The whole problem with this war is that both sides are using roleplay as an excuse to get away with something that is completely roleplay unrelated.
You could say that both sides should completely ignore roleplay if it were not for one simple fact. From the getgo of this whole mess, Gwen has stated that Osai doesn't have any vampires. And indeed, if you use a vampire check on their members none of them are vampires. The stupidity of the situation is, that Osai has 2 of the most fervent roleplaying vampires of the community in it. Boom77777 and Celticwitch. Celticwitch being the most adamant vampire supporter on the forum, who is also still a vampire according to her roleplay character, also note her forum signature. Boom77777 is even a special case by itself. In her roleplay, she roleplayed a girl that was cursed by Mrsbaver, a dormant demon was inserted into her making her immune to being cured of vampirism. I specifically tailored this piece of canon lore to suit her story as I was sympathetic to her roleplay story being ruined by the server lore changes. According to her roleplay character, she is also still a vampire.
- The Viridian crusade wants to punish Osai and Alamut for actions in the "meta" universe of factions and faction politics.
- Osai wants to avoid getting raided daily by the viridian crusade, which is something "meta" as it does not happen in roleplay
- The Viridian crusade wants people to support it because of rp reasons, namely Osai having vampires.
- Osai tries to claim abuse and create sympathy by calling it forced RP and what not.
What did I conclude from this? The most likely scenario being that Gwen forced her members to change their roleplay so that she could claim complete innocence in a likely scenario of an attack on Osai for having vampires. This is more so supported by the case of mkawesomeness. Mkawesomeness was once in Osai, but left the server for some unknown reason. After the whole instance, Gwen always claimed Mkawesomeness left the server due to sexual harassment against her from the Hidden Dragon tavern. Mkawesomeness rejoined the server yesterday, and after a short talk she told me her leaving had absolutely nothing to do with the whole tavern scene, and also informed me that she was kicked out of the faction because Gwen got mad at her for "ruining the reputation of Osai with her roleplay". That again is reinforced with how the Dayz4 situation was dealt with. Dayz4 was the person who instigated the whole crimson versus Osai thing. She gave her testimony on how the leaders of Osai told her to feed vampires. This much I know to be the truth, because I was an officer in Osai for nearly 2 months and on numerous occassions roleplayed with Gwen and Boom77777 regarding the presence of vampires in Osai and how Lady Gwen was protecting them and keeping them alive. Dayz4 was promptly kicked out of the faction, and while she is currently back in the faction again (probably because people got word of it) she was effectively removed from from Osai for telling the truth and endangering the reputation of Osai.
Now as for how this hooks into the topic of this thread and the crimsons. The crimsons being gone in my eyes, is a bad thing. It has generated a disproportionately large amount of disdain from some staff members towards members of Osai and Algaron, those chiefly responsible for the cancellation of the events and the personal harassment of staff members. Yesterday in fact, we had to ban a member of Algaron for switching his RP name to Tom1804_ and threatening those present during a raid with bans. Another bad thing is that we were getting happy about organizing more events for players that caused a bit of a stirr and some conflict for interesting scenario's. That is now all ruined because some people cannot separate roleplay from meta gameplay ,which really, is a problem of a bigger whole. As of late the whole tendency to claim admin abuse for simple facts is becoming disturbing.
This is the disturbing trend of players looking at the actions of a staff member, and then