Archived Ideas To Heal The Pvp & Rp Divide

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Jul 18, 2013
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Today in general chat several members of the community, including myself, had a healthy discussion on ideas of how we could possibly make the factions world popular and stop "PVPers" and "Roleplayers" from arguing and to unite them. Here is what we got:

1. Give Factions Lore - We have come up with the idea to give factions their own lore. We believe this could help get factions, especially the ones that are PVP based or just survival, to lean toward roleplay. This can also make players more active as try to become more popular in lore and gain more power as well as make the factions world more active. Also someone said that we maybe could have a area or wiki where faction lore can be put and anyone could edit it. Maybe faction leaders can create the lore and send it to the lore staff and staff can approve it? (To check that a faction isn't saying they own all of Aloria or Regalia and have a small loan of 1 million soldiers at their hand.)

2. Safe Cities - Another idea that was introduced during the discussion is to create safe cities. I myself am not certain about this one, because if not handled correctly this may ruin PVP, but if a faction/location is large enough and populated enough and powerful enough (and probably good looking enough) that they could become a designated roleplay area within the faction world. This could help attract people who spend all their time in Regalia to give the faction worlds a chance, and to draw more people to factions. This can also give players motivation, especially the people who stay in Regalia most of the time, to create their own "civilization" to try to become stronger and achieve becoming a safe city. Now I know what some are thinking, "Well what about PVP? Now we cant raid in the faction worlds either?", Well, we had the idea that if you own a large enough party of people that you could raid or besiege cities. It makes sense roleplay and realism wise, in the medieval ages 1 man does not just rush into a city all on his own and slaughters the common folk and soldiers without planning or help from his people. You could make an application that at this time of day these people will raid whatever city. I think it would make for some good battles. However, I think that it should be EXTREMELY difficult to become a safe city. If anyone and everyone could become a safe city, then PVP would be ruined for sure.

3. Return of Races? - I know, this has been an argument that has gone on for ages, and if I remember correctly the old races code isn't compatible with current minecraft and that it is outdated. Myself and some others have agreed that the divide between RP and PVP really started to show up when races was removed. Races added some roleplay feel to PVP, and got the attention of roleplayers. I think that traits should be removed because they are useless for PVP now because they disable when you enter combat. I believe we should re-create races because it will help give PVP a roleplay sort of touch and will attract roleplayers to survival/PVP because of its roleplay feel. People will be able to Roleplay at what race they are if they wanted to, or Elven based factions can be Elves and Dwarves can be Dwarves and give them the "Hey, we are actually dwarves, we arnt just pretending." vibe. I understand that it may be hard for the creators of the massivecraft plug-ins to create a new races plug-in, but if they really need to, you can call out to the massivecraft community because i'm sure their are players who want races back that are willing to volunteer and help create it.

4. More Faction Power or Less/No Upkeep - This is another topic that was introduced. In Regalia, the people only have to worry about paying 300r a month (depending on what you are buying) for their well made and aesthetically appealing house. In the faction worlds, some factions (like Insani) have to pay nearly 300r a /day/ to keep their faction land. I think that factions should get more perks for having to pay so much to keep their faction alive or they should have lower or no upkeep to pay (If you remove upkeep I suggest you remove taxes too because then owners can just milk money out of members. Taxes is used to help take the load off owners so that they can pay the upkeep, not to go into the faction leader's pockets.) This will help take stress off of faction leaders and persuade others to create their own communities.

5. Harder To Make Factions - Last idea, but not least. I and several others agree that factions should be harder to make. Back in the day I had to work my arse off every day to earn silver and copper because I really wanted to create my own faction where I was the king and that I could rule my own people and not having to listen to other leaders orders. This idea of owning my own faction kept me online for hours a day making money. Right before I made Insani regals became the new currency and I worked up to 1000 regals and was able to create my own faction. The feeling I had when I pressed enter after typing "/f create Insani" made me so happy, I felt so achieved. I think it should be harder to create factions because it will give people something to work for and to stay on longer for and in the end make them feel achieved and proud of what they have done. It will make things more realistic too, not every man and women were able to get up and go "Hey, today I have decided I want to be a king." It was a process, you needed to be popular and needed to be rich. If factions were harder to create, then their would be no need for such high upkeep either.

I did not create this to start a war between "roleplayers and PVPers" and I hope none will start one. I just want what is best for massivecraft honestly, and I believe these ideas will help make it better and more popular. I miss the old days where the server was full, 300/300, and how there were no roleplayers and pvpers argueing because there were no roleplayers or pvpers. There were just /Players/. Everything went well together, people rped in the faction world. Instead of finding someone in Ithania and then potting up to gank them from behind there were groups of bandits who would wander the roads and halt players and tell them to give them coin or face death. There were taverns and other player made businesses in the faction worlds that people created and ran and their would be groups of people who traveled there to RP and some people went there to PVP. Not all people got along, but the whole game did. I today own a very old faction with 12,000 regals in the bank and own double chests of god gear and have 50 players at my command however I sometimes wish giving it all up to go back to the old days when I was a poor, powerless farmer in Leyowiin because those days were the most fun days I have ever had on this server. I believe if even just one of these ideas were implemented, massive could step one foot closer to becoming greater then it has ever been before.​
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Honestly, I think that removing upkeep would be great, but if we do that, faction cost needs to go up hugely, to something like 4 thousand regals, since regals are very easy to obtain, and we dont want thousands of factions littering the world that are completely useless.

EDIT: Although.. after thinking about it, upkeep provides something for factions to do, even if they do nothing else. If you have a real faction, not just a oneman thing, upkeep is a consideration to sustain your faction. I believe that it adds an element of realism to the factions community. I do however believe that it should be dropped to how it was before the tax hike, at 1r per 10 chunks. That would do a lot towards making factions more sustainable.
Personally I think this is a wonderful idea, with some great fixes to the RP divide, but there's one big issue you haven't brought up.
Roleplayers don't want to leave Regalia.
With the adding of the slums, this concept has gotten even worse over time, as we won't even leave Regalia to go the the Sewers. I highly doubt that roleplayers, who, don't even want to RP in RPFarahdeen, a TP made specifically for roleplaying (Albeit there was an event there only for people who signed up), would decide to leave the relative comfort of Regalia to join a faction with its own lore and ideas.
I have an issue with your first, second and third point. This puts a lot of strain on the Tech and Lore staff, and to some point, the world staff, to add new things, when they're most likely already swamped, what with MassiveMagic, the magic rework, the Yanar rework, the Maiar rework (Gonna stop here because this can go on for too long) and simply keeping the server up.
I too remember spending hours earning money so that I could make a faction and how the good old days used to be, when I adventured through the factions world people actually rped in them and I had to look out for bandits. Now that is gone. I agree with the factions idea as well.
Factions Lore has slowly been coming in, especially with the Baneful King plotline. As far as I can tell that is entirely run by Game, kind of giving plot to Factions and PVE events. And I have been loving it as an RPer. And it seems at least that Factions players are too. More steps along this path are needed, but its progress.

Im in favor for this as well. Factions has essentially purged Raiding and all risk in my mind already to be honest, so adding safe player run RP only cities without having to rely on staff and reporting would be nice. As it stands someone could just be a jerk and reign terror for upwards of an hour to several if staff aren't around to handle it. Adding official, locked-safe areas will help bring RPers into Survival.

Im not sure I am for this, traits is more fun for me because players can custom choose what they want and need. For instance I always just have speed 1 jump 2. Some people toss on Undead Truce to build so they dont get pestered by mobs. ETC. I feel like this works well enough for now. Though perhaps adding Race-Specific MassiveMobs, like the Orc tribes already, would help. Having roaming bands of Dakkar in some biomes, or Quadir Explorers in others, would bring in a nice touch of existing roleplay lore to the world. Same with adding those related lore drops to them.

More Faction Power or Less/No Upkeep
Upkeep can be an issue but it seems to be alright for now. Most people can keep up a faction with voting and a shop or something. Though, for larger factions it can quickly grow to be an issue. Perhaps if more repeatable quests are added it would help. Perhaps weekly quests for larger rewards dotted in some factions spawns or something similar. Or hell just add some quests to the faction spawns in general the more the better!

Harder To Make Factions
If upkeep was lowered but creation cost was raised, I could see this working well. Perhaps tacking some minor limit like, you cant make one until you have 3 hours online, so new people dont just spam out factions they cant keep up then quit after like a day of playing.

Overall, I am always down for more factions/rp crossover.

Low key my own idea I have spit out a few times is a Merged World, with a large safe area around a spawn, then normal factions after that. Then you add some kind of repeatable dungeon in the middle with refilling chests and boss mobs, toss in making block breaking undoable ,chest access on, and add rare lore items and hints to past lore not available on the wiki and you have a great stew to lure in RPers and PVPers alike.
If upkeep was lowered but creation cost was raised, I could see this working well. Perhaps tacking some minor limit like, you cant make one until you have 3 hours online, so new people dont just spam out factions they cant keep up then quit after like a day of playing.
How about more than 3 hours? That really isn't much time. Perhaps three days, or weeks, so that they may join a larger, more established faction?

Upkeep can be an issue but it seems to be alright for now. Most people can keep up a faction with voting and a shop or something. Though, for larger factions it can quickly grow to be an issue. Perhaps if more repeatable quests are added it would help. Perhaps weekly quests for larger rewards dotted in some factions spawns or something similar. Or hell just add some quests to the faction spawns in general the more the better!
I believe the Job Island has repeatable quests out of the way, and yes, voting would be useful.

Factions Lore has slowly been coming in, especially with the Baneful King plotline. As far as I can tell that is entirely run by Game, kind of giving plot to Factions and PVE events. And I have been loving it as an RPer. And it seems at least that Factions players are too. More steps along this path are needed, but its progress.
As good as that is, giving factions the ability to create their own lore, such as this, would be much better.
RPFarahdeen, a TP made specifically for roleplaying (Albeit there was an event there only for people who signed up)
Anyone can utilize the warp. I've seen characters who you wouldn't expect to be in the desert there RPing with the military guys. Just know that it's military procedure over there so don't do stupid stuff.

I actually enjoy the RP rental region comparison between factions and RP. Factions pay a lot more, but they also have to start from the dirt up to build whatever they want. RPers get to interior decorate and pay rent. While the general "pay for creative freedom" exists in factions, I see the issue with paying a lot to maintain them. While I'm all for letting inactive factions die out, larger factions with a decent player number daily deserve to be spared from large upkeep taxes that trump RP rents out of the water.

I disagree with races, as there is no point to add in a wonky number game to PvP damage. It's the reason traits are disabled, so no point in bringing back a different form of them.

