Dominion Newsletter 09/19/22


Possibly the Worst
Jul 28, 2017
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Welcome to the Dominion Newsletter for September 2022. The following is a roundup of what has been happening in the Dominion and its constituent factions concerning matters of Growth, building, warfare, RP and more!

If you are a faction leader and wish to join the Dominion, contact Sweet_Dreams or another Council member in game, if there is a play style available, we cater to it.



Wars have still been fought on the periphery of the Dominion whilst big changes stir within. More Council additions, more day to day protocol changes, more claiming, more building and so much more planned for future expansion.


The Kingdom Home has been decorated with a number of additions, the latest being an RP hub! This will allow Roleplayers to have quick and easy access to potential Roleplay hotspots around the various factions of the Dominion.

More work has also been done by Sevak on a map that more accurately illustrates where the more far flung factions of the Dominions are within the lore


Two new members now sit on the council. Welcome Spectriel and Siosie! The expanded roles from last time have also been solidified further to now supplement a new, smoother supply line, to great effect.

The Recruitment thread itself makes further progress towards release, not long now before it is upon us.


Wars continue to rage on Dominion factions. The Capture and occupation of Lurelin comes to a swift peaceful end yet Argost still remains prisoner as we speak. The suppliers of the Dominion continue to work hard, stocking the potions, armour and diamonds needed for further combat.


There are big things to come with the Dominion Market! With the build now up and running it is only a matter of time before it is populated and stocked! Watch this space.



A place for each of the factions to talk about what has been happening within their faction.


Deldrimor assisted in various sieges and raids.

Sevak worked with Kingdom members on the RP Hub, Kingdom home decorations, faction leadership and a more lore accurate map of the holdings of the Dominion.

Traxex worked on construction for the Kingdom potion facilities.


Lumina's castle build in Ithania has been completed off-site aside from some small amounts of interior and decorative work and will include our first warzone area complete with 2 arenas stacked on each other created by Knyxo and Breakneckelement.

Knyxo and Chalsie added some ships for our Essa claim that we bought from DelftBlau/ DanyWood.

Breakneckelement finished our long overdue Essa darkroom wall design and build.

Rahm_Kota, Knyxo and Chalsie completed the first quadrant of our Essa darkroom upgrade to boost yellow and pink mobs and the new diamond miner mob.

Chalsie also helped work on the kingdom potion room with Trax.

As a faction we are looking forward to watching the rest of our kingdom flourish.


More construction on the town of Himalia, now nearly finished by TehCatalyst and RazeII.

The_Lilim has begun work on the map room of the Dominion and aided with the creation of the Roleplay Hub with Raze and other Dominion members. The RP portals for Cressida are set up and decorated.

Various members of Cressida, new and old, helped with claimpower and expanded their own claim too to allow for building some of the areas that had been planned outside of the old claim bounds.


KittyPoppins worked to expand the Azuria claim whilst helping others do the same thing, as well as doing work designing the basis of the Roleplay hub.


Talantius created a new sister faction to Torsmir, Torondir, with lore and building plans getting started to integrate it into the Kingdom.


Lurelin has had a very busy few weeks. We have completed our new faction home & faction storage, featuring a new semi portal-hub, defensive measures, and a small amount of hidden "easter eggs".

We've renovated our keep to provide more space internally & a shady respite near the freshly-planted gardens & apiary.

We have begun construction to finish the remaining two homes in our main city, in addition to construction on our more swamp-themed harbour, which is slated to soon be home to a handful of boats.

The borders of Lurelin & the Dominion as a whole have rapidly expanded over the last week. Lurelin has lent their resources to many fellow subjects of Dominion in order to bridge connections between factions. Additionally, Lurelin's Spectriel & Siosie contributed to the completion of the Dominion Kingdom Market build.

Speaking of bridges, Lurelin completed construction on two bridges. One to the north designed by Jaehaerys & intended to connect them to Tyberia, and one to the south designed by Spectriel & connecting Lurelin to Torondir.

Sir_Daragon & Omnomivore have been granted permissions to make faction decisions in the event that Siosie or Spectriel aren't immediately available.

In the interest of forming more positive relations, Lurelin is set to begin recruitment this week. If you encounter a player you think would enjoy the cozy, wholesome atmosphere of Lurelin, be sure to have them mail or message Siosie or Spectriel for consideration.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: A mysterious figure bearing the Lurelinian crest has been spotted travelling through the heartlands, leaving chickens in their wake.


The faction Hamamia officially becomes Iphodutia!

Hamcheese claims more land with the help of the Dominion and begins construction on the citadel.


Theboomyfly finished the storage and started planning the completion of the city walls.

He also started working on getting the storage stocked.


BlueChaos took control of a large part of the Diamond economy then aided the Dominion with claim power whilst active in Cressida.




The Starts of a lore map to show the Dominion holdings created by Sevak


And the beginnings of a map floor started by Cartographer The_Lilim


A cute image of the progress in Lurelin's town in Ithania


Thank you for reading through this far and we invite you to keep an eye out for the next Dominion Newsletter! A lot of big things are on the horizon with a lot to look forward to.


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