Diplomatic Imunity!

That image just gave me an idea on how crimsons can hang people... If a plugin was made so leash could attach to people... imagine the possibilities for killing them in lots of different ways.
Okay, let me think... you took screenies inside the HQ.... and that shows our weaknesses how?
Well squid man, you did a good job at making yourself an look like an idiot and if anything the crimsons take you even less serious now. xD Good effort!
He is not a threat to us.
You are absolutely right. He never was or will he ever be. He is just some guy lookg to make money off of screenshots that anybody can get mind you and get some public attention in the process. Cay, you got half of what you are looking for, just not in the way you expected.
Sorry just saw the title to this thread and the Lethal Weapon movie popped in my head, probably has nothing to do with this thread. carry on. :)

I had a look out, and some small smoke explosives if i needed to get out quick and quiet. O, and crimson security is crap. And did i mention someone LEFT THE DOOR OPEN!

1) Go ahead and post the pictures, we have nothing to fear because there are just a few cells and chests. Unless you FAKED the pictures by corrupting them and making them show non-existing places.

2) We don't have explosives, probably mistook them for torches.

3) Vampires are outlawed, yet you suggest we give them immunity?

4) We don't go around executing everyone, we give them a choice between the cure or death. If they chose death, we give them a fair fight.

5) we don't force them to be arrested. They have to be in a lore friendly rp mood.

6) It'll be cool if we give immunity to some players, grant able by applying on the forums.

7) who gave you immunity? Was it legit?

8) If you broke in, you are as guilty as the vampires. You could have been executed, don't risk your rp life! (And your irl one too)
I do recall arresting this one and killing him, but when I struck him with the final blow he "transformed into sand" and fell to the floor, but of course the sand reconstructed itself and he came back to life. So, this man has little to fear if he can't actually die.
I do recall arresting this one and killing him, but when I struck him with the final blow he "transformed into sand" and fell to the floor, but of course the sand reconstructed itself and he came back to life. So, this man has little to fear if he can't actually die.
Transformed into sand? What are you talking about? Are you sure youre an orc? You might be a troll!
Just do /mctop godrp and all will be revealed. But to be serious you did fall into a form of sand. I'm not going to argue with you about it for I have no way to prove it, but I know what happened and that is all that matters to me.
It is very sad if an orc has better grammar than you.
7) who gave you immunity? Was it legit?
I think he gave him self immunity...

8) If you broke in, you are as guilty as the vampires. You could have been executed, don't risk your rp life! (And your irl one too)
Isn't he a vampire anyway?

Either way I say we tie him on a leash and get a maiar to tie the other end to a fence post 15+ blocks under water (if you have an animal that really gets on your bad side this is a good way to get rid of it).
The amount of conveniently hidden metagame hurts.
Sneak by? I was the only crimson in the building at the time and I was giving a new recruit a tour. I walked downstairs to see you sneaking under the stairs. xD Then, you just ran off. What I am saying is that there was no actual security at the time because nothing was going on. Yes the doors where open, so I could be let in and out for the tour, because standard crimsons do not have permissions to use the door. Stop trying to paint yourself as a master spy squid man. Your only trying to convince yourself.
To ALL preople reading this! The squid only wants attention, because he did not accomplish anything today, so he playing up walking into the crimsons HQ while there are no guards as something special. I say we just ignore the squid. All in favor say, "Aye".
I am so CURIOUS!

No but seriously. If you have proof of any kind. then just reveal it. It doesnt seem like your getting immunity by blackmailing them. (if it can be called that) If they don't fear, then they better not cry when its too late.:P

(just neutral opinion here :3 not picking sides or anything)
I have a full set of screenshots of the inside of the crimson base! I declare myself with diplomatic imunity for crimes and supporting vampires! If im captured or tried triedor executed, the pictures will be auctioned! The crimsons can buy these pics for 300s for them all, or 10s a apiece! Remember crimsons! Capture me, and everyone knows your weaknesses! (Btw, if the crimsons buy them, I will delete them from my computer)


Firstly, you could hardly call this role-play. As the server is based in Medieval ages, there was no way you could of gotten pictures of the Crimsons HQ, nor a way to put it on a online media.
Now if you got written information about their next plans, and made some role-play how you put a letter in the Crimson HQ as a warning, then yes that would be valid role-play.
Taking screenshots then threatening the Crimson that you will put them on the forums isn't role-play at all.

Sneak by? I was the only crimson in the building at the time and I was giving a new recruit a tour. I walked downstairs to see you sneaking under the stairs. xD Then, you just ran off. What I am saying is that there was no actual security at the time because nothing was going on. Yes the doors where open, so I could be let in and out for the tour, because standard crimsons do not have permissions to use the door. Stop trying to paint yourself as a master spy squid man. Your only trying to convince yourself.
To ALL preople reading this! The squid only wants attention, because he did not accomplish anything today, so he playing up walking into the crimsons HQ while there are no guards as something special. I say we just ignore the squid. All in favor say, "Aye".

Aye - This Squid be stupid.
I think he gave him self immunity...

Isn't he a vampire anyway?

Either way I say we tie him on a leash and get a maiar to tie the other end to a fence post 15+ blocks under water (if you have an animal that really gets on your bad side this is a good way to get rid of it).
Hes not a vampire, when he first joined the server, I nursed him under the light of Inkana. He started a vespid swarm and later turned to the dark side. My character still considers him a friend, and tries to get him back into the light.
I have a full set of screenshots of the inside of the crimson base! I declare myself with diplomatic imunity for crimes and supporting vampires! If im captured or tried triedor executed, the pictures will be auctioned! The crimsons can buy these pics for 300s for them all, or 10s a apiece! Remember crimsons! Capture me, and everyone knows your weaknesses! (Btw, if the crimsons buy them, I will delete them from my computer)


Your so going to be hunted down like a dog. My suggestion is to go seek Asylum in some small unknown faction before you get killed and become useless.
Hes not a vampire, when he first joined the server, I nursed him under the light of Inkana. He started a vespid swarm and later turned to the dark side. My character still considers him a friend, and tries to get him back into the light.
That was Kazaakell, not Carter, carter is my current rp
Firstly, you could hardly call this role-play. As the server is based in Medieval ages, there was no way you could of gotten pictures of the Crimsons HQ, nor a way to put it on a online media.
Now if you got written information about their next plans, and made some role-play how you put a letter in the Crimson HQ as a warning, then yes that would be valid role-play.
Taking screenshots then threatening the Crimson that you will put them on the forums isn't role-play at all.

Aye - This Squid be stupid.
Well... I said earlier that my char drew them...
Well... I said earlier that my char drew them...

A couple of things.

1. The crimsons don't care.
2. Even if they did who is to say you drew truthfully?
3. Just post the images, they are offering you no protection and everyone is tired of this meta-gaming.
4. Just use 1 or 2 posts, dont post 4 posts in a row, there is an edit button you know.
I have a full set of screenshots of the inside of the crimson base! I declare myself with diplomatic imunity for crimes and supporting vampires! If im captured or tried triedor executed, the pictures will be auctioned! The crimsons can buy these pics for 300s for them all, or 10s a apiece! Remember crimsons! Capture me, and everyone knows your weaknesses! (Btw, if the crimsons buy them, I will delete them from my computer)

I wish there was a "dumb" rating.
These pictures does not seem to have any value at the current time, since no-one needs them, and the Inquesition is at an "Unstable" state as usual. I don't see why people keep discussing it.

- N J B
Hold on...lets think about this for a second...if you get rid of the pictures...after they have bought them from you...then you no longer have them...whats to stop them from STILL comming after you when you no longer have them?