• Character Sheets are optional on MassiveCraft. You do not need a sheet to play or be whitelisted on our server. You only need a sheet if you plan to engage in roleplay combat.

Work in Progress Format Testing & WIP Sheets

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.


Morrlond Enjoyer
Oct 31, 2020
Reaction score

Character Information

  • Full Name|Alarys Vasalir Saleyaal ul-Erivaan Meyaal
    • Title | Count-Consort of Leisarannaar
  • Heritage | Isldar
    • Culture | Bene Vixit (Life)
  • Age | 36
  • Gender|Male
    • Pronouns | He/Him
  • Religion| Draconism
    • Faction | [TBD]
  • Occult | Dramarys Dragonkin
  • Occupation | Count, Soldier


Appearance Information

  • Eye Color| Dull, almost purple-ish blue.
  • Skin color| Fair, lacking all blemishes.
  • Hair| Long, straight, silky and white, often tied in different styles.
  • Height| 6'10" or 208 cm.
  • Body Type| Built, yet somewhat lithe as typical for Nelfin.
  • Additional Features| His arms, ears and tail are covered in light, lavender scales.


Skill Information

  • Alchemy Hobby
    • Alarys dabbles in alchemy and spends time studying it with a profound interest in the various properties of ingredients acquired from flora and fauna alike.
    Athletic Hobby
    • Alarys is a soldier through and through and trains accordingly. He treats his body as if it was a temple and finds interest in different training methods.
    Cleric Talent
    • Alarys is a devout Draconist and manifests his faith through rituals when he deems them appropriate.
  • All Isldar Mechanics
    • Isldar are immune to harm from frost or cold sources (unless they are Magical), and do not suffer decreased visibility or choking hazard in a blizzard/snow-storm.
    • Isldar can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask DM for Event use.
    Life Isldar Mechanics
    • Life Isldar can perform the Life Song on a recently deceased person of any heritage or culture, ensuring they pass into the afterlife (with OOC consent).
    • Life Isldar can use Farsight to receive vague visions of things happening and existing in faraway lands. (this may require communication with Event DM's or Tickets).
    • Life Isldar can see the Soul Rivers of Aloria where the dead pass through, and are able to tap into it, to feel random memories, emotions, or feelings from long ago.
    Dragonkin Mechanics
    • Dragonkin inherit the Mechanics from the Heritage Trait from whatever Heritage the Character is biologically made. For example, if you want to play an Ailor Dragonkin, you can take the Mechanics from the Ailor Heritage as seen on their page. There are some exceptions: Slizzar, Bralona, Mystech, Orion, and Maraya awoken from a Vault cannot be Dragonkin. Urlan can only be Dragonkin if they were Dragonkin before Urlan.
    • Dragonkin can control elements that are closely associated with their Dragonfall. Dijara Dragonkin can control sand and sunlight. Dramarys Dragonkin can control snow/ice and starlight. Aerun Dragonfall can control silver/gold and crystals. Velkaryn Dragonfall can control shadows/darkness and the wind. Control can be defined as moving around, shaping into objects, summoning, extinguishing/radiating, and more.
    • Dragonkin are closely aligned to Dragon Magic. Being made of pure life, they live extended lifespans beyond what is normal. The Immortal War has hardened Dragonkin against Mystech, causing them to take -1 HP Damage (instead of -2 HP) from Attack Emotes. However, they are threatened by beings of pure death. If a Character that has Ordial Alignment would do -2 HP Damage, they do -3 HP Damage instead.
  • Native
    • Altalar (Sulvaley)
    • Common
    • Sign Language
    • [TBD]
    • [TBD]



  • Content for the first tab.
  • Content for the second tab.
  • Content for the third tab.


Plot Hooks

  • Content for the first tab.
  • Content for the second tab.
  • Content for the third tab.


Proficiencies and Abilities

  • Attack Stat | 7 Strength (1d17)
  • Defense Stat | 6 Constitution (1d15)
  • Persuasion Stat | 3 (1d3)
7 Strength
  • Melee | Weapon Throw Pack (Free)
  • Melee | Diving Tackle Pack
  • Athletic | Force Toss Pack
  • Athletic | Steady Body Pack (Dragonkin)
  • Veteran | Veteran Antimagi Pack
  • Veteran | Veteran Tri-Slash Pack
  • Veteran | Veteran Sentinel Pack
  • Veteran | Veteran Swiftstrike Pack
  • Veteran | Veteran Parry Pack
6 Constitution
  • Training | Rebound Pack
  • Training | Status Endure Pack
  • Training | Rage Counter Pack
  • Training | Bulwark Pack
  • Training | Iron Will Pack
  • Mounted | Mounted Trooper Pack
0 Intelligence
  • Adapt | Safeguard Pack (Dragonkin)
1 Dexterity
  • Roguery | Sharp Reflexes Pack
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━━━━━━━ « » ━━━━━━━

Full Name | Alarys Vasalir Saleyaal ul-Erivaan Meyaal
Titles | Count-Consort of Leisarannaar​
Heritage | Isldar (Dramarys Dragonkin)
Culture | Bene Vixit (Life)​
Age |36
Date of Birth | October 24th, 275 A.C.​
Gender | Male
Pronouns | He/Him​
Religion | Draconism
Faction | Consolidation​
Occult | Dragon Magic
Occupation | Count, Soldier


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━━━━━━━ « » ━━━━━━━

Eye Color
Dull, almost purple-ish blue.​
Skin Color
Fair, lacking all blemishes.​
Long, straight, silky and white, often tied in different styles.​
6'10" or 208 cm.​
Body Type
Built, yet somewhat lithe as typical for Nelfin.​
Additional Features
Alarys' arms and ears are covered in light, lavender scales.​


