Archived Expanding The Rules Regarding Faction Pvp

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My profile pic is cute af.
Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score
South Louisiana
Suggestion: A sub-section to expand upon the already made faction rules.

The main reason I wanted to do this is because of "You need an RP reason to raid",
Seems fair enough, but its not when you consider a legitimate RP reason can be something
as "We're Bandits". Which can be a nuisance for starting factions. I apologize if I seem whiny,
but when I was officer of Chanticleer, in the early days we got enemied twice every other week
despite the fact we really weren't all that active. But I swear 90% of the time, the people who tried to raid used the stock "Bandit" excuse despite having no prior history of this kind of behavior.
Note: Flagging means making known, via description and forum post.
Note: Rules already stated in server rules are understood to be in play.
(The legitimate reasons to raid and their requirements)
Domination: This faction is out to lay waste to the world.
(Enemies Everyone Indiscriminately)
-The leader needs an approved character.
-They are required to have a minimum of 25 Members.
-They need to flag themselves as a Domination faction.
-Required to write their Faction's lore and post it on the forum for mod approval.
-They can only own land on one continent at a time.
-Open to raids due to being warlords
Banditry: This faction consists of Highway-men and Mercenaries.
-Can have a maximum of 25 members.
-Required to flag themselves as Bandits.
-They can only own a single connected patch of land per continent.
(Patches are collections of chunks)
-Freely open to raids due to being Bandits
Skirmish (reason): The factions just have bones to pick with each other.
-They can raid based on offensive actions.
(Murder, Theft, Betrayal, Supporting Allies, exc.)
PvP: This faction is out for blood.
-Required to flag themselves as a PvP faction.
-They can freely attack any other factions that flagged themselves as PvP.
-They are also freely open to raids, due to being a PvP faction.
Roleplay (Reason): This faction enemies strictly because of their RP.
-They attack when the story calls for it.
(Races are Natural enemies, ones full of vampires, have a vendetta, exc.)
(Things that cancel out war attempts)
-You can't initiate raids against factions younger than two weeks.
-You can't re-brand mandates.
-You can't rules-lawyer and abuse loopholes to get around other requirements.
-You can't initiate a war from the inside of the offending faction's boundaries.
-Failed to provide reasons and surrender terms before acting.
-Unless a faction is sub of yours, you can't raid them for denying a request.
-Unless your RP calls for it, you can't raid for them being in a specific place legally.
(Yanars could attack for destroying a forest for example.)
(Things to keep in mind before/when raiding)
-Before raiding, you'll have to state your reasons and surrender terms to their leaders/officers
-After the initial attack, you'll have to give your reasons and surrender terms
-Raids can only last at the most, 3 Hours.
-You can only raid the same faction once every 3 Hours.
(After Initiating a raid)
-When a raider dies/retreats/logs off, they can't return to battle until the next raid.
-When declaring war, you have to give the faction 1 hour of peacetime before acting.
-You must give Reasons and Surrender terms when asked for it.
I do believe that further pushing this rule to make wars harder to start, would not be good for the future of PvP on massivecraft.
While that is the intended effect, it does not make war impossible,

Effectively, the Amendments allows both Peaceable and purely PvP factions to Co-Exist.

Bandit Factions:
Can fight ANYONE, but only have a maximum size, and limit on number of outposts.
Can fight any other PvP factions (Including bandits and Domineers) no questions asked.
You just have to leave peaceable factions alone.
Freedom to fight anyone and everyone on a single continent.
All you have to do is put forth the effort to apply.
Now you're probably asking,
"But they are also open to being raided by anyone too!",
Well, what do you think you're doing by becoming these factions?
"But as a Bandit I don't have enough members to go to war?"
Well, that's what allies are for, aren't they? Pretty sure I didn't put any limits on that.
In closing, if anything, the amendments will make people think more tactically about the wars they choose to go into.
Which helps enriches the PvP experience.
Furthermore, if you sincerely hate having limits or rules of any kind,​
Well, there's magical things called "Anarchy Servers"​
I lived on one, and it was the only one I ever played prior to massivecraft.​
I loved it.​
-For most factions, they probably won't have to change if these rules came into effect,
given they've been keeping the spirit of the server in their actions.
-Domineering, Bandit, and PVP are all essentially the same species, and operate very similarly.
The only difference being their physical faction make-up and small mechanics.
-If you have any questions about why I've made things they way they are, feel free to post here or
ask me directly on my profile page.
-Removed some things.
-Additions are written in Blue.
-Removed things are crossed out in grey.
P.S. Yes I know in Medieval times borders were shifting all the time,
But if you wanted to use that excuse, you wouldn't go around fighting people
for the sake of fighting people.
And remember, to vote on the Poll if you feel strongly about this idea,​
It might not do anything, but the poll makes it look pretty damn cool.​
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
-I haven't actually made any changes to the suggestion, so it either been restricting , or it appears to be because of discussion.

-And "all this stuff" isn't all that much, the only sort of thing I put hefty regulations on are factions out to war with an entire continent.

-Things such as how long raids can last, and how long untill they can raid again, I believe I heard from Moderators, I think maybe Monmarty and NewWarrior over helpchat possibly.

-Bottom line is you really shouldn't have to make any changes to current factions or alliances so long as you've been upkeeping with the current spirit of the server. These amendments just put that spirit into ink, if you have any specifics questioning about why I put things down the way I did, feel free to ask and I can give you my explanation or reasoning.
Responding point by point.
  • By "getting too restricting" I mean that updating the rules to these suggestions would cause the game to become much closer in not it the "too restricting" zone. I will edit my post so it makes more sense.
  • "All" does not have to refer to a large collection of things, just everything in a collection. Most factions that go to war with continents do have RP reasons other than being bandits. If they don't have enough members that's their choice, they can doom themselves if they want. The existing game rules still apply regarding raiding, it not like they can attack for longer because they have a rp reason. And as I said,
2. Not sure if it is actually needed. If you get raided you evaluate the situation and take necessary action. You can try lure them into a trap (assuming you have some), call your allies and ask for help in global chat. If it continues you ask for help on the forums. If you have been a peaceful faction that has been nice to people, not raided anyone and has not really done anything to deserve getting raided people will come and help (at least from every case I have seen) . If you were a faction that raided other small factions, insulted everyone you met and were a general problem then tough luck, you wanted to be a pvp power and now is your chance to prove it. You don't deserve game rules to protect you.
  • Not sure what your point is here, the fact there are rules was not my argument. Just a statement to validate my actual point; which I have made several times and which you have not responded to. I will say it again. You can call for help if you need it and if you have done nothing to deserve the raid people will help you.
  • Just so you know, I am not a person who raids, I truce anyone I can and ally many people. As a defender, not an attacker, I am saying these rules are not really needed.
Regarding new factions. If a new faction is raided continuously by a faction in their opening days they can pay the tribute and get a 70 day peace treaty. In the opening days of a faction they probably have less than 10 members, which (correct me if i am wrong) would mean a max tribute of 100 r. That is a rather small value and would give them enough time to setup allies and defenses.

EDIT: Edited at the request of BittaBoBittoBa
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