dont insult me if you thing my comments are wrong Im sorry if they are
Your comment is far from wrong. @Sevak if you would add at the bottom of your OP or in a comment your priorities of those issues.
Your comment is far from wrong. @Sevak if you would add at the bottom of your OP or in a comment your priorities of those issues.
They're in order of importance in my opinion. But I'm sure a lot of people would place TPS above Damage
I agree and I disagree.

I agree with:
  • What I would assume is your dislike of the GodArmor4All donation feature.
  • Change to damage. (I'm taking your word here since I haven't pvped in over 6 months.
  • Fixing TPS. (This should get better once LWC is removed. )
  • 100% chance to keep enchants with MCMMO repair at 1000.
I disagree with:
  • Your proposed changes to /fix.
Let me explain why I disagree. I understand the reason for keeping /fix, and why it's needed in terms of convience. I also feel it is a server breaking feature, and needs to be removed, but I am willing to compromise here. If it stays, it needs to always have a cost associated, and preferably a heavy cost to deter use. Why? /fix should always be your last resort for fixing armor. I hope that once the TPS is improved, people will darkroom more. Once LWC is removed, the TPS hopefully improves, and a month goes by so I can evaluate the change in money sink and money creation on the server, I intend to propose an increase in money earned from mobs, and vanilla XP earned as well, if need be. I also hope the staff change the MCMMO configuration so MCMMO repair becomes viable. All these changes should alleviate dependency on /fix, so it returns to what I believe it's intended function is, occasional use.
What I think should happen:

1. Keep armor dura the same since armor now breaks in fights which is nice due to the person then needing to repair it.

2. Allow 800 fix power (or 600) and let 400 of it be free, which is a full god set, and let the other 400 cost money.

3. Damage is "okay" but I think a tad bit of an increase would be nice since it is super easy to tank through. Although that is a mix of damage and tps being super bad.

4. I like the 1000 fully repair for the MCMMO but I think it would be to broken since it would be to easy to repair an entire double chests in seconds. There has to be some element of risk other wise it would be broken and you wouldnt need the /fix in the first place.

5. If there is no fix for /fix then increase the XP from Massive mobs. The risk is no longer worth the reward which makes DR'ing pretty long and tedious with very little to no gain
If /fix gets taken out of the picture I would rather use McMMO Repair/Diamonds/Iron Block rather than using XP/Anvils. Or enable both? Idk, the current McMMO Repair abilities are pretty nerfed and limited, and with all the outrage on the new /fix system why not bump up the keep-enchants chance. Easy alternative.
I like the 1000 fully repair for the MCMMO but I think it would be to broken since it would be to easy to repair an entire double chests in seconds. There has to be some element of risk other wise it would be broken and you wouldnt need the /fix in the first place.
It would only be easy for people with loads of diamonds, which not a lot of new players have. So they would have to be bought or mined. Time/Money spent on getting diamonds seems like a good enough risk
It would only be easy for people with loads of diamonds, which not a lot of new players have. So they would have to be bought or mined. Time/Money spent on getting diamonds seems like a good enough risk
I mean yeah for new players it would be a little harder but its not like diamonds are very rare on massive. Also I once mined 5 stacks of Diamond blocks in like 2 hours which would give me access to over 100 repaired sets of armor if not more.
I mean yeah for new players it would be a little harder but its not like diamonds are very rare on massive. Also I once mined 5 stacks of Diamond blocks in like 2 hours which would give me access to over 100 repaired sets of armor if not more.
yea which is better than spending bricks on bricks of regals to fix armor
What I think should happen:

1. Keep armor dura the same since armor now breaks in fights which is nice due to the person then needing to repair it.

2. Allow 800 fix power (or 600) and let 400 of it be free, which is a full god set, and let the other 400 cost money.

3. Damage is "okay" but I think a tad bit of an increase would be nice since it is super easy to tank through. Although that is a mix of damage and tps being super bad.

4. I like the 1000 fully repair for the MCMMO but I think it would be to broken since it would be to easy to repair an entire double chests in seconds. There has to be some element of risk other wise it would be broken and you wouldnt need the /fix in the first place.

5. If there is no fix for /fix then increase the XP from Massive mobs. The risk is no longer worth the reward which makes DR'ing pretty long and tedious with very little to no gain
How quaint that one of the blokes on /mctop axes supports Armor durability being so low.
Dafuq? You can stack pots? O_o
How quaint that one of the blokes on /mctop axes supports Armor durability being so low.
Something weird going on with axes armorbreak though. My buddy mayino and I tested mine last night and I found out I literally do more damage with a sword then I do 5k axes. I consistently get 3 durability per sword crit whereas I get 2 or sometimes 3 with an axe crit. Doesn't really make sense since I'm supposed to get 50 bonus damage whatever that is supposed to mean.
How quaint that one of the blokes on /mctop axes supports Armor durability being so low.
I mean is it really quaint? Of course I want it to be lower, especially when I'm fighting people in 5+ v 1. Least makes me stat worthwhile and I might even get a kill out of it
Something weird going on with axes armorbreak though. My buddy mayino and I tested mine last night and I found out I literally do more damage with a sword then I do 5k axes. I consistently get 3 durability per sword crit whereas I get 2 or sometimes 3 with an axe crit. Doesn't really make sense since I'm supposed to get 50 bonus damage whatever that is supposed to mean.
Some staff member I don't remember which one said that they nerfed the armor damage of axes significantly.
Yes. All of this. Yes.

I'm in a constant state of bankruptcy because I'm constantly fixing my armor with absolutely no source of income as my primary export has become practically worthless. I used to get at least some sense of accomplishment when I dropped someone and got a god weapon. Now it kind of just feels meh. I've had to give up PvP for a while to rebuild finances for armor, but I'm finding all my tools are breaking because I can't afford to repair those either. I've resorted to selling random junk, like lore items and building blocks. However there are so many lore items and so little use for them, a yellow item really only goes for about 100r. Building blocks are ridciously worthless for the amount of effort it takes to get them. A stack of logs for only 5-10 regals? So 10 stacks is enough to fix one piece of armor, if I can find a buyer.
Some staff member I don't remember which one said that they nerfed the armor damage of axes significantly.
Yeah they halved the armor break. Mine should be 107 bonus damage but it's now like 53. I should still be doing more armor damage than with a sword but I'm definitely not.
The potion crafting recipe will stack the potions… If you were to drop them and then re-pick them up they will not be stacked. But so long as you do not separate them they will remain stacked.
How do you even craft potions there's no information on it anywhere how are we even supposed to figure it out?
Yeah they halved the armor break. Mine should be 107 bonus damage but it's now like 53. I should still be doing more armor damage than with a sword but I'm definitely not.
As I remember from the last time I looked at the mcmmo config, there is actually a chance for whether the bonus damage actually occurs or not. It is possible they lowered this chance, meaning you would be doing vanilla damage some hits and bonus damage other hits. It is possible I'm wrong about that, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.
As I remember from the last time I looked at the mcmmo config, there is actually a chance for whether the bonus damage actually occurs or not. It is possible they lowered this chance, meaning you would be doing vanilla damage some hits and bonus damage other hits. It is possible I'm wrong about that, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.
Tested it with Trax. All was fine until he jump crit me and took 40 durability off my boots in one hit
I did a quick rudimentary calculation on the current economic downturn. Of course my calculations are infantile and don't account for exponential decrease of spending, but from the most liberal point of view when playing with numbers, there will be 0 Regals in circulation in 160 days. Ideally the economy is in a very slight upturn, meaning a few thousands of Regals going into the economy every day, instead of the 20 or 30 thousand it used to be. Currently it's -10,000. We have to alter this, and we will. The statistics now make that much clear. What is exactly going to be altered is not entirely certain yet, but I will carry the suggestion to make /fix cheaper to the Tech staff for discussion.
I agree with everything sevak stated in this post.