Imperial Conquest

Right now I can think of at least 3 times when I have fought you personally in a raid in the past 3 weeks. 1.) At Roma (9th) with iMineNewbs and Assembly123 2.) At yggdrasil with stven1234 and a bunch of Valyrians 3.) Just a couple days ago at Vrist with IMPERIAL. So, Er. I think I know what I'm talking about :)
All this tells me is no one cares about you enough to notice. This is where you just stop trying.
Sometimes I even have to ask people what side Osai is on. I mean, in two weeks, whose to say our Lady Gwen won't be the reigning empress of Ithania?! Things move so fast.
The question you ask yourself is a rather wierd and silly one; however, in this time that question is unnecessary.

If the Lady of Osai wished to reign the land of Ithania, she would have done so by now my friend. Although she refuses to state it, Lady Gwen is a huge influence within the Auxillian Alliance and the remaining Alliances/Empires/Republics who have yet to fall to the Imperial scum.

"Beidh Osai titim seo dul síos, beidh tú ag breathnú mar de cairde de scrios timpeall ort..."

Bring it on brute :}

Just throwing this out there but,
If this coalition can destroy the Imperials why have they not shown up and done so at any of the raids?
As the Lady of Osai stated, patience is a virtue.
Why would we rush such a force?
May I also quote Illo here "If this Alamut is so neutral, why have they shown up to any of the raids?"

Now I shall speak my mind as the Lord of Auxillian:

The Imperials are strong, I know, however they cannot match the will power or courage that the Coalition controls.
The Imperials believe they will sweep the land of any 'unfaithful' to them and conquer all.
If you allow these hellions to trick you into believing this is possible, go home and save yourself the time of fighting.
The war is not for the faint hearted and if you are not determined, not strong willed and not brave enough to face the impact,
you'll never make it out alive.

The Auxillian Alliance and all it's affiliates are facing this war with nothing to lose other than our lives. Our dignity and pride are strong and our valor even greater. The forces of this Imperial are no match if we stand firm, steadfast and resolute. Do not doubt the warriors and especially don't lose faith in the Lady of Osai. She is strong willed, intelligent and worthy of your dedication, much more so than her new husband. So, people of the land I ask you to meet with me in arms against the Imperial. I'll send letters to you via ravens and we shall discuss our next move. The Imperial falls soon.

The Imperial are nothing compared of the Coalition if you prove your worth.
After all, aren't they just a bunch of brutes with axes and bloodlust/naga poison? ;)
So Sauron is combining his forces with Isengard. Well there are other forces equal or even stronger then evil.
A battle report is just a waste of time considering what gnarff said to me yesterday. He has the typical attitude of "Oh even though we just got completely SMASHED by your forces, we didn't lose at all because (insert rediculous justification here), I think we won that fight.."

That is all your coalition is. You are all just a bunch of weak peasants pretending to be soldiers and telling your wives of victory when in actuality you are slowly being stomped to death by your own justifications. Eventually your simple words will be put to flesh and we will truely see just how "strong" you are.
Gwen laughed, a sound that rang almost like a bell. "Osai non erit regitur. Omnium minimum a vobis. Quod sit nolueritis meae." The girl's white blue eyes suddenly glittered with gold flecks as she spoke softly. "Osai is my own. I will decide its fate. It will not fall into the hands of the Imperials. Nor will those from the Auxillian Alliance. You cannot take that which do not will to be taken."
A battle report is just a waste of time considering what gnarff said to me yesterday. He has the typical attitude of "Oh even though we just got completely SMASHED by your forces, we didn't lose at all because (insert rediculous justification here), I think we won that fight.."

That is all your coalition is. You are all just a bunch of weak peasants pretending to be soldiers and telling your wives of victory when in actuality you are slowly being stomped to death by your own justifications. Eventually your simple words will be put to flesh and we will truely see just how "strong" you are.
did we surrender? no. Did we stop fighting? no. Did our city fall into your hands? no.
I dont think you won.
did we surrender? no. Did we stop fighting? no. Did our city fall into your hands? no.
I dont think you won.
Ask those same questions to us. I don't think you won either. Also, the "stop fighting" part is ridiculous because almost EVERYONE from your side fought unarmed. All you do is bloodlust around, disarm everytime you hit, then run away with the weapon. Also, we managed to push up the mountain and into the city. That was until one of our imperial facs and an Argonian sub started getting attacked, and the battle just stopped at that point.
Ask those same questions to us. I don't think you won either. Also, the "stop fighting" part is ridiculous because almost EVERYONE from your side fought unarmed. All you do is bloodlust around, disarm everytime you hit, then run away with the weapon. Also, we managed to push up the mountain and into the city. That was until one of our imperial facs and an Argonian sub started getting attacked, and the battle just stopped at that point.
last I checked, unarmed was a valid way to fight, if not you should tell jett to stop.
and I didnt say we won, i said you didnt.
This guy's been to 3 battles! OMG, he's a god! Bow down!
Incase you aren't capable of reading, I said at least 3 battles in the past 3 weeks. And these are only the battles that I believe Grid was in. Like I said earlier to Grid, know what you are talking about before you make a statement like that. Good day, sir.[DOUBLEPOST=1360683247][/DOUBLEPOST]
Did you die a lot? I never saw you :([DOUBLEPOST=1360638061][/DOUBLEPOST]Anyways... This is off topic :S[DOUBLEPOST=1360638601][/DOUBLEPOST]But to sum everything up:
9thlegion alone cannot beat the imperial empire, but may be able to withstand it.
The coalition, however, can and will resist and cripple the empire.
1. I fought individually with you, cut the BS.
2. You are the one who started this "off topic" conversation.
3. Imperial consists of at least 20 powerful warriors, 9th has, let's see.... gnarrf, ulu, zanip, and you... Your statement is invalid.
Incase you aren't capable of reading, I said at least 3 battles in the past 3 weeks. And these are only the battles that I believe Grid was in. Like I said earlier to Grid, know what you are talking about before you make a statement like that. Good day, sir.[DOUBLEPOST=1360683247][/DOUBLEPOST]
1. I fought individually with you, cut the BS.
2. You are the one who started this "off topic" conversation.
3. Imperial consists of at least 20 powerful warriors, 9th has, let's see.... gnarrf, ulu, zanip, and you... Your statement is invalid.
(facepalm) i said coalition was better than imperial, not 9th.
also "individual fighting" against you guys is usually 1 v 10 :D
A battle report is just a waste of time considering what gnarff said to me yesterday. He has the typical attitude of "Oh even though we just got completely SMASHED by your forces, we didn't lose at all because (insert rediculous justification here), I think we won that fight.."

That is all your coalition is. You are all just a bunch of weak peasants pretending to be soldiers and telling your wives of victory when in actuality you are slowly being stomped to death by your own justifications. Eventually your simple words will be put to flesh and we will truely see just how "strong" you are.
Lulz peasants, take a look at what this peasant drives :P cost more than your house.
Apparently it doesn't matter if you kill 50 people it only matters if you magically disband their faction somehow that it can be counted a victory.
deaths doesnt determine a winner. there have been plenty of real battles were the winner took much more casualties than the loser. Take Thermopylae as an example.
Apparently it doesn't matter if you kill 50 people it only matters if you magically disband their faction somehow that it can be counted a victory.
No, it really doesnt. If you cant make the submit, then you do not win. More or less, it would have been a stalemate where the attackers decided to stop because doing so would be a waste of resources. In real war, it is about making them submit.
No, it really doesnt. If you cant make the submit, then you do not win. More or less, it would have been a stalemate where the attackers decided to stop because doing so would be a waste of resources. In real war, it is about making them submit.
In a real war you can eradicate a population but in massivecraft we have respawns if we were portraying this as a "Real war" the side that wiped out the other side from existence would be the victor.
The people of Argonia.
Point moot. The people of Argonia are players in a game. Name me a real country with a king who's people love him for being a murderer. *Edit* And exterminated his enemies without interjection.

There is no perfectly good city like Hallow's End either.
Then again in the battle of Vrist. It Was Argonia and Valryia that retreated in the end, (or withdrew 3 hours is a long time) then proceeded to try to get me to defect XD I consider that a small victory. And though Grixer kept calling me weak as he tried to get me on his side I know that he wasn't expecting as much resistance as he got. Overall I got a chance to increase my repair skill which I've been looking for, for awhile. I also got 5 diamond axes and 3 diamond swords out of the deal. Plus a god apple from Grixer himself at the end. I don't think they expected me to be laughing when they invaded the teamspeak we were in. (Trololo)
Point moot. The people of Argonia are players in a game. Name me a real country with a king who's people love him for being a murderer. *Edit* And exterminated his enemies without interjection.

There is no perfectly good city like Hallow's End either.
Andrew Jackson when he signed the Indian Removal act a Famed war hero and a Act that would further the Genocide of the native Americans.
*closes castle gate* Come get me now,b*tches!

Challenge accepted.[DOUBLEPOST=1360695389][/DOUBLEPOST]
Then again in the battle of Vrist. It Was Argonia and Valryia that retreated in the end, (or withdrew 3 hours is a long time) then proceeded to try to get me to defect XD I consider that a small victory. And though Grixer kept calling me weak as he tried to get me on his side I know that he wasn't expecting as much resistance as he got. Overall I got a chance to increase my repair skill which I've been looking for, for awhile. I also got 5 diamond axes and 3 diamond swords out of the deal. Plus a god apple from Grixer himself at the end. I don't think they expected me to be laughing when they invaded the teamspeak we were in. (Trololo)

I admit that you have proved to have a few minor allies .... on the weekend. What about monday through friday ?
lol, Grixer, it was making a point that, even if utterly outmatched in combat, if you cannot breach the walls then you cannot win the battle.
Cowboys, Ima need to invite you to my Fort Mirk some time. Gate closed, there isn't anything that can get in without hacking, abusing glitches, or otherwise breaking the rules. You can throw potions at the walls, but so long as I stay away from them I'm good. And the entire hill is claimed, so cannons aren't as easy to build near the base.