Imperial Conquest

The World is changing. It is only a question of those who will oppose or accept this change now.

As my signature states: هیچ چیز درست است، همه چیز مجاز است
The powerful forces of the Argonia Empire and the Valyrian Sovereignty have united under one purpose.

That has to be the most heart break moment... Grixer I thought we had somthing... I guess I was wrong, a shame you need to sink as low as argonia xD

So from what I understand you want to create a world that looks up to 1 ruler? Saddly that will be one interesting quest! Kirodo looks forward to observing this goal ;)
I will make this an exercise in how long I can sneak around enemy bases before I get squashed.
LEt them unite. how bigger the monster how harder it falls. If the conquer and i mean if, that will never happen anyway. Then well they will fight for resources. and bam we are back to old.
Oh my... So many alliances, wars, empires, rising and falling. Sometimes I even have to ask people what side Osai is on. I mean, in two weeks, whose to say our Lady Gwen won't be the reigning empress of Ithania?! Things move so fast.

You are creating this new Empire to create an orderly world under one empire, yet the source of much strife and violence in the world source from tyranny such as this.

((The bit about Gwen ruling Ithania was me kidding, Ik she doesn't want that))
Oh my... So many alliances, wars, empires, rising and falling. Sometimes I even have to ask people what side Osai is on. I mean, in two weeks, whose to say our Lady Gwen won't be the reigning empress of Ithania?! Things move so fast.

You are creating this new Empire to create an orderly world under one empire, yet the source of much strife and violence in the world source from tyranny such as this.
Hold your horses cowboy...9th Legion will own Ithania.
The land can be re-divided after it is re-taken from the Imperials.
Never in the fights? XD Just because you die before you see me, doesn't mean I'm not there... Know what you're talking about before you make that kind of statement.
Er. Honestly you are never in the wars. Considering I have been to just about every battle and haven't seen you once I think I know what I'm talking about :D
Er. Honestly you are never in the wars. Considering I have been to just about every battle and haven't seen you once I think I know what I'm talking about :D
Right now I can think of at least 3 times when I have fought you personally in a raid in the past 3 weeks. 1.) At Roma (9th) with iMineNewbs and Assembly123 2.) At yggdrasil with stven1234 and a bunch of Valyrians 3.) Just a couple days ago at Vrist with IMPERIAL. So, Er. I think I know what I'm talking about :)
Right now I can think of at least 3 times when I have fought you personally in a raid in the past 3 weeks. 1.) At Roma (9th) with iMineNewbs and Assembly123 2.) At yggdrasil with stven1234 and a bunch of Valyrians 3.) Just a couple days ago at Vrist with IMPERIAL. So, Er. I think I know what I'm talking about :)
Did you die a lot? I never saw you :([DOUBLEPOST=1360638061][/DOUBLEPOST]Anyways... This is off topic :S[DOUBLEPOST=1360638601][/DOUBLEPOST]But to sum everything up:
9thlegion alone cannot beat the imperial empire, but may be able to withstand it.
The coalition, however, can and will resist and cripple the empire.
Osai will fall you say? I'd like to remind Grail, Arch, Short, Austin (albeit he took his fair share of kills, due to a Golden Apple) and Crack that we won when you came for Osai. If you insist on continuing these battles, fine but save your threats for when you win.
Right now I can think of at least 3 times when I have fought you personally in a raid in the past 3 weeks. 1.) At Roma (9th) with iMineNewbs and Assembly123 2.) At yggdrasil with stven1234 and a bunch of Valyrians 3.) Just a couple days ago at Vrist with IMPERIAL. So, Er. I think I know what I'm talking about :)
This guy's been to 3 battles! OMG, he's a god! Bow down!
Just throwing this out there but,
If this coalition can destroy the Imperials why have they not shown up and done so at any of the raids?
You think 9th can withstand the forces of IMPERIAL? (chuckle)
Despite what you want to believe, a force such as the 9th is a force to be reckoned with, and speaking from 2-3 years of experiance with hardcore PVP, a strong faction can withstand several weaker allied factions assults.
All of Argonia betrayed it's allies for more or less shits and giggles.
Bobeto left 9thlegion and is now against it.
Stven is stven. :&

How can the Imperial ever be stable if half the people in it are traitors?
Right now I can think of at least 3 times when I have fought you personally in a raid in the past 3 weeks. 1.) At Roma (9th) with iMineNewbs and Assembly123 2.) At yggdrasil with stven1234 and a bunch of Valyrians 3.) Just a couple days ago at Vrist with IMPERIAL. So, Er. I think I know what I'm talking about :)
Umm do you have a different In game Username Cause I didn't see you at the battle in Vrist. Then again it lasted a good 2 to 3 hours so maybe you popped in and out when I wasn't looking. No offense intended There were alot of people there.
unless convinced other wise Valyria and argonia have raided my ally's, to me it appears as tyranny