Blue Blood Noble Family House Croy


ancient gay
May 26, 2015
Reaction score
| House Croy |
"Beacon on the Abyss"


| House Song |

"There'll Always be an Eaton"
Sung to the tune of: ♩♬♫♬♩

There'll always be an Eaton | While there's a country lane | Wherever there's a cottage small | Beside a field of grain
There'll always be an Eaton | While there's a busy street | Wherever there's a turning wheel | A million marching feet!
Red, white and blue | What does it mean to you? | Surely you're proud! | Shout it loud! |
Ceardens awake!
The Empire too | We can depend on you | Freedom remains! | These are the chains! | Nothing can break!
There'll always be an Eaton | And Eaton shall be free | If Eaton means as much to you| As Eaton means to me!


'Pictured: Oedon College Parke of the Middle Astra, in the Capital of Adeane, Eaton County.'

~ ♩♬♫♬♩ ~
The Croys are a Cearden Ailor house by culture and heritage. They are uniquely posh, even for Ceardens, with their urban homeland of Eaton being a populous, very developed province on the shores of the Shoenn. Multiple cities sprawl across their holdings, especially so their capital of Adeane, a tall, expansive metropolis rife with gothic overtones, dark stone and high windows, burdened with wide, carriage-laden streets. Castle Winmer within Adeane is their primary residence, a looming, foreboding keep built upon the highest sections of the city, overlooking the Shoenn River to its west. House Croy has typically been composed of self-serving politicians and fierce diplomats, serving many times in history among the Empire's famed plenipotentiaries. Due to their desire to remain in power in an otherwise unstable region, they have intermarried with countless households throughout the political sphere, resulting in a vast family of claimants, allies, and enemies. While the Croys lack the scruples of more honorable houses, they believe fervently in the concepts of tradition, and don't revel in chaos or enjoy cruelty. They are the essence of old-money as it is in the world today.
  • Full Dynastic Name: Croy.
    • It's unknown where the name originates, but it's a very old name, far older than the family's recorded history. There are barely any family records before Lord Preston, so any kind of theory on their etymological origin can only ever be purely speculative. House members who have attempted to sponsor research into the matter have historically tried to dig up information of their roots from Old Ceardia, where the family is known to originate from. A few have theorized the name could be a shortening of "Croft" or "Crofter", which would suggest the family were once farmers in the old country. However, this is unlikely, as the family does possess documents suggesting they were land owners in the Old Country, whereas being a crofter would suggest being a renter, or tenant. Another theory is the name comes from the old Cearden word "croy" of the same spelling, which meant a jetty of some kind for assisting with river fishing. Regardless, the family has never obtained substantial evidence of their naming origins outside of knowing its approximate age.
  • Head of House: Lady Alisanne Croy, the Countess Eaton.
    • Alisanne Marigold Margery Croy is the current head of house for the family, and the 10th Countess of Eaton. The Countess Eaton is a savvy, political woman, diplomatic and well-mannered, but also exceedingly posh and not afraid to show it. Somewhat eccentric, she is known for keeping a vast array of servants for even very niche tasks. She is known to have an enormous fondness for Cearden aristocratic sporting, such as cricket, pall-mall, and especially polo which she very much adores playing. Alisanne is also a popular dog breeder and trainer, having worked closely with many famed husbandry experts, and has produced multiple 1st place finishes in dog shows across the archipelago. Furthermore, she is an ardent enjoyer of vast, expensive architectural projects, having sponsored and patronized a number of famed architects to build new estates and castles within Eaton. Tyburn Court is her newest baby, located a few miles outside of Adeane in the countryside, having worked closely with accredited architect Matthew Pembroke and designed more than a few features herself. Her political party leanings have always been rather unknown, as she tends to support or oppose topics with some amount of unpredictability. However, she is assumed to be somewhere in the conservative spectrum, judging by her emphatic, full-throated support of the divine right of the nobility, which is practically the centerpiece of many political endeavors of his. Historically, she has supported public figures such as Prince Reynaud and the Princess Aliandre, giving clues to where she may stand on some crucial issues. On numerous occasions, when prompted about her political affiliation, she has very repetitively responded with "Myself".
