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Election Thesis: Selwynn Crassian

I, Selwynn Crassian, a Regalian of 124 years this summer, hereby declare my intent to run for the esteemed office of Undercrown of the Regalian Empire. I have served Regalian interests again and again. First, in the Elven War, then in the first Songaskian war. and again in the Lo Occupation. Throughout all of these, I have acted as an advisor and protector to House Kade, to whom I swear utter loyalty save for that which is owed to the Emperor, our dear Cedromar I. On many counts, I have put my life and body on the line in sacrifice for the cause of the Great Way. I am a proud Regalian and a fervent Unionist, steadfast in my faith and commitment to the Empire. And yet I seek to further my sacrifice and my commitment in ways I have not done before. While the late Montagaard no doubt improved the Empire, his work is incomplete because of the nature of his early passing. The position of Undercrown must be filled by someone who can complete his work, and I believe myself to be one that can finish what he earnestly started. I have two main outlying intentions for the future of the Regalian Empire should I be elected as Undercrown:

One. We must continue Charles Montagaard's efforts to subdue and otherwise integrate the heretical upstart elements that impede the Great Way. We must standardize and unite our languages, and enforce the human languages on the non-Human if they are to ever ascend and be forgiven as Unionists and be reborn as Ailor. I will see that no Regalian treacherously speaks a foreign tongue within our capital. I will see that any in our Empire will know themselves as Regalian first, and Northerne, Ithanian, Gallovian, Dressolini, Daendroque, Elven, Maiar, Songaskian, etc later. Our loyalties will not be divided between heritage and culture, and faith and nationalism. We will become one people united by our desire to walk the Great Way.

With this comes the promise that Charles Montagaard's war on the Northern rebels will not cease. I speak not of Northerners who fall in line under the Great Way as they should. I speak of those pesky and stubborn barbarians who continue to resist by practicing their false faiths, and using their unbridled languages. Those who rise up in arms against the Empire, and our Holy leader, the Emperor. Our Union will not be impeded by those who are too stubborn and hardy to join in it. The practice of Justifixion will continue. The Northerne languages will be done away with in favor of more Regalian tongues.

Two. We must seek vengeance for the death of the late Charles Montagaard. I have lived among the Elves. I have seen their great heresy, their impudence, and their hubris. I know their strengths and their weaknesses. The Faith of Estel is a false and pagan belief that worships demon-gods and heathenish statues. Their beliefs are antithetical to ours. Yet, their people remain unenlightened of their errors. Were I to never venture to Regalia, I would have never learned of Unionism.

We must therefore export Unionism to the continent of Daen in ways yet unenvisioned, and at the same time, avenge our beloved Undercrown. We must rain death to the unbelievers, and enlighten those that will allow our holy words to seep into their hearts. We will fell every tower, raze every jungle, and confiscate every heretical book, poem, and arcane device that they have. We will lock their 'great works' up for those of wiser, and humbler, temperaments to study and have access to. We will eradicate their clunky and obsolete languages in favor of our own efficient and favorable ones. We will smash their statues, stamp out their carvings, and render the entirety of Teled Methen to the rubble that is the once capital city of the fallen Empire, Ríë, until they surrender themselves and their teachings to the merciful eye of Union. As was done in the north, will be done in the south. And finally, if elected Undercrown, I will see to it that we do not allow the Montagaard's death to be in vain. He will rest in paradise knowing that he was the beginning of a glorious conquest against the evil Altalar; one that will end in utter victory. History will remember him for his bravery, and will remember us for finishing what he started.

I ask not for titles, recognition, or glory. I ask to be vested the power to execute what I have outlined above. I ask that I am granted the ability to serve my Emperor as Undercrown of this holy Empire. I ask this to you, my holy Emperor. Allow me to serve as I always have.
Nadina Haaven clasped her hands adoringly before her chest as the familiar name graced her vision upon the Noticeboard. By the time she had finished reading the thesis, small, silent tears had beaded up in the Yanar's eyes.

She turned away without a further word.