I'm mixed on making faction creation harder. Ever time I play a factions server as a new player, I usually bum it up in some hole in the ground until I get enough money to buy a faction claim. I don't join other factions, because I want to do what I want to do, not what some veteran wants to do. On Massive I quested and voted until I reached the 200r cost to form my faction, and it took a few days (back when voting was 3r per vote and only 3 sites to vote on. Only did it in a few days since the lotto gave me 200ish). I didn't want to join a faction because I had no idea if I was joining a noob faction or a hardcore one. That and I don't trust anyone when it comes to survival. Anyways, anecdote aside, I'd rather it be the same in terms of creating a faction, for the sake of those independent layers who don't want to follow a group and would rather bum it out in a hidey hole.
Another suggestion I had ages ago was adding Rentable regions to the Factions Spawns. Areas to set up shops- RP or otherwise- and that thing,
2. Safe Cities - Another idea that was introduced during the discussion is to create safe cities. I myself am not certain about this one, because if not handled correctly this may ruin PVP, but if a faction/location is large enough and populated enough and powerful enough (and probably good looking enough) that they could become a designated roleplay area within the faction world. This could help attract people who spend all their time in Regalia to give the faction worlds a chance, and to draw more people to factions. This can also give players motivation, especially the people who stay in Regalia most of the time, to create their own "civilization" to try to become stronger and achieve becoming a safe city. Now I know what some are thinking, "Well what about PVP? Now we cant raid in the faction worlds either?", Well, we had the idea that if you own a large enough party of people that you could raid or besiege cities. It makes sense roleplay and realism wise, in the medieval ages 1 man does not just rush into a city all on his own and slaughters the common folk and soldiers without planning or help from his people. You could make an application that at this time of day these people will raid whatever city. I think it would make for some good battles. However, I think that it should be EXTREMELY difficult to become a safe city. If anyone and everyone could become a safe city, then PVP would be ruined for sure.
As long as a big enough party could still raid I'd be down to make the city of Damorn one of these safe places. RPers are good because I can tax them and make money off of their existence and I like that. Also makes sense realistically wise for the reasons you stated while also encouraging larger scale battles.

No one ever raids us anymore anyways :(
*Clears throat* Time for a rant. I agree there is a huge, huge divide currently with rpers and pvpers, I find it retarded to be quite frank, people need to realise something, this is a Pvp/Rp/Faction server, its not just an rp server where you hide out in Regalia with your hoody vamps or whatever the fuck the new cringy trend is, its not a pvp server where you solo charge in and raid their super hard to reach underground vault, its just a faction server where you create tnt cannons and grief the shit out of your enemies, its Massivecraft. the (what was) perfect mix of Roleplay, Pvp and Faction, people could build their amazing cities, Roleplay in them and then go out and raid an enemy, one of the most fun times I had was when Insani was small, everyone was a pvper/rper/builder and everyone did something, put in their workload, goofed off a bit with the other faction members and overall had a good time, now its "Well I got some bored pvpers and since we already raided our other allies we're gonna suprise enemy you now" and then theres a bit of talk and its back to normal, we're buddy buddy again, nothing else to it, I of course have gone off topic so back to it, a part of what made old Massive so great was there wasn't any "What are you? pvper, rper, ect" "Ew you're a rper, I see how it is" "Oh you're a pvper, don't raid me sweaty fat boi" or any other shit like that, it was just a strong, tight community of players oh got shit done and had fun while doing it, and thats what servers in general are supposed to be about. now, to some of the points Gen raised.

1. Give Factions Lore
This I think should be completely left up to the Faction itself, it'd then turn to Lore Mods to Approve the lore and connect the community, the whole "Faction RP doesn't exhist in Regalian RP" Is bullshit. this is one of the biggest divides Massive Moderators have made to the community, for Rpers in specific, because now that character you spent God knows how long on making and defining is now useless in Faction/Regalia, or that Roleplay in Regalia in which you did something that changed your character now no longer matters in Faction, That whole rule divided this community and I believe it should be abolished.

This I think is the greatest idea yet --AS LONG AS ITS NOT TAKEN TOO FAR-- Safe cities that people know they could be safe in during rp and not having to worry about some rogue Pvper charging in and taking their shit would be amazing, I love the siege idea aswell, Safe cities that are under siege would not only draw pvp to one region, making for some great battles, it would also make for some good Roleplay, overall this should be only for the big Factions, since every RP ONLY shit-faction is gonna have their main city a Safe city n' all, it'd likely be similar to a warzone where each chunk would cost a certain amount of regals.

I think this could be a way to closen the gap between rpers and pvpers, having races is a part of what merged the rpers and pvpers in the first place, since as Gen said, Traits are practically useless, it makes sense for a change anyway, I find it dumb people are disliking this idea since almost the only thing it benefits is the non-pvping, non-rping faction people.

4. More Faction Power or Less/No Upkeep
This is a great topic to talk about, Upkeep is a bitch, I can honestly say I've put ATLEAST 15k into my faction bank just by donations, not including taxes n' such, Upkeep should be based upon your land you own I agree but it needs to be nerfed, Insani having to pay around 300r per day is fucking retarded, I could own 30 Medium Shops in the market for that much, its bullshit, I think Upkeep should still exist but be nerfed severely, Another thing would be the Safe cities, Safe cities should probably be higher upkeep than regular upkeep, granted current upkeep gets nerfed.

5. Harder To Make Factions
This is another great idea in my opinion, having lil 3 manned 50 chunk factions all over massive is down right stupid, its unrealistic, its bad for everyone involved, uncontrollable, and last but not least unacceptable, there needs to be regulations on how and when you can make a faction, I think you should be required to give atleast 2k to start one but have 5k on you, you'd be required to play about a month or so so you actually know what you're doing, ect ect.

Now to the shit other people have commented on this.

there's one big issue you haven't brought up.
Roleplayers don't want to leave Regalia.
I think he did exactly that, by making 'Safe Cities' and 'Faction Lore' it gives Rpers an exact reason TO come to faction, when they currently have their nice lil' rp centered city with no crazy raiders coming in to fuck them in the ass with all their lore they have no reason to.

I have an issue with your first, second and third point. This puts a lot of strain on the Tech and Lore staff, and to some point, the world staff, to add new things, when they're most likely already swamped, what with MassiveMagic, the magic rework, the Yanar rework, the Maiar rework
This I feel like is just an excuse for Mod buddies tbh, I mean this doesn't have to happen immediately and there are plenty of lore/world/tech staff around, its not like its gonna be on one department, they all have their specialization for a reason, and tbh the only things they'd have to do is this.
Lore Staff: Approve already written faction lore, Work with tech staff with races.
Tech Staff: Work on races with Lore staff, Implement the ALREADY EXISTING tech they use for Regalia where its a no pvp region, similar to warzones.
World Staff: Setup the Safe Cities with the factions leader/officer.
I mean I'm no mod but that doesn't seem too much to do, not to mention we aren't asking for an immediate release of this, but merely something we need to strive to.