  • Sigil: A Deep Sea Serpent.
    • The sigil of House Croy is the mythical Deep Sea Serpent, Rom, who's vanquisher they claim descent from, Finlay "Seawyrm" Croy. Preston Croy, the house's official founder, took it for his sigil upon his entitlement, to keep with tradition and pay homage to a cherished family fable.
  • Coat of Arms: The Pax Cearden Standard
    • The official arms of House Croy has changed 3 times in history, but all three have been very similar. Under Preston Croy, the crest remained the same as it is presently, but the supporters (being the two figures on either side of the crest itself) were the Royal Storks of House Ivrae, who ennobled them. This was maintained until Count James Croy, who changed it under his leadership. One of the supporters remained the Ivrae Royal Stork, but the left side was changed to be a figure meant to represent Finlay Croy, the family's mythical ancestor. Under Count Carson Croy, with his establishment of the Navarin Quarter of Adaene and agreement with the Navarin people for their service/citizenship, the Stork was replaced. Partly due to the aforementioned reason, and due to the Royal House of Ivrae no longer sitting the throne. Instead, an Oltaran Cossack was placed there, representing their partnership with the Cearden people of Adeane. The rest of the coat of arms has been consistent throughout history, featuring the Sea Serpent Rom over a white field with gold waves. The mantle is a Cearden Knight helm, representing the Croy's dedication to lay down their lives for the people of Eaton and for Cearden valor. White and Red are prominent throughout the crest, being the colors of the house.
  • Wealth: Old-Money, via Taxation and Political Ventures.
    • House Croy is one of the wealthier Cearden families in the region, mostly due to the relative age of the family. In modern times, taxation is the bulk of their income, much like any other lordly house. It has never been the purview of the house to toil or labour, much preferring to manage their lands and rule their subjects. With their capital being situated on a major trade artery of the Empire, House Croy possesses a unique capacity to facilitate, control, and exploit trade of goods to the rest of the Archipelago and beyond. While not traders by profession, those that they control, and the ports they own within their Rosendale holdings, are able to generate income to a somewhat superfluous amount. Individual members of the family have always seemed capable of also generating wealth for the family by political means. It is not uncommon for a Croy to find themselves sequestered away in some emeritus position somewhere, siphoning off a paycheck to keep the wheels turning back home, or to line their own pockets.
  • Words: "Beacon on the Abyss".
    • Allegedly, the family words were what was inscribed upon the Seawyrm, Finlay Croy's ship Astral Maria, upon which he facilitated his slaying of Rom the Sea Serpent. Much like the sigil, it's kept as the house words to honor their traditions.
  • Theme: "There'll Always be an Eaton".
    • The family theme stems from a local marching song, popularized during the Chrysant War with Count Carson's regiments. It had been used many times in the past, during most times an army has left the keeps of House Croy, but became most famous during this time. The original author is unknown, but the song is kept by tradition even today, and is cherished as a march of patriotism, resistance against oppressors, and pride in one's home.
  • Colors: White, Red.
    • The house colors of House Croy are primarily white and red, though gold and blue are sometimes used as 3rd and 4th colors when needed. White and Red are the primary colors for the house as a result of inspiration from Lord Preston Croy's political party affiliation, a bloc he helped found. Its colors were white and red, which House Croy took to their banners.
  • Title: Counts of Eaton.