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━━━━━━━ « » ━━━━━━━

  • Combat Stats
    Attack Stat | Strength (1d17)
    Defense Stat | Constitution (1d15)
    Persuasion Stat | 3 (1d3)​
    7 Strength
    Melee | Weapon Throw (Free)
    Melee | Diving Tackle
    Athletic | Force Toss
    Athletic | Steady Body (Free, Dragonkin)
    Veteran | Veteran Antimagi
    Veteran | Veteran Tri-Slash
    Veteran | Veteran Sentinel
    Veteran | Veteran Swiftstrike
    Veteran | Veteran Parry​
    6 Constitution
    Training | Rebound
    Training | Status Endure
    Training | Rage Counter
    Training | Bulwark
    Training | Iron Will
    Mounted | Mounted Trooper​
    0 Intelligence
    Adapt | Safeguard (Free, Dragonkin)​
    1 Dexterity
    Roguery | Sharp Reflexes​

  • Alchemy Hobby
    Alarys dabbles in alchemy and spends time studying it with a profound interest in the various properties of ingredients acquired from flora and fauna alike.​

    Athletic Hobby
    Alarys is a soldier through and through and trains accordingly. He treats his body as if it was a temple and finds interest in different training methods.​

    Cleric Talent
    Alarys is a devout Draconist and manifests his faith through rituals when he deems them appropriate.​


    Common | Native
    Altalar (Sulvaley) | Native
    Sign Language | Fluent
    Anglisch | Fluent​


    All Isldar Mechanics
    Mechanic I | Isldar are immune to harm from frost or cold sources (unless they are Magical), and do not suffer decreased visibility or choking hazard in a blizzard/snow-storm.
    Mechanic II | Isldar can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask DM for Event use.​

    Life Isldar Mechanics
    Mechanic I | Life Isldar can perform the Life Song on a recently deceased person of any heritage or culture, ensuring they pass into the afterlife (with OOC consent).
    Mechanic II | Life Isldar can use Farsight to receive vague visions of things happening and existing in faraway lands. (this may require communication with Event DM's or Tickets).
    Mechanic III | Life Isldar can see the Soul Rivers of Aloria where the dead pass through, and are able to tap into it, to feel random memories, emotions, or feelings from long ago.​

    Dragonkin Mechanics
    Mechanic I | Dragonkin inherit the Mechanics from the Heritage Trait from whatever Heritage the Character is biologically made. For example, if you want to play an Ailor Dragonkin, you can take the Mechanics from the Ailor Heritage as seen on their page. There are some exceptions: Slizzar, Bralona, Mystech, Orion, and Maraya awoken from a Vault cannot be Dragonkin. Urlan can only be Dragonkin if they were Dragonkin before Urlan.
    Mechanic II | Dragonkin can control elements that are closely associated with their Dragonfall. Dijara Dragonkin can control sand and sunlight. Dramarys Dragonkin can control snow/ice and starlight. Aerun Dragonfall can control silver/gold and crystals. Velkaryn Dragonfall can control shadows/darkness and the wind. Control can be defined as moving around, shaping into objects, summoning, extinguishing/radiating, and more.
    Mechanic III | Dragonkin are closely aligned to Dragon Magic. Being made of pure life, they live extended lifespans beyond what is normal. The Immortal War has hardened Dragonkin against Mystech, causing them to take -1 HP Damage (instead of -2 HP) from Attack Emotes. However, they are threatened by beings of pure death. If a Character that has Ordial Alignment would do -2 HP Damage, they do -3 HP Damage instead.​


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━━━━━━━ « » ━━━━━━━

  • Count-Consort of Leisarannaar
    Alarys is husband to Mereya Saleyaal, the Countess of Leisarannaar. Although he's newer to the county than the rest of his house, he thinks of it fondly and may have past friendships and enemies from there.​

    Isldarrin Money
    Alarys hails from a wealthy family in Ellador, which can also be heard from his accent. Other Isldar both Vixit, Rexit and even neutral may have met him or even worked for his family there.​

    Wyvern Tamer
    Alarys is extremely fond of animals, especially wyverns. Alarys himself rides a blood red wyvern named Maevorys, though he also has a horse and numerous other domestic animals.​

    Soldier Upbringing
    Alarys served in the Isldar military yet he left Ellador before the civil war began in earnest. Characters from Ellador may have served alongside him or even seen him briefly from the opposing line.​

  • Chapter I | Childhood

    Chapter II | Adolescence

    Chapter III | Adulthood

    Chapter IV | Recent Events


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Thanks to @Saaber for doing formatting aesthetics!
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━━━━━━━ « » ━━━━━━━

Full Name | Vaëla Faëssi Ayacihuatl Aetris Bel-Saal Solleria-Regalia
Titles | Sovereign of the Serpent's Hollow, Champion of Morrlond
Nicknames | Vae, Viola, Sunshine​
Heritage | Half-Fin'ullen
Recessive | Maquixtl
Culture | Regalian imitating a Daphalar​
Age | 26
Date of Birth | December 11th, 285 A.C.​
Gender | Female
Pronouns | She/Her​
Religion | Evolism
Patron | Morrlond​
Occult | Vampire Brood, Born Void Mage, Morrlond's Godchosen
Occupation | Criminal Ringleader


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━━━━━━━ « » ━━━━━━━

Eye Color
Vaëla's left eye is a deep, oceanic blue while the right is a vampiric scarlet tainted by her heritage.​
Skin Color
Vaëla's skin is pale due to the vampiric heritage in her blood, adorned by scars all over as well as tattoos covering both arms, one in the image of a serpent and another a viperfish, both among flowers.​
Vaëla has wavy, raven black hair so unruly it almost looks like it has a will of its own. Parts of her hair are dyed blue to match the color of her left eye.​
Vaëla stands at 6 '4 or 194 centimeters.​
Body Type
Vaëla's body is curvaceous and toned with clear muscle definition all over with the build to match due to both her Fin'ullen and Maquixtl heritage.​
Additional Features
Vaëla's head is mutated with dull, blue scales ranging from horns formed in the image of her patron, Morrlond, to her ears that resemble fins more than any traditional Nelfin ears. She is scarcely seen without heavy makeup and her black lipstick.​