I actually enjoy the RP rental region comparison between factions and RP. Factions pay a lot more, but they also have to start from the dirt up to build whatever they want. RPers get to interior decorate and pay rent. While the general "pay for creative freedom" exists in factions, I see the issue with paying a lot to maintain them. While I'm all for letting inactive factions die out, larger factions with a decent player number daily deserve to be spared from large upkeep taxes
I see your point that Faction has alot more freedom than Regalian rent-a-houses but the gap is literally 30 times for Insani right now, and thats not the only thing you have to take into account, building, any blocks you use or just the time and effort into building shit takes money and hard work which is hard to come by, pvp, Alot of times in pvp its one faction being picked on by a bigger faction and lots of times that smaller faction has to either pay tribute to that bigger faction to get them to bugger off or merge with them entirely, now back to the topic on hand, On one hand you got complete freedom (aka lots of work, time, money and effort put into something that you might lose cuz you're getting your ass taxed to hell by upkeep) and on the other you got a nice, premade house with only the decor you gotta work on, which seems more fair to you?

EDIT: Although.. after thinking about it, upkeep provides something for factions to do, even if they do nothing else. If you have a real faction, not just a oneman thing, upkeep is a consideration to sustain your faction. I believe that it adds an element of realism to the factions community. I do however believe that it should be dropped to how it was before the tax hike, at 1r per 10 chunks. That would do a lot towards making factions more sustainable.
I almost completely agree with you on a tax reduction, but the whole thing about 'the upkeep provides something for the factions to do' is dumb, hell drugs give you something to do it doesn't mean its good for you lol, the fact that you are literally paying into your faction just for your faction to pay into a NON EXISTENT BANK is retarded, If there was an actual reason to pay into something i'd like it more, but instead you are literally fueling a non-existent fire when your faction pays upkeep.

Welp, I'm done ranting, its been fun.
I know this has sort of been said already;

I love this idea but I don't want to leave Regalia. Well, better terms, I don't want to leave the Regalian Roleplay. It's especially hard when you get into the fact that I'm a noble roleplayer. Hah, so what you're a noble? Well the 'so what' is the fact that if I don't play my noble a certain amount then I can lose things- or even the character. As for the arguement of 'well you aren't roleplaying your noble 24/7, why not do factions during that time?' Usually this is because I don't want to roleplay at all during this time, I rather just chat mindlessly or improve on my horrible building skills in Creative.

This is a statement I think some can agree on. Even those that aren't nobility, this is because their characters might be gang leaders, a terror of the sewers, or just a peasant that is important to their own little group. I'm sure there are plenty of people that would like this idea, But many others also many not even notice as they like how things are.
I know this has sort of been said already;

I love this idea but I don't want to leave Regalia. Well, better terms, I don't want to leave the Regalian Roleplay. It's especially hard when you get into the fact that I'm a noble roleplayer. Hah, so what you're a noble? Well the 'so what' is the fact that if I don't play my noble a certain amount then I can lose things- or even the character. As for the arguement of 'well you aren't roleplaying your noble 24/7, why not do factions during that time?' Usually this is because I don't want to roleplay at all during this time, I rather just chat mindlessly or improve on my horrible building skills in Creative.

This is a statement I think some can agree on. Even those that aren't nobility, this is because their characters might be gang leaders, a terror of the sewers, or just a peasant that is important to their own little group. I'm sure there are plenty of people that would like this idea, But many others also many not even notice as they like how things are.
There is interesting opportunity for Nobles to build, or have built, their "estates" in their own "actual lands" in Survival Worlds, but that would rely on the players themselves inviting people over and finding a way to get people there easily.
There is interesting opportunity for Nobles to build, or have built, their "estates" in their own "actual lands" in Survival Worlds, but that would rely on the players themselves inviting people over and finding a way to get people there easily.
True, but you don't need anything special to do that now. As well as if you earn it and work for it, you can get an actual estate and such in the Regalian countryside
True, but you don't need anything special to do that now. As well as if you earn it and work for it, you can get an actual estate and such in the Regalian countryside
One thing I am kind of hoping happens is having factions dedicated to noble families and lands. If it became more RP safe in general that would be more viable. But having a noble estate, then a small village or town grow around it would be really cool TBH.
One thing I am kind of hoping happens is having factions dedicated to noble families and lands. If it became more RP safe in general that would be more viable. But having a noble estate, then a small village or town grow around it would be really cool TBH.
The only real problem is the fact that if a character were to go away to their home estate (Some estate in Ithania, for example) they would have to probably mention it before hand for a while that they're leaving the city because from an IC prospective, they would be a done a week or more due to the fact of traveling and then actually being at their home (which they probably wouldn't just wake up one morning and leave without any warning what so ever.)
3. Return of Races? - I know, this has been an argument that has gone on for ages, and if I remember correctly the old races code isn't compatible with current minecraft and that it is outdated. Myself and some others have agreed that the divide between RP and PVP really started to show up when races was removed. Races added some roleplay feel to PVP, and got the attention of roleplayers. I think that traits should be removed because they are useless for PVP now because they disable when you enter combat. I believe we should re-create races because it will help give PVP a roleplay sort of touch and will attract roleplayers to survival/PVP because of its roleplay feel. People will be able to Roleplay at what race they are if they wanted to, or Elven based factions can be Elves and Dwarves can be Dwarves and give them the "Hey, we are actually dwarves, we arnt just pretending." vibe. I understand that it may be hard for the creators of the massivecraft plug-ins to create a new races plug-in, but if they really need to, you can call out to the massivecraft community because i'm sure their are players who want races back that are willing to volunteer and help create it.
This really would be pretty neat. I loved race factions and all back when I joined just a few months before traits. But maybe some traits could sort of stick around, for roleplay use and convenience, like jump3.
an idea for the designated rp cities, it could be like the safe zones in John wick where if you attack an area like that you're excommunicated and all the factions that take part in it are required to be enemied to that faction. which leads to another idea of these places being popular areas to shop and sell (which would help economy issues) and the attacking faction wouldn't be able to be in the city or take part in any of the events and such to happen there. I also feel you on the last bit of giving it up to going back to the noob days, they were the most entertaining and immersive and honestly I believe thats why I gave up on wrath and have MULTIPLE times in which I say I'm quitting or go inactive ahah
Honestly, I feel like this shouldn't be aimed at Regalian roleplayers at all. Like, I feel Regalian roleplay is completely fine and self-sustainable on its own and doesn't need the faction worlds. A bridge between both communities isn't needed, it's only one community/gameplay that needs to be fixed. If roleplay were to be added to factions/survival/PvP, it would be their own version of roleplay, separate from Regalia. In other words, I don't feel we should be fixing RP/PvP by bridging them, I feel we should be fixing PvP alone and separately by making it more RPG survival PvP. Essentially, the server would be Regalian roleplay and Factions survival/PvP/roleplay. This shouldn't be aimed at Regalian roleplayers because they're already satisfied, this should be aimed at Faction roleplayers, survival roleplayers, and Factions/Survivalists/PvPers.

