
Mistress of the Beneath
Mar 13, 2014
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Family Trade: The Lispectors primarily focus on exports of lumber and rich natural dyes from within the Kingdom of Lusits, where they own several areas of land.

Place of Residence: While much of the trade origins within Portimao, the majority of the extended family and retired family resides within a country estate in Dragenthal.

House Titles: The Lispectors own the County of Söhlern, where the capital city is Maarnen. This is a large, mountainous and forested part of the inland of Dragenthal.

Culture: By cultural norms, the Lispectors are Alt-Regalisch and conduct themselves in such a way. It isn't uncommon for some members to adopt Lusitsian tendencies, however.

Languages: All Lispectors are educated in Alt-Regalisch and Common, although many additionally speak the regional languages of Portimao.


House Motto: Anything can break with enough force. Alles kann mit genug Kraft brechen.
House Colours: Charcoal Grey (Primary), Soft pink (Secondary), Silver (Tertiary)

House Crest: An elongated shield shape with a diamond-shaped end, a heraldic Hydra rearing back near the middle. A flory-styled cross rests in the background. The outline of the shield carries a wreath of acacia leaves, along with a select few strands of rosemary and quatrefoil flowers.

House Banner: A charcoal grey background with a solid crimson line through the middle, and a silver ૪ symbol in the middle.

House Sigil: A Hydra, often depicted with a chain of primrose around three of its necks.


Eyes: True Lispectors often have greyish teal eyes, with grey being a colour most frequent in men, and teal most frequent in the women.

Hair: Lispector hairstyles range from light blonde to darker, dirty blonde colours. Extended family however often retain dark brown hair colours.

Skin: Most Lispectors have very pale skin, although it depends on their life experiences. The females are often paler than the males.

Body: Men are often tall, hitting the higher spectrums of six feet. Females also tend to be quite tall, often 5'9" if not taller.

Upbringing: Children are often taught from a young age about the importance of family, and the power of collaboration and sticking to those of your blood. Both genders of children are offered private education, men often focusing more on politics while females become more educated in the arts and occasionally in sciences like astronomy, horology and select aspects of modern alchemy. While the men are almost always sent off for military training once they are of age, it is not too uncommon for females to do the same.

Mindset: Common traits of the Lispectors include an innate sense of loyalty to the family, as well as a sort of mental chastity to withhold yourself from others. While the Lispectors are not generalised as cold, they all do seem difficult to get to know in depth as they never share much information about themselves as people.


Carrying heavy roots from Ceardia, the old Lispectors were one of the few pure Alt-Regalisch families, mingling and breeding selectively to uphold their elitist roots. Around 218AC, a large section of the family migrated to the Kingdom of Lusits, having established prominent political relations with a wealthy family of trade there. The Lispector patriarch at the time, Gerolt Lispector I, eventually sealed an arranged marriage with a female from said household, absorbing most of the family into the Lispectors with time. Lending them a foundation for trade, it didn't take long for the Lispectors themselves to purchase large areas of wooded land within the Lusits and start a lumber export trade, broadening routes to the majority of nearby landmasses and soon after the Regalian Archipelago. Earning quite a wealthy sum from these trades, the Lispectors truly grew for a long while. Establishing an extended patch of family within Etosia, the trade soon encompassed a few dye and spice exports, too.

The business profited marginally, and years later when the patriarch changed to Claus Lispector III, half of the more Alt-Regalisch and less Lusitsian family moved to the Regalian Archipelago, settling down in a country estate in Söhlern within Dragenthal, a county which was soon blessed upon House Lispector. This region being rather forested as well, the exports in lumber continued to rise which netted a very nice profit for the family.

Around 303AC, due to interferences from Songaskian pirates during the Songaskian occupation of Regalia, the trade to the heart of Regalia had cut off, the trade routes becoming less and less profitable and causing lack of income from one of the primary Lispector profits. The trade ships being plundered by pirates, the Lispectors expended power to send escort ships along with their exports, and Count Claus Lispector III too deployed a fair few of his children to Regalia to re-establish the business hands-on and influence the Regalian Court.

