Archived Empires!

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Necro Slayer
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
New York
I'm sure quite a few of you remember back when Empires were rumored to be a planned feature of Factions V2. Obviously, they were not included, so I am here with an idea on how to incorporate empires into Massivecraft. For some of you old players, you remember back when large empires like Serenum or Pristina ruled the server. Since those days, especially in recent times, I have seen no real empires rise to power. Why would that be a good thing? I think Empires add a certain flavor to the Factions universe that makes it very fun to play. Empire vs. Empire wars, as well as all the politics and events that Empires used to have were very fun to be a part of. Obviously, with dedication, any player can go out and make the next large Empire, so why the plugin? I think if BASIC empire commands and structure was added to the factions plugin, it would encourage more people to go out and start well functioning empires.

So this concept would basically make Empires nothing too fancy, more like a basic faction, although it would be an Empire rather than a Faction, and have Factions rather than players. The commands and a quick overview of what I think they should do follow:
/f e Create [Creates the Empire]
/f e Name [Changes the name of the Empire]
/f e Desc [Changes the empire description]
/f e [Works life /f f , giving current Empire Information]
/f e invite (Faction name) [Invites a faction to the empire]
/f e kick (Faction name) [Kicks the faction from the Empire]
/f e list [Displays a list of all Empires]
/f e Capitol (Faction Name) [Sets the Capitol faction, the leader of which is the Emporer]
/f e perms [Change Several Permissions {More detail further down}]
/f e Enemy/Truce/Ally (Faction name) [Sets relation status for all factions in the Empire, overrides individual faction relations]
If the idea gets support, I will work on a full list of commands, but I'm sure you get the basic idea.

Now for a few other pluses and restrictions on empires:
Empires cannot claim land, that would be up to factions within it
The addition of an Empire chat! Looks like ally chat, but for Empire members. Channel is E:
Adds two new levels to the Faction Perms commands: Emperor, and Officer's of the Capitol.
Empires would be much more costly than a faction. Not just anyone deserves an Empire. Although this is obviously a debatable point, I would say somewhere around 800 silver.

A few permissions as follows would also be added for Empires:
Empire set relation
Empire Invite
Empire Kick
Empire sethome
Empire setdesc
Empire setname
As with the Commands, I will add to the list if the idea gets support

I will add more to the suggestion if good ideas are brought about below. Please leave all feedback below. If you click disagree, please explain why! Constructive criticism is key to developing an idea.
Thats all I got for now, have a nice day
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I don't know if anyone said this and I am way too lazy to go look back over the post, but once an empire gets real big they should add an option to tax the cities, max 20 silver a month I'd say.
Well they don't ask money its like a allience but then between closer friends and a own place in the world. Anyway i don't find it should cost more then 100s because otherwise i'm not supporting the fact that rich people are the only one who can e have a "real" empire...
A low costing empire would result in them popping up everywhere, it should be near impossible for not a known player to go off and build an empire. These should be reserved for people who have actually put the time into making money on the server, and strived towards their goal.
Well they don't ask money its like a allience but then between closer friends and a own place in the world. Anyway i don't find it should cost more then 100s because otherwise i'm not supporting the fact that rich people are the only one who can e have a "real" empire...

Google what an Empire is, bro, because you obviously don't know.
Oh, sorry, I thought I was too late to start arguing.

Firstly, I believe it would bring far too many raids with it, as it would open up a ton of ways for factions whom are members of an empire to play around the raiding rules, secondly, I think there is already too much PvP on this server and that there should be more focus on RP, while it would actually open up for many RP possibilities, the truth is that this would only concern the faction and empire owners and possibly officers, and not the hundreds of players whom are simply members, because playing democracy is kinda boring and were I to arrange a raid I wouldn't want to hear everyones opinion, I would just ask if someone wanted to raid.
I have one word for you sir. NO. In medieval times there was a great deal of fighting and bloodshed, they don't need to take away pvp like you so nievly hinted at. What I am striving towards on this server as a player, is to always be in character in my fights, this adds a certain fun to it for me personally. We don't need to remove one or the other, rp and pvp just need to "merge"
I have one word for you sir. NO. In medieval times there was a great deal of fighting and bloodshed, they don't need to take away pvp like you so nievly hinted at. What I am striving towards on this server as a player, is to always be in character in my fights, this adds a certain fun to it for me personally. We don't need to remove one or the other, rp and pvp just need to "merge"

But for gods sake its not like everyone were a part of some kind of military faction either.