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━━━━━━━ « » ━━━━━━━

  • Combat Stats
    Attack Stat | Magic (1d17)
    Defense Stat | Faith (1d15)
    Persuasion Stat | 3 + 2 = 5 (1d5)​
    7 Magic
    Magic | Magic Snare
    Magic | Magic Resist
    Magic | Magic Cleanse
    Magic | Magic Lifebind
    Magic | Magic Revive
    Adapt | Magic Shapeshift
    Adapt | Magic Oceanic (Free, Fin'ullen)
    Adapt | Magic Wardrobe
    Invoke | Duelist Invocation (Free, Custom Kit)​
    5 Faith
    Shaman | Shaman Stance (Free)
    Shaman | Shaman Pounce
    Shaman | Shaman Quake
    Shaman | Shaman Darkness
    Shaman | Shaman Ancestor
    Shaman | Brutality​
    1 Constitution
    Training | Bulwark​
    0 Strength
    Athletic | Steady Body (Free, Fin'ullen)​

  • Alchemy Hobby
    Vaëla is well-studied when it comes to alchemy and often uses her knowledge to make a profit. What she makes may range from typical Rubyflower extracts to less than legal solutions.​

    Athletic Hobby
    Vaëla is proud of her body and despite having some knowledge with Shapeshifting Magic, her build is a product of both her Fin'ullen heritage and her own, hard work. She trains daily, both to remain in shape and to be her best self in battle.​

    Magic Talent
    Vaëla prides herself in being one of, if not the best Hydromancer in Regalia, at least if you ask her. She was born with a connection to the Void and a talent to wield her magic skillfully from a young age, which has only been honed with years of magical study. With her training she's managed to take her skill in Hydromancy and turn it into something unique, mixing elements of Shadow, Rune, Blood and even Shapeshifting Magic to shape her spells in the image of the deep oceans where Morrlond rules.​


    Common | Native
    Altalar | Native
    Nātl | Native
    Sign Language | Fluent
    Katharic | Fluent​


    Fin'ullen Mechanics
    Mechanic I | Fin'ullen can Transform into Daphalar, turning part or whole parts of their body into Aquatic humanoids (think Merfolk), this is not a Disguise.
    Mechanic III | Fin'ullen can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.
    Mechanic IV | Fin'ullen can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.​

    Maquixtl Mechanics
    Mechanic I | Maquixtl can (with OOC consent) read emotions from other Characters, and suppress their own from being read.
    Mechanic V (Ailor III) | Ailor make for excellent negotiators. Ailor gain +2 on top of every Persuasion Dice roll result, and their Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2 for every Dice Roll. These effects only apply to non-Afflicted, non-Mystech individuals, as their speech and habits are entirely fine-tuned to the more mundane aspects of global society, they must venture beyond their comfort zone to be able to reach Magic things.​

  • Prized Combat Mechanic | Omen Summons
    When Vaëla enters a CRP in the Sewers or Crookback, she can call on a gang member, which is either a Heavy or a Cutthroat, a nameless NPC minion that can be played by anyone who isn't in the Scene. Minions do not reserve Kill Perms, cannot share information, and leave if Vaëla is KO'd. If Vaëla & allies are outnumbered by at least 4, summon 2 minions (one of each).
    Prized Roleplay Mechanic | Omen Sovereign
    Vaëla is Regalia's best champion of Morrlond. She gains the Invoke Point Buy Duelist Invocation Pack for free, and can even use the pack without a clear "ring," provided it is Underwater. Whenever Vaëla uses this pack during a Calendar Posted Tournament Event that she is the host of, the winner can receive a unique Boon determined by Lore Staff (inquire in ticket).
    Mechanic I | Omen Extortionist
    Whenever Vaëla generates a Resource (Artifactsparks, Divinium, etc), instead of the amount generated, she gains x2 that. This can even apply to being granted the Resource as a reward for an event, but never applies to other Characters giving it to her, or if there is another Mechanic that would double or increase a resource gained.
    Mechanic II | Omen Champion
    Vaëla, when using the Morrlond Evolism Mechanic, gains +2 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 9) in addition to the Attack Stat increase, and can use the Mechanic on non-Calendar arena-fights and Duels. Additionally, whenever Vaëla fails a Persuasion roll, she gains +2 to the final result of her next Persuasion Roll, repeating until she succeeds, and the bonus resets to 0 again.
    Mechanic III | Omen Turf
    The Regalian Sewers and any body of water larger than a small pond are considered Vaëla's "Turf." When Vaëla is inside her Turf, she gains +1 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 9), and the first Move Action she takes during Combat can be up to 15 blocks, instead of 10. Additionally, her Dexterity Stat is always considered 7 for the purpose of out-of-combat actions.
    Mechanic IV | Omen Kin
    Whenever Vaëla is in the same Scene as Sylas, she can benefit from his Prized Roleplay Mechanic during Spirit Duke Summonings, but only if they are not the only two there. Additionally, when Vaëla is Cursed (even Prized Mechanic Custom Kit curses), she can transfer this curse onto a member of the Serpent's Hollow (even unwillingly), for them to suffer instead.​


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━━━━━━━ « » ━━━━━━━

  • Chapter I | Childhood
    Vaëla was born in Regalia, to a half-Maquixtl mother and a Fin'ullen father whose vampirism cursed Vaëla to grow up a brood. Out of her numerous siblings, she stood out with sheer magical talent, a strong connection to the Void she was born with. That said her parents were no scholars, meaning she had to learn elsewhere, which ultimately led to learning exclusively Sinistral spells first, much to others' detriment.​

    Chapter II | Adolescence
    Vaëla would spend her adolescence in Crookback, among vampires and criminals who only led her further down a path of crime and violence. She began with thievery, working her way up with more and more cruelty, now under her uncle's guidance. Each fight only fueled the flame that had been lit. She loved combat, she loved growing stronger, and she loved to show it, always seeking to be atop the hierarchy among her siblings.​

    Chapter III | Adulthood
    Vaëla's violent tendencies and her excitement for crime inevitably led her to seek out infection once she was old enough, which was granted to her by her eldest sister. She wished to use others to grow stronger, which she did until she had claimed the crown of the champion of her sister's coven until it inevitably fell.​