    • House Croy was bestowed the title of Count Eaton by Emperor Henri II in 117 AC, to Preston Croy. It occupies a sizeable swathe of land through lower Rosendale, hugging the east bank of the river Shoenn and sprawling eastward. They have held this title since receiving it almost 200 years ago. Eaton occupies a vast array of numerous biomes and lands, hosting hills, farmlands, forests, riverlands, and much more within its borders. Eaton has often been called "The Summer South", for its picturesque countrysides of rolling green, dotted with stone castles and beautiful estates. Industrial cities mostly hug the coastline, and far less are present further inland, with the exception of Eaton's southern, more fortified marcher borders. Adeane is the pinnacle for Eaton, being far and away the most advanced metropolis that can be boasted within the limits of the county and Croy-controlled lands. However, a number of exquisite estates rival it in their own kind of beauty, such as the Lady Alisanne's pet project, Tyburn Court, a sprawling walled estate where she has been known to host court from time to time.
  • Capital: Castle Winmer, City of Adeane, Eaton County.
    • Castle Winmer is the ancestral seat of House Croy, raised in 143 AC by Lord Cecil Croy, Count Eaton. Adeane has existed only a few decades longer, but over the last 2 centuries has grown into something of a monster. It's built on the cliff-sides of the west Shoenn, the city expanding somewhat vertically over time. First is Old Adeane, which occupies the ports, warehouses, and poorest workers of the city. Factories and shanties huddle against the city's old walls, cramped and poor, overshadowed by the upper districts and the bridges passing overhead. Lord David Croy spearheaded the introduction of a massive sewer network beneath Old Adeane, which connects to the upper districts. Adeane grew upwards, into its second section, called the Middle Astra, where most of the population lives and works, but also houses Oedon College. The university is a distinguished diplomatic school, endowed by House Croy. The third section is the Elysian Quarter, the noble district, where Castle Winmere and the Empyrean Temple of Theomar are housed, along with most upper-class housing. Bridges as large as city blocks connect the Elysian to various towers along the city wall, passing over all three districts below. These bridges all connect to the Squares, being Finlay Square, Eaton Square, Cain Square, and Yorke Square, all of which are upper-class neighborhoods arranged in a cul-de-sac alignment, with large circular turret walls rising above them where Croy Longbows patrol. The city itself is a marvel of engineering, spiraling up along the cliffs and towering over the rapids of the Shoenn. The buildings are rather complex, sharp and pointed, yet swanky in the modern Cearden upper-class style. Thick, towering pane windows provide wonderful views from the top estates over the Rosendale vistas. The Croys who stay in the various residences, and especially Winmere, live in luxury at the top, outnumbered drastically by the servants they love surrounding themselves with.
  • Culture: Cearden.
    • House Croy is an extremely old Cearden family, and likely one of the most posh to possibly exist. They maintain some of the most fundamentally Cearden cultural quirks and nuances, and consider etiquette and courtly conduct a constitutional right in this world. Their roots in the culture go back even to Old Ceardia, where they claim original descent.
  • Religion: Unionist primarily, though can vary.
    • It's not unknown that House Croy can be somewhat apathetic to religion at times. Some members can be more pious than others, but it's in the family's traditions to keep personal piety private most of the time. House Croy does not enjoy very public displays of zealotry, and when members are religious, are far more reserved about it.
  • City Residences: Whitehall and Eaton House
    • Whitehall: Whitehall is the official Croy Estate in the Regalian Isle. A sprawling manor in the styles of Eaton and Adeane, it occupies a parcel of land not far from the general noble housing. Whitehall is the source of all major Croy instances, being council meetings, socials, political talks, and a personal home for the Countess and her kin. Eaton House: A secondary home, Eaton House is the old estate previously owned by House Croy, within the noble housing district of the city. With the establishment of Whitehall, it is no longer lived in, and is more a guest house for minor family.


