• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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Experienced Captain


Ifrit Enthusiast
Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
The Crown Isle, Regalia
Greetings reader,

I started this letter simple, simply because I am looking for some simple work. Be it seeming as it may that war is afoot, and that this "simple" (whoever called me "simple" deserves the Emperor's rope) word upon my description may imply that I am not as the title of this letter .. Implies. However. I am just lazy. I would gladly sign up for such an honourable margin of military signification but not without the direct courtesy of someone asking. I am just lazy. I can transport goods, I know my way around a map and I've been sailing for years, so perhaps with a military-based first-mate, I should find myself in the navy. But I'm lazy. The extensiveness of my work relies on the basis of speed. Yes, I am very fast, renowned even, for the speed of my vessel... My secret? My ship floats, it doesn't appear to sink.

How do I look? A blonde, perhaps handsome Ailor with too much time on his hands and a life waiting for adventure to grasp my reigns and ride me into the blissful horizon of a dawning sky. I hope you realise my situation. I can sail mostly any ship you put me in front of if you manage to get me away from spending my time doing jack-all so that in mind I hope we can come to some sort of arrangement. Should this find itself in the hands or within the peripheral vision of an admiral... These are my unique words to any of you:

"Hello, what do you want from me? I respect the Regalian Empire, and I'd do it service so long as it respects me. Happy days for all and good luck in the war!"

So now you know more or less everything about me, I hope you take into consideration enlisting me in whatever you think I'd be good for. I'll be honest, it was either this or continuing my father's business, and should this fail then that is what I shall do. But I'm lazy. Point me in a direction and your cargo will get there, or soldiers, or whatever... You get the point, I hope. Should the need arise, letter me to the address given below, and I shall respond with haste...

<Insert an Address here>
Kind regards,
Sonja Apoleno


Approved Captain looking for work,
ranging from merchants to naval,
has the permission "Discipline of Aloria"
and the speech was to express his personality...
It may be his work ethic is actually quite awesome.​
Salutation kind naval person,

While I may not offer you a great amount of wealth for work or other means, I can at least provide you a, as you say, "...if you manage to get me away from spending my time doing jack-all so that in mind I hope we can come to some sort of arrangement." If you are interested in any sort of work at all, please find your way to erzroad5 and find a workshop by the name of Tinker Tower Repair Shop. Any and all help is well taken and I hope that we can work well together.

Yours Truly,
Francis Systems
Salutation kind naval person,


Dearest Francis,

While it seems I've come into contact with permanent work, I shan't put down your offer to extinguish my present boredom. But know that this must not interfere with my main branch of work. As to say, this is likely to be a side job; you have my services so long as they aren't required elsewhere. I bring this to your attention first because I'm not about to build a house on dry sand, mhm. With that, I'd gladly come and see you at the described location.

Kind regards,
Sonja Apoleno.