Aloria Story Progression Imperial Communique From The Steward


May 9, 2013
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From the desk of the Grand Steward of the Imperial Court

"His Imperial Holiness informs the collected nobility and the public at large of his general displeasure over the lacking enthusiasm for the Honneurs Ball in front of the Regal Bastion yester-eve. While the Honneurs system was atrocious to general nobility morale and functioning towards each other, it preserved the essence of combating complacency: Competition. The Emperor feels, much like soldiers who compete with one another in sparrs and in the field for commissions, nobility should compete with one another to ensure the breeding of competency."

To form the wit required to act with skill.
To form the charisma required to speak.
To form the decisiveness required to rule.
To form the sharp tongue to stave off scandal.
To form the ambition needed to ascend.

"The Emperor believes all but House Bigge failed to make a lasting impression for the desire of Imperial favor. As such, the Emperor has hereby decreed that all military crimes on part of the Imperial Knight Nathaniel Bigge have been forgiven and that all bars for his military service have been lifted, to make an example of the power of Imperial favor, but also to emphasize what other great Houses fail to achieve when they find the status quo a complacent comfort."

"The Emperor has instructed me to create a so called "Decorum d'Honneurs", a wall specifically dedicated in the Regalian Tavern to showcase the public standing of the Noble Houses. Right now, House Bigge is the only one that shined out from the bar mediocre others, a fact which his Imperial Holiness hopes changes soon. Note however, this is not a trivial game for the bored minds of the peerage. The Emperor believes that, if a noble House fails to show either any meritorious qualities themselves, or fails to otherwise make an impact in the rise and fall of other Great Houses, that they should have no place leading men either in the Army, or at home in their own land grants. After all. If a Noble House is as mundane as a house of Commoners, why should they be permitted to lead anything at all."

"The Emperor shall preside over who climbs and descends the ladder of banners. He will remain wary and aware of all public displays by the Great Houses, whether they be military, government, during Noble Events, or in pure gossip. There is virtue in a Great House supporting its own rise, but also virtue in assisting the rise of others much like we all bear responsibility for the continued success of Humanum. Yet, assertion is a critical quality which all Nobles should have, more specifically the ability to aggress one's self as superior to another by means of sabotage. The Emperor believes that an atmosphere that fosters competition as such, will raise the awareness of the Nobility and increase their need for self-realization and self-betterment, so that they all in turn may use the divine assent of their rule to embetter Humanity as a whole, instead of simply maintaining course to obscurity."

"The Emperor wishes further to challenge the public at large also. Simply because the wall is currently adorned with the banners of Nobility, does not mean it will never be decorated with the banners of Common Houses of non-blue blood. The Honneurs is a system that gives rise to meritocracy, to the competency of the individual, not the pedigree of birthright. Commoners are just as much an integral part of the Honneurs either to support other Great Houses, or to give rise to their own. After all, the Emperor begs the question, can he really ignore competence when it presents itself to him, even from a lowborn, in comparison to a lazy and ner-do-well Baron."

"All public displays will be measured in the Honneurs and drive a rise and fall of the banners. Any and all banners currently present represent the houses upon which the Emperor has eyes and ears. Should your noble house not be present, consider this a motive to propel yourself onto the scene, or dwell in obscurity forever. Note also, the whole titleage is stringently related to the Honneurs, the New Model Nobility is not affected by it. Titles remain granted and revoked based on the power projection of individuals as defined by his Imperial Holiness."

OOC Notes:
  • Sub-game of Nobility implemented, the Honneurs.
  • Banners added to the tavern with ranking. The higher a banner is, the more favorable the Emperor is towards them, the more likely the Emperor will reward them.
  • Banners will rise related to public events/displays/actions portrayed by the Houses represented by banners. For example if House Coen wins a major military victory over the Elves, the banner may rise. Proportionally, if House Typhonus's patriarch marries a Dakkar, the banner may fall.
  • Not all houses are currently on the wall. Houses which are not present, the Emperor is not aware of or simply has never met. Commoners can also climb onto the wall on the precondition that they have a family name and banner, and that they achieve something noteworthy to the public eye.
  • While title awards are sort of related to this system, it is not inherently part of the title application system or the title system in general. These are two entirely different things.
  • Only public displays get evaluated, and only based on the moods and views of the Emperor. What one person considers a good public display, might be considered a childish self deprecating display by the Emperor. Keep this in mind.
  • Commoners also weigh in to rise and fall. If a commoners manages to publicly extremely embarrass a Great House, this will be reflected on the ladder.