'Pictured: Cain Square Bridge of the Elysian Quarter in the Capital of Adeane, Eaton County.'
A bulwark of the upper class, House Croy is an elder house of Cearden nobility, dating back to the earliest days of the Regalian Empire. According to house lore and tradition, the true founding date of the family could possibly go as far back as the zenith of Old Ceardia. The story passed down through the generations is one of the great adventurer Finlay "Seawyrm". It is said the Seawyrm was a famed captain, explorer, and swordsman who braved the highest peaks and glimpsed the deepest depths of the ocean abyss, slaying monsters and traversing great locales. According to legend, Finlay hunted a great deep sea serpent, Rom the Leviathan, aboard his vessel Astral Maria. In the waters off Hadar, he apparently made battle with the great abyssal horror and slew him. House Croy's legends claim descent from the fabled hero, but his existence and deeds are not considered very serious by anyone in the family. While there could be some nuggets of truth in there, the story is merely a fable kept by tradition, with its reality lost to time.

The actual, proven history of the House of Croy begins with one Preston Croy, diplomat of the Empire, at the court of Henri II. It's unknown how long Preston had been present at court or the relevance of his ancestry, but he is the first recorded forefather. Preston Croy was a renowned diplomat, valued at court, and a force in specifically domestic matters for the Emperor. Wealthy from Imperial favors and popular with the peerage, he was a prime candidate for the Emperor to shore up his support in a more reliable way within the then-Dragenthal countryside. Henri II presented the title of Count of Eaton in the year 117 AC to his loyal courtier, creating in the southern reaches of the Shoenn a powerbase loyal to the Crown. While a fine plan and a sentiment the now Lord Preston Croy returned in full, the arrangement was over before it really began with the Emperor's death only a few short years later.

Regardless of the Emperor's fate, the Croys were ennobled, and Preston continued his loyal service to the Crown both as Count Eaton and as a chief diplomat. The newfound wealth of taxes enabled him to better manage politics and serve the Empire's interests not only domestically but now abroad as a foreign plenipotentiary. Preston maintained his status as a truly effective and diligent servant to the Crown. While the remaining years of his rule did not account for much excitement, he set the tone for decades to come. He is fondly remembered 200 years following his death and respected by the Croys of today as a symbol of enduring perseverance, savvy, and charm. While his specific accomplishments in the Diplomatic Corps may be lost to time, there is not a Croy today who would not look to him for inspiration at some point in their life.

What followed Preston were generations of increasingly unscrupulous politicians and lords, expanding their Cearden powerbase and growing more posh by the decades. House Croy built new castles, cities, and ports across their fiefdoms, collecting new taxes and encouraging neighbors to ensure the profitable passage of goods down the Shoenn. The family home of Castle Winmer was also built shortly following Preston's death. It has stood since the mid-2nd century on the cliffs overlooking both the port capital of Adeane to its north and the Shoenn River to its west, within the main county of Eaton. Under Count Cecil Croy, the family expanded into nearby cities such as Serrett and Bly, fostering new homes and castles to house the ever-expanding family tree. The fledgling house was not interested in having their chance at a stable powerbase swept aside and married as much as physically possible to neighboring houses and powers. What came in generations to come was a sprawling network of allies and cousins, scattered across the familial holdings of south Rosendale.

The largest test for the family would come in the form of the infamous Drachenwald Crisis. There was scarcely a house that avoided the crisis as it dawned in 271 AC, and the Croy family was no different. Unfortunately for them, House Croy was a symbol of decades of noble decadence and oppression, and there was little they could do to avoid being coupled with the van Sherburnes and their cronies by the rebels. At the time, Stetson Croy ruled in Eaton, and while he acknowledged his rather untenable position, he opted to stand by what he assumed would be the winning side. House van Sherburne did not need his full-throated support at the beginning of the crisis and did not suffer from Stetson's nominal support and promise of assistance should the rebels get out of hand. Unfortunately for the Croy Patriarch, the van Sherburnes helped with such a prospect after their open slaughter of countless rebels not long into the war. Once the Kade's threw in their hats to defend against the now-sizable baronial force, Stetson had no choice but to honor his promise and join alongside. Many know how the Baron's War ended not too long after that, but thankfully, his life was spared during his imprisonment with the other noble heads following the Battle of Lausitze. Stetson returned home to Croy, where he was forced out not long afterwards by his brother, Carson Croy, in order to sever any further attempts to tie the family to the crisis.

Carson Croy was the first military man to hold the title of Count Eaton. In fact, his military background and support are what enabled him to effectively coup his elder brother. Carson, or "Old Sonny" as he was often called, ended up being somewhat unique in that he is seen rather favorably by the peasantry but negatively by his family both then and now. After driving his brother out and forcing his abdication of his title, Carson sponsored something of an austere culture for the Croy family, much to his belittlement by his family and noble enemies. "Old Sonny" was actually more of an insult than an affectionate nickname, poking fun at his sarcastically put "sunny disposition" and his name's suffix. He was an incredible bore socially, did not condone parties or frivolity, and drastically cut spending by the family. Family estates were rented out to local barons and landed knights, and House Croy did not host a single gathering, event, or even a lunch in his time. However, his austerity proved somewhat of a benefit, as when the Chrysant War began, House Croy had a massive warchest, able-bodied men, and a stern general leading their house. Carson led the family's levies and retainers into the war, but he also, as a general, commanded much more men than just that. His skill with leading men was well known, and he proved to be an asset to the war effort. He returned home once the war was done, sporting few casualties, but emptied the funds of the house fighting in Hadar. Once he died, he left quite a hole in the family's funds, as well as a mountain to climb politically after effectively isolating House Croy from anyone socially.

