Great Regalian Renegade


aka Bloodvane
Oct 5, 2015
Reaction score
Hopefully on the Server
Roleplay Guilds
Great Regalian Renegade

EDIT: Interactions with GRR will be done in character first, then you must post you and your characters info here on this thread. (Doesn't need to get too specific)

MY EDIT: Main reason for this thread is to establish a lore changing roleplay that will involve all the roleplayers of Regalia. Might affect some, might even make roleplay a bit more exciting. Do not let this discourage you if you are on the opposite side, because this will be an opportunity to change the way we RP on Massive Craft. This will also bring roleplayers together, and they will be able to form character friendships. Please also take in mind that if you are in a rebellion your character can be imprisoned, injured, or even killed, although you may help the GRR (Supplies etc.) without having to worry as much about these consequences.

SUGGESTED EDIT: If you were sent here all you need to do is sign up just give me your in game name and character name, physical/mental/magical attributes, and character skills, or direct me to your characters page. Also give me a rank you wish to sign up for, Mouth and below. Also make a small RP about how/where your character got the information from, a courier, a notice, the leader himself or friend etc.


2/16/2017: To become a Full
Fledged member of the GRR you will need:
-A post on this thread that includes: (Optional for Recruits to become members) Approved character link, Username and Roleplay Name, Why you want join, what Rank (below) will you most likely fit into, and your age. If you can, PM me your Skype name so you can be updated on GRR news immediately!

Application Template:
Approved character link:
Roleplay Name:
Why you want to join:
Preferred Rank:

-Any groups or persons that decide to become Abettor do not have to be listed on this forum, however you will have to AT LEAST PM me the group or persons name, what they will contribute, and an approved charter or character which they can link.

-No persons of Regalia will be mistreated because of their ethnicity or gender.
-Persons who use magic will be sent to a school to become educated on magic use, and how to use it to benefit Regalia as a whole.
-Prisoners of this new Regalian Government will be appointed with a jury, a judge, and possibly a lawer if finacial terms are met.
-Mutants and other corrupted bodied individuals who have lost their mind will be subject to "treatments" until cured or dead.
-Regalia's Existing Nobles (if captured alive) will be put on trial where the public will decide their fate. Those who helped will not put on trial, and those who were put on trial and survived will be put on watch lists.
-Slave trade will be illegal outside the confinements of Regalia, such as imports, allowed trade will include; Prisoners, Defectors, and those who were concluded through trial to serve as slaves.
-Freedom Of Speech.
-The right to bear arms, with proper training and background checks.
-Those who fought for the cause will have their crimes relinquished, and then will be put on watch lists if their crime was severely against the Regalian Peoples, those who break the law afterwards will be punished like any other citizen of Regalia.
-All people will be treated equally, even the government and its lawmen and any crimes they commit after the institution of these terms will be treated equally as any other citizen.
-Citizens Arrest and Self Defense will be allowed, as long as equal force is met to detain the criminal, or with justifiable means to kill them, witnesses should be present or you will be put onto a list have your weapon rights removed until proven justifiable, if two or more murders happen within a three month period without a trustworthy source you will be put on trial.
-Slaves that have been set free under the new laws will be placed on a watch list and will have all weapon rights removed, they will be subject to random searches and will never be allowed to use any kind of magic, if caught breaking any severe crime, they can and will be put to death. (As slaves would have to be hardened criminals to begin with in order to become slaves.)

(OPTIONAL) You can also give me suggestion for edits and such, as well as laws and customs for the new Regalian Government GRR and also, please give me suggestions for what I should name the government if we succeed.

Falil Dragohearth - Dead
Malisgard Travler - Dead
Falish Nuyaam - Dead

Name Classified - Current Leader


Rank for Outsiders.
A person who helps the GRR through money, supply and other needed items. These people play an Important role in the GRR's development. These people are not entirely in GRR so they will not be involved in any of our conflicts, unless they choose to.(These peoples names will not be listed as they are just aides for GRR.)

Roles for Recruits.
This is a Nurses role, ranks below:
Coming soon!
This is a Diplomatic role, ranks below:
Coming Soon!
This is a simple role of Law and Order, ranks below:
Coming Soon!
This is a role of those into Espionage, Thievery and Assassinations, ranks below:
Coming soon!