If we are going to bring our personal opinions on PvP into this, I basically hate PvP and don't care much for it, but I still don't wish to take it off the server.

Staying in character requires you to type, which takes a few seconds and are usually not worth the dropping hearts, RP and PvP cannot "merge".
But for gods sake its not like everyone were a part of some kind of military faction either.

If we are going to bring our personal opinions on PvP into this, I basically hate PvP and don't care much for it, but I still don't wish to take it off the server.

Staying in character requires you to type, which takes a few seconds and are usually not worth the dropping hearts, RP and PvP cannot "merge".
If you hate pvp go join a faction that everyone likes, or go to regalia. I hate to break it to you but although this server is mainly rp, a huge aspect of it is defending your faction/ creations and pvp.
But for gods sake its not like everyone were a part of some kind of military faction either.

If we are going to bring our personal opinions on PvP into this, I basically hate PvP and don't care much for it, but I still don't wish to take it off the server.

Staying in character requires you to type, which takes a few seconds and are usually not worth the dropping hearts, RP and PvP cannot "merge".

I think he means more like roleplay wars rather than the traditional attack every faction you see.
But for gods sake its not like everyone were a part of some kind of military faction either.

If we are going to bring our personal opinions on PvP into this, I basically hate PvP and don't care much for it, but I still don't wish to take it off the server.

Staying in character requires you to type, which takes a few seconds and are usually not worth the dropping hearts, RP and PvP cannot "merge".
Let me remind you also that most of the servers economic power houses are PvPers and the server is not 100% RP based either (That's Why It Has Mutiple Worlds and The Factions Plugin) so if you do not like PvP stay in regalia. This empire idea has my full support it's the best idea I've seen suggested for massive in a long besides some of thor5648 PvP ideas. Cayorion should look at this.
But for gods sake its not like everyone were a part of some kind of military faction either.

If we are going to bring our personal opinions on PvP into this, I basically hate PvP and don't care much for it, but I still don't wish to take it off the server.

Staying in character requires you to type, which takes a few seconds and are usually not worth the dropping hearts, RP and PvP cannot "merge".
Please just stop throwing down words. Like Kirby said I meAn role play wars, go outside their base rp while they are in a house, then when they run out start the fighting. Of course I don't mean rp in the middle of the fight. Rp and pvp can merge and that is what a lot of the community is working to and you are one of the first people I have met who disagrees with that. This empire plugin is supported by me because the way I see it, it's doing just that.
I support this and also higher prices then 800s because an empire is something that Factions are supposed to save up for. Not individual people but entire factions.
200s is something that can be earned in a reasonable amount of time by a group of individuals.
I don´t think 1500s for example would be so hard to get for a group of Factions , saving up for that.
Also we probably want to avoid people making empires easily "just because they want their own".
I think he means more like roleplay wars rather than the traditional attack every faction you see.

How is an RP war possible?

I know it is possible to plan a war and speak diplomacy in one, but when it comes down to the war itself, it almost always follows the same pattern and is solely for the gain of the offending faction

Let me remind you also that most of the servers economic power houses are PvPers and the server is not 100% RP based either (That's Why It Has Mutiple Worlds and The Factions Plugin) so if you do not like PvP stay in regalia. This empire idea has my full support it's the best idea I've seen suggested for massive in a long besides some of thor5648 PvP ideas. Cayorion should look at this.

