House Du Clermont


i amne jusst a litle creechr
Oct 22, 2015
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United Kingdom



The House du Clermont banner, a simple design upon a striped background of the family's chosen colors.



House du Clermont, in the earlier stages of their formation, was rather reserved and preferred to keep out of the public eye. They diligently provided works of art to the Leutz and Ithanian Courts, some that to this day are referred to as a masterpiece. Their family's trade soon developed from art pieces into tabacca sales across an even wider spread of the archipelago.
The most infamous ruler of the family Witteric du Clermont was, at first, a fairly respectable man, though his short-temper was infamous throughout the regions of Brissaud. He drove the family into a new era with his militaristic views, which is often looked back on as a rather bleak and disenfranchised period for the family.


Originating in the westerlands of Brissiaud, the House du Clermont was founded just east of the Ithanian court. This geographical situation was what largely resulted in the family's inclination towards the fine arts, entertainment, and materialism as opposed to the marshal focus some of their northern and eastern neighbors displayed. While they avoided the focus of the larger houses of the realm, House du Clermont themselves focused on building a moderate wealth in their coffers through the sale of fine arts and musical pieces to the Ithanian court.

As time went on, the du Clermont's were able to expand their influence through their wealth, thus garnering allies in various regions within Brissiaud. As their local influence grew larger, the family's founder Richarr du Clermont took an interest in tabacca farming. Unfortunately for the family, he quickly realized that Brissiaud's climate was not suited to grow the plant and turned his eyes to Daenshore where it grew like a weed. With his departure, he left his son Witteric to oversee the family's holdings while he built them the business empire they have today.

Tragically, Witteric's rule was not the most enlightened. While he started his reign as a fairly respectable and well-tempered man, his dealings with the Ithanian court quickly led him to grow bitter and quick to ire. His descent into his own rage quickly led to the family's shift from one of culture to one of marshal focus. With a steady supply of money coming from the family's now well-established tabacca trade, Witteric was able to fund a rather sizable army to enforce his will on local regions.

This totalitarian campaign ended prematurely when Witteric was assassinated by his own family's small council. Shortly after Witteric died, the standing army was dissolved by the small council in favor of returning to their trade and cultural focus. The small council also was tasked with electing a new ruler, as it was evident that traditional succession was not ideal anymore. Through a great deal of political footwork and promises made, the council placed their faith in a new ruler, Lady Priscilla du Clermont, daughter to Witteric. This came as a shock to many within the family as her elder brother Lucien was clearly far more qualified to be a patriarch. While her younger sister Perenelle celebrated her joyous election, her brothers and some of the older men in the family were quick to begin scheming against the young matriarch. With her goals differing quite greatly from her father's however, the family has begun to blossom once more.




Name: House du Clermont
(du Clehr-mont) | (Of the bright hill.)

Sigil: The sun rising behind a barren tree on a hill surrounded by wilted flowers.
Banner: A simple purple and green striped background, with purple detailing and the crest's tree filling the center.
Colors: Teal, Navy Blue with Black hues, Electric Purple and Gold.
Family Culture: Leutz-Vixe and Ithanian, predominantly Leutz-Vixe.
Religion: Strictly Unionist, though does not adhere to the Religion much outside of prayer.
Family Trade: House du Clermont mainly deals in the tabacca trade and creates their own original line of siggs and garretts, though also has a few underhand dealings in the opium trade and countless courtesan dens.
Common: Faith Carries Us, Faith Protects us. | D'Ithanian: La foi nous porte, la foi nous protège.

Male born du Clermont
Men born to the House du Clermont are often well built, their body builds ranging from average to muscular depending on parentage and their role taken in the family. In height, the men stand around 5'9 to 6'2, again dependant upon parentage. Hair color tends to range anywhere from light brown to strawberry blonde, maintaining a similar range to the females of the family. Their eyes and facial features are also somewhat similar with their eyes having a smokey green color and their facial structure is quite strong and angular.

Female born du Clermont
The women of the du Clermont line are blessed with fine figures that range from the standard figure to a more femme-fatale look. Their heights tend to range from 5'7 to 5'10 depending on parentage. The women's hair is often a blonde of strawberry hue but may on rare occasions appear more of a light brown shade. This hair color is often a fair compliment to their strong, yet feminine facial features Typically, cousins to the main line will have simply golden hair that often has a natural curl to it. The women, like the men, display clouded green eyes that have become a defining characteristic of the family.

Female d'Amboise:
The women of the d'Amboise line have curvaceous to thin frames, often cinched with a corset and padded with many petticoats. Their heights tend to fluctuate between 5'6 to 5'8 depending on their parentage. The women's hair is often a light ginger, with a naturally straight texture. The women of the d'Amboise often style their hair into curls and soft waves, accessorizing their faux curls with golden bands and ribbons. Their features are certainly gentler than their Leutz-Vixe kin, often holding a more heart-shaped face with fuller cheeks and lips. The females of the Ithanian line, much like the males, sport a deep emerald gaze, freckles dotting over their cheeks and the bridge of the nose.

Male d'Amboise:
The males of the line tend to stick to the leaner side of musculature with average to sinewy due to their lack of military inclination. Heights tend to vary with an average range of 5'8 to 6'0. The men of the d'Amboise often have longer, poncier hair as compared to the men of the main line and rarely maintain facial hair. In regards to their facial features, the men tend to have rounder heads and faces as opposed to the main line, often with sharper noses and gentler jawlines.

The Elder Council | The Small Council
Consisting of the family's ruler, trusted advisors, and two favored courtiers, the Small Council acts as an assisting body that oversees affairs as tasked by the regent. The individuals sat upon the council may, however, be dismissed by the regent


*Character personalities are not permanent and may be changed to whatever you feel comfortable playing through the application process.

Red = Played
Orange = Playable
*Orange = Playable under circumstance
Black = Deceased
Blue = Unplayable
Green = Up to discretion of wife/husband/parent(s) player.
Purple = Missing, Disowned, Etc
  • *Henri du Clermont - 80 years old. - Since being a young man, Henri has always been drawn to the workings of the Synod, eventually leading to him pledging service to the spirit and donning the cloth. Even in his old age, he remains stoic and often advises those in his family on religious matters. Henri holds a position on the Elder Council and has for a number of years.
  • Charlotte du Clermont - 76 years old. - Charlotte is the wife to Henri and is as equally spiritual as her husband. With such a love for the Spirit, you'd expect Charlotte to be a loving and endearing elderly woman, but such isn't the case. Over the years she's grown dissatisfied with her marriage and bitter over the family's overall direction.
  • Jean-Luc du Clermont - 45 years old. - Jean-Luc is the son to both Charlotte and Henri. With Henri's stoic and firm manner, Jean-Luc grew up into a disciplined military man. At a young age, Jean-Luc was sent to study the art of Command and returned home eager to enjoy the splendors of life. He was immediately married to his first and only wife, Claudine. The two had two children together, two daughters. As Jean-Luc grew into an older gentleman, he grew irritable and sour, even abusive. The family tends to avoid him as a consequence.
  • Claudine du Clermont - Would have been 43 years old. - When she was alive, Claudine had a flair for the arts and was loved by all. She was a gentle and demure lady and an excellent wife. Claudine was a jack of all trades, dabbling in paints and often sketching designs in her free time.
    • Anise du Clermont - 28 years old. - Anise is the daughter of Jean-Luc and Claudine, and as a result of her father's harsh and sour demeanor, is rather introverted. Anise tends to pour her emotions out into her work rather than opening up about it, and much like her mother has a flair for painting. She often looks upon her mother's work for comfort after her father has gone into an abusive rage. [ @EpsilonPanda ]
    • Claudine du Clermont - 27 years old. - The second daughter to Claudine and Jean-Luc, and ultimately the reason for her mother's death. Claudine, named after her mother, has a rather outspoken and flamboyant attitude, which often draws the ire of her father. She often draws the short end of the stick when it comes to her father's short temper, hiding away to work on the designs once drawn by her mother.
  • *Lucienne du Clermont - 67 years old. - Lucienne is very much known as the mother of the family, treating each child as her own since she herself is barren of any. Since the death of her husband and child, Lucienne has been left a sensitive grief-stricken woman, but that doesn't impede her work. Lucienne is a gifted financialist trained in various banking techniques, And as a result, holds a seat on the Elder Council.
  • Philippe du Clermont - Would have been 70 years old. - Philippe was an unremarkable man, and could even be described as boring. He was often avoided in social settings, and how Lucienne could put up with his stories was a mystery to all. In the end, the man died a rather unoriginal death and passed away from a heart attack.
    • Diana du Clermont - Would have been 46 years old. - The first and last child conceived by Lucienne, who died suddenly in her crib as she slept. Since her and her father's death, Diana's mother has been left in a continuous state of mourning.
  • Richarr du Clermont - 68 years old. - Richarr was known as a very focused and competitive man, building house du Clermont up from nothing. Richarr was always very ambitious and business-savvy, setting up the house du Clermont tabacca trade bit by bit with the goal of providing the family with stable income.
  • *Anaïs du Clermont - 66 years old. - As the wife of the founding patriarch and the mother of the current matriarch, Anaïs is more than proud of her lineage. Personality wise, she is a practical and level-minded elderly woman with a degree from the School of Statesmanship. Anaïs works as the house lawmaster, and with her skills in diplomacy, judiciary, and commerce, she is more than deserving of her seat on the Elder Council.
  • Witteric du Clermont - Would have been 43 years old. - Witteric was the son of Richarr and Anaïs and had a short rule over the family until he was assassinated by the Elder Council. Witteric was known for his explosive temper and unreasonable nature, refusing to take the thoughts of his family into account.
  • *Adelheid du Clermont nee d'Amboise - 41 years old. - Adelheid du Clermont, previously d'Amboise, is a graduate from the school of t'Hôterie with renowned promiscuity. She's known throughout her family as an adulterous wench, the woman who mainly caused Witteric's madness. After her husband's death, she was branded on the forehead with an 'A' to mark her unfaithfulness. Currently, her whereabouts are unknown.
    • Priscilla du Clermont - 26 years old. - The current matriarch and the eldest daughter of Witteric and Adelheid. She's skilled in the art of alchemy and in business, she has even been considered quite savvy in political pursuits. Even with her status as the matriarch, she continues to struggle with pleasing the family and often feels on edge. [ @Ryria ]
    • Ceufroy du Clermont nee du Pont - 27 years old. - The husband to the reigning matriarch, marrying into the family after the fall of his house and the assassination of his kin. Ceufroy is a graduate from the Order of the Lion Pelt and is the newest addition to the family. [ @Hexicanum ]
    • Lucien du Clermont - 26 years old. - Lucien is the twin brother to Priscilla and some that many would consider the rightful leader of the family. Lucien is a graduate from the School of Wapnbog, and often acts as an advisor to his sister on various political and family matters. [ @Patsie ]
    • Perenelle du Clermont - 25 years old. - Perenelle, affectionately dubbed as Pear, is far from sweet. A graduate from the School of Matrais, and the middle child of the du Clermont siblings. Perenelle is known to be quite cunning when she wants to be, able to manipulate her kin with ease. [ @WaterDruppel ]
    • Laurent du Clermont - 23 years old. - Laurent is the youngest of the du Clermont siblings, a rosy-cheeked young lad who is most focused on enjoying his life and the opportunities made available for him by his elder sister, Priscilla. A graduate from the School of Villiers Eclaire, Laurent is one of the more devout members of House du Clermont. [ @Battlebrawn ]
  • Adallinda du Clermont - 39 years old. - Adallinda is the daughter to Richarr and Anaïs du Clermont, the middle child of the siblings. Adallinda was the stark contrast to her elder brother, Richarr. She is a compassionate and generous woman, often spending her time organizing many charity organizations and events. Adallinda is considered the perfect Leutz woman, with a patriarchal mindset.
  • Odulf du Clermont - 42 years old. - Odulf is unsympathetic and self-confident, and could also be described as arrogant. He's been married to Adallinda for many years, siring two sons with his wife. Some would say that Odulf is a stereotypical Leutz-Vixe man, with a militaristic mindset. Odulf is currently dissatisfied with the matriarch and had much in common with her deceased father.
    • Médard du Clermont - 28 years old. - Médard is the eldest son of Odulf and Adallinda du Clermont and is often described as contemplative, self-indulgent and practical. Every single action he partakes in has a specific meaning to him, and he can often be found deep in thought and oblivious to the happenings of the world around him in this state.
    • Leutfrid du Clermont - 27 years old. - Leutfrid is the second son to Odulf to Adallinda and is quite close to his cousin Laurent. Leutfrid is a wild and untameable man with a flirtatious and charming nature. He's proven to be quite difficult when it comes to family gatherings, more often than not drinking himself into a comatose state.
  • Camilla du Clermont - 38 years old. - The youngest of her three siblings, Camilla follows her sister's compassionate nature coupled with an adventurous spirit. She is an avid traveler and takes pleasure in seeing the wider world, though upholds the Leutz culture. Camilla is also very family orientated, though prefers to let her sons learn from experience.
  • Roland du Clermont - 40 years old. - Roland originally came from a lower noble family with a naval background, meeting Camilla when she joined one of his voyages as a passenger. He married her soon afterward and upheld his naval career whilst raising their two sons. Roland is a man who likes to enjoy life to the fullest, with a large collection of artifacts following his adventures over the years.
    • Gabriel du Clermont - 25 years old. - The oldest of two brothers, Gabriel was encouraged to follow in his father's footsteps and join the naval academy. As a result, his personality is more serious and tactical than the rest of his family, though he knows how to enjoy himself when able. He enjoys the company of his uncle, Odulf, and tends to follow his views regarding the running of the du Clermont.
    • Lucas du Clermont - 23 years old. - Whilst experiencing the same practical upbringing as Gabriel, Lucas is considerably closer to his parents and their perspective on life. He was encouraged to do as he wished regarding his schooling, as long as it made the family proud, and is eager to socialize and embrace new challenges. Some might say that Lucas was spoiled by the generosity of his parents, though he is quick to deny this.