Roles for Members
This is a Doctors role, ranks below:
Coming Soon!
This is a Militaristic role, ranks below:
Coming Soon!
This is a Casters role, ranks below:
Coming Soon!
This is a Rogues role, ranks below:
Coming Soon!
This is an Archers role, ranks below:
Coming Soon!


This is an Elitists role, ranks below:
Coming Soon!
Strategic, Diplomatic and Community role, ranks below:



Temporary-Leader rank:
This Rank holds the Second most power, as being second in charge. They hold
at least half the Arch-Magister's power and can only be chosen by a Arch-Magister, This rank is held and is subject to making election when asked by the group.

Leader rank:
This rank is the highest
achievable rank among any other rank, a person with this rank is the most influential one in the group, as voted by the majority, and has final word. They however can be overturned by the group.

(If you have any questions feel free to ask below, we MSG each other on Skype, if Skype is not available to you its okay we will get a hold of you some how. Skype name is zeivon bradshaw moonbrother one is mine.)
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Seems this is nice enough. Imma assume that the edits that you're holding on are primarily formatting, because I like this and want to react.

Cecil Empolan had answered the door with his young grey-and-brown son balanced on one hip, singing softly to the infant, who was no more than one year of age. Grinning amiably to the courier, the Shendar took the letter, and at the somewhat odd request, began to read it right then and there. He was not the best reader, and so this would likely take quite sometime-- Upwards of five minutes, during which his son began to tug on his bleach-white braid. Holding the parchment back out to the courier, he frowned.

"Think you that some good'll come of this? This meddling? Regalia's a dangerous enough place to raise a little one already, and you wish to start a rebellion? Well...fine. But not here. Get lost before I call the Vigilant Shield!"

During his speech, Cecil's voice had begun to raise to such a point that the others in the house would likely be concerned (@ShipIt @ContestedSnow @victorian398). At the same time, he had turned his torso like a shield to his son and retreated into the house, staring at the courier with a withering gaze.
Yeah I forgot to say if this takes off, best of luck because there has never really been a serious, legitimate player-organized rebellion. I'd also suggest you check by @Staff Roleplay to make yourselves a tad more legitimate (if you haven't already.)
Oooo. Might have my other character sign it.~
Oooo. Might have my other character sign it.~

Seems this is nice enough. Imma assume that the edits that you're holding on are primarily formatting, because I like this and want to react.

Cecil Empolan had answered the door with his young grey-and-brown son balanced on one hip, singing softly to the infant, who was no more than one year of age. Grinning amiably to the courier, the Shendar took the letter, and at the somewhat odd request, began to read it right then and there. He was not the best reader, and so this would likely take quite sometime-- Upwards of five minutes, during which his son began to tug on his bleach-white braid. Holding the parchment back out to the courier, he frowned.

"Think you that some good'll come of this? This meddling? Regalia's a dangerous enough place to raise a little one already, and you wish to start a rebellion? Well...fine. But not here. Get lost before I call the Vigilant Shield!"

During his speech, Cecil's voice had begun to raise to such a point that the others in the house would likely be concerned (@ShipIt @ContestedSnow @victorian398). At the same time, he had turned his torso like a shield to his son and retreated into the house, staring at the courier with a withering gaze.

Changed it a bit, as it was suggested. So you would have me or a member meet you in game, where I would then try and have you sign up here, if you do not want your in game name listed then I will not list it. Otherwise just use your character names.
Name: TutiDias
Character Name: Bjorn Olafur
Wishes to be: Barbarian
Greatest Streght: His Head Butt. He was feared in Jorrhildr because of his head butt. He was called Bjorn the Bull he borned with a really Strong skull to give a might head butt. Some people in jorrhildr say that the infamous raider has the head butt stronger than a bull.
Sword with shield fighter: He trained in jorrhildr to be a infamous raider fighting with the shield sword and head. He surelly is a great and infamous warrior wich the skills should be impressive all around ragalia.
Greatest Weakness: His legs are his greatest weakness. If someone kicks them he will probably shout and have the leg really injured and maybe don´t be able to use the leg for the rest of the fight. His legs are really weak against hits but they are agile really agile.
The first time Bjorn Olafur saw the leader he called another tigran a cat then the leader jumped on him and they started fighting and they talked diplomatic then he recruited Bjorn.
Wow, you actually did it. Also, you might wanna change the picture cause Falil doesn't have a tail. *Wink*
@moonbrother the Regalian emperor holds such influence in part because of the theocratic nature of the government; that is, Emperor Alexander is considered to be a God by Unionists, and any non-Unionists are hunted down as heretics by the Crimson Inquisition. How does Falil intend to challenge this? Won't Ailor and other Unionists refuse to side with him?

