Sometimes I even have to ask people what side Osai is on. I mean, in two weeks, whose to say our Lady Gwen won't be the reigning empress of Ithania?! Things move so fast.
The question you ask yourself is a rather wierd and silly one; however, in this time that question is unnecessary.
If the Lady of Osai wished to reign the land of Ithania, she would have done so by now my friend. Although she refuses to state it, Lady Gwen is a huge influence within the Auxillian Alliance and the remaining Alliances/Empires/Republics who have yet to fall to the Imperial scum.
"Beidh Osai titim seo dul síos, beidh tú ag breathnú mar de cairde de scrios timpeall ort..."
Bring it on brute :}
Just throwing this out there but,
If this coalition can destroy the Imperials why have they not shown up and done so at any of the raids?
As the Lady of Osai stated, patience is a virtue.
Why would we rush such a force?
May I also quote Illo here "If this Alamut is so neutral, why have they shown up to any of the raids?"
Now I shall speak my mind as the Lord of Auxillian:
The Imperials are strong, I know, however they cannot match the will power or courage that the Coalition controls.
The Imperials believe they will sweep the land of any 'unfaithful' to them and conquer all.
If you allow these hellions to trick you into believing this is possible, go home and save yourself the time of fighting.
The war is not for the faint hearted and if you are not determined, not strong willed and not brave enough to face the impact,
you'll never make it out alive.
The Auxillian Alliance and all it's affiliates are facing this war with nothing to lose other than our lives. Our dignity and pride are strong and our valor even greater. The forces of this Imperial are no match if we stand firm, steadfast and resolute. Do not doubt the warriors and especially don't lose faith in the Lady of Osai. She is strong willed, intelligent and worthy of your dedication, much more so than her new husband. So, people of the land I ask you to meet with me in arms against the Imperial. I'll send letters to you via ravens and we shall discuss our next move. The Imperial falls soon.
The Imperial are nothing compared of the Coalition if you prove your worth.
After all, aren't they just a bunch of brutes with axes and bloodlust/naga poison?