House Croy pressed on in relative peace in the years following the tumultuous events of the Baron's War and the Chrysant War. At first, the Croys who came after had to fundraise immensely to cover the costs of Carson's war participation. Thankfully, most members of the family were well-suited to such politics, as they had been historically, and many were eager to come off the bench now that Carson was not around to keep them leashed. Territorial expanses, political endeavors, and court events occupied the majority of the time for the varying house heads. In modern times, Lady Alisanne Croy is a few years into her turn at the helm, having taken over from her father, the late Count Eaton, Lyman. Alisanne is something of a career politician and diplomat, having been representing her father in political matters for years before taking over. House Croy had something of a break from court after she took over, with the young Lady mostly presiding over domestic matters at home. Settling her father's debts and finishing the late Count's construction projects occupied her early years of her peerage, but she has since moved the family operations out of Castle Winmer and into the Imperial Isle.



'Lady Alissane Croy used to be known as Lord Byron Croy, and the defunct portraits may still be found.'

Lord Preston Croy, Count Eaton
Son of Richard Croy
117 AC - 138 AC
Born: 70 AC | Died 138 AC, Aged 68

Lord Cecil Croy, Count Eaton
Son of Preston Croy
138 AC - 151 AC
Born: 94 AC | Died 151 AC, Aged 57

Lord Anthony Croy, Count Eaton
Son of Cecil Croy
151 AC - 187 AC
Born: 124 AC | Died 187 AC, Aged 63

Lord David Croy, Count Eaton
Son of Anthony Croy
187 AC - 196 AC
Born: 157 AC | Died 196 AC, Aged 39

Lord James Croy, Count Eaton
Brother of David Croy
196 AC - 212 AC
Born: 160 AC | Died 212 AC, Aged 52

Lady Edith Croy, Countess Eaton
Daughter of James Croy
212 AC - 263 AC
Born: 187 AC | Died 263 AC, Aged 76

Lord Stetson Croy, Count Eaton
Son of Edith Croy
263 AC - 272 AC
Born: 214 AC | Died 287 AC, Aged 73

Lord Carson Croy, Count Eaton
Brother of Stetson Croy
272 AC - 293 AC
Born: 223 AC | Died 293 AC, Aged 70

Lord Lyman Croy, Count Eaton
Nephew of Stetson & Carson Croy
293 AC - 306 AC
Born: 250 AC | Died 306 AC, Aged 56

Lady Alisanne Croy, Countess Eaton
Daughter of Lyman Croy
306 - Present
Born: 280 AC

As opposed to an outright family tree, House Croy will, for the moment, only document played characters. This will change eventually, but being the family is so new as a concept I prefer to allow some time to pass before I officialize unplayed characters. Instead, a list will be provided here of the currently played Croys, and who they are.

Lord Alisanne Croy, the 10th Count of Eaton | @Mooffins | Alisanne is the head of House Croy, and the 10th Count(ess) Eaton. She is 31, having had inherited his title in 306 AC from her father, Lord Lyman Croy. She is unmarried, without issue. More information regarding her can be found in the "Head of House" expansion, inside the Basic Information section towards the top of the page.
Lady Alondra Croy née Anahera, the Dowager Countess of Eaton | @babaMP3 | Alondra is the Dowager Countess, stepmother to Alisanne. When Alisanne's father, Lord Lyman Croy, inherited his title, he was a widower. He wed Alondra Anahera, younger sister to Alejandro Anahera. When her husband died, she became the Dowager Countess, and retains her own household in Eaton. She has since followed her step-daughter to live in the capital, at Eaton House.
Lord Edwin Croy, Highborn Occultist and Scholar | @Scribbe | Edwin is a younger sibling to Alisanne Croy with an interest in history, antiques, and the Occult. Personable and charming, he is nonetheless a man of secrets and masked intent when he isn't engaging with the arts.

