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A copy of this letter is delivered to /all/ Noble Estates, The Regalian Palace, All Vassal Houses, Inside the locker of every Guardsman, and a public letter is also pinned to all public boards across the city and ESPECIALLY Common Taverns. This letter is partially dictated from the Emperor's words, partially composed by the College of Princes and the Grand Ekhein of the Imperial Palace. ((OOC Summary at the Bottom for ease of reference))

The Emperor has always observed that the holding of personal ownership over another soul is in direct contradiction of Unionist's tenets on personal freedom as dictated by God Emperor Vess or the Divine Instruments Tarnan & Sarvan. The Emperor professes that this institution has always been a necessary evil for the expansion and growth of the Empire, as manpower shortages dictate how effective the Empire can wage war. The slave tills the field, so the citizen may die on the battlefield for duty, has always been the applicable adage. For centuries slavery itself was an aspect of society that allowed a relative freedom to conscientiously object. After all, one could simply choose not to consume tabacca, in the knowledge that unliberated hands proliferated the market of this substance.
However, as the centuries have passed, the immoral institution of slavery became less a vehicle of necessity and more a vehicle of greed and apathy. Even though the act of enslaving a person was outlawed nearly ten years ago, the number of slaves per capita has been increasing exponentially. Even though laws were created to give protections and freedoms to slaves, the number of slaves are ever increasing, even to the depravity of slave breeding camps in the greater Hellatia area where unsavory individuals circumvent the Eronidas slavery ban by simply breeding more slaves in captivity.
Slavery has become so permeated in the primary and secondary institutions of the economy that it is impossible to be a conscientious objector, or a moral enemy of slavery. Even the most stalwart anti-slavery defenders in House Morathes unknowingly wear clothes spun from wool sheared from unfree hands, and golden thread mined with chained ankles. To be a conscientious objector to the practice of slavery, in the Empire, in this day and age, is to go hungry and to wear nothing and to indeed own nothing, for the practice has permeated to such a degree that every item on the common market whether imported or exported has become tainted with the practice.
Every citizen, no matter how wealthy or poor, is bearing the fruits of slavery and benefiting from it. Anyone who is free, stands on ground tilled, worked and treaded upon by the chained masses that yearn to be free. A slow encroachment of civil liberties for slaves is proving ineffective to the crown, and as such, the Crown is opting for more direct demands for change. Here follows the Emperor's Decree, as given Divine Assent by Vess, Tarnan and Sarvan in spirit.
TLDR; The Emperor says slavery was once necessary to grow the Empire, but is evil. The Emperor says God Emperors and Divine Instruments are against it. The Emperor says that while conscientious objection to slavery was once possible, it no longer is and hasn't been for a really long time, and even some of the most staunch anti-slavery people are plucking the fruits of slave labor and living in slave-labor induced luxury and that no single person can claim the moral high ground of being against slavery while also not benefitting from it. The Emperor signs new laws to amend this.

- The Crown will institute a blanket ban on primary and secondary sector economic slavery that shall be completed by the end of this year. By the winter of reflection of 310 AC, all industrial and resource harvesting slaves shall have to be set free, and every person who still employs of uses such an individual in forced bondage will be fined 2,000 Regals per day per slave.
- The Crown shall exempt personal care and entertainment bonded individuals. The Crown shall also exempt criminal lives commuted from death or life imprisonment to service. The Crown shall also outlaw the practice of white-collar slavery, better known as indentured servitude, by requiring a minimum payment or wage for indentured servants beyond the basic subsistence of living costs.
- The Crown has discussed utilizing industrial capacity to replace slave labor in the fields with engineering devices such as automata, which work tirelessly, and only require maintenance, no food or medical attention and can work day and night. Our Qadir allies ensure us this is viable but costly.
- The Crown shall decree that the State shall finance an exchange scheme where every industrial or agriculturally employed slave shall be replaced with Engineered Automata at a rate of four slaves to one automata. The Bureaucracy has calculated costs for this endeavor outlined in the map below.
- The Emperor decrees that both Financial Ministries bear the responsibility of phasing out industrial and agricultural slaves in the period of the next 2 months, so that every sector there-in is slave free by July, and that the government may start working on financial schemes to support the emancipated slave population after that, as there is an obvious expectation of unemployment and homelessness.
- The Financial Ministries may tackle regions at a time, some regions marked as "0" have no industrial or agricultural slavery present, or only have entertainment slaves present, which the Crown has chosen not to ban, due to the nebulous and often consensual nature of content consumption therein.
- The Emperor decrees that houses de Azcoissia, Valloaan, Peirgarten, du Poncaire, Delmotte, Viduggla, Sorenvik, Nordhjem, Petrou, Litvinova and Abbansadi may expect civil unrest, and are advised to keep their troops close at hand to repress civil unrest as a result of this choice, and enforcement of machine-labor that is still considered culturally unpopular by some, and the decree an attack on their personal and cultural identity.
Map of Wealth Token costs for the replacement scheme per province: