Archived I Don't Care What You Say; Massivecraft Is Now Pay To Play.

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Firework Salesman
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Algaron, North West Deandroc
I understand that Massivecraft's goal is not to be a pay to play server, but it is. It took me nearly half an hour to get on the server. Something needs to be done. Either more server slots, or if that's not possible due to MCMMO, temporarily removing the full-login feature reserved to premiums. Its one thing if the server is full during specific times, but Massivecraft is constantly maxed out, and its ridiculous. I've been playing on this server for almost a year; why should my spot be taken by some 12 year old kid who stole his mom's credit card out of her purse? Something needs to be done; your reputation is dwindling.
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Firstly, please read every other post like this.

Secondly, Cay is in progress with making the server be able to handle more slots, so until then go bitch and moan somewhere else! You don't want them to up the sever slots and have 1 tps? Do you?? Didn't think so...
So, you are angry at us because the server is popular? Be grateful to the premiums, they make the server go round...
Just wait till server sharding, its not THAT far away
It sucks, but server sharing is even being a bit rushed to get out earlier than wanted, so we can only hope and wait. There's no other real logical solution than that.
Ok basically from what I understand it will divide the different "worlds" into different servers, however you don't have to log off to go to other worlds. It will reduce the lag and put the slots up to 10k I think?
Patience is an amazing thing sometimes.

Wait for sharding, like most updates, which is most likely possible due to the donations that premiums supply.[DOUBLEPOST=1360526502][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, the server isn't always maxed out. Sorry for this little news flash but everyday it usually gets below 50 at some point.
Wait....if the server is always maxed out......and nobody can join.....where do the players that actually max out the servers come from

Mind. BLOWN.
Can someone explain sharding to me like I'm five?

Sharding, to the best of my knowledge is combining servers to increase the processing power of massivecraft, imagine a jug of water, imagine your jug is in a bucket, when the jug overflows the bucket will fill, this is what they are trying to do with the server in a sense of when on server fills another will open to deal with the usage, the difficult bit is getting them to work together when being used, not to mention each map is a server or will be so they all run at the same time as well as dealing with player limit.
Wait....if the server is always maxed out......and nobody can join.....where do the players that actually max out the servers come from

Mind. BLOWN.
A premium can join when the server's full, making the players go from 150/150 to 151/150 for example. The problem is there are too many premiums.[DOUBLEPOST=1360528133][/DOUBLEPOST]
Sharding, to the best of my knowledge is combining servers to increase the processing power of massivecraft, imagine a jug of water, imagine your jug is in a bucket, when the jug overflows the bucket will fill, this is what they are trying to do with the server in a sense of when on server fills another will open to deal with the usage, the difficult bit is getting them to work together when being used, not to mention each map is a server or will be so they all run at the same time as well as dealing with player limit.
Not quite, the computers will be more separate than than working together to compensate for everything.
A premium can join when the server's full, making the players go from 150/150 to 151/150 for example. The problem is there are too many premiums.[DOUBLEPOST=1360528133][/DOUBLEPOST]
Not quite, the computers will be more separate than than working together to compensate for everything.

Ah well I was close >.<
These are the things we can do:

A. Nerf premium features to make it less apealing to donate
B. Remove 80% of the mobs on the server so we can increase slots by alot
C. Start stripping functions from the server like MCMMO/downgrade to an earlier version of Minecraft

Do you see anything that is remotely accceptable?
You forgot one, Marty.

D. Removing the premium feature completly and let the server slowly die due to lack of funding.
These are the things we can do:

A. Nerf premium features to make it less apealing to donate
B. Remove 80% of the mobs on the server so we can increase slots by alot
C. Start stripping functions from the server like MCMMO/downgrade to an earlier version of Minecraft

Do you see anything that is remotely accceptable?
I'll bring up the option during the next team meeting, but it might complicate the game for some people. Instead of mob fighting, people will resort to PVP'ing to satiate their killing apatite.
Or from what I remember hearing once upon a global chat, the admins could start abusing their powers to make some people quit the server.:D[DOUBLEPOST=1360532204][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'll bring up the option during the next team meeting, but it might complicate the game for some people. Instead of mob fighting, people will resort to PVP'ing to satiate their killing apatite.
Well with this big war stuff going on, I'm sure people would be ok with that.
For the record, I am in favor of the mob thing (B), IF it will make the server be at 10ish TPS.