Outside of NPCs, House Croy hires a number of played staff roles. You may say recruitment about this in the next section, but here, is a public list of those currently employed by House Croy (Excluding Ophidian Wardens).

Feodor Ivanovich Navarinov @MonMarty - Foreign Baron and Personal Advisor/Courtier to the Countess. Former Ataman.
Helena Lesky @canaaa - Secretary to the Countess Eaton and House Croy.
Amirah Heidenreich @JesterofJupiter - Financial Advisor to the Countess Eaton and House Croy.
Fenric @SorryNari - Personal Guard to the Countess Eaton and House Croy.


Family/staff recruitment is open for the time being.

When recruitment is open, you are welcome to present an application with the following information, and I will review it in due time. I will automatically reject any application of persons currently occupying characters in other families, withstanding extreme circumstances. Applications may also be rejected for a variety of reasons, such as not fitting the vision for this family, or being too outlandish. This is a very posh, political and courtly house, which is important to consider when crafting your character. There remains a single caveat when applying, and that is adhering to the following parameters:

  • Family Members
    • Younger sibling.
      • Can be at oldest, 30 years, and at youngest, 20. Alianne has a number of currently unwritten siblings. They are all issue of the marriage between, at the time, Lord Lyman Croy and Lady Anne Croy. When Lyman became Count, Anne has since died, and he remarried Lady Alondra Croy nee Anahera, to which he had no issue with.
      • There is a cap on these hypothetically, only so many possible children can exist in the roughly 10-year time frame a sibling could have been born.
      • There is one exception to this, being a bastard half-sibling. Understand, such a position comes with ridicule from the family itself, so it can be a tough character to handle.
    • Aunt/Uncle/Cousin.
      • Any of these are very flexible and possible with little requirements. Younger siblings of Alisanne's father, Count Lyman, and/or their children, are all possible for this. When it comes to ages, you can refer to Count Lyman on the Hereditary Inheritance section, as it lists his birthday/deathday.
    • Nephew/Niece.
      • Under most circumstances, impossible simply due to any possible person of this relation being a child.
    • Mother/Father.
      • Both are dead, therefore impossible to apply for.
    • Grandmother.
      • This is hypothetically possible, but unlikely to be accepted unless I hold a large amount of confidence/trust in your ability.
    • Children.
      • Alisanne is unmarried without children, so impossible to apply for.
    • Distant Relations.
      • These are usually fine, and tend to be the best home for more outlandish concepts. Distant cousin lines are mostly irrelevant and live off in faraway Eaton estates, or could be bastard Croys.
    • Vassals/Bannermen/Cadet Lines
      • These are mostly possible, though somewhat difficult to apply for. A great amount of confidence and trust you would have to exist to do such, and I would prefer this be handled in RP rather than OOCly. I mostly discourage applying for this outright.
  • Non-Familial Relations
    • This covers the concepts of staff, courtiers, guards, servants, sworn knights, family friends, etc.
    • These positions can typically be applied for without much issue, as the vast majority occupy minor roles with little need for oversight. However, because of their unusual nature of being easily fireable at any given moment, concepts for them will be more harshly judged.
    • Rather than applying for this here, I would prefer you contact me to discuss the opportunity, as these can be a lot more fluid than being a family member.

Pitch for Character:
Past Experience in Nobility:
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Announcements | Changelogs | General Notices

4/13/2024 Update

  • House Page updated to reflect Byron Croy's IC transition to Alisanne Croy. Not much else changed for the moment.
Alisanne Croy is recruiting performers for the Thursday Club
  • Lady Alisanne Croy, for her weekly Thursday Club, recently put out a notice inviting any and all performers of arts, sports, talents, and all manner of skills to apply to showcase these abilities for the Thursday Club.
  • More information can be found here.
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1/23/2024 - Changelog updated and important announcements regarding the House have been posted. See the first reply of this page for details.
Pitch for Character: A recent graduate of boarding school and a tactician in the making, Remington Croy. An eager member of the family ready to join high society and the intrigue of politics.
Past Experience in Nobility: House Spathous, founder/owner. House Banastre, founding member and owner at one point. House Haagenvig, founding member and owner at one point. House guard for House Ravenstad, various other servant positions in different families.
References: Jouser, Beashslap
Discord: You should have it