    Chapter IV | Recent Events
    Vaëla lost her way for months after the Vampiric Occupation of Regalia. She ended up cured, directionless, seeking a place to belong, which she had thought she did when she met her wife-to-be. That said, the clutches of a life of crime had yet to let go of the brood. She eventually ended up infected again, building her own guild in the undercity for allies and her own goals. With that she has made countless friends and allies, as well as numerous enemies who would rather see her not ruin the streets of Regalia.​

  • The Serpent's Hollow
    Vaëla is the founder and the Sovereign of the Serpent's Hollow, an Undercity-based Criminal guild fighting for mages' rights and freedom. She can often be found in Crookback or the Sewers, recruiting people for her cause.​

    Morrlond's Chosen
    Vaëla is a devout worshiper of Morrlond, worshiping him over all else in the Evolist Pantheon and drawing power from him. She allies herself with other Evolists and Void Mages, which brings conflict with characters opposing either.​

    Proud Warrior
    Vaëla finds pride in her skill in combat. Her fighting style utilizes both her innate magespark and experience from countless fights she's had to endure to survive where she is now. The scars on her body are something she is proud of while also serving as proof of her fondness for combat.​

    Slumborn Brood
    Vaëla was born in Regalia and spent a majority of her time growing up in the slums of Crookback. Characters with history there may recognise her from just about any point throughout her life.​


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Thanks to @Saaber for doing formatting aesthetics!


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━━━━━━━ « Ψ » ━━━━━━━

Full Name | Unknown
Known As | Mylira​
Heritage | Mystech
Type | Unbound Spirit​
Age |Unknown
Gender | None, feminine presenting
Pronouns | Any​
Religion | Evolism
Occult | Void Demon of Morrlond
Occupation | Advisor, Public Enemy of Sailors


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━━━━━━━ « Ψ » ━━━━━━━

Eye Color
Glowing, pale blue.​
Skin Color
Dull blue with gray and dark blue scales.​
Jet black, tied to a ponytail swept over the shoulder.​
6'2" or 188 cm.​
Body Type
Additional Features
Mylira's hands are replaced by serpentine heads, with more hid under its cloak. In the middle of its abdomen resides a large eye.​


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━━━━━━━ « Ψ » ━━━━━━━

  • Combat Stats
    Attack Stat | Magic (1d17)
    Defense Stat | Magic (1d15)
    Persuasion Stat | 0 (2d20)​
    12 Magic
    Adapt | Shapeshift Pack (Free, Unbound Spirit)
    Adapt | Mindcontrol Pack (Free, Unbound Spirit)
    Adapt | Oceanic Pack
    Adapt | Wardrobe Pack
    Magic | Magic Bolts
    Magic | Magic Snare
    Magic | Magic Resist
    Magic | Magic Cleanse
    Magic | Magic Disengage
    Magic | Magic Warp
    Magic | Magic Shove
    Magic | Magic Revive
    Magic | Magic Revenge
    Invoke | Monster Invocation Pack​
    1 Strength
    Athletic | Building Scale​
    1 Wisdom
    Chem | Chem Hyperfocus​

  • Magic Talent
    Mylira draws magic from the world around it, using it to a rather devastating effect over its environment.​


    Common | Native
    Altalar | Native​


    Unbound Spirit Mystech Mechanics
    Mechanic I | Unbound Spirits gain the Shapeshift Pack Magical Variant for free. However, they only count as Disguised while looking like a Normal non-spirit/monster person.
    Mechanic II | Unbound Spirits do not need to make a minimum investment in Magic Point Buy to unlock Sinistral Variants, but must always use Sinistral Variants, they cannot use Radiant.
    Mechanic III | Unbound Spirits gain the Mindcontrol Pack Magical Variant for free. Additionally, they are immune to Persuasion Thralling themselves (unless they choose to be Thralled).
    Mechanic IV | Unbound Spirits can temporarily magically infest unwilling characters, hiding in their bodies, perceiving everything, "talking" in the person's mind, but are unable to use Abilities/take Actions. (Hidden)
    Mechanic V | Unbound Spirits are immune to anything that would read/alter their emotions or conscience, and if killed/harmed, can always respawn in a different place 1 hour later, and repair any damage.​


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  • Scourge of Sailors
    Mylira is a somewhat ancient demon with a history of hurting unsuspecting sailors in the northern seas. A sailor character may have encountered it.​

    Servant to Morrlond
    Mylira is a Void Demon of Morrlond and as such seeks out his champions to advise and assist. Morrlond worshipers may gain its favor while Vyrë and Xeradon followers will be looked at with prejudice.​

    Mylira loves to experience new flavors and may perceive those who help it with that more favorably.​


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Thanks to @Saaber for doing formatting aesthetics!
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Custom Kit | Playlist | Art Gallery


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Art by Scribbe
Full Name | Vaëla Faëssi Ayacihuatl Aetris Bel-Saal Solleria-Regalia
Titles | Champion of Morrlond, Sovereign
Nicknames | Vae, Viola, Sunshine​
Heritage | Half-Fin'ullen
Recessive Heritage | Half-Selvath​
Age | 27
Date of Birth | December 11th, 287 A.C.​
Gender | Female
Pronouns | She/Her​
Religion | Evolism
Occult| Abyss and Silence Mage
Magic Schools | Elemental, Gravity, Stillness, Body, Amnesia
Affinity | Vampire Brood​
Occupation| Criminal Ringleader
Affiliations | Arcanist Society​

Eye Color | Scarlet, hidden and changed magically into an Azure Blue.
Skin Color | Pale and scarred, with tattoos covering both arms.
Hair | Wavy and Raven Black, dyed Bone White.
Height | 6'4 or 194 cm.
Body Type | Toned and curvaceous.
Oddities | Mutated horns and fin-ears colored a dull grey-blue.

