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Reclamation of Liccata


The Silly
Jan 19, 2024
Reaction score

A announcement is posted within the papers, accompanied by a depiction of the Salvatore family crest.
It is with great pride that the Salvatore family announces the successful conclusion of their long campaign to reclaim the lands that rightfully belong to their heritage and culture. The Imperial Court has now officially recognized their efforts, bestowing upon them the honor of nobility in all respects. Dante Benedicto Salvatore has been granted the title of Count of Liccata, and he extends his deepest gratitude to both the Imperial and Vultarian Courts for their invaluable support;

I am most thankful to the Court for recognizing my dedication and legacy properly. Though this makes me stand as the newest first-generation noble, this title rests upon the foundation of a bloodline that stretches back through the ages, a lineage of individuals who devoted their lives to this land. I pledge to honor their legacy, striving to bring prosperity and strength to the island, just as they did before me.

For the glory of the Empire,

Dante Benedicto Salvatore
Count di Liccata