1. Give Factions Lore
This can be completely player-driven, as it once was. The only reason I feel that it's not is because faction lore receives no official endorsement from the staff, which makes it a bit discouraging. People are inherently drawn to official recognition and fame, which here is only obtained through Regalian roleplay and lore. Despite that, this can still be easily fixed through player initiatives. There's nothing stopping players from creating faction lore, there's nothing stopping this lore from becoming popular and widespread and bringing factions back to life. All it takes is a champion(s) to stand up and work, someone or a group of someones with the skills, motivation, and willingness to make this happen. And time. It doesn't have to be staff, it just needs to be someone dedicated.

I've always considered the Race plugin to be the catalyst for bringing roleplay to survival. It doesn't even have to be the old system. It just needs the following:
  • The ability to choose from a predefined list of races through an official gameplay mechanic.
  • This choice must have a signficant effect on gameplay, such as buffs and debuffs.
  • Players must be able to identify each other's race.
Optionally, this choice should be semi-permanent, meaning you can't change it so fast like traits. The three-day cooldown of the old system would work. This is so the choice actually means something, you can't just frivolously pick a random race.

This could be something as simple as preset traits, with the current system of choosing your own traits being allocated to a Custom race.

What I liked about the race plugin is that it brought a passive form of roleplay. I was a Yanar, and I played Minecraft as a Yanar. I explored the land as a Yanar, I built things as a Yanar, I mined and farmed as a Yanar. The race plugin gave me a level of immersion that I feel is now missing from the survival worlds.

I felt the race plugin contributed to the livelihood of factions as well. It unified factions because they were all part of a roleplay universe, because that universe is embedded in the game itself as a gameplay mechanic. It created a backstory in the background. There were elf factions and orc factions and undead factions and dakkar factions. Now it's just a bunch of nameless factions mulling around in their own little boxes.

For PvP, that level of immersion may entice people to fight back instead of hiding. An elf faction is more likely to defend itself against orc raiders or undead hordes than some random nameless faction will fight back against some random raider killing them for no reason.

The other points I have nothing to say about, but I'd like to bring another issue to the table: MassiveRestore. It's an issue that I go back and forth on a lot. It's a wonderful plugin that keeps the worlds clean, it makes it easier to gather resources in an area that will soon be restored. But I feel it also keeps everyone confined to their own little boxes. I can't help feeling suffocated by it. It's the psychological effect of putting a fence around everything, I don't like it. It feels like a cage. It doesn't matter if you give me more claims, a gilded cage is still a cage. I don't want to be confined within the boundaries of a couple chunks. I want to build freely. I want to see others build freely and to be able to explore their creations. Part of survival is enjoying the exploration aspect. That barely exists now because there's nothing out there beyond claimed factions. There's also less interaction between factions because that. No more roads built or anything.

Of course, the main problem with removing MassiveRestore are the griefers, the terrible builds, the flood of tickets for restoring land. I don't have any solutions for those. Some suggestions I've thought about are changing the plugin so areas closer to spawn restore more frequently whereas the farther areas restore less. Or have players pay to preserve chunks from being restored, though these chunks will not be claimed and anyone can edit them.
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I know this has sort of been said already;

I love this idea but I don't want to leave Regalia. Well, better terms, I don't want to leave the Regalian Roleplay. It's especially hard when you get into the fact that I'm a noble roleplayer. Hah, so what you're a noble? Well the 'so what' is the fact that if I don't play my noble a certain amount then I can lose things- or even the character. As for the arguement of 'well you aren't roleplaying your noble 24/7, why not do factions during that time?' Usually this is because I don't want to roleplay at all during this time, I rather just chat mindlessly or improve on my horrible building skills in Creative.

This is a statement I think some can agree on. Even those that aren't nobility, this is because their characters might be gang leaders, a terror of the sewers, or just a peasant that is important to their own little group. I'm sure there are plenty of people that would like this idea, But many others also many not even notice as they like how things are.
I get what you mean, thats kinda what I said with the Faction lore part, people dont want to leave cuz they already have their stuff in regalia and since Regalia is (rp wise) cutoff from faction rp it further creates a divide between the two, it would be great to see Regalia and the other Factions rp merged into one seemeless Roleplay, thus closing the gap more between faction and regalian life.