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  • Art by chrisfroot on tumblr
    Vaëla is a Dhampir hailing from the slums of Crookback in Regalia. She can be described as a lying manipulator with a warrior's pride, one who uses both words and her own strength, both physical and magical, to get what she wants.
    On the one hand a hedonist leading an entire criminal guild, on the other a wife with a family to go home to, she struggles with a middle ground of morality often forcing her hand.​


    Vaëla is an Evolist, with an excessive devotion to Morrlond. She worships him almost exclusively and tries to uphold his standard of perfection to the best of her knowledge.​

    | Lawful Evil
    Personality Type | ENFJ-T | The Protagonist

  • The Serpent's Hollow
    Vaëla is the founder and the Sovereign of the Serpent's Hollow, an Undercity-based Criminal guild fighting for mages' rights and freedom. She can often be found in Crookback or the Sewers, recruiting people for her cause.​

    Morrlond's Chosen

    Vaëla is a devout worshiper of Morrlond, worshiping him over all else in the Evolist Pantheon and drawing power from him. She allies herself with other Evolists and Void Mages, which brings conflict with characters opposing either.​

    Proud Warrior

    Vaëla finds pride in her skill in combat. Her fighting style utilizes both her innate magespark and experience from countless fights she's had to endure to survive where she is now. The scars on her body are something she is proud of while also serving as proof of her fondness for combat.​

    Slumborn Brood

    Vaëla was born in Regalia and spent a majority of her time growing up in the slums of Crookback. Characters with history there may recognise her from just about any point throughout her life.​
    Art by WaterDruppel

  • Chapter I| Childhood
    Vaëla was born in Regalia, to a half-Maquixtl mother and a Fin'ullen father whose vampirism cursed Vaëla to grow up a brood. Out of her numerous siblings, she stood out with sheer magical talent, a strong connection to the Abyss she was born with. That said her parents were no scholars, meaning she had to learn elsewhere, which ultimately led to learning exclusively Sinistral spells first, much to others' detriment.​

    Chapter II
    | Adolescence
    Vaëla would spend her adolescence in Crookback, among vampires and criminals who only led her further down a path of crime and violence. She began with thievery, working her way up with more and more cruelty, now under her uncle's guidance. Each fight only fueled the flame that had been lit. She loved combat, she loved growing stronger, and she loved to show it, always seeking to be atop the hierarchy among her siblings.​

    Chapter III
    | Adulthood
    Vaëla's violent tendencies and her excitement for crime inevitably led her to seek out infection once she was old enough, which was granted to her by her eldest sister. She wished to use others to grow stronger, which she did until she had claimed the crown of the champion of her sister's coven until it inevitably fell.​

    Chapter IV
    | Recent Events
    Vaëla lost her way for months after the Vampiric Occupation of Regalia. She ended up cured, directionless, seeking a place to belong, which she had thought she did when she met her wife-to-be. That said, the clutches of a life of crime had yet to let go of the brood. She eventually ended up infected again, building her own guild in the undercity for allies and her own goals. With that she has made countless friends and allies, as well as numerous enemies who would rather see her not ruin the streets of Regalia.​


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  • Point Allocation
    Attack Stat | Strength (1d17)
    Defense Stat | Magic (1d15)​

    7 Strength
    Melee | Weapon Throw (Free)
    Melee | Technique Parry
    Athletic | Heavy Throw (Free, Malghoriirn)
    Athletic | Steady Body
    Bruiser | Bruiser Stance (Free)
    Bruiser | Bruiser Slam
    Bruiser | Bruiser Parry
    Bruiser | Bruiser Riposte
    Bruiser | Bruiser Grit
    Bruiser | Bruiser Tackle (Free, Malghoriirn)
    Bruiser | Bruiser Unsheathe​
    1 Constitution
    Training | Fortitude (Free, Malghoriirn)
    Training | Rage Counter
    Training | Bulwark (Free, Kinvahc)​
    0 Faith
    Prayer | Guided Prayer (Free, Kinvahc)​
    7 Magic
    Arcane | Arcane Counter (Free, Kinvahc)
    Arcane | Arcane Aura
    Arcane | Arcane Snare
    Arcane | Arcane Cleanse
    Arcane | Arcane Revive
    Adapt | Magic Shapeshift
    Adapt | Magic Oceanic
    Adapt | Magic Wardrobe​
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    Vaëla is a Champion of Morrlond utilizing both her immense physical strength as well as her innate magical talent with ruthlessness cultivated in the image of her Patron.

    Her expertise is in close quarters, overwhelming whichever foe she faces like a living, breathing hurricane. Her weapon of choice is the Brineblood Harpoon, a magical polearm made in Morrlond's Image that punishes those who dare denigrate her Patron in her presence.

    Whether on dry land or below the surface of the water, she is a force to be reckoned with for anyone within her striking range.

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  • Heritage Traits
    Mechanic I | [TBA]​
    Fin'ullen can Transform into Daphalar, turning part or whole parts of their body into Aquatic humanoids (think Merfolk), this is not a Disguise.
    Mechanic II | [TBA]​
    Fin'ullen can apply non-Magic aesthetics of deep-sea creatures and coral to their body without becoming Occult. This also includes clothes and weapons.
    Mechanic III | [TBA]​
    Fin'ullen can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.
    Mechanic IV | [TBA]​
    Fin'ullen can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
    Mechanic V | Beast Becoming​
    You can use a ritual/consume/sacrifice any part of an animal to adopt aspects of it, for example consuming the flesh of a jungle-cat and taking on their hind legs and tail, or sacrificing the pelt of a bear and transforming your arms into bear-claw hands. These changes are temporary (however long you want them to be), can change any body part but never the head, and cannot grant other mechanical uses such as flight.

    Dhampir Mechanics
    Mechanic I | Dhampir Vision​
    You are immune to Hidden Scourge, and can always identify Vampires. However, you are unable to reveal this information to anyone but other Vampires or Broods.
    Mechanic II | Dhampir Fortitude​
    You are not affected by the mental or emotional effects of Vampirism if infected, and are able to retain your conscience and normal personality.
    Mechanic III | Dhampir Curing​
    You can be fully cured of Vampirism without a Divinium cost or two week waiting period.
    Mechanic IV | Dhampir Blood​
    Your blood will sizzle and spark with a low flame when exposed to sunlight if you are uninfected with Vampirism. This can be used to prove your identity as a Brood to non-Vampires.