    • Eléonore d'Amboise - Would have been 69 years old. - Mother of Adelheid, grandmother to the current matriarch and her siblings.
    • Gerold d'Amboise - 70 years old. - The husband of Eléonore and the father of Adelheid, grandfather to the current matriarch and her siblings.
    • Stephane d'Amboise - 42 years old. - The son of Eléonore and Gerold, sibling to Adelheid and the uncle to the current matriarch and her siblings.
    • Inès d'Amboise - 39 years old. - The wife of Stephane and the mother of his three children, aunt to the current matriarch and her siblings.
      • Cäcilia d'Amboise - 25 years old. - The daughter of Stephane and Inès, cousin to the current matriarch and her siblings.
      • Julien d'Amboise - 24 years old. - The son of Stephane and Inès, cousin to the current matriarch and her siblings.
      • Rodolphe d'Amboise - 22 years old. - The son of Stephane and Inès, cousin to the current matriarch and her siblings.
    • Matilda d'Amboise - 37 years old. - The daughter of Gerold and Eléonore, sibling to Adelheid and the aunt to the current matriarch and her siblings.
    • Merovech d'Amboise - 39 years old. - The husband of Matilda and the father of their child, the uncle to the current matriarch and her siblings.
      • Elisabeth d'Amboise - 24 years old. - The daughter of Matilda and Merovech and the cousin to the current matriarch and her siblings.




IGN: (Self Explanatory.)
Age: (Not necessarily needed, but preferred.)
What do you feel you would contribute to House du Clermont on an OOC and IC Level?: (Self Explanatory.)
References: (Please ask before you tag these individuals, they could heavily influence your chances!)
Any bans, jails or mutes?: (Self Explanatory.)
What is your biggest strength and weakness in roleplay?: (Write what you struggle with and what you excel in!)
Previously approved characters: (Link any previously played characters with approved applications.)
Previous Nobility Experience: (List any noble houses you have previously been apart of or ran.)
How would you rate your activity level on a scale of 1-10?: (Self Explanatory.)
What would you rate your roleplay on a scale of 1-10?: (Self Explanatory.)
Character you are applying for: (Give the characters name.)
Give a detailed description of the appearance of the character: (Give a small paragraph describing the appearance of the character.)
Give a detailed description of their personality: (How they react to others, to certain situations and family members.)
Give a detailed description of their upbringing: (How they were raised, their relation to the main line and current worldviews etc.)