Honestly, I feel like this shouldn't be aimed at Regalian roleplayers at all. Like, I feel Regalian roleplay is completely fine and self-sustainable on its own and doesn't need the faction worlds. A bridge between both communities isn't needed, it's only one community/gameplay that needs to be fixed. If roleplay were to be added to factions/survival/PvP, it would be their own version of roleplay, separate from Regalia. In other words, I don't feel we should be fixing RP/PvP by bridging them, I feel we should be fixing PvP alone and separately by making it more RPG survival PvP. Essentially, the server would be Regalian roleplay and Factions survival/PvP/roleplay. This shouldn't be aimed at Regalian roleplayers because they're already satisfied, this should be aimed at Faction roleplayers, survival roleplayers, and Factions/Survivalists/PvPers.
I get your point of view but the whole thing is about division between (generally) Rpers and Faction/pvpers, the biggest gap of them all is regalia, if we were to get Mods approval for each faction lore we'd be (as I said I believe 3 times now) closing that gap between rpers and pvpers and making things more seemless, im not saying regalian rp has to change but that mods would make the rp world one large place instead of having 'regalian' and 'faction' roleplay, we'd have one seemeless community.
I get your point of view but the whole thing is about division between (generally) Rpers and Faction/pvpers, the biggest gap of them all is regalia, if we were to get Mods approval for each faction lore we'd be (as I said I believe 3 times now) closing that gap between rpers and pvpers and making things more seemless, im not saying regalian rp has to change but that mods would make the rp world one large place instead of having 'regalian' and 'faction' roleplay, we'd have one seemeless community.
Does it have to be seemless? Does the gap have to be bridged? A couple Regalian roleplayers have already stated here that they have no interest in leaving Regalia. My point is that perhaps the community should accept that Regalia is fine on its own and instead of wasting energy trying to build a bridge that the other side doesn't want to cross, to instead focus that energy completely on improving their own side.
they were the most entertaining and immersive and honestly I believe thats why I gave up on wrath and have MULTIPLE times in which I say I'm quitting or go inactive ahah

I feel ya man, I've randomly given up on Insani and disappeared for a about 4 months at a time like that too lol
Don't get me wrong. I'm not a little brat always complaining, but honestly, I don't have any other option than to complain.

Why is PvP destroyed? It all started with races plugin being really unbalanced, so some races did huge amount of dmg when others were useless. I remember that all pvpers were undead, since They were the hardest to kill.

With that said, races were removed, and They installed traits. Traits were like a "deadly blow" to community of PvP here on massive. They were unbalanced, glitchy as hell. You didn't have to eat, you didn't have to drink speed2 to be able to run fast with no cost at all - there was a cost because you had to chose some negative traits in order to get enough points for positive traits such as speed 2, axe expert and so on but i simply use mining fatigue since it doesn't affect my hitting or good example would be trait feed always which allows you being full belly all the time, and for the negative trait you would simply chose nonivore which made no sanse since you don't have to eat at first place- The amount of people pvping at that time was so small, i must tell that there were less than 30 people pvping at that time.

Another thing I'd like to add is Mcmmo potions. Glitchy, buggy, and really useless and ruins PvP in my opinion. I need to bring more absorp pots than actual heal pots which were a bigger need in the past. I don't want to mention other Mcmmo pots.. Not worth my time.

Economy - is it worth saying? Today with 300 regals you can buy GOD SET and god weapon. Is that normal? 1 diamond cost is 1 regal, is that normal? Back in a day, all of this wasn't normal, not long ago you had NPCS giving you 100 regals a day and so on.

God armor - PvP raids would be a lot more funnier if you for once listen to us pvpers. Allow god sets to drop, remove PvP false PvP true thing. No need for that. If you die, you die, work your ass off and get some New items. It's not that hard. There are plenty of dark rooms where you can get your set in a matter of minutes. It would also be good for economy since people would start buying god sets. I my self have one set, that i use every day. It's really stupid

A lot of things have been ruined for pvp community, and there is time to change it. Hire more game staff, more PvP staff, make PvP great again and stop looking at your own interests (not saying everyone)

I've been here for over 5 years, and I know what I'm talking about.

I think he did exactly that, by making 'Safe Cities' and 'Faction Lore' it gives Rpers an exact reason TO come to faction, when they currently have their nice lil' rp centered city with no crazy raiders coming in to dance them in the love with all their lore they have no reason to.

I love this statement. I'm going to start off by saying I'm a very proud officer in Insani and I read this entire article after Gene showed me while being braindead from finals. So please pardon me if I mess up! <3
I used to own a little rp faction it was a pretty small little city but... We couldn't roleplay out in the streets. I'd be mid-sentence of my little mayor redhead character happily introducing sweet little baker to the town and guys in full armor (might not have been god. but definitely enchanted diamond against no armor or me wearing leather armor haha) would slaughter us. I didn't give up though! I kept roleplaying outside in the faction and had a little hidey-hole for our horses because the raiders would kill them too. I was very happy with my little faction.. But sadly, the raiding grew more and more constant.

I'll be honest, I can't PvP. And I have real respect for kind players like @Sevak @Nekoii @Kyrakshi and @Samfari (as well as all the others I got to spend time with!) who tried to show me. I really appreciate the kindness I was given, it helped change my terrified thoughts on the PvP community I had based on my past little faction. I use a track pad mouse, essentially I was screwed from the start. The problems started with my self-owned faction was that when constantly being raided my members started to leave. I didn't want to build some sort of glass ceiling or something over my walls because it'd ruin the medieval aspect. But the raiders came in droves because I was (and still am) and all my members were really big newbies to faction life and pvp. As the leader, I tried to learn more PvP but totally failed haha.

It eventually caused the demise of my little town and 13 year old me was reduced to ragequit tears after 3 months of constant raiding. Don't get me wrong I loved my crappy builds I was so proud of and my happy little RP town but I couldn't take constantly being killed when I was just trying to have fun and roleplay.

I think safe cities would really help out and make me want to roleplay more in factions, especially if I knew I could actually finish my sentences. It could definitely help more people want to go roleplay out in factions. And I would definitely encourage PvPers to take opportunities to raid or whatever when people go out in the wilderness for supplies if they aren't fond of safe cities. That's fair because it's the wilderness.

Disclaimer! My story took place about 2-3 years ago which led to me quitting my faction! I don't even remember the raiders so don't ask! And yes I was a crybaby! It upset me at the time that months of work ended up being pointless, pfft.
Sorry for the long post! Just trying to get some supportive roleplayer input. I (like @AtticCat ) am a noble roleplayer and I do love my character a ton, but I'd be willing to spend some time in factions if it helps bridge the divide.
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I like these ideas! However, Massivecraft is unique compared to many popular rp servers in that the roleplay is focused in one general location, and many may be reluctant to spread roleplay out & have less people to rp with conveniently in Regalia.
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I agree with some of this, but not others. Races are never coming back, that's been stated multiple times by many different staff members.
However, my biggest issue here is Safe Cities. Regalia is a safest city you can get, and having safe cities to RP in isn't going to bridge a gap between PvPers and RPers, if anything it's going to push the wedge further in, since you're taking away the core aspect of PvP: Raiding. And PvPers are going to complain profusely about this, since there are already few places to raid anyway.

One thing I will wholeheartedly support, however, is giving important factions a place in the lore. Factions which have established themselves, which look fantastic and actively play in their designated faction territories. This is something many people have been trying to push for a while now, and it's something I believe could really pull the community back together, to give players a chance to have an impact upon the lore, no matter how small, based on their dedication and hard work within the factions side of the community.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not a little brat always complaining, but honestly, I don't have any other option than to complain.

Why is PvP destroyed? It all started with races plugin being really unbalanced, so some races did huge amount of dmg when others were useless. I remember that all pvpers were undead, since They were the hardest to kill.
This thread isnt about PVP being dead- there are hundreds about that already. This one is specifically about trying to reunite PVP and RP groups to make the server more of one community instead of several divided ones.
However, my biggest issue here is Safe Cities. Regalia is a safest city you can get, and having safe cities to RP in isn't going to bridge a gap between PvPers and RPers, if anything it's going to push the wedge further in, since you're taking away the core aspect of PvP: Raiding. And PvPers are going to complain profusely about this, since there are already few places to raid anyway.
I'd be curious to know your opinion on more community driven "safe cities": places that everyone sort of agrees on not to attack, and anyone that does would be excommunicated and hunted down as Herecy said. There would be few of these, of course, so there are still places to fight. In my opinion, one of the saddest things about the survival worlds is there are some absolutely gorgeous and large cities with no one actually using them. It would also add some meaningful fights if, for example, someone did attack one of these "safe cities" and people would have a reason to raid them besides the usual "I want your loot and Im bored so Ima kill you".

I think I know a nice city which could be used that no one raids anyway ;)
This thread isnt about PVP being dead- there are hundreds about that already. This one is specifically about trying to reunite PVP and RP groups to make the server more of one community instead of several divided ones.
I feel like this is more of a factions world being dead kind of thing rather than PvP, although the title would suggest otherwise.
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Quite frankly, almost EVERY SINGLE PvP/RP related divide on this server is either caused directly or indirectly by Regalia.
Yup because we like Regalia it's gr8 m8
Which is exactly the problem

I'd be willing to wager that every issue related to shrinking player size in Factions is caused by Regalia. This server is about to cross into the realm of becoming a full-RP server with a dead Factions element.
Which is exactly the problem

I'd be willing to wager that every issue related to shrinking player size in Factions is caused by Regalia. This server is about to cross into the realm of becoming a full-RP server with a dead Factions element.
Well, that's what this thread is trying to fix but like I have warning there's really nothing you can do about the players that rather just stay in Regalia
Well, that's what this thread is trying to fix but like I have warning there's really nothing you can do about the players that rather just stay in Regalia

Seems more people on a Minecraft server enjoy typing than actually playing Minecraft

funny how that works
It's a long dead plugin which no longer works.
I'd like to point out that I've constantly stated that it doesn't have to be that same old plugin. Everytime races have been brought up, it seems everyone's mindset, whether players or staff, always defaults back to the old plugin. I, for one, am not arguing for the return of a specific plugin, I'm arguing for the return of a gameplay mechanic.

I've always considered the Race plugin to be the catalyst for bringing roleplay to survival. It doesn't even have to be the old system. It just needs the following:
  • The ability to choose from a predefined list of races through an official gameplay mechanic.
  • This choice must have a signficant effect on gameplay, such as buffs and debuffs.
  • Players must be able to identify each other's race.
Optionally, this choice should be semi-permanent, meaning you can't change it so fast like traits. The three-day cooldown of the old system would work. This is so the choice actually means something, you can't just frivolously pick a random race.

This could be something as simple as preset traits, with the current system of choosing your own traits being allocated to a Custom race.

What I liked about the race plugin is that it brought a passive form of roleplay. I was a Yanar, and I played Minecraft as a Yanar. I explored the land as a Yanar, I built things as a Yanar, I mined and farmed as a Yanar. The race plugin gave me a level of immersion that I feel is now missing from the survival worlds.

I felt the race plugin contributed to the livelihood of factions as well. It unified factions because they were all part of a roleplay universe, because that universe is embedded in the game itself as a gameplay mechanic. It created a backstory in the background. There were elf factions and orc factions and undead factions and dakkar factions. Now it's just a bunch of nameless factions mulling around in their own little boxes.

For PvP, that level of immersion may entice people to fight back instead of hiding. An elf faction is more likely to defend itself against orc raiders or undead hordes than some random nameless faction will fight back against some random raider killing them for no reason.
I don't think I've ever received any feedback on that. Most arguments against Races from the staff have been about the old plugin, and always the old plugin.
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Seems more people on a Minecraft server enjoy typing than actually playing Minecraft

funny how that works
Its not so much that nobody likes PVP. Its that there are literally a billion other factions servers to choose from, but only about 8 RP ones. It makes sense given Massive is one of maybe 3 "good" RP servers that a massive chunk of its people are RPers. Theres nowhere else to go to RP properly, where there are a shit ton of places to go to Factions.

That being said I am still more interested in finding a way to bridge the gap, as opposed to just throwing blame around like you did above. The gap exists because there are no other good RP servers, thats not the players fault. Move on and try to suggest a few helpful ideas.
This is an important thread.

I'm a roleplayer. I love survival. I don't mind pvp as long as it's not too detrimental to my building or my roleplaying. For years, I have fought to keep a foothold in both worlds, but these days I mostly use survival for junk storage. Recently, I have pulled back almost entirely from the survival worlds and I have done it for a few reasons.

• Dropping all my blocks when I die. This was a killer for me, as losing one batch of valuable blocks to despawn or looting can erase hours of hard work. Dropping tools was one thing, but dropping 15 stacks of emerald blocks when I am trying to build my underground hot-tub complex? Unacceptable.

• Needing costly upkeep or small builds (or more friends, I guess). I just want to build fun and epic things with survival rules. My buddy Krurk just packed up FongCo© World Abusement Park because it's just too costly to maintain anything of size that isn't generating income.

• No roleplay use. Building things in survival for roleplaying has never worked out for me. Regalia is the only place where you can be undisturbed, but also have enough people to get to the "critical mass" of players that makes roleplaying work.

That is where I am in regards to survival play. Not doing it. I miss it and wish something would change so I could enjoy it again. Considering my issues above, currently, it's just not feasible for me.
Lots of posts; don't have the time to read through all of them atm so I'm just going to respond to op, sorry if something I said has already been said.

1. I'm of a mind that staff shouldn't have much to do with faction lore. It should be player run, at least as much as possible. At the moment, there is nothing technically stopping us from having faction lore, except the fact that sharing said lore with other factions is very difficult, and so it is only really possible to roleplay within your faction, or with factions extremely close to your faction (Think old EA levels of closeness; sharing 1 teamspeak and things like that)
My suggestion, as you outlined in your post, was to have a factions wiki. I wrote about it in detail here: there were some relevant things in there, notably some interesting stuff involving one of Zacatero and Enderdonut's projects, but as for the point I wanted to make is that all that would be required is to have somewhere easily accessed that people can write all of their lore, and access other people's lore to make factions roleplay more prevalent.
You can want to build a chair all you want, but if you can't get nails or a hammer, it's going to be nearly impossible.

2. I'm pretty against this idea, mainly for what I mentioned above. It would cause a lot of red tape to go around and make it so that if you weren't already powerful, it'd be impossible to do certain things. This is something I think is a flaw in Regalia; where a few notable roleplayers/lore staff are the only ones who can really make big differences.

3. Races I'm not sure about. I wasn't around when they were, and so I don't know how things were then, so I'm not in a place to comment. I'm not sure if adding in another traits-like system is the solution though, personally.

4. I'm /strongly/ for reducing upkeep back to what it was before. The raising of the taxes was a very bad move, in my opinion. All it really did was make having big, beautiful builds that did not serve a functional purpose unviable.
What's the point of having a huge, pretty above ground wheat field when all it'll do compared to a hidden underground one is cost you 10r more a day?
Why have a big, expansive city, when having cramped, tall apartment like houses is easier to maintain?
It doesn't feel good to pay upkeep. It's tedious and annoying, and with how worthless items are recently, it can be hard to pay them if it's more than you get from voting each day.
And you can say "Your members/officers could donate as well" but that is unreliable and feels bad to them just as much.
Why would you want to be in a faction that obligates you donate your voting money every day?
Why would you want to even play factions at all when you'd have to spend most of your time thinking "How am I going to get enough money to pay all of these taxes?"

5. This one I'm indifferent on. There are arguments to be had for both sides.

One thing I'd be interested in seeing, personally, and I know this would be controversial, but I'd like to see building regulations be a bit more strict with the "Making sense in a medieval society" thing.
Nothing stopping you from building anything (excluding modern things) but, perhaps not having Egyptian pyramids, European castles and Asian towers in the same 5 chunk radius would be a nice change as it'd encourage a faction to have an actual, rigid culture, or at least one of their towns to.
Its not so much that nobody likes PVP. Its that there are literally a billion other factions servers to choose from, but only about 8 RP ones. It makes sense given Massive is one of maybe 3 "good" RP servers that a massive chunk of its people are RPers. Theres nowhere else to go to RP properly, where there are a shit ton of places to go to Factions.

That being said I am still more interested in finding a way to bridge the gap, as opposed to just throwing blame around like you did above. The gap exists because there are no other good RP servers, thats not the players fault. Move on and try to suggest a few helpful ideas.

I agree that this is one if not the only good roleplay servers, however, "back in the day" which I am talking about, MassiveCraft was one of the only "relevant" faction servers, and there is still a sizable community of players who are from back then during these times, and we love MassiveCraft and are still here because our bases we work hard to make wont get absolutely obliterated with TNT like most faction servers, and we are not trapped in large ugly obsidian tombs covered in water, its not like we can get up and leave and go find another faction server and get the same thing or better. Also, yeah this is about "healing the divide" and I thank you for supporting that, but also changes like the ones stated can help the whole server by bring TONS more players too, which would mean ALOT more RP, PVP, and over all server activity, so everyone would get something good out of this, not just "saving the faction worlds and pvp and that Regalia is already fine" like some people have stated.

@Enkiduu @Masterman120 @AtticCat