Lurelin, Nesaak and Edronia have been added to the Kingdom and have made great contributions to the market and other ongoing projects.
The new Kingdom Home armory is complete in creative, and space has been dug out in survival for future facilities.
The Discord has been updated with stickers, emojis and sigil icons for each role, so members can be represented by their factions when speaking in chat.
Small lore tweaks have been made, as well as an official list of King's Guard members. New Kingdom members are working on developing their characters.
The Kingdom Market is under construction by Spectriel, with help from Siosie.
If you are a faction leader and wish to join the Dominion, contact Sevak in game, if there is a play style available, we cater to it. The Dominion is currently only accepting factions that have a reference contact in the Kingdom for the time being.
Julu8 introduced the Ember Fair project to the Kingdom. It's being constructed in creative then will be added to Deldrimor near the head garden.
The event is being currently planned for the week of the summer solstice and will involve multiple days of RP events as well as minigames on and off Massive.
Dominion members or paid stall renters will be allowed to set up pop up shops during events to sell items.
Events will be opened publicly, though non-Kingdom members may have limited access to some.
Tetrya is working on a fully automated Casino and game hall for the Kingdom. The establishment will have arcade games, roulette tables, slot machines and more.
AzureShoyru is working on developing an archive for player written lore books for Cressida's Halia Library. If you'd like to contribute to the library's collection, contact Shoyru in game or over Discord (tealNRG#3539).
The Kingdom hosted a Gartic Phone game night in MassiveCraft Survival Discord on 3/30/22.
The Kingdom hosted a Rocket League night on 4/5/22 where members played 4v4 games in house.
A map of the Dominion Ithanian territories, to be updated by Sevak
Deldrimor soldiers participated in raids against the Kingdom of Chet.
Traxex30 has continued work on various builds for the faction, as well as working on a potion facility in creative.
Plans for city expansions have been laid out, including the fairground for the Ember Fair, jousting arena, and extended farmland and villages.
Zakaji and Goatman have been getting materials for Raze to complete the Library which is now almost entirely completed.
Raze and Jareth have been working on building the Cressidan town in creative. The style guide and some of the main builds are almost completed.
Members have worked more on artwork (Characters, sigils, stickers, emojis) and Lore in the Dominion.
Wynstiel worked on the production for the Ithanian capital, as well as developing a Discord banner for the Kingdom.
Azuria has been working on trying to get ahold of an area of land and has moved build servers for their current build.
Sweet_Dreams continued work on the Ithania capital base, as well as hosting the Gartic Phone event. Talantius carried Sevak in WoW arenas like a chad.
Lurelin settled their Ithania claim to connect with the Kingdom, and have already began deforesting the area and laying out their keep. They have plans to create a small village along the coastline.
Spectriel has helped a considerable amount on the Kingdom Market project and Siosie has begun planning for Lurelin's more subterranean homes.

G0atfather has worked on his castle in creative, which will be built in survival soon. He also helped dig out space for the K Home.
King Robert Claythorne and Queen Arwyn Claythorne, By Jareth
Kingdom Discord Banner, By wynstiel
PvP Video, By Sevak
Kingdom Armory, By Knyxo, and edited by wynstiel
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