Pitch for Character: A recent graduate of boarding school and a tactician in the making, Remington Croy. An eager member of the family ready to join high society and the intrigue of politics.
Past Experience in Nobility: House Spathous, founder/owner. House Banastre, founding member and owner at one point. House Haagenvig, founding member and owner at one point. House guard for House Ravenstad, various other servant positions in different families.
References: Jouser, Beashslap
Discord: You should have it

Thank you for your application! Currently I'm placing it on pending, so I can review references and decide on how to proceed. There is also a possibility I may to put an indefinite hold on applications both current and future, as I had meant to close them down while a few OOC details regarding the future family tree were settled, but I'll consider this one alongside those alterations/additions in the meantime. I'll update you when a decision has been made here shortly.
1/30/2024 - Changelog updated. Announcement made regarding recruiting performers for the Thursday Club meetings. Family apps closed for the time being.

@CainsTedTalk I've decided to go ahead and reject this application for the time being. I simply do not think the timing is right, but this could certainly be possible in the future when I've had more time to establish the family, and grow more settled into running a house again after so long off the server. I would say you can revisit this again in the future, or we could perhaps discuss a house guard or staff role position, if that's amenable to you. Thank you for your patience.
2/13/2024 Update
  • Recruitment is being opened again now that I've finalized a few more nuances about the family itself.
  • Some new art is on the page, namely the somewhat WIPish Crest and the art of Byron Croy from MonMarty.
  • Some lore expansions have been made over the last few weeks:
    • Crest Lore
    • Family Theme Lore
    • Family Theme Lyrics
    • Family Colors
  • A big update is to come regarding more info on Adeane, the capital city of the Croy lands, and its unique Navarin Quarter.
  • Likewise, I will begin expanding on the previous House Heads in more detail here soon.
  • Added additional parameters to the Recruitment section, providing some more insight into the various possible Croys or Non-Croys that can be conceptualized. Questions about recruitment can be asked on this page.
  • As a slightly non-Croy specific notice, we've put into place a discord for the nobility and noble-adjacent, reminiscent of the old noble skype chat days. Feel free to join HERE.
3/17/2024 Update
  • New Lore regarding the personal retinue of House Croy, the Ophidian Wardens, has been written.
    • Due to its length, it's been placed onto its own pages under the Guilds section of the forums.
    • Link is HERE to read about it. Nominally, these are applicable roles.
  • Added Lord Edwin Croy by @Scribbe
  • The Staff section of this page will be reworked with the release of the Ophidian Warden lore.
4/13/2024 Update
  • House Page updated to reflect Byron Croy's IC transition to Alisanne Croy. Not much else changed for the moment.
Pitch for Character:
Applying as a (Potentially Temporary,) Financial Advisor for House Croy. Amirah Heidenreich would help manage and invest in the household. This includes menial tasks like taking care of repairs on the estate to organizing/amassing funds, and advising trade/tax plans. She is a Half-Qadir who is currently a member of the Augur's Guild.

Past Experience in Nobility:

Played a member of House Mekrov, (Sereyln Mekrov)
Temporarily played a delivery-boy character who worked for nobles.
Looking to gain experience & learn. This is a somewhat new character.




Extra: I try only to log on on weekends due to work, if not for short 30 minute - 1 hour bursts.
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Pitch for Character:
Applying as a (Potentially Temporary,) Financial Advisor for House Croy. Amirah Heidenreich would help manage and invest in the household. This includes menial tasks like taking care of repairs on the estate to organizing/amassing funds, and advising trade/tax plans. She is a Half-Qadir who is currently a member of the Augur's Guild.

Past Experience in Nobility:

Played a member of House Mekrov, (Sereyln Mekrov)
Temporarily played a delivery-boy character who worked for nobles.
Looking to gain experience & learn. This is a somewhat new character.




Extra: I try only to log on on weekends due to work, if not for short 30 minute - 1 hour bursts.

Thank you for the application! I would love to have a followup interview ICly between Alisanne and Amirah, going to message you on discord to organize that.