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Criticism Of Hypocrisy


May 10, 2020
Reaction score
A piece of parchment would be found laying along the ledge of the Arena Court, nearby the entrance pointing out towards the Golden Willow. It was stamped down with something of flat, sticking adhesive placed onto the railing where it could be spotted. Its writing was somewhat more coherent than the last piece of litter, yet it kept the same crazed swish of writing. It read;

Corrupted Radicals

As someone so proud of our government and its finest creeds derived from our Emperor, I find it appalling that several individuals of corruption have managed to weave their way into this state. To relay the matters of which I attend towards the latest of these drabbled writs, I shall criticize an exercise of both hypocrisy and unduly addressed corruption laid within the systems which enforce our union. To do such, I will tell the story of an unsanctioned arrest and inordinate crimes left unpunished:

I was engaging in something of a publicized lecture, as was a major criticism delivered to one of my posts. As a man of my word, I took it upon myself to partake in civilized debate in a city which grounds itself on bureaucracy. Bureaucracy has the strength of civility, a lack of pronounced violence. Preaching and debating the spiteful words of which all shall know us Lotharians are against, I was swarmed.

A trio of individuals came up to my presence rather directly. An Arkenborn, a Silontaar, and an Ordial Wraith. Indeed, these two individuals managed to smuggle an illegal, terroristic force of death into our city and within one of the most public areas. Being a more rational individual, I believed them to be someone with only a condition at first and engaged in debate with the Silontaar.

Needless to say, the debate lasted only minutes, as the other two monstrosities took it upon themselves to viciously, and bear in mind illegally, assail me on public grounds. I fought against both of these vile animals, before the Metropolitan was ultimately alerted to cease the conflict. Instead of being let go, after being assaulted by both a Void-supporting Arkenborn and their ghost, and thus defending myself and the interests of the nation in my duty, I was arrested.

Moreover, I do not know what happened to the other two. They have probably escaped at this point, if not been given the lightest of punishments to which they fled from so easily. While myself? I was beaten to an inch of death in a cell by Arcanist Divya Kundumban. After willing giving myself to the Metropolitan, being locked in a cell for some time, I was beaten without any reason. I have suffered somewhat extensive injuries which are not necessary to state as they have healed decently up.

Yet, the fact that the Arcanist was not only let off the hook for their action and not imprisoned or even suspended of their duties is appalling. I lost memory from the scenario afterwards, so I do not know of the intervention until I awoke, only to find that Commissioner Tarlok fellow letting them off the hook. Consequently, two other medical staff swarmed my body as I do not know what even occurred. That, and I could hear demonic screeching from within those cells, it was preposterous.
We, the patriots of our city, have fought tooth and nail against the divisions of tyranny towards our numerous systems. We fought against the Bralonian control, we fought against the vampiric onslaughts, and now we fight against the demonic nightmare. Yet, to see all of that progress halted by bad actors within our government is for utter shame.

Not only such, but it further emphasizes the danger of these Occult-driven personalities and their 'legalized' theurgy which continues to present a danger within our system. I was attacked by a demon. As well, I saw how easily threats of the Void and the Ordial could penetrate the defenses of our city.

The Metropolitan and the citizenry must step up to eliminate the powers of these corrupted actors, or invest in exposing those flaws which perpetrate meaningless enforcements of their own powers. I was charged with multiple accounts of 'Emotional Damage' for daring to say anything against these deranged lunatics. To make it fundamentally clear, if you are emotionally damaged by another's words, I suggest you get yourself checked by the Reality Enforcement.

Regardless, the systemic decline of not only our abilities to protect the city from Occultist but also untimely corruption against the hands of citizens is growing strained. Policies must be in place to further ensure there is debate and sanctuary against these forces, especially those so willing to challenge patriots via violence.

On such topic, I still await several requested 'duels', per se. I am a warrior true of spirit, I await when you challengers perceive your fury.
In Hope,
Sera Roinval Arestinescua

(@JamiJam017 @HeyoBiggums @Faith_Bug )
A certain Arkenborn slowed to a sudden halt when noticing the new notice, reaching out to grasp onto its material and pull it closer to their face, reading over whatever the contents had to say before putting it back after reading it over a few times. They wrote a notice under it of their own:









