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Imperial Prowess Decree - 14th March, 309ac


Jun 25, 2018
Reaction score

From the desk of Mistress of Prowess, Lady Marisa Solisti

The following is a short list of addendums, commendations, reminders, and elaborations, felt necessary to be made personally by myself.
First and foremost, I'd like to offer heartfelt gratitudes towards the following houses, for their participation in Imperial Hunts, but also for stepping forth with nominations of House Champions to represent their names proudly in our competition bouts, and those showing forward interest in the direction of the sport of hunting indulged in by the Prowess:
House Eledhwen, and their Champion Wilvamair Arnyn
House Viduggla, and their Champion Aesgeir av Hedryll
House Van Hal, and their Champion Wesley Crawford
House Ino-Femunn, and their Champion Harlow Ketch
House Cadieux, and their Champion Alban Koning
House du Triege, and their Champion Coren
House du Piedmont, and their Champion Ser Tim Borros of the Lion Pelt Order
House Vyzal, and their Champion Silver Swyftfurusat
House Peirgarten, and the frequent participation of Count Rodrigo Peirgarten and Lord Florian Peirgarten
House Latimer, and the frequent participation of Duke Abelhard Latimer
House Reinard, and the frequent participation of Lord Kazmerr Reinard av Fristadvlom
House Delmotte, and the frequent participation of Lady Marie-Paule Delmotte
House Black, and the frequent participation of Countess Gwendolyn Black
House Mac Conall, and the frequent participation of Duke Cillian Mac Conall
House von Drachenburg, and the ideas Duke-Protector von Drachenburg brought upon the Season's first Hunt
The Mistress of Prowess encourages those that have not put forward a Champion to represent them come forward post-haste, and notes that there are many unaligned Bellator that may be up for a sponsorship by a particular family. A list of those independant Bellator is to follow:
Ser Rafael Carano of the Blackguard Order
Sera Theresia Kaeppler of the Viridian Order
Sera Humaira Reinard of the Lion Pelt Order
Ku'ha'ie, otherwise known as Ku
Gwyn Lupenzi
Lazarus Lupenzi
Cadwyn Marth
Should a family have a personal recommendation, simply address such to me in a letter, or personally, I will be opening the Solisti Estate in the coming days to entertain such meetings.

Following the above notes, the Mistress of Prowess also recommends that families come forth with statements of their individual Huntmasters and Whalemasters, as very few have properly come forth, below is a reiteration of the duties of such roles:

Huntmasters are dedicated to land-based hunting, they act as the advisor and guardian of their Noble Employer.
Whalemasters are dedicated to sea-based hunting, they act as the advisor, guardian and deckhand of their Noble Employer.

Finally, and perhaps most conveniently for many, I will be using this notification to provide the first Imperial Hunt Calendar for this hunting season, to provide many of advance-details on hunts that will be hosted by myself, to allow for better attendance and the ease-of-access for our good Peerage:
Small Hunts will be hosted bi-weekly by myself, meaning twice per week, at two different hunting venues.
The Imperial Progress Trail, lending itself toward a darker environment with large game.
The Imperial Lodge Trail, lending itself to a lighter, cyclical environment with small game, for socialising.

Hunts hosted at either of these locales will be announced two-days beforehand, and should take place late on Monday and Thursday evenings respectively, with small feasts with the spoils to be arranged with the Almshouse Sactuary that will be open to the public in charitable fashion.
Large Hunts will be hosted Monthly by myself, at a variety of venues, be it at land or at sea. These events will be announced far in advance, due to the scale and planning required for such.
This month's Large Hunt takes place aboard a vessel of my own, far out at sea - a whaling expedition.
Further details are found on the affixed document: [x]
My conclusion to this missive is drawn with a few final notes:
All Respected Knights of the Empire may freely attend the hunts and tournaments without question, and I would love to see many more participating.
Questions and qualms should be directed immediately to myself by way of letter, or catching me in the Solisti Estate or the street when I'm around, I will entertain any and all who wish to speak.

OOC Notes:
Good God, this was much longer than anticipated, nevertheless!
I plan on hosting two Imperial Hunts per week, these will be smaller, fairly relaxed social events without much cause for worry of injury, simply an excuse to travel with an entourage into the wilds for a while. On occasion, there will be surprise encounters based upon rolls, but nothing will ever be more than the party present can handle. I tailor these events to the attendees, so there is no cause for concern.

Large hunts will be a big ol' multiple-day event, once per month providing attendance is good.

I recommend that folks without a Champion toss one in, the fights are good fun, @Optimalfriskies puts a lot of work into making sure they're good and exciting for the attendees.


The named and shamed (kidding, all you lovely people who've taken part thus far):
@Optimalfriskies @Winterless @RaggedyGrace @AtticCat @Yigit @Banard @MolagBallin @ZiggyStarDusted @Battlebrawn @Annie_Short @Icaruscien @fantuinn @Athelois @MantaRey @notjayp @festiveCorvid @canaaa @Dodink @Audianna @Ghirko @HuskyLeader @Carlit0o @kirishark @Aurelian30k @Cipherition @Anseran @HereticTakao @DolittleGuy @Simslp @darkarely @FireFan96 @MrsCripple
Sorry if I missed anyone! Never knew these tag lists were so hard.