    Society Mechanics
    Mechanic | Dimensional Tower​
    Members of the Arcanist Society have access to a Mage Tower in the Regalian City. Only members of this society may enter the tower, as it's protected with arcane wards that deny entry to anybody else. Members of this society can temporarily invite non-members in.

    Hobbies and Talents
    Alchemy Hobby
    Vaëla is well-studied when it comes to alchemy and often uses her knowledge to make a profit. What she makes may range from typical Rubyflower extracts to less than legal solutions.
    Athletic Hobby
    Vaëla is proud of her body and despite having some knowledge with the Body school of Magic, her build is a product of both her Fin'ullen heritage and her own, hard work. She trains daily, both to remain in shape and to be her best self in battle.
    Magic Talent
    Vaëla takes pride in being, at least in her own eyes, one of the best Hydromancers in Regalia. Her magic is a blend of many schools, shaped in the image of her Patron god, Morrlond. Many of her spells are inspired by the depths of the deepest northern oceans where he rules.

    Native Languages
    Common | 10/10
    Altalar | 10/10​
    Studied Languages
    Katharic | 7/10
    Sulvaley | 2/10
    Common Sign Language | 6/10​

  • Link to Vaëla's Custom Kit | Link

    Prized Combat Mechanic | Omen Harpoon
    Vaëla can summon the Brineblood Harpoon, a weapon made in Morrlond's image, at any time and wield it. While wielding the Brineblood Harpoon, Vaëla does 4 HP damage for each hit on the following Character Types: Lothar Knights, people who discriminate against/act bigoted against Broods in her presence, and people who denigrate Morrlond in her presence.​

    Prized Roleplay Mechanic| Omen Sovereign
    Vaëla is Regalia's best champion of Morrlond. She gains the Invoke Point Buy Duelist Invocation Pack for free, and can even use the pack without a clear "ring," provided it is Underwater. Whenever Vaëla uses this pack during a Calendar Posted Tournament Event that she is the host of, the winner can receive a unique Boon determined by Lore Staff (inquire in ticket).​

    Mechanic I| Omen Extortionist
    Whenever Vaëla generates a Resource (Artifactsparks, Divinium, etc), instead of the amount generated, she gains x2 that. This can even apply to being granted the Resource as a reward for an event, but never applies to other Characters giving it to her, or if there is another Mechanic that would double or increase a resource gained.​

    Mechanic II| Omen Champion
    Vaëla, when using the Morrlond Evolism Mechanic, gains +2 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 9) in addition to the Attack Stat increase, and can use the Mechanic on non-Calendar arena-fights and Duels. Additionally, whenever Vaëla fails a Persuasion roll, she gains +2 to the final result of her next Persuasion Roll, repeating until she succeeds, and the bonus resets to 0 again.​

    Mechanic III| Omen Turf
    The Regalian Sewers and any body of water larger than a small pond are considered Vaëla's "Turf." When Vaëla is inside her Turf, she gains +1 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 9), and the first Move Action she takes during Combat can be up to 15 blocks, instead of 10. Additionally, her Dexterity Stat is always considered 7 for the purpose of out-of-combat actions.​

    Mechanic IV| Omen Kin
    Whenever Vaëla is in the same Scene as Sylas, she can benefit from his Prized Roleplay Mechanic during Spirit Duke Summonings, but only if they are not the only two there. Additionally, when Vaëla is Cursed (even Prized Mechanic Custom Kit curses), she can transfer this curse onto a member of the Serpent's Hollow (even unwillingly), for them to suffer instead.​

  • Kinvahc Permanent Mechanics
    Mechanic I | This Artifact can steal the Artifactspark from other defeated Artifactholders and can hold more than one Artifactspark inside of it. Other Mechanics may derive functions from the number of Artifactsparks. Any change in the number of Artifactsparks must always be reported in a Ticket. If this Artifact has more than one Artifactspark, being defeated and having an Artifactspark stolen will only result in the loss of one, rather than all.
    Mechanic II | This Artifact's wielder inherits the Faith Mechanic from the Evolism God Triton, allowing them to transform into a Dragonkin of the unofficial Tyrthar Dragonfall. This Triton-inspired Dragonkin design must have pitch-black scales and red eyes. This transformation can have any variety of appearances within the bounds listed, but does not grant Dragonkin mechanics. This change counts as a Transformation but does not count as a Disguise (which is pointless anyway due to Artifact ownership rules).​

    Kinvahc Sparked Mechanics
    Mechanic I | Kinvahc's wielder can choose 3 Free Packs from any Proficency Category they can invest in and supplement their Character Application, though these Packs can only be used while the Artifact has an Artifactspark.
    Mechanic II | This Artifact's wielder counts as a Corrupted Archon, receiving Archon Mechanics 1, 5, and 6.
    Mechanic III | This Artifact's wielder passively drains the power of Archon away around them. This means that while any Archon is within Emote Range of the Artifact Wielder, they are unable to use any Archon Mechanics that are not directly related to Proficiencies, Packs, or Combat. This effect must specifically be activated and feels like the Archon in question are severed from the Leylines and feel physically weakened (but this has no Combat effects).
    Mechanic IV | If someone other than the user uses a Sinistral Magic Point Buy Ability in Emote Range, the user can choose to gain +2HP. This can only happen up to twice per Combat Scene.
    Mechanic V | This Artifact grants the wielder +2 Attack Stat (breaking Cap up to 11) while using Attack Emotes only. Additionally, when attacking, the wielder's Attack Dice Roll Minimum is 4. For every additional Artifactspark in the Artifact, this minimum is raised by +1.​

    Malghoriirn Permanent Mechanics
    Mechanic I | This Artifact can steal the Artifactspark from other defeated Artifactholders and can hold more than one Artifactspark inside of it. Other Mechanics may derive functions from the number of Artifactsparks. Any change in the number of Artifactsparks must always be reported in a Ticket. If this Artifact has more than one Artifactspark, being defeated and having an Artifactspark stolen will only result in the loss of one, rather than all.
    Mechanic II | This Artifact grants the wielder the Maquixtl Mechanic for Gene Editing including all of its visual functions, and can choose one Heritage Mechanic to gain from Finullen or Teledden, which must be locked in when chosen and not changed.​

