Great Regalian Renegade

@moonbrother Conf needs to send a letter to them, but I dont think they check the mailbox OOC lol. Is there anyway you can start a convo with me and the current leader on here so I can do the letter there?
this still a thing cause I got a new character that might want to join....lets just say it is someone you might not expect.
Okay I am back, this rebellion is literally hanging on by two or more alive members. However I plan to change this, I just got a new computer and a new MC account, SO what does that mean for the rebellion? It means that I can list members and recruits, means I will have a faster response system and finally it means I will be more active! will also edit some requirements on joining the revolution soon! Requirements such as but not limited to; Approved Characters, Recent information on charters or groups you previously were in, links to character information (If available), and a sign up post on this thread, more information in the original post! Thanks for tuning in and I will see you guys and gals on either side of the revolution!
Approved character link: Here
Roleplay Name: Amelia Reykien
Why you want join: I love you To fight for freedom and to be accepted for the person she is., and because she's poor and has nothing to live for
Preferred Rank: Factotum
Age: irl; 16 ig; 46
Skype: You's gots it
So basically wait for the new updated thread to apply or..?
So basically wait for the new updated thread to apply or..?
I or any other member such as MysticFenyk would have to recruit you in game, My IGN is Bloodvane now for future reference. Not yet done with my GRR character, however Mystic is.
Approved character link: Here
Roleplay Name: Amelia Reykien
Why you want join: I love you To fight for freedom and to be accepted for the person she is., and because she's poor and has nothing to live for
Preferred Rank: Factotum
Age: irl; 16 ig; 46
Skype: You's gots it
Thank you for doing this, now I can sort the members out on the page, and reference them to your post if they need help joining. :)
Approved character link: Being Reviewed...
Username: Bloodvane
Roleplay Name: Doomdock
Why you want join: To seek wealth and fortune, and to get those pesky Nobles off my back for a crime I comitted years ago.
Preferred Rank: Guerrilla
Age: Real life: 18. In Game: 26
Skype: zeivon bradshaw (the moonbrother one)
Last edited:
Approved character link: Right Here Yo
Username: BubbaJorge
Roleplay Name: Alo'kar Zastrianis
Why you want join: So that he can re-join of the very group he was apart of since the beginning. Also wants to redeem his loyalty for Fali's death, enforce the abolishment of noble ranking, and bring forth the formation of equality.
Preferred Rank: Regent-Magister
Age: Real life: 16. In Game: 26
Skype: Already in.
Approved character link: Right Here Yo
Username: BubbaJorge
Roleplay Name: Alo'kar Zastrianis
Why you want join: So that he can re-join of the very group he was apart of since the beginning. Also wants to redeem his loyalty for Fali's death, enforce the abolishment of noble ranking, and bring forth the formation of equality.
Preferred Rank: Regent-Magister
Age: Real life: 16. In Game: 26
Skype: Already in.
Approved character link: Here
Roleplay Name: Amelia Reykien
Why you want join: I love you To fight for freedom and to be accepted for the person she is., and because she's poor and has nothing to live for
Preferred Rank: Factotum
Age: irl; 16 ig; 46
Skype: You's gots it
Pending... (Edits are to be made such as rank, also waiting for the edited char app to be approved... Again)
Approved character link: I don't got one for this char.
Roleplay Name: Wartug
Why you want to join: I want to do more rebel Rp and not the same type of rebel Rp as jones 'Villitatei rights movment.
Preferred Rank: Dragoon
Age: Ic or Irl? (Irl: under 13, will be 13 soon.)
Skype: Pm me for it.
View attachment 77452

EDIT: Interactions with GRR will be done in character first, then you must post you and your characters info here on this thread. (Doesn't need to get too specific)

MY EDIT: Main reason for this thread is to establish a lore changing roleplay that will involve all the roleplayers of Regalia. Might affect some, might even make roleplay a bit more exciting. Do not let this discourage you if you are on the opposite side, because this will be an opportunity to change the way we RP on Massive Craft. This will also bring roleplayers together, and they will be able to form character friendships. Please also take in mind that if you are in a rebellion your character can be imprisoned, injured, or even killed, although you may help the GRR (Supplies etc.) without having to worry as much about these consequences.

SUGGESTED EDIT: If you were sent here all you need to do is sign up just give me your in game name and character name, physical/mental/magical attributes, and character skills, or direct me to your characters page. Also give me a rank you wish to sign up for, Mouth and below. Also make a small RP about how/where your character got the information from, a courier, a notice, the leader himself or friend etc.


2/16/2017: To become a Full
Fledged member of the GRR you will need:
-A post on this thread that includes: (Optional for Recruits to become members) Approved character link, Username and Roleplay Name, Why you want join, what Rank (below) will you most likely fit into, and your age. If you can, PM me your Skype name so you can be updated on GRR news immediately!

Application Template:
Approved character link:
Roleplay Name:
Why you want to join:
Preferred Rank:

-Any groups or persons that decide to become Abettor do not have to be listed on this forum, however you will have to AT LEAST PM me the group or persons name, what they will contribute, and an approved charter or character which they can link.

