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The Silly
Jan 19, 2024
Reaction score

Celebration of Reclamation


The Count di Licatta, Dante Benedicto Salvatore, sponsored by the Court of the Duke of the Vultarin Hegemony, cordially invites to his personal Estate, the House of the rising Sun.

Meant to celebrate the still recent ennoblement of the Salvatore Family, and the rightful return of the island Licatta into their possession, sanctioned by the Imperial Court, the family now wants to welcome all of similar status to come join them in their victory celebration. Especially those who find themselves favouring the Duke, or those yet to be convinced of his politics.

Befitting of their proud Azzizzari Heritage, the general theme will be of red & gold, to contrast the starch cold currently sweeping the streets. The Celebration will follow no solid schedule, it is simply to encourage socializing among the peerage.

The following Houses are directly invited, either due to previous allyship or hopes for one to be forged:

✒ House Belrose @Numbless
✒ House Caer Mynach @Annie_Short
✒ House Delmotte @Arhbi
✒ House Malkaveau @Gwyndo
✒ House Monterossa @diCardinale
✒ House Silverberry @Sorc3r3ss
✒ House von Duerr @Dekuras
✒ House von Kalterwald @Ang0re
✒ House von Rolanthe @vulnyacura




WHO: Count Dante B. Salvatore di Liccata (@Local_Schnom), is hosting the event & sponsored by the Duke of Vultaro.
WHERE: Salvatore Family Estate, directions laid out below.
WHAT/WHY: A celebration of being granted the title and lordship as Count di Liccata.
WHEN: 21st of December at 5pm EST
NOTE: Crashers are requested to abstain.


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Thank you to umbralunaelucem (aka Emile) for crafting this wonderful layout.

DM @Schnom for any questions or inquiries!