Just more constructive criticisms (I hope). :)
I'm not trying to copy streako, but it's a cool idea to react, so the revolution can see this is a terrible idea! Plus it's fun to react with a yanar character, with their peaceful nature... Kinda a thing to show even yanar's can be fresh about this.

Fluette was resting by a tree, she blended quite well with the greenery. A man with several papers at hand was walking down the road, he stopped to lean on the tree she was resting on, directly upon her. She opened her eyes with a slight grumble, grunting as the man was very heavy. The man turned around jumping with a slight yell

"Sorry miss, didn't see you there... Say I'm handing out these papers to whomever wants to join our Rebellion... What ya' say?"

The yanar observed the given paper, seeing all the information of rebelling and what given positions were available, she furrowed her brows, even the tree and flowers were whispering to her that it was a bad idea.

"What do you think will come from this? Peace? Stop meddling with business that's beyond you, when this starts, you all will be cut down... I suggest you leave this wretched order and live in peace. Please leave... I would hate to call the Vigilant Shield so they may strike you down where you may stand... Besides, how would you expect to rule an empire?"

Fluette turned her back, walking down the rocky path. She was quite mad at the stupidity and ignorance of other species.

Yeah I forgot to say if this takes off, best of luck because there has never really been a serious, legitimate player-organized rebellion. I'd also suggest you check by @Staff Roleplay to make yourselves a tad more legitimate (if you haven't already.)
I do agree on this standard, it would be fun to see a active rebellion, our characters maybe taken prisoner or whatnot, depends on the rebellion they are running, I look forward to seeing if this is legit and seeing all the Rebels cut down to their knees.
Name: TutiDias
Character Name: Bjorn Olafur
Wishes to be: Barbarian
Greatest Streght: His Head Butt. He was feared in Jorrhildr because of his head butt. He was called Bjorn the Bull he borned with a really Strong skull to give a might head butt. Some people in jorrhildr say that the infamous raider has the head butt stronger than a bull.
Sword with shield fighter: He trained in jorrhildr to be a infamous raider fighting with the shield sword and head. He surelly is a great and infamous warrior wich the skills should be impressive all around ragalia.
Greatest Weakness: His legs are his greatest weakness. If someone kicks them he will probably shout and have the leg really injured and maybe don´t be able to use the leg for the rest of the fight. His legs are really weak against hits but they are agile really agile.
The first time Bjorn Olafur saw the leader he called another tigran a cat then the leader jumped on him and they started fighting and they talked diplomatic then he recruited Bjorn.
I understand the just of this, you are accepted. (Just don't go out of control with this "headbutt" feat, remember to be fair in a fight.)
Hopefully, this can actually be a thing in the future. I will look forward to join this Organization, since i am supporting the Rebellion.

Good luck!
On his third arrest after multiple warnings by the Vigilant Sheild. Executed by decapitation with an axe. Guards unnamed, body burnt behind the Vigilant Sheilds castle. Luckly they did not check the body before burning it, he was identified by his Golden Runic dagger that reads: "Dragohearth". Later that day it was suspected to be his headless burnt corpse as he was sent to jail that very day. Head was not found, near or anywhere around the corpse. His body was also identified by what seems to be a clear cut to his hand bone, and his tail bone obviously being cut with precision.
So, I was reading your military units, I see some extremely exploitable flaws. For one you put the biggest heaviest thing you have, on foot, and in the front. A proper Vanguard should be versatile and flexible, made up of fast scouts and shielded units. Heavily armored units like that will be out flanked or just picked off with archer fire. In fact your entire system is extremely vulnerable to flanking, in the sense that they have a hard time forming a counter for it.