-No persons of Regalia will be mistreated because of their ethnicity or gender.
-Persons who use magic will be sent to a school to become educated on magic use, and how to use it to benefit Regalia as a whole.
-Prisoners of this new Regalian Government will be appointed with a jury, a judge, and possibly a lawer if finacial terms are met.
-Mutants and other corrupted bodied individuals who have lost their mind will be subject to "treatments" until cured or dead.
-Regalia's Existing Nobles (if captured alive) will be put on trial where the public will decide their fate. Those who helped will not put on trial, and those who were put on trial and survived will be put on watch lists.
-Slave trade will be illegal outside the confinements of Regalia, such as imports, allowed trade will include; Prisoners, Defectors, and those who were concluded through trial to serve as slaves.
-Freedom Of Speech.
-The right to bear arms, with proper training and background checks.
-Those who fought for the cause will have their crimes relinquished, and then will be put on watch lists if their crime was severely against the Regalian Peoples, those who break the law afterwards will be punished like any other citizen of Regalia.
-All people will be treated equally, even the government and its lawmen and any crimes they commit after the institution of these terms will be treated equally as any other citizen.
-Citizens Arrest and Self Defense will be allowed, as long as equal force is met to detain the criminal, or with justifiable means to kill them, witnesses should be present or you will be put onto a list have your weapon rights removed until proven justifiable, if two or more murders happen within a three month period without a trustworthy source you will be put on trial.
-Slaves that have been set free under the new laws will be placed on a watch list and will have all weapon rights removed, they will be subject to random searches and will never be allowed to use any kind of magic, if caught breaking any severe crime, they can and will be put to death. (As slaves would have to be hardened criminals to begin with in order to become slaves.)

(OPTIONAL) You can also give me suggestion for edits and such, as well as laws and customs for the new Regalian Government GRR and also, please give me suggestions for what I should name the government if we succeed.

Falil Dragohearth - Dead
Malisgard Travler - Dead
Falish Nuyaam - Dead

Name Classified - Current Leader


Rank for Outsiders.
A person who helps the GRR through money, supply and other needed items. These people play an Important role in the GRR's development. These people are not entirely in GRR so they will not be involved in any of our conflicts, unless they choose to.(These peoples names will not be listed as they are just aides for GRR.)

Roles for Recruits.
This is a Nurses role, ranks below:
Coming soon!
This is a Diplomatic role, ranks below:
Coming Soon!
This is a simple role of Law and Order, ranks below:
Coming Soon!
This is a role of those into Espionage, Thievery and Assassinations, ranks below:
Coming soon!

Roles for Members
This is a Doctors role, ranks below:
Coming Soon!
This is a Militaristic role, ranks below:
Coming Soon!
This is a Casters role, ranks below:
Coming Soon!
This is a Rogues role, ranks below:
Coming Soon!
This is an Archers role, ranks below:
Coming Soon!


This is an Elitists role, ranks below:
Coming Soon!
Strategic, Diplomatic and Community role, ranks below:



Temporary-Leader rank:
This Rank holds the Second most power, as being second in charge. They hold
at least half the Arch-Magister's power and can only be chosen by a Arch-Magister, This rank is held and is subject to making election when asked by the group.
Leader rank:
This rank is the highest
achievable rank among any other rank, a person with this rank is the most influential one in the group, as voted by the majority, and has final word. They however can be overturned by the group.

(If you have any questions feel free to ask below, we MSG each other on Skype, if Skype is not available to you its okay we will get a hold of you some how. Skype name is zeivon bradshaw moonbrother one is mine.)
Yo, where and in what role might a Viridian First Sargent sign up??
Yo, where and in what role might a Viridian First Sargent sign up??
None since this is heretical, against the very strict code of conduct and really against all that you would have learnt since a child. It is recommended that you do not make viridians who break the code, since they would already have been thrown out as a child.
None since this is heretical, against the very strict code of conduct and really against all that you would have learnt since a child. It is recommended that you do not make viridians who break the code, since they would already have been thrown out as a child.
None since this is heretical, against the very strict code of conduct and really against all that you would have learnt since a child. It is recommended that you do not make viridians who break the code, since they would already have been thrown out as a child.
Well current events with the Inquisition and Lo and such have disrupted his loyalty somewhat to the Spirit and such. Just because you were taught from a child doesn't certainly mean that he would stay on that strict path forever.
Well current events with the Inquisition and Lo and such have disrupted his loyalty somewhat to the Spirit and such. Just because you were taught from a child doesn't certainly mean that he would stay on that strict path forever.
Then you probably could be a former Viridian?
I'm pretty sure the Viridians are brain-washed into loyalty to the Spirit. And usually if they did detect any dis-loyalties you'll be ejected from the Order quite early on.
I'm pretty sure the Viridians are brain-washed into loyalty to the Spirit. And usually if they did detect any dis-loyalties you'll be ejected from the Order quite early on.
Hmm, maybe, but the ways of the Spirit can be interpreted in different ways, just like real religions today. This is really the only reason he would turn on his fellow Knights...oh and he wants equality to all races due to his strong belief that the world would be stronger if all races banded together.
Then you probably could be a former Viridian?
He is more of a Hedge Knight nowadays anyway, so he is always on the road doing good deeds and such though he has just returned to Regalia to join his refunded order, though having his doubts about the new methods of the Spirit and such.
Hmm, maybe, but the ways of the Spirit can be interpreted in different ways, just like real religions today. This is really the only reason he would turn on his fellow Knights...oh and he wants equality to all races due to his strong belief that the world would be stronger if all races banded together.