However, if you intend to raise the cap as soon as you do that, so it's still around 5 TPS, I'd not be in favor.
I do agree yesterday the server was at 164/150 which is the highest i've personally ever seen it, but in another perspective without premium the server wouldn't be able to stay up, the premium help the massivecraft server in a big way. All in all we should just be patient for them to finish sharding ect.
Maybe just eliminate mobs that dont give much benifit and reduce the rest as a temp fix. For example,Remove Zombies, cave spiders, sheep, squid,and reduce the rest to 75% or 50%.
Or maybe, just an idea, you could simply ignore the complaint until you have a viable solution that doesn't involve wiping out half the server.

More seriously though, there isn't really a good solution to this problem. The server is maxed out because it's popular (though it seems to me that all the people who come on these days are griefers :@) so the fact that its becoming less popular due to maxing out is actually a good thing... it will lower the number of people wanting to join the server.

If you really can't have the patience to wait, the just buy premium. Not that hard to do, just get a job for like 2 hours at US Min Wage...
How about an autokick for AFK:ing for X amount of minutes to remove the dead weight that aren't actually playing? I think that a lot of people just go afk instead of logging out when the server is full to make sure they get to keep playing when they come back.
They already have an AFK auto kick feature. Also, I believe there was a website post about this very issue.

(And mon, do you play magic? Noticed the avatar :p)
I very rarely have a problem with server slots, I log on at Australian times though.
Premium is what runs this server! We wouldnt have what we have without out and the main reason people pay for premium to log in at anytime. Eliminating that would decrease the funds this server would recieve and it would turn into just another crappy Minecraft server. If you enkoy playing on massive I highly suggest getting premium, it is very affordable.
Log in at this time in the morning and there are only like 80 or so people on.
Prem deserve the benefits. Dont remove mobs. We all just need to wait for server sharding.

People complain to much. Be happy you can play on it for free, with a great community.

I might become prem to in near future.
I personally think that MassiveCraft Deserver this money as it have been an very good server of all time and the most played McMmo server
I'll bring up the option during the next team meeting, but it might complicate the game for some people. Instead of mob fighting, people will resort to PVP'ing to satiate their killing apatite.
If you start eliminating mobs, the first thing that will be affected will be those who role play farmers, both because of the loss of livestock and because of increased raiding. The choice of eliminating, or reducing the number, of mobs will require almost everyone to seriously consider PVP as the only viable role play option on the server.
Do you really need 30 cows to roleplay as a farmer? I always felt 5 was enough.
I wish there was still a "dumb" rating.
And a Rude rating

Server sharding will completely fix this problem. If you don't know what it is please ask a mod to explain, you will be excited. Now stop complaining. The mods understand the problem and it's being worked on very hard.
And a Rude rating

Server sharding will completely fix this problem. If you don't know what it is please ask a mod to explain, you will be excited. Now stop complaining. The mods understand the problem and it's being worked on very hard.
I think it just brings to attention that a temporary solutions should be considered.
Do you really need 30 cows to roleplay as a farmer? I always felt 5 was enough.
If you don't use leather and don't want to sell any, then 5 cows is plenty. If you want to generate leather to repair/make armor and to make books and bookshelves, with some left over to sell, then 30+ is a requirement. If you generate your experience as a butcher and breeder as opposed to hunting mobs, then about 30 is needed as well. You seem to be assuming, as many people do on this server, that fighting is the only way to play and that anything else is just a hobby.
If you don't use leather and don't want to sell any, then 5 cows is plenty. If you want to generate leather to repair/make armor and to make books and bookshelves, with some left over to sell, then 30+ is a requirement. If you generate your experience as a butcher and breeder as opposed to hunting mobs, then about 30 is needed as well. You seem to be assuming, as many people do on this server, that fighting is the only way to play and that anything else is just a hobby.

Now you're making an assumption on my assumption.

I never held cattle in my old faction Hakeyama, it however had a giant farm, and I never raided once. Don't assume that because I state a large quantity of cows is not necessary that I am automatically a raid-tard.
Premium was the best thing I did. I like to support servers as I know how much effort, time and cost it takes to run one. All I can say is MassiveCraft have a great Staff/Team running the server and I will continue to pay in support.
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