Farewell Mon Amour


She never particularly cared for the color black. Though she, of course, would wholeheartedly admit that it does have a place in one's wardrobe now and again. Her own current riding outfit did consist of mostly black garments save for the deep blue cloak wrapped around her shoulders.

Darcie's mind continued on with it's contemplation of appropriateness of certain colors in one's wardrobe as she was led along by one of her lady's maid.

With each step, the pair went further into the cemetery, their feet trodding over the grass. The maid led Darcie along, holding firmly to her employer's arm as they stopped before the deep gray tombstone that bore the name of her late husband, Adrien.

"Leave me now, Angelique and return to the carriage. I wish to be alone."

"But Madame."

"Please. I will not be long."

The blonde haired maid looked worriedly towards her employer as Darcie released her hold upon her servant's arm and drew closer to the gravestone. With another moment's hesitation, Angelique moved away, back along the path they had come.

Her curls rose slightly as the wind whipped around the young noblewoman as she lowered herself to a knee in the grass in front of stone that marked the grave of the young man who had stolen her heart one summer day many many years ago. Back when she was carefree and much much younger.

"I am leaving, mon amour. I don't believe I will return anytime soon or… at all. There is nothing left for me here. Nothing but memories and broken dreams. Dreams that we could have forged together. Memories that only haunt me as your ghost has begun to do. I'm to journey to Regalia with my sister…" She spoke softly to the headstone, her ocean eyes somber and yet no tears came.

"We would have taken the city by storm… The three of us. Marianne, myself, and you… Adrien. We would have… Done so much."

Darcie lowered her head, her eyes sweeping over the dirt upon which she knelt. She reached forth, going to adjust the bouquet of lilies that leaned against the gravestone. The woman slowly rose, dusting herself off, looking at the stone.

"I will love you until my last breath, mon amour. But I must leave."

She seemed to be saying these words more to herself than any onlookers, whether they be physical or spectral.


Marianne's voice caused her to turn. Her elder sister stood, holding her gloves within her hands and looking past her at the tombstone.

"We must be off. There are still matters to attend to before we depart. Come along, Maximus is getting antsy with standing about for so long. You are one of the few who can handle him…" She murmured, stepping closer to her sister and going to rest a hand upon her shoulder.

Darcie looked back towards the headstone before looking to her sister and nodding.

The pair, once more both Vauclains, turned their backs upon the grave sight and journeyed back to the carriage and Darcie's horse.

Neither of the sisters knew what was to come, but they both hoped for a brighter future.
[CENTER]✦[I]Walnut/Wal[/I]✦ ✦[I]They/Them[/I]✦ ✦[I]Before you ask, my favorite vine is: "Hi my name is Chelsey, what's your favorite dinner food?" [/I]✦[/CENTER]
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She never particularly cared for the color black. Though she, of course, would wholeheartedly admit that it does have a place in one's wardrobe now and again. Her own current riding outfit did consist of mostly black garments save for the deep blue cloak wrapped around her shoulders.

Darcie's mind continued on with it's contemplation of appropriateness of certain colors in one's wardrobe as she was led along by one of her lady's maid.

With each step, the pair went further into the cemetery, their feet trodding over the grass. The maid led Darcie along, holding firmly to her employer's arm as they stopped before the deep gray tombstone that bore the name of her late husband, Adrien.

"Leave me now, Angelique and return to the carriage. I wish to be alone."

"But Madame."

"Please. I will not be long."

The blonde haired maid looked worriedly towards her employer as Darcie released her hold upon her servant's arm and drew closer to the gravestone. With another moment's hesitation, Angelique moved away, back along the path they had come.

Her curls rose slightly as the wind whipped around the young noblewoman as she lowered herself to a knee in the grass in front of stone that marked the grave of the young man who had stolen her heart one summer day many many years ago. Back when she was carefree and much much younger.

"I am leaving, mon amour. I don't believe I will return anytime soon or… at all. There is nothing left for me here. Nothing but memories and broken dreams. Dreams that we could have forged together. Memories that only haunt me as your ghost has begun to do. I'm to journey to Regalia with my sister…" She spoke softly to the headstone, her ocean eyes somber and yet no tears came.

"We would have taken the city by storm… The three of us. Marianne, myself, and you… Adrien. We would have… Done so much."

Darcie lowered her head, her eyes sweeping over the dirt upon which she knelt. She reached forth, going to adjust the bouquet of lilies that leaned against the gravestone. The woman slowly rose, dusting herself off, looking at the stone.

"I will love you until my last breath, mon amour. But I must leave."

She seemed to be saying these words more to herself than any onlookers, whether they be physical or spectral.


Marianne's voice caused her to turn. Her elder sister stood, holding her gloves within her hands and looking past her at the tombstone.

"We must be off. There are still matters to attend to before we depart. Come along, Maximus is getting antsy with standing about for so long. You are one of the few who can handle him…" She murmured, stepping closer to her sister and going to rest a hand upon her shoulder.

Darcie looked back towards the headstone before looking to her sister and nodding.

The pair, once more both Vauclains, turned their backs upon the grave sight and journeyed back to the carriage and Darcie's horse.

Neither of the sisters knew what was to come, but they both hoped for a brighter future.
I read this as armour the entire time, as in the plating that protects the body, until I realised that is also meant my love in French and then it all made sense.