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IGN: Epsilyon
Age: 17
What do you feel you would contribute to House du Clermont on an OOC and IC Level?: OOCly, an experienced noble roleplayer and IC, an interesting character that could stir up some plot.
References: @Arendan
Any bans, jails or mutes?: I once got jailed a while ago for asking CRASHIR to tp me..,, ;-;
What is your biggest strength and weakness in roleplay?:
Biggest Strength: Providing rp by maintaining an atmosphere of approachability ICly with detailed emotes.
Biggest Weakness: Dealing with large groups of people ICly. I often feel very awkward and my emotes tend to get shorter and less written out.
Previously approved characters: [Executed] [Partying in Basta]
Previous Nobility Experience:
- House Drache
- House Typhonus
- House Ravenstad [Trial]
How would you rate your activity level on a scale of 1-10?: 7
What would you rate your roleplay on a scale of 1-10?: 8
Character you are applying for: Anise du Clermont
Give a detailed description of the appearance of the character: Anise bears pale skin and curly blonde locks that are often kept tied up in a braided updo, though her cloudy green eyes typically seem as tired as they are sharp and judgemental. The dominant traits of her features seem to have been more inherited from her father's side, making them less soft and more pronounced. Her build isn't as elegant, more fit and athletic due to her occupation, but she still tries to hold herself to some standard of grace as a Leutz woman nevertheless.
Give a detailed description of their personality: The true firstborn of Jean-Luc, Anise retains a stoic demeanor in most situations, unwavering and only ever seeming to shift to an eerie calm that's judgemental in the lack of heavy visual reaction. One could say that such a visage is only for the sake of her introvertedness after years of burying any real opinion, both due to her father and occupation as an Inquisitor. A dangerous combination when paired with the charming and grace of a Leutz-Vixe woman. She's manipulative when need be, but only for her own gain. Otherwise, her goals are left in the hands of more immoral ways to get the things that she wants, albeit she tries to stray from too much unneeded violence on those who don't deserve it. This sort've mindset has made her favored by the more militaristic side of the family and scorned by the new cultured, matriarchal half, but she returns the favor by shunning the Ithanian line and any bastard children that might've made it through. Truly her father's mirror image, though Anise still expresses herself in what ways she can through the art she was brought up with and the Code of the Great Oak.
Give a detailed description of their upbringing: Without her mother's views to guide her through most of her life, Anise, unlike her younger sister, was drawn into the teachings of her father, Jean-Luc. She would be brought up as a devout Unionist under the principles held by her grandfather, but its more violent ideas when it came to enforcing the supremacy of the house's religion came from her father and soon enough, as Jean-Luc descended into further coldness even towards his own children, Anise only continued to retain what sort've personality she'd developed to remain in his favor. This influence would eventually drive her to go north, where she'd become one of the Darkwald Knights of Tirgunn in Calemberg.
IGN: Epsilyon
Age: 17
What do you feel you would contribute to House du Clermont on an OOC and IC Level?: OOCly, an experienced noble roleplayer and IC, an interesting character that could stir up some plot.
References: @Arendan
Any bans, jails or mutes?: I once got jailed a while ago for asking CRASHIR to tp me..,, ;-;
What is your biggest strength and weakness in roleplay?:
Biggest Strength: Providing rp by maintaining an atmosphere of approachability ICly with detailed emotes.
Biggest Weakness: Dealing with large groups of people ICly. I often feel very awkward and my emotes tend to get shorter and less written out.
Previously approved characters: [Executed] [Partying in Basta]
Previous Nobility Experience:
- House Drache
- House Typhonus
- House Ravenstad [Trial]
How would you rate your activity level on a scale of 1-10?: 7
What would you rate your roleplay on a scale of 1-10?: 8
Character you are applying for: Anise du Clermont
Give a detailed description of the appearance of the character: Anise bears pale skin and curly blonde locks that are often kept tied up in a braided updo, though her cloudy green eyes typically seem as tired as they are sharp and judgemental. The dominant traits of her features seem to have been more inherited from her father's side, making them less soft and more pronounced. Her build isn't as elegant, more fit and athletic due to her occupation, but she still tries to hold herself to some standard of grace as a Leutz woman nevertheless.
Give a detailed description of their personality: The true firstborn of Jean-Luc, Anise retains a stoic demeanor in most situations, unwavering and only ever seeming to shift to an eerie calm that's judgemental in the lack of heavy visual reaction. One could say that such a visage is only for the sake of her introvertedness after years of burying any real opinion, both due to her father and occupation as an Inquisitor. A dangerous combination when paired with the charming and grace of a Leutz-Vixe woman. She's manipulative when need be, but only for her own gain. Otherwise, her goals are left in the hands of more immoral ways to get the things that she wants, albeit she tries to stray from too much unneeded violence on those who don't deserve it. This sort've mindset has made her favored by the more militaristic side of the family and scorned by the new cultured, matriarchal half, but she returns the favor by shunning the Ithanian line and any bastard children that might've made it through. Truly her father's mirror image, though Anise still expresses herself in what ways she can through the art she was brought up with and the Code of the Great Oak.
Give a detailed description of their upbringing: Without her mother's views to guide her through most of her life, Anise, unlike her younger sister, was drawn into the teachings of her father, Jean-Luc. She would be brought up as a devout Unionist under the principles held by her grandfather, but its more violent ideas when it came to enforcing the supremacy of the house's religion came from her father and soon enough, as Jean-Luc descended into further coldness even towards his own children, Anise only continued to retain what sort've personality she'd developed to remain in his favor. This influence would eventually drive her to go north, where she'd become one of the Darkwald Knights of Tirgunn in Calemberg.