    Malghoriirn Sparked Mechanics
    Mechanic I | This Artifact's wielder can choose 3 Free Packs from any Category and supplement their Character Application, though these Packs can only be used while the Artifact has an Artifactspark.
    Mechanic II | The Artifact's wielder can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +7 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
    Mechanic III | At the start of Combat, the wielder may target an Ally, and forcibly absorb them into their body temporarily. The Ally is removed from physical existence, and the wielder of the Artifact's HP is increased to 16. The absorbed Ally can no longer use Attack Emotes or move from the Artifact wielder's body, but can still use their Abilities from inside the host, though only when the Artifact Wielder has their Turn. If any Ability the Ally uses would cause the Ally to take damage, the wielder takes the damage instead. When the wielder is KO'd, the Ally is also KO'd.
    Mechanic IV | Malghoriirn can siphon the life-force from the willing and unwilling alike. When used on a willing, or KO'd Elf, the user can forcibly steal one of the target's Heritage Mechanics, disabling it from the target, and granting it to the wielder instead for the duration. All stolen Mechanics are returned when Malgoriirn's Spark is removed. Regardless of disguises, the victim will always know who it was that stole the Mechanic from them.
    Mechanic V | Malghoriirn grants the wielder +2 Attack Stat (breaking Cap up to 11) while using Attack Emotes only. Additionally, when attacking, the wielder's Attack Dice Roll Minimum is 4. For every additional Artifactspark in the Artifact, this minimum is raised by +1.​


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Full Name | Mikael
Heritage | Balten Ailor, Fueth Changeling
Age | 23
Date of Birth | June 12th, 291 A.C.​
Gender | Interchangeable
Pronouns | Any​
Religion | Fornoss
Occult| Abyss and Vortex Mage
Magic Schools | Entropy, Body, Alteration and Blood
Affliction | Neracanto Vampire
Occupation| Smuggler, Infiltrator
Affiliations | Dissolution Society​


Eye Color | Silver with pink sclerae, naturally a deep scarlet.
Skin Color | Pale.
Hair | Blonde and shoulder length.
Height | 6'2 or 188 cm.
Body Type | Toned.
Oddities | Constantly changing appearance entirely.


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  • Core Concept
    Mikael is a shapeshifter mage hailing from the Balten lakes, given to their parents by the Fornoss god Fenra. His personality is cold and manipulative, even considered sinister by some. He now worships the Crimson Lady, Blodruna.

    | Neutral Evil
    Personality Type | ENTJ-A | The Commander

    Mikael is a Fornoss worshiper of the Vola gods, specifically Blodruna. They use their various forms and disguises to create death in their goddess' name without forgetting the poetry aspect either.

  • Smuggler at Heart| Criminal
    Mikael makes a living smuggling various goods in and out of Regalia and selling them to buyers who don't mind the morally dubious origin. They may be found in places such as the Black Market for business.​

    One of Many Faces| Changeling
    Mikael was brought to the world by the goddess Fenra and as such is a talented shapeshifter mage with skill especially in the Body school of magic. Their skill in infiltration may be purchased by the right buyers.​

    Blodruna's Carnage| Murderer
    Mikael is a worshiper of Fortuna and as such may have prior allies or enemies due to the nature of their worship. Whether a Fornoss worshiper or someone who met one of their faces prior, some may remember the trail of blood they've left behind.​


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  • Point Allocation
    Attack Stat | Dexterity (1d17)
    Defense Stat | Magic (1d14)​

    1 Strength
    Athletic | Overstep​

    1 Constitution

    Training | Iron Will​

    7 Dexterity

    Ranger | Ranger Stance (Free)
    Ranger | Ranger Tag
    Ranger | Ranger Viper
    Ranger | Ranger Entrapment
    Ranger | Ranger Evade
    Ranger | Ranger Shower
    Roguery | Escape Artist
    Roguery | Smokescreen​

    4 Magic

    Adapt | Magic Shapeshift
    Adapt | Magic Mimicry
    Adapt | Magic Wardrobe
    Arcane | Arcane Warp​

    2 Charisma

    Speech | Undisclosed Presence
    Speech | Fiscal Presence​
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    Mikael is a seasoned ranger specialized in taking their opponents on from any distance with a high mobility. Each strike is aimed with almost surgical precision with a knowledge of their opponents' vital points.

    They wield a shortbow and a variety of blades forged in their goddess', Blodruna's image, crimson in color and unconventional shapes and edges to perform very specific cuts.

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  • Heritage Traits
    Mechanic I | [TBA]​
    Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
    Mechanic II | [TBA]​
    Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
    Mechanic III | [TBA]​
    Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.

    Common Vampire Mechanics
    Mechanic I | Hidden Scourge​
    You can magically hide your teeth and Afflicted eyes. This breaks during feeding. If you have the Shape Shifter Mechanic, using this Mechanic while shifted makes you unable to Combat Roleplay. If someone knows your real name and that you're a Vampire, this Mechanic doesn't work on them.
    Mechanic II | Long Living​
    You live much longer than the average life span of your heritage. You can live up to three times as long, and you can visually stop aging at a chosen age (must be at least 21). Additionally, you are immune to non-magical diseases and Afflictions.
    Mechanic III | Sanguine Bargain​
    You can grant immunity to Vampirism to any person willing to bargain with you. In turn, if the bargained person attacks you, reveals that you are a Vampire, or reveals the deal, they take massive damage (discuss together what this means before making the bargain).
    Mechanic IV | Mind Suggestion​
    With OOC Consent, you can mind trick Characters into doing your bidding without establishing full Mind Control over them. These simple verbal commands are undetectable, but cannot be more complicated than a single sentence.
    Mechanic V | Vampire Transformation​
    You can transform into a Vampire Form, which is a Monstrous form with a unique Vampire-themed design that you can create. This counts as a Disguise and a Monstrous Transformation (illegal in Regalia). You remain in Vampire Form even after reaching 0 HP.

    Common Vampire Mechanics
    Mechanic I | Vice Master​
    You are a natural corruptor, able to detect what vices and corruptible traits others have (consent not needed). You can then also initiate a corruption cycle of another person, causing them to take on heightened vices, or go down a "corruption-arc" path where they become "evil" (this does require consent).
    Mechanic II | Universal Speech​
    You can understand and speak all mortal and currently practiced languages from all the corners of the world. This Mechanic does not allow the understanding, writing and reading, or speaking of ancient or otherwise dead languages, or magical languages.

    Society Mechanics
    Mechanic | Watertight Alibi​
    Two times per month, you can abuse a network of sympathizers to get out of Greygate scot free for any crime except Treason. Your arresters still know what you did, they just can't do anything about it through the Metropolitan. They can still attack you.

    Hobbies and Talents
    Athletic Hobby
    Mikael is trained mostly in mobility and speed, yet they have gone through rigorous training to reach the heights they are at now.
    Magic Talent
    Mikael is an innate shapeshifter mage who has cultivated their talents during their years of living, with any library and tome they could gain access to.

    Native Languages
    Common | 10/10
    Balten| 10/10​

    Studied Languages

    Skodje| 10/10
    Sign Language | 8/10
    Altalar | 7/10​

    Universal Speech

    All languages (except ancient)| 10/10​


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Thank you @Saaber and @Rowet for help and inspiration with the aesthetics!
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Full Name | Jaya Madhi Yadhavar
Heritage | Kattumakkal Suvial
Age | 22
Date of Birth | June 29th, 292 A.C.​
Gender | Female
Pronouns | She/They​
Religion | Estelley
Occult| Eidolon Mage
Magic Schools | Elemental, Gravity, Light​
Occupation| Mercenary, Thief
Affiliations | Thieves' Society​


Eye Color | Dark brown.
Skin Color | Tan.
Hair | Dark auburn.
Height | 5'9 or 175 cm.
Body Type | Slim and toned.
Oddities | A Bidriqtech prosthetic in the place of her right arm.


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  • Core Concept
    Jaya is a thief with a knack for mercenary work. She uses her skills for lockpicking, subterfuge and even assassination if her company expects that of her. From the Kattumakkal isles, she is determined to fight back against the Kathar scourge in Regalia.

    | Chaotic Neutral
    Personality Type | ISTJ-A | The Logician

    Jaya is a follower of the dead Estelley goddess Avinla. Her devotion to her goddess is shown through unyielding violence upon any Dread Kathar she comes across.

  • Blade for Hire| Assassin
    Jaya is trained in combat using hidden blades such as daggers as her weapon of choice. She can be hired for her services, and she can rarely be found entirely unarmed, with an arsenal of hidden weaponry at her disposal.​

    Sticky Fingers| Thief
    Jaya uses her skill in infiltration for less than legal pursuits as well. She is a skilled thief known to pick almost anyone's lock for enough coin. This might have brought her enemies through the years.​

    Karamatology| Demon Binder
    Jaya is trained in Karamatology like a majority of the Suvial in Regalia. While it's not her bread and butter, others may turn to her with demon related issues with little fear.​


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  • Point Allocation
    Attack Stat | Dexterity (1d17)
    Defense Stat | Wisdom (1d15)​

    7 Dexterity
    Deadeye | Deadeye Stance (Free)
    Deadeye | Deadeye Pinshot
    Deadeye | Deadeye Quickshot
    Deadeye | Deadeye Luckshot
    Deadeye | Deadeye Barrage
    Deadeye | Deadeye Execute
    Deadeye | Deadeye Doubletap
    Roguery | Fate's Wheel​

    5 Wisdom

    Bardic | Bardic Harmony (Free)
    Bardic | Aria of Harming
    Bardic | Elegy of Tailwind
    Bardic | Sonata of Purity
    Bardic | Sonata of Justice
    Bardic | Sonata of Sanctuary​

    3 Magic

    Adapt | Magic Wardrobe
    Arcane | Arcane Cleanse
    Arcane | Arcane Revive​
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    Jaya is a soldier trained in using her mobility to her advantage with light, easy-to-conceal weapons like daggers. She can always be assumed to have more weapons than what one sees on them at any time.

    She has recently sustained a grave injury that lost her an arm, however she's turned the Bidriqtech prosthetic that is now in its place a weapon to even scorch her enemies from a distance.

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  • Heritage Traits
    Mechanic I | [TBA]​
    Suvial gain +1 Main Combat Stat when attacking a Character with Theurgy Point Buy Abilities, which can break Cap up to 11.
    Mechanic II | [TBA]​
    Suvial can gain additional Event insight into past Battles or Wars or Conflicts, related to Progressions or History related Events.
    Mechanic III | [TBA]​
    Suvial are never punished by their Gods or their society for using Dimension Alignment out of their norm (Exist), even as God Mages.
    Mechanic IV | [TBA]​
    Suvial are never punished by their Gods or their society for the use of Sinistral Magic variants, even in the use of God Magic.
    Mechanic V | [TBA]​
    Suvial are exceptionally proficient at controlling Spirits, allowing them a range of mechanical functions to do with Spirits (see Karamatology below).

    Society Mechanics
    Mechanic | Thieves' Cant​
    You can leave messages written on signs (1 Minecraft Sign only, must be actually written) that only other Thieves' Society members can understand. This is to use on public Noticeboards to issue warnings, not for active communication. This may come up in Events.

    Hobbies and Talents
    Athletic Hobby
    Jaya is a soldier who trains her body daily to perform her job to her best ability.
    Magic Talent
    Jaya is a novice mage, adept in specifically fire and light related magic.

    Native Languages
    Common | 10/10
    Agasi| 10/10​

    Studied Languages

    Altalar| 10/10
    Sign Language | 8/10​


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Thank you @Saaber and @Rowet for help and inspiration with the aesthetics!
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