The best system is a flexible and orderly one, were you can send what you need, were you need it, with as little delay as possible as the battle progresses, that way if you see an opening in your enemies lines your not forced it ignore it out of an ability to exploit it.

On his third arrest after multiple warnings by the Vigilant Sheild. Executed by decapitation with an axe. Guards unnamed, body burnt behind the Vigilant Sheilds castle. Luckly they did not check the body before burning it, he was identified by his Golden Runic dagger that reads: "Dragohearth". Later that day it was suspected to be his headless burnt corpse as he was sent to jail that very day. Head was not found, near or anywhere around the corpse. His body was also identified by what seems to be a clear cut to his hand bone, and his tail bone obviously being cut with precision.

Holy crap, Iona was there for that, I had no idea that you were the leader of a rebellion, well I mean she saw him get taken away. Funny thing was is that Falil was sticking up for an orc that attacked Iona after she jeered at it. Convinced that the orc was innocent and that it was Iona that attacked the orc. And from there they must have taken him away and executed him. Hope you next character has better luck.
So, I was reading your military units, I see some extremely exploitable flaws. For one you put the biggest heaviest thing you have, on foot, and in the front. A proper Vanguard should be versatile and flexible, made up of fast scouts and shielded units. Heavily armored units like that will be out flanked or just picked off with archer fire. In fact your entire system is extremely vulnerable to flanking, in the sense that they have a hard time forming a counter for it.

The best system is a flexible and orderly one, were you can send what you need, were you need it, with as little delay as possible as the battle progresses, that way if you see an opening in your enemies lines your not forced it ignore it out of an ability to exploit it.

Holy crap, Iona was there for that, I had no idea that you were the leader of a rebellion, well I mean she saw him get taken away. Funny thing was is that Falil was sticking up for an orc that attacked Iona after she jeered at it. Convinced that the orc was innocent and that it was Iona that attacked the orc. And from there they must have taken him away and executed him. Hope you next character has better luck.
Yeah I kinda wanted the dragoon Unit to be a mix of light armor and heavy armor, of course doughboy and mercenaries would be on the front line, as they are more diviersed, .
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When i realize that Falil Dragohearth Died and that G.R.R died along with it...

G.R.R. Lives on we have a new leader, add me on skype and you can message him. MonMarty suggested a while back that we should do this on the Server, so we have no need for an approved charter, hopefully though our new leader will set up some events etc. Also we have a faction you can join add BubbaJorge on skype and in game, as he is our new leader. (I just have to go through some basics with him, that's all). Nothing lore breaking, and everyone is having a hard time recruiting my Shendar, so he might need some help anyways. (My Shendars a difficult character and in no way will i make it easy for you guys, as I try and stick to character).

My skype is, zeivon bradshaw, add the one with the teen taking a photo in the bathroom, old photo but who cares.
I'm not trying to copy streako, but it's a cool idea to react, so the revolution can see this is a terrible idea! Plus it's fun to react with a yanar character, with their peaceful nature... Kinda a thing to show even yanar's can be fresh about this.

Fluette was resting by a tree, she blended quite well with the greenery. A man with several papers at hand was walking down the road, he stopped to lean on the tree she was resting on, directly upon her. She opened her eyes with a slight grumble, grunting as the man was very heavy. The man turned around jumping with a slight yell

"Sorry miss, didn't see you there... Say I'm handing out these papers to whomever wants to join our Rebellion... What ya' say?"

The yanar observed the given paper, seeing all the information of rebelling and what given positions were available, she furrowed her brows, even the tree and flowers were whispering to her that it was a bad idea.

"What do you think will come from this? Peace? Stop meddling with business that's beyond you, when this starts, you all will be cut down... I suggest you leave this wretched order and live in peace. Please leave... I would hate to call the Vigilant Shield so they may strike you down where you may stand... Besides, how would you expect to rule an empire?"

Fluette turned her back, walking down the rocky path. She was quite mad at the stupidity and ignorance of other species.

I do agree on this standard, it would be fun to see a active rebellion, our characters maybe taken prisoner or whatnot, depends on the rebellion they are running, I look forward to seeing if this is legit and seeing all the Rebels cut down to their knees.

Highly doubt any citizen would be taken prisoner, as our characters aim was to let the people express themselves, and to free Regalia from public hate. We appreciate the luck you are wishing us, we really need it now as we are looking for new recruits. I am no longer in charge sadly, however a new leader was appointed. It's up to him how we take care of business, and how things change from what I put forth. My laws will forever be etched on the sewer walls, even if Crimsons burn and drain the life from the sewer. (I etched it on the wall deep in the sewer few were there, but our sigil remains).
I've never seen someone putting so much effort into a rebel group like this, gotta say this impress me.

But hold on, my homeboy from the Crimson just told me something.

*proceeds to kill self for using ancient meme*
Zyrus looks the paper up and down...would they find use of his expert Soul Magic skill? Maybe...maybe...

Name: TheSassySansNick
IC Name: Zyrus Blain
Wishes to be: Whatever would best suit a expert of Soul Magic (Beast Soul)
Greatest Strength: His Beast Magic can stem the tide of any battle due to him being able to shift his form into a beastial one, as well as it being almost unstoppable. MAY THE ENEMIES BEWARE!
Greatest Weakness: His Beast Magic is also his greatest weakness as after 10 to 13 minuets he might lose control of the beast and it may savage civilians. Not only this but when he reverts he is severely weakened for a time which may need medics to come to his aid.
Other Skills: He has learned to use medical items quite well due to his time searching through ruins for artefacts and other treasures. This will most defiantly be useful because if someone gets injured he can apply first aid to them before moving them on to true medics. He also knows swordplay, while not being the greatest fighter when in his feebler form he still can swing a blade and stop someone.
You know you need a char app to be a expert or know beast magic right?
I love the enthusiasm, of course I would put effort into this cause. I don't think any less effort would be enough to hype others about this Roleplaying opportunity. Never once on any roleplay server see a roleplayed war take place. It would be awesome to see history in the making.
I'd recommend trying to keep your leaders alive. Having the two previous leaders dead sends the message that this is a bit unstable and really risky to join.

on that same note, this seems super cool!
View attachment 77452

SUGGESTED EDIT: Interactions with the informative will be in character, so it has a RP feel to it when you get the invitation. (Instead of me dictating what Citizens/People I am sending it to.)


MY EDIT: Main reason for this thread is to establish a lore changing roleplay that will involve all the roleplayers of Regalia. Might affect some, might even make roleplay a bit more exciting. Do not let this discourage you if you are on the opposite side, because this will be an opportunity to change they way we RP on Massive Craft. This will also bring roleplayers together, and they will be able to form character friendships. Please also take in mind that if you are in a rebellion your character can be imprisoned, injured, or even killed, although you may help the GRR (Supplies etc.) without having to worry as much about these consequences.

SUGGESTED EDIT: If you were sent here all you need to do is sign up just give me your in game name and character name, physical/mental/magical attributes, and character skills, or direct me to your characters page. Also give me a rank you wish to sign up for, Mouth and below. Also make a small RP about how/where your character got the information from, a courier, a notice, the leader himself or friend etc.

(OPTIONAL) You can also give me suggestion for edits and such, as well as laws and customs for the new Regalian Government GRR and also, please give me suggestions for what I should name the government if we succeed.


~Reform or abolish the noble class.
~Reform the Emperor status, and create a more Diplomatic state.
~Rid of discrimination in all of the public spaces of regalia
~All Regalians will have equal say and Opportunity within then Government.
~We will try and evacuate anyone in the premises of the battles so they do not get hurt, again we are for the people not against the people.

Falil Dragohearth - Dead
Malisgard Travler - Dead

Name Classified - Current Leader


Abettor: A person who helps the GRR through money, supply and other needed items. These people play an Important role in the GRR's development. These people are not entirely in GRR so they will not be involved in any of our conflicts, unless they choose to.(These peoples names will not be listed as they are just aides for GRR.)

Consul: These will be the people that will charge in with diplomatic assaults. Instead of having wars waged that could of been prevented, these people will try and work around that with talking to the government(s) and high ups.

Doughboy: These are the least trained soldiers in the GRR, usually stationed as guards and patrolmen. They are the peacekeepers of the HQ. May contain Magic users. They fight on the front lines with light armor and light weapons, quick and agile but are less trained.

Dragoon: The second frontal Force, these men/woman are either heavily armored with heavy/light weapons or lightly armored with heavy/light weapons. These fighters are the steel wall and driving force that will try and breakthrough the frontal forces of an enemy legion. Often better then the Doughboy at fighting. Doesn't contain Magic users.

Barbarian: The middle force, these fighters are the best at what they do, lighter armored with a heavy weapon in hand, usually chain mail. These fighters are also seen riding horses and other domesticated animals into battle. These men most likely won't stop until them or their enemies are dead.

Thaumaturge: The magic users, typically right behind the Barbarians, using what magic they do know to their advantage. These mages are seen with a light chest plate, hood, and robes. They often carry enchanted Items, and are typically required to know some kind of martial fighting.

Virtuoso: These guys are pure mages, they are usually in no equipment or the same as Thaumaturge. They are mostly skilled in magic and fight alongside, behind, or in front of the platoon. These mages will do whatever possible to weaken the enemy so the other troops can attack or heal friendly troops. These soldiers are the strong point of the legion

: The Archer group usually in the far back, just behind the Virtuoso. These archers are the roadblock of enemy armies. This groups main priority is to buy time and stop excess militants. They rain hail from above, using arrow arches to penetrate the enemy forces.

Factotum: Are in the back of the entire Army, next to the leader(s). These people are elitist of the Military, they are specialized in what they do. Mostly consists of heavily trained soldiers, assassins, diplomats, thieves, master craftsmen, high magicians, and couriers. Highly Trained men/women are allowed in this rank.

Mouth: These are those who lead along side the leader and will advise him of certain things, all ranks besides Arch-Magister. These men/woman are usually diplomats, traders, businessmen/women, and generals. They organize the laws, taxes, and rights of a citizen, control of the armies, and treaties. This group has about 10% of the power and usually only has ten members.

Regent-Magister: This class is personally assigned by the mouth and the Arch-Magister, this person will take the roll as leader when the leader is absent, away, or dead. He is not allowed to change any law, right, or increment. His only power is to conduct votes, and lead troops. He only holds 5% of the power in the GRR.

Arch-Magister: The absolute commander and chief of the GRR, he takes on any of the listed roles. He has 40% of the overall power, Although he has the majority of the power he can be overruled, by not only the mouth but the people. (The People under GRR rule have 45% of the power.) He hand picks all the members, recruits, and welcomes. He is the one that hosts parties, set up political conferences, and personally collects the votes of the people. He then presents all the votes in front of the crowd making it fair and honest. He can be taken out of leadership by the people. Where the Mouth will set up candidates, and the people will cast their votes.

(If you have any questions feel free to ask below, we MSG each other on Skype, if Skype is not available to you its okay we will get a hold of you some how. Skype name is zeivon bradshaw all three accounts are mine.)

OOC Name: RedMysteryGamer
IC Name: Tal'raz Jakkon
Physically: Is an extremely skilled sword fighter, trained by Pirates. (15 years of training)
Mentally: He is always calm, and is usually focused, unless it comes to the death of family or close friends.
Magically: Has trained for 17 in Hex Magic.
Wanted Rank: Factotum, specifically an Assassin.
Where'd I get the Info: While a member was fighting, he lost, and I helped him out. WE chatted for a while, got to know each other. He told me about this and of course I was interested, so, here I am.
I'd recommend trying to keep your leaders alive. Having the two previous leaders dead sends the message that this is a bit unstable and really risky to join.

on that same note, this seems super cool!

The thing you don't realize is that the leader doesn't run the whole show, the members run it even without a leader. Setting up votes and discussing things in a group. Think of the leader as an adviser of the people and the group rather then a guy/gal in charge. :)
androo anahera's thing was a real rebellion
Name: MysticFenyck
IC Name: Amelia "Cap"
Wishes to be: Factotum
Greatest Strength: Her Spirit Form increases her speed and agility, so that's a plus.
Greatest Weakness: She's scared of the dark.
Other Skills: Nothing you don't already know