I ask you to stop extremifying everything I say, I don't wish this server was 100% RP based, I am just saying I prefer not to PvP BECAUSE I always lose and I am tired of it, therefore it is natural that I wish not to bring ant PvP upon myself. And yeah, if you don't like PvP stay in regalia and watch vampires jump in the emperor's tavern all day long, how entertaining.

Please just stop throwing down words. Like Kirby said I meAn role play wars, go outside their base rp while they are in a house, then when they run out start the fighting. Of course I don't mean rp in the middle of the fight. Rp and pvp can merge and that is what a lot of the community is working to and you are one of the first people I have met who disagrees with that. This empire plugin is supported by me because the way I see it, it's doing just that.

By your logic, because my opinion is unpopular, I don't have the right to a voice? By all means, If this is what you want support it with your entire heart and soul, but don't expect everyone to do the same
How is an RP war possible?

I know it is possible to plan a war and speak diplomacy in one, but when it comes down to the war itself, it almost always follows the same pattern and is solely for the gain of the offending faction

I ask you to stop extremifying everything I say, I don't wish this server was 100% RP based, I am just saying I prefer not to PvP BECAUSE I always lose and I am tired of it, therefore it is natural that I wish not to bring ant PvP upon myself. And yeah, if you don't like PvP stay in regalia and watch vampires jump in the emperor's tavern all day long, how entertaining.

By your logic, because my opinion is unpopular, I don't have the right to a voice? By all means, If this is what you want support it with your entire heart and soul, but don't expect everyone to do the same

By roleplay war I mean wars such as racial wars, like Elves vs Orcs. And these aren't really wars, but such as when a group of vampires will attack a small village for blood. These are roleplay wars, and are different from most faction servers where people attack other people for no reason. Thor doesn't mean charging into battle and saying in chat, "-Lunges at so-and-so, sword in hand" or something like that.
By roleplay war I mean wars such as racial wars, like Elves vs Orcs. And these aren't really wars, but such as when a group of vampires will attack a small village for blood. These are roleplay wars, and are different from most faction servers where people attack other people for no reason. Thor doesn't mean charging into battle and saying in chat, "-Lunges at so-and-so, sword in hand" or something like that.

Most of them are historical and players have no way to act them out, unless you are having some kind of LARP
Most of them are historical and players have no way to act them out, unless you are having some kind of LARP

No, not really. I mean, if you look at quite a few of the faction announcements, most of them have some sort of roleplay reason as to why they're having the war, and I think that's what Thor was getting at.
The main problem with the tax/price increase suggestion is that while it makes it harder for premiums to form empires, it makes it nigh on impossible for non-premiums to do so as well, which is why I honestly think that in order for empires to work effectively, the 75s per month benefit for premiums needs to be either severely nerfed or completely removed.

However, there are 2 main options outside of the silver arrangement.

1) Increase the number of factions required to make an empire. This makes it so empires are based around diplomacy more in general, requiring diplomats( or guys with really big sticks) to go around and convince(or beat up) factions to join their empire and keep it functioning. It would be really interesting if there was a system to dethrone the emperor in case he was too unpopular. Perhaps a revolution? Or a less violent kind of impeachment, were the factions in an empire vote the emperor out of his position.

2) I don't like this idea as much as the other one, but here it is. Make it so empires must be approved by a staff member to become one. Have it so empires need to make applications, and have a set of lore-compliant lore. Make sure that the factions inside of the empire are heavily involved in the rp aspect in Minecraft. For example, Mechbank or Magn-whatever the heck it was called. It could be a roleplay family or a group of pvpers who just so happened to write up some fairly compelling lore reasons for conquering the world.

I don't like the idea of impeaching a monarchy. A revolution sure, but it wouldn't be a democracy unless the empire was formed that way.
Factions instead of players?

Why couldn't the other person suggesting empires come up with something like this?

