Archived Empires!

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Necro Slayer
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
New York
I'm sure quite a few of you remember back when Empires were rumored to be a planned feature of Factions V2. Obviously, they were not included, so I am here with an idea on how to incorporate empires into Massivecraft. For some of you old players, you remember back when large empires like Serenum or Pristina ruled the server. Since those days, especially in recent times, I have seen no real empires rise to power. Why would that be a good thing? I think Empires add a certain flavor to the Factions universe that makes it very fun to play. Empire vs. Empire wars, as well as all the politics and events that Empires used to have were very fun to be a part of. Obviously, with dedication, any player can go out and make the next large Empire, so why the plugin? I think if BASIC empire commands and structure was added to the factions plugin, it would encourage more people to go out and start well functioning empires.

So this concept would basically make Empires nothing too fancy, more like a basic faction, although it would be an Empire rather than a Faction, and have Factions rather than players. The commands and a quick overview of what I think they should do follow:
/f e Create [Creates the Empire]
/f e Name [Changes the name of the Empire]
/f e Desc [Changes the empire description]
/f e [Works life /f f , giving current Empire Information]
/f e invite (Faction name) [Invites a faction to the empire]
/f e kick (Faction name) [Kicks the faction from the Empire]
/f e list [Displays a list of all Empires]
/f e Capitol (Faction Name) [Sets the Capitol faction, the leader of which is the Emporer]
/f e perms [Change Several Permissions {More detail further down}]
/f e Enemy/Truce/Ally (Faction name) [Sets relation status for all factions in the Empire, overrides individual faction relations]
If the idea gets support, I will work on a full list of commands, but I'm sure you get the basic idea.

Now for a few other pluses and restrictions on empires:
Empires cannot claim land, that would be up to factions within it
The addition of an Empire chat! Looks like ally chat, but for Empire members. Channel is E:
Adds two new levels to the Faction Perms commands: Emperor, and Officer's of the Capitol.
Empires would be much more costly than a faction. Not just anyone deserves an Empire. Although this is obviously a debatable point, I would say somewhere around 800 silver.

A few permissions as follows would also be added for Empires:
Empire set relation
Empire Invite
Empire Kick
Empire sethome
Empire setdesc
Empire setname
As with the Commands, I will add to the list if the idea gets support

I will add more to the suggestion if good ideas are brought about below. Please leave all feedback below. If you click disagree, please explain why! Constructive criticism is key to developing an idea.
Thats all I got for now, have a nice day
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Grid, seeing that you were once a general of 9thLegion, and Me, being a vehement supporter of the goals of the Allied Collective, Empire vs. Empire vs. Empire would wreck the server economically. how ironic, a general of a faction that was against global war.
However, good idea though.
This is a suggestion to improve server wide Pvp, not support my goals as a peacekeeper (Which I am really not much of)
Pretty pretty please what? It is simply not as easy as that to add elements as we only have 1main coder and that is cayorion. To be able to add this he would have to add it to the code of factions or make a separate plugin that works with factions. I belive i heard cay like the idea of empires but at this point in time he is working on magic, monmarty is working on lore,roleplay,regalia and world making among other things and i am busy working on pvp. When we get to the point of factions again i am sure this point will be raised and adressed as it is a great idea.
Hey I know this post is old though I had some thoughts on this even though I am unsure of how I feel about them to start.
Where does the money go when you buy a faction or an empire?
The answer is no where it vanishes.
Why would making an empire cost regales to just have an empire in name?
Why would it matter if many create empires? I mean if they go inactive the empire will fall anyway.

Why not have prive ranges for benifits in an empire? like if you pay 5K R you could get some additional defence while inside your faction land.

Or maybe you want to be more military and get like 15% more attack damage in enemy territory. Cost like 10 K R fro that bonus.

It be like your using the money towards military support like guards for a faction and such.

Again am unsure if it would even be a big deal was just an idea that popes into my head would also like to add a picture I drew just for this thread.
Dworvin is screeming Suported in elder futhake.

Also if you like my ideas check out my other idea suggestion thread about horses and travel.

Also the Dwarven council is working on creating an empire named I think will be the IronAccord which is different then many empires though it is a pure dwarf empire consisting of 18 pure dwarf race factions. Being a dwarf empire we keep things democratic and still have individual freedom in the empire, its all respect based.
If you are interested in joining the Dwarven Empire contact anyone of us.Preferably the first named rather than the latter (organised by activity)
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Hey I know this post is old though I had some thoughts on this even though I am unsure of how I feel about them to start.
Where does the money go when you buy a faction or an empire?
The answer is no where it vanishes.
Why would making an empire cost regales to just have an empire in name?
Why would it matter if many create empires? I mean if they go inactive the empire will fall anyway.

Why not have prive ranges for benifits in an empire? like if you pay 5K R you could get some additional defence while inside your faction land.

Or maybe you want to be more military and get like 15% more attack damage in enemy territory. Cost like 10 K R fro that bonus.

It be like your using the money towards military support like guards for a faction and such.

Again am unsure if it would even be a big deal was just an idea that popes into my head would also like to add a picture I drew just for this thread.
Dworvin is screeming Suported in elder futhake.

Also if you like my ideas check out my other idea suggestion thread about horses and travel.

Also the Dwarven council is working on creating an empire named I think will be the IronAccord which is different then many empires though it is a pure dwarf empire consisting of 18 pure dwarf race factions. Being a dwarf empire we keep things democratic and still have individual freedom in the empire, its all respect based.
If you are interested in joining the Dwarven Empire contact anyone of us.Preferably the first named rather than the latter (organised by activity)
Ulldin, Torhyeir, Icewick, Kiest, Tenebrosam, Sarrow, Messorem, Kordun, Rho
many other dwarven factions have not been named.


And @Tokugawryuu 's. It seems you are only deciding if a faction is in your empire based on if it's dwarves, not if it actually wants to. Ask before you shout next time.

Anyway. NECRO. Why?

Also @stabbastian.oi and @William_Kiest how does it feel to be in two empires at once? Also, one of you apparently leads an empire AND is in another one. This is rather amusing Dworvin, and is also annoying me a bit,
Wait when did I join another empire...? I mean, Tenebrosam is still my faction, but it is still within Silencio's rule. Not under the command of another dwarf...
The reason empires don't occur today is becouse everyone is premium, and you simply can't inflict any damage to another faction. Back in the old days as many weren't premium and people actually lost their stuff which forced em to surrendering.

And @Tokugawryuu 's. It seems you are only deciding if a faction is in your empire based on if it's dwarves, not if it actually wants to. Ask before you shout next time.

Anyway. NECRO. Why?

Also @stabbastian.oi and @William_Kiest how does it feel to be in two empires at once? Also, one of you apparently leads an empire AND is in another one. This is rather amusing Dworvin, and is also annoying me a bit,

I've been pretty inactive the past two weeks and am apparently part of two empires? Oh lord. I tried to do some Icewick "empiring" and decided I hated it so I disbanded that thing. As for any other empire, Icewick is its own entity and part of no empire.
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