Count Claus Lispector III fell ill in the summer of 304AC, unable to resume his role as the titleholder and neglecting most of his duties as the head of a house, in turn dealing with his illness. Since his sons were still training in the school of Mariposa and greatly unavailable, the title passed on to Countess Adelinda Maria Sina Lispector I, who resumed the courtly interactions and currently heads the house.

Family Tree

  • Countess Adelinda Maria Sina Lispector I
  • Claus Lispector III
    • 53 years of age. Previous titleholder. Father of Adelinda, Jumann, Gerolt and Elias. Played by @Abyssnthe
  • Martyn Lispector
    • 45-50 years of age. Uncle to the Lispector children, and brother to Claus.
  • Johanna Lispector
    • 43-45 years of age. Wife of Claus Lispector and mother to Adelinda, Jumann, Gerolt and Elias.
  • Jumann Felix Lispector
    • 27 years of age. Rightful heir. Brother of Adelinda. Played by @Scribbe
  • Gerolt Lispector II
  • Elias Lispector
    • 18-21 years of age. Fourth son. Brother of Adelinda.
  • Theodor Lispector I
    • 74 years of age. Father of Claus Lispector.
  • Beatrix Lispector
    • DECEASED. Mother of Claus Lispector.
  • Ingrid Lispector
    • 43-47 years of age. Wife of Martyn Lispector.
  • Abel Lispector
    • 20-22 years of age. Son of Ingrid and Martyn Lispector. Cousin to the Lispector children.
  • Niels Lispector
    • 23 years of age. Son of Ingrid and Martyn Lispector. Cousin to the Lispector children. Played by @ShipIt
  • Karolina Lispector
    • DECEASED. Daughter of Ingrid and Martyn Lispector. Cousin to the Lispector children.
  • Nayina Lispector
    • 18-23 years of age. Daughter of Ingrid and Martyn Lispector. Cousin to the Lispector children.
  • Anna Seiden
    • 43-46 years of age. Sister to Johanna Lispector.
  • Laren Seiden
    • DECEASED. Husband of Anna Seiden.
  • Thomas Seiden
    • 18-25 years of age. Son of Anna and Laren Seiden. Cousin to the Lispector children.
  • Elizabet Seiden
    • 16-22 years of age. Daughter of Anna and Laren Seiden. Cousin to the Lispector children.
  • Sofia Seiden
    • 16-22 years of age. Daughter of Anna and Laren Seiden. Cousin to the Lispector children.
  • Georgina Bradford-Radcliff
    • DECEASED. Sister to Theodor Lispector.
  • Charles Bradford-Radcliff
    • 70-75 years of age. Husband to Georgina Bradford-Radcliff.
  • Theodore Bradford-Radcliff
    • 43-50 years of age. Son of Georgina and Charles Bradford-Radcliff.
  • Nikoleta Iordanou
    • 43-47 years of age. Wife of Theodore Bradford-Radcliff.
  • Alexander Bradford-Radcliff
    • 26 years of age. Son of Theodore Bradford-Radcliff and Nikoleta Iordanou. Second cousin to the Lispector children. Played by @Rhuyne
  • Thaddeus Bradford-Radcliff
    • 20-28 years of age. Son of Theodore Bradford-Radcliff and Nikoleta Iordanou. Second cousin to the Lispector children.
  • Annabel Bradford-Radcliff
    • 20-26 years of age. Daughter of Theodore Bradford-Radcliff and Nikoleta Iordanou.Second cousin to the Lispector children.
  • Winston Ellsworth
    • 22-30 years of age. Husband of Annabel Bradford-Radcliff.
  • Millicent Ellsworth
    • 6 years of age. Daughter of Annabel Bradford-Radcliff and Winston Ellsworth.


In Game Name: (Obvious.)
Forums Name: (Obvious.)
Past punishments: (Do you have any past bans/mutes/jails? If so, please detail.)
Name of the character you want to play: (Name the character you want to play that's currently on the list. Note that you can change the name as well by providing it here.)
Age of the character: (For characters where the age isn't set, select the age here.)
A brief outline of the character's personality: (Please bold the key words of the personality. Ideally, list three traits and expand on them a little bit, and focus on how you will play them out.)
A brief outline of the character's appearance: (Keep in mind the Lispector family traits.)
What's driving you to join the Lispector family?: (Give OOC reasons.)
What are your past experiences with nobility?: (List interactions and past actions you've completed, as well if you've been noble before.)
Do you agree to the Noble CoC?: (A simple yes/no will do.)
References: (OPTIONAL. If you have some good roleplayers who can vouch for your ability of RP, make sure to tag them here. Ask them for their permission before you reference them.)


In Game Name: (Obvious.)
Forums Name: (Obvious.)
Past punishments: (Do you have any past bans/mutes/jails? If so, please detail.)
Name of staff: (List the name of the roleplay character you are applying here. Please also give a character app if available.)
Race of staff: (List the race of the character here. Keep in mind this will greatly help determine acceptance, as Humanum are preferred above other races.)
Role in staff: (Maid/servant, scribe, guard/mercenary.)
Past experience in roleplay: (List prominent past roleplays and participations in events, or past experience in nobility or tending to nobility.)
Application letter: (Write an IC letter to the Countess Adelinda Maria Sina Lispector I of Söhlern applying for your position.)

References: (OPTIONAL. If you have some good roleplayers who can vouch for your ability of RP, make sure to tag them here. Ask them for their permission before you reference them.)

Last edited:
In Game Name: Clinton Parlow II
Forums Name: DotLotion
Past punishments: Ban: 3 days, Vulgar and hatefull language.
Name of staff: Clinton Revrik Parlow The Second
Race of staff: Ailor
Role in staff: Guard/ Mercenary
Past experience in roleplay:
One year of roleplay upon massivecraft. No prominent event roleplay.
Application letter: Countess Adelinda Lispector, After years in the School of Turall I Clinton Parlow Seek a job which fits my skills. I believe that you currently have the job of Guard open within your household. I request to speak with you in person as I Apply for this position. Any questions to my discipline, loyalty or skill may be asked and tested upon your request.
Sincerely, Clinton R Parlow II

MoonHawk147, Biggums9001, H0on
Dearest Clinton R Parlow II,

It pleases me to accept your application in the private Lispector staff. You will be hired on probation as a private guard of myself, Adelinda Lispector, to stay by my side and assist me however I see fit. Before an employment is arranged however, I require a meeting in person. Please drop by the Lispector estate one of the next few days for a meeting.

Spirit Bless,

Adelinda Maria Sina Lispector
Countess of Söhlern, Dragenthal
Head of the Lispector Trade Portimao/Lusitsian sector
Imperial State Reichsrat Consul.
Do you accept Sellswords into your staff?
In Game Name: Sage Rowe
Forums Name: Puagrace (MC name as well)
Past punishments: None
Name of staff: Sage Rowe
Race of staff: Half Avanthar, Half Ailor
Role in staff: Guard/Sellsword
Past experience in roleplay: I play a noble character and I also used to play a lot with an old noble character of mine. (Link to my nobles sheet)
Application letter: Greetings, Countess Adelinda Lispector
My name is Sage Rowe, and I've been studying Turall for a few years now under a tutor. My other skills include quick thinking and courage, and I always stand up for myself and for others who need it. Im working as a Sellsword and would like to join your staff, I will protect and assure your safety. Please write back and I hope all is well.
Spirit Bless--
Sage Rowe~

References: @Koajack @conflicttFTW @KiddingAround