Plus one well earned Support.
No, not really. I mean, if you look at quite a few of the faction announcements, most of them have some sort of roleplay reason as to why they're having the war, and I think that's what Thor was getting at.

Yes, but they are acted out in the exact same way as any other war aside from having a backstory to it

besides, there are ways to play around this, for example, just say you want the land their faction is located on, or that they hate the great great grandfather of their faction owner, and swoosh, you have a perfectly valid reason to raid
I'm with this idea! Only I would hate to see Sofhgard (if it gets created) being conquered by an empire and forced to join it. Plus you forgot something, e: chat already exists. It's a roleplay chat for expressing emotions. Maybe r: ?

-Greetings, Theboomyfly.
I understand where you are coming from with your posts, but think about this: Empires could provide protection for RPers who seek to live peacefully in the Factions World rather than Regalia. Not every Empire is going to be some evil menace striving for world domination. I'm sure you could find an Empire no problem with the resources to protect you, if it were in fact implemented. Also, this idea is encouraging Pvp to a certain degree. Most Pvp that makes titles now is small wars fought between elite Pvpers. With Empires, I am trying to encourage more large scale battles with less skilled pvpers, in a more organized manner.
I'm with this idea! Only I would hate to see Sofhgard (if it gets created) being conquered by an empire and forced to join it. Plus you forgot something, e: chat already exists. It's a roleplay chat for expressing emotions. Maybe r: ?

-Greetings, Theboomyfly.
Ah, good point. Didn't think of that. I suppose any letter would work, that is not already taken.
This was discussed often in multiple thread but, sadly, went under in a lot of good ideas.
So this has my support, of course.
I also appreciate you wanting to keep this simple.
I would add a few suggestions though:
tax system for the empire,
Empire bank
maybe a little multiplier for faction power if they are in an empire?

If you want to expand it a little further, implement a voting system for emperors. If say 2/3 of all faction leaders vote to dethrone the emperor he gets dethroned and the factions heads fight to the death for the throne (last part was a joke, would be fun, though). There are a lot of possibilities for empires. Do this I say!
hentem - Why does it even matter if wars are bigger? Bigger is better, it means that more pvpers will be pvping against each other rather than being bored and ending up raid4lulzing RP factions.
This was discussed often in multiple thread but, sadly, went under in a lot of good ideas.
So this has my support, of course.
I also appreciate you wanting to keep this simple.
I would add a few suggestions though:
tax system for the empire,
Empire bank
maybe a little multiplier for faction power if they are in an empire?

If you want to expand it a little further, implement a voting system for emperors. If say 2/3 of all faction leaders vote to dethrone the emperor he gets dethroned and the factions heads fight to the death for the throne (last part was a joke, would be fun, though). There are a lot of possibilities for empires. Do this I say!
That depends on the type of empire it is. If it's a diplomatic empire, that's a maybe. If it's a faction with an extremely powerful military backing it then probably not. The king is still the king until the checkmate. Besides, an officers of a faction can't 'dethrone' the leader. So should the leaders of factions be able to dethrone their emperor?
hentem - Why does it even matter if wars are bigger? Bigger is better, it means that more pvpers will be pvping against each other rather than being bored and ending up raid4lulzing RP factions.

But the empires would at some point make peaceful factions their dominions solely because they are an empire, everyone would be framed, not just PvPers
This was discussed often in multiple thread but, sadly, went under in a lot of good ideas.
So this has my support, of course.
I also appreciate you wanting to keep this simple.
I would add a few suggestions though:
tax system for the empire,
Empire bank
maybe a little multiplier for faction power if they are in an empire?

If you want to expand it a little further, implement a voting system for emperors. If say 2/3 of all faction leaders vote to dethrone the emperor he gets dethroned and the factions heads fight to the death for the throne (last part was a joke, would be fun, though). There are a lot of possibilities for empires. Do this I say!
My thoughts on these suggestions:
Taxes: No. After some thinking, I think taxes would better be manually collected, if that is wanted, because they could easily be used to rob inactive people blind of their silver.