"In this pure and beautiful future, I witnessed the hands of Humanum holding the chains of the lesser beings. There is no place for the fallen races among the steps to the Divine throne of the Imperial Spirit, but they will not be denied entry to paradise. Be it they cannot or will not prove themselves worthy of the Great Way, they shall be our slaves and servants when the time comes, that time of such great Regalian might and prominence. One day our fair race shall rule all the world and all the known lands and all the known seas and so too shall we take to the skies and conquer anything that can be seen and even that which cannot be seen. It is by the labor of the man, woman and child, and by the direction of the Imperial Spirit and the hands of the Emperors that we shall achieve and bathe in the divine fate."

"I speak not of those that are like feline cretins or green monstrosities, but of the fair skinned Nelfin and the stout Dwarves. Centuries of servitude of their forefathers after the world had accepted their time's passing, has granted their admittance onto the steps of the throne of the Imperial Spirit." -

"Above all to protect the cause of Union, the royal heirs, the Imperial Family and the Supreme Reverend and men of the Holiest Cloth. Knights failing in their duty are sinners of the worst degree. Knights who fall to the vices of heresy and blasphemy fall to the highest degrees of justice."

  • Adherence to the Code of Hohe Ehre is a Character absolute. If you play a character that is not compatible with the Honor code or discipline demands, you should not be making a character with Viridian Training.
  • Failure to adhere to the Code of Hohe Ehre results in whipping, expulsion and rejection by the order, along with a forced skill devaluation as well as a criminal prosecution within the Regalian Empire.

Take a read of these select pieces from the Unionism wiki and the School of Viridian wiki and see if your character lines up with this.
Also gonna note the guy who made this hasnt been on the forums in 5 weeks, and the server in longer i imagine. So this is probs dead.
"In this pure and beautiful future, I witnessed the hands of Humanum holding the chains of the lesser beings. There is no place for the fallen races among the steps to the Divine throne of the Imperial Spirit, but they will not be denied entry to paradise. Be it they cannot or will not prove themselves worthy of the Great Way, they shall be our slaves and servants when the time comes, that time of such great Regalian might and prominence. One day our fair race shall rule all the world and all the known lands and all the known seas and so too shall we take to the skies and conquer anything that can be seen and even that which cannot be seen. It is by the labor of the man, woman and child, and by the direction of the Imperial Spirit and the hands of the Emperors that we shall achieve and bathe in the divine fate."

"I speak not of those that are like feline cretins or green monstrosities, but of the fair skinned Nelfin and the stout Dwarves. Centuries of servitude of their forefathers after the world had accepted their time's passing, has granted their admittance onto the steps of the throne of the Imperial Spirit." -

"Above all to protect the cause of Union, the royal heirs, the Imperial Family and the Supreme Reverend and men of the Holiest Cloth. Knights failing in their duty are sinners of the worst degree. Knights who fall to the vices of heresy and blasphemy fall to the highest degrees of justice."

    • Adherence to the Code of Hohe Ehre is a Character absolute. If you play a character that is not compatible with the Honor code or discipline demands, you should not be making a character with Viridian Training.
    • Failure to adhere to the Code of Hohe Ehre results in whipping, expulsion and rejection by the order, along with a forced skill devaluation as well as a criminal prosecution within the Regalian Empire.
Take a read of these select pieces from the Unionism wiki and the School of Viridian wiki and see if your character lines up with this.
Well my character does yes....hmm. Guess I should just go and make him a average Knight then and remove my comments about my character? Also would that mean my character would HAVE to be racist also?
These sort of content discussions dont belong on a sign up thread. Please move the discussion about Viridian Knights to private channels.
Long time no see... After my PC broke I really forgot all about this group, not to mention some struggles in real life, my former job has kept me from updating you guys, but I am back. If any of you guys would like me to re-boot this group leave some suggestions.
Long time no see... After my PC broke I really forgot all about this group, not to mention some struggles in real life, my former job has kept me from updating you guys, but I am back. If any of you guys would like me to re-boot this group leave some suggestions.
AYYYYYY, long time no see, sorry to hear about the struggles man. I'd love to help with the group if I can, just hmu
NoooOOoOo let it die. Regalia has changed so much since this group was a thing, there literally is no point to it anymore.