Due to your reputation in the noble scene and my own personal interactions with you, I have no issue accepting you from the get go! Welcome to the family.
IGN: Sebbysc
Age: 18
What do you feel you would contribute to House du Clermont on an OOC and IC Level?: On and OOC level I can provide manpower, which is simply through activity and presence once I establish the character. On and IC level I'll bridge some of the religious aspects of roleplay with the family and interact with more circles & cliques.
References: @BeashSlap @Patsie
Any bans, jails or mutes?: N/A
What is your biggest strength and weakness in roleplay?: My biggest strength is that I'm willing to work with relatively anyone during a roleplay scene and I'm all in it for the fun and narrative. This means I tend to not complain whenever things don't go my character's way and I enjoy it. My biggest weakness is that I expect a lot out of myself and my roleplay, which when I don't meet these expectations it sets me back and limits my roleplay.
Previously approved characters:

Previous Nobility Experience:
  • de Blouscheur
  • Valeur - [Trial]
  • House Guard of; Ravenstad, Viduggla
How would you rate your activity level on a scale of 1-10?: At the moment; 5. After trip; 7 to 8.
What would you rate your roleplay on a scale of 1-10?: 7
Character you are applying for: Médard du Clermont
Give a detailed description of the appearance of the character: Médard stands at a height of 5'10 and bears semblance to the rest of his family. He has light brown tufts of hair and holds a pale complexion alike his mother. As for his facial features he upholds the family trend of green eyes and strong, refined facial features that befit the male side of the family. Otherwise his body is a bit more sensitive as befitting of his work in the Synod. His body is clear of many of the rough features that that Leutz-Vixe men have and his body build is ripped.
Give a detailed description of their personality: Médard holds more of his mother's personality traits, but he has inherited pieces of his father's attitude. Whenever it comes to his occupation as a Reverend his traits of kindness and charity are elevated and his actions reflect a strict dogma that seems a tad foreign to the pragmatic Leutz-Vixe people. Of course he also believes heavily in the militaristic and patriarchal society. The bit of his personality that doesn't heavily reflect his religious background is his self-indulgence. His excuse for acting self-indulgent is for the betterment of his connection with the Spirit as he takes the time to reflect and produce revelations on the works of man. Many of his actions are made with a methodical notion behind it since he disagrees with the lazy workings of the secular world.
Give a detailed description of their upbringing: After the first few years of his life Médard was made out as a sort of odd duck compared to his parents, and later on his brother. His father's disapproval of his less war-like ways and airy mind left him in an odd position, and with his father's little patience he was shipped off to Allamariën-Hauptseminar in Calemberg to uptake a curate's education as his Grandfather once did. Before this he was far more attached to his mother's ways and was able to adopt the family's culture through her more charitable nature. Médard was brought through the average education of a curate, which still left him with some contact with his family through the odd holiday here and there. These interactions with his family seemed a bit shaky as some of them held equal faith while the others were a bit more selfish in their manners. Though, he wouldn't voice these complaints and still acted with the upmost kindness and respect towards his family. Once he completed his education he was shipped back to Brissiaud to act as a curate in the harsh lands, and with the lack of Reverends in the location it'd take him a few years before he was elected into the position of Reverend. And now, as a recently inducted Reverend, he's being shipped off to Regalia to participate in the Synod's dealings.
suck my toes
IGN: Sebbysc
Age: 18
What do you feel you would contribute to House du Clermont on an OOC and IC Level?: On and OOC level I can provide manpower, which is simply through activity and presence once I establish the character. On and IC level I'll bridge some of the religious aspects of roleplay with the family and interact with more circles & cliques.
References: @BeashSlap @Patsie
Any bans, jails or mutes?: N/A
What is your biggest strength and weakness in roleplay?: My biggest strength is that I'm willing to work with relatively anyone during a roleplay scene and I'm all in it for the fun and narrative. This means I tend to not complain whenever things don't go my character's way and I enjoy it. My biggest weakness is that I expect a lot out of myself and my roleplay, which when I don't meet these expectations it sets me back and limits my roleplay.
Previously approved characters:

Previous Nobility Experience:
  • de Blouscheur
  • Valeur - [Trial]
  • House Guard of; Ravenstad, Viduggla
How would you rate your activity level on a scale of 1-10?: At the moment; 5. After trip; 7 to 8.
What would you rate your roleplay on a scale of 1-10?: 7
Character you are applying for: Médard du Clermont
Give a detailed description of the appearance of the character: Médard stands at a height of 5'10 and bears semblance to the rest of his family. He has light brown tufts of hair and holds a pale complexion alike his mother. As for his facial features he upholds the family trend of green eyes and strong, refined facial features that befit the male side of the family. Otherwise his body is a bit more sensitive as befitting of his work in the Synod. His body is clear of many of the rough features that that Leutz-Vixe men have and his body build is ripped.
Give a detailed description of their personality: Médard holds more of his mother's personality traits, but he has inherited pieces of his father's attitude. Whenever it comes to his occupation as a Reverend his traits of kindness and charity are elevated and his actions reflect a strict dogma that seems a tad foreign to the pragmatic Leutz-Vixe people. Of course he also believes heavily in the militaristic and patriarchal society. The bit of his personality that doesn't heavily reflect his religious background is his self-indulgence. His excuse for acting self-indulgent is for the betterment of his connection with the Spirit as he takes the time to reflect and produce revelations on the works of man. Many of his actions are made with a methodical notion behind it since he disagrees with the lazy workings of the secular world.
Give a detailed description of their upbringing: After the first few years of his life Médard was made out as a sort of odd duck compared to his parents, and later on his brother. His father's disapproval of his less war-like ways and airy mind left him in an odd position, and with his father's little patience he was shipped off to Allamariën-Hauptseminar in Calemberg to uptake a curate's education as his Grandfather once did. Before this he was far more attached to his mother's ways and was able to adopt the family's culture through her more charitable nature. Médard was brought through the average education of a curate, which still left him with some contact with his family through the odd holiday here and there. These interactions with his family seemed a bit shaky as some of them held equal faith while the others were a bit more selfish in their manners. Though, he wouldn't voice these complaints and still acted with the upmost kindness and respect towards his family. Once he completed his education he was shipped back to Brissiaud to act as a curate in the harsh lands, and with the lack of Reverends in the location it'd take him a few years before he was elected into the position of Reverend. And now, as a recently inducted Reverend, he's being shipped off to Regalia to participate in the Synod's dealings.
suck my toes
Accepted on a trial starting on the 8th, as I'm aware you're currently on a trip. The trial will end when I feel as if I have enough experience with you and your roleplay to offer a final decision.