Empire Bank: Someone else suggested that, I support it.

Power: Maybe. Not a bad idea, but we could always add on if this idea is implemented.

Voting thing: No. That should be manually decided by the emperor and his subjects.
But the empires would at some point make peaceful factions their dominions solely because they are an empire, everyone would be framed, not just PvPers

Not really. The peaceful factions would be protected by the pvp factions that are part of the empire, and if said pvp factions fail then the peaceful factions can leave and make peace with their enemies. No PvPers want to fight people who hide and talk at them, so there is no logical reason to raid the peaceful factions once the empire has fallen.
But the empires would at some point make peaceful factions their dominions solely because they are an empire, everyone would be framed, not just PvPers
There is this thing called making friends so you don't get raided. For example Mecharic has made very good friends with me, an if he were to ever be getting attacked I would be there in a heart beat. You are one of if not the only person on this server that expresses the opinion you have shown towards what the server should be, and honestly this is a bit harsh, but no one really cares for that particular opinion.
There is this thing called making friends so you don't get raided. For example Mecharic has made very good friends with me, an if he were to ever be getting attacked I would be there in a heart beat. You are one of if not the only person on this server that expresses the opinion you have shown towards what the server should be, and honestly this is a bit harsh, but no one really cares for that particular opinion.

Yet again, you are disregarding my right to a voice based on how popular my opinions are, if you are itching for a fight you can fight all you want, there is nothing preventing you, and how is my opinion harsh? I am saying this is a bad idea, how is that harsh?
There is this thing called making friends so you don't get raided. For example Mecharic has made very good friends with me, an if he were to ever be getting attacked I would be there in a heart beat. You are one of if not the only person on this server that expresses the opinion you have shown towards what the server should be, and honestly this is a bit harsh, but no one really cares for that particular opinion.

I don't really agree with what Hentem is saying, but I fail to see how he's being harsh.
Now, now, now, this is about suggesting shizzle, not about arguing whether any of your opinions matter.

Keep the thread on-topic please. #SwagOut
I agree with this, and i was about to create a thread with the same idea.

thor5648 and hentem
Would you please stop the "Your opinion doesn't matter" thing. Your back and fourths make you seem very childish. Everyone's opinion is valid, as I welcome constructive criticism.

In the language of "Non OMG at this ideaness" +1 Bro, I think it could really help sort out subfac stuff, coalitions of factions, etc. :)
Well they don't ask money its like a allience but then between closer friends and a own place in the world. Anyway i don't find it should cost more then 100s because otherwise i'm not supporting the fact that rich people are the only one who can e have a "real" empire...
Sorry to address this point so late, but pretty much if it was cheap, it wouldn't be an Empire. Empires are large organizations, of many people, and in this case, factions. Being a 5-man empire of 2 factions (As an example, not referring to you) would make Empires just like a faction. An Empire should take time to work for, and should not be used as a cheap way to call yourself an Emperor.
I wish I had 8 accounts so I could rate it agree 8 times.
Look if you say your opinion doesn't matter, then you're wrong, people read it and it makes them think... thats the only thing that really does matter in messages, does it?
I like this idea.
By your logic, because my opinion is unpopular, I don't have the right to a voice?
You have every right to a voice, but what you are saying is wrong, not just unpopular. An RP war is one that has an RP backing, and is more realistic than just raiding people for fun.

  • RP war = Raiding because of a valid reason, like that the faction shelters vampires or undead, or they attacked your members.
  • Other = Raiding for fun, because someone said something stupid in global, ect.
But the empires would at some point make peaceful factions their dominions solely because they are an empire, everyone would be framed, not just PvPers
If you played your cards right, you wouldn't have to fight at all. If you aren't a pvper, then the Empire is unlikelly to force you to pvp, and instead just tax you, and if you were, then they would likelly share the spoils of war with you if you were helpfull during the war.
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