Archived [idea] More Rp-like Vampirism Ideas.

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Leon Vill

The Forerunner
Apr 26, 2013
Reaction score
I have had a few ideas on vampirism traits, feeding, etc. I am happy to undertake criticism for these ideas, so they become better.

Feeding Ideas:
  • Feeding can only happen at a certain darkness or time of day. (Therefore can only be done in dark alleyways, or in the middle of the night)
  • Feeding can also be forced to an extent. (A command like /v force name that can drink up to 4 blood forcibly. This makes it more realistic, as what vampire would walk up to someone and say 'Can I have some blood please?')
Other Ideas:
  • Vampires are temporarily vulnerable after feeding forcibly. (If the feeding is done voluntarily, the person should not be vulnerable. However, if they force feed, they are vulnerable to damage for 30 seconds or so. This discourages feeding on heavily armoured people, people surrounded by others, etc)
  • Vampires have a feeding cooldown, of at least 1 minute. (This should stop people from rampaging around forcibly feeding on others)
If you have any ideas I could add, that'd be great!
Leon Vill.
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I approve only of the second idea. I think you're on to something with that. Having to ask is awfully tasking and the vulnerability adds to the effect of being blood drunk.

Yes, and it is pretty awkward too:

Vamp: "Excuse me?"
Person: "Yeah?"
V: "Can I drink your blood?"

As you can see.
I agree. Preying on people would be nice. Also, it would probably become a little nice sports for vampires.
While I like the second idea, I'm not sure if the plugins could be tweaked for that to work.

well you can tweak it so it doesn't require confirmation and just automatically takes four blood and then causes the vampires "heat" level to rise like holy water does only fatally if forced to much or flag you for pvp for 30 seconds even in save zones. I believe.
well you can tweak it so it doesn't require confirmation and just automatically takes four blood and then causes the vampires "heat" level to rise like holy water does only fatally if forced to much or flag you for pvp for 30 seconds even in save zones. I believe.

That sounds pretty cool, but it would be a tad annoying if you drank blood and then got nausea. I 'reckon having a cooldown and flagging them for pvp.
I like the Idea, but it will just be abused. Even with the possibility just to do it at Night there will always be People that run after you in the Tavern or where ever you are, use the command and run again.
Just consider how shrieking gets abused all the Time .....
My problem with the second idea is that some vampire could abuse this? As much as I enjoy this idea, it seems like it could become a problem within minutes of it being released. Unless there was a longer timer set, then perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. Or, we could make it so vampires could ask privately someone for blood. For example:

Vampire uses the command, /v drink ____
Human is asked if this is allowed.
/V confirm
Vampire whispers: Thanks.

I have a feeling this had already been done, but if you get the jist, then it's all good.

The first idea I partly like and understand. However, I can see the angry mobs of vampires slowly rising and complaining about how they can't feed during sometime of the day. I mean, imagine having to get to feed only then? You'll have to run up to get to the person, force feed, then hide away in a hole and hope nobody saw.
I would like to vote in favor of BOTH forced feeding, AND private asking.

Although I must say, shouldn't it be normal for a vampire to have to hide away in a hole after force feeding someone?
I like both ideas, but there needs to be tweaking to the first one, somehow.
The second idea, may need to work so it's not abused - as it would almost result in large amounts of hunger deaths.
Maybe make it, so someone has to stand still for a amount of time, and you have to be in whisper distinct in order for it to take affect. Like, 1 minute after saying the command, do you have to stay in whisper distinct for it to work and the more blood you try to take, the longer.
I would like to vote in favor of BOTH forced feeding, AND private asking.

Although I must say, shouldn't it be normal for a vampire to have to hide away in a hole after force feeding someone?

Mhm. Although, when Carrie was a vampire, I'd generally asked willing IG/IRL friends for blood. Makes life easier. Good 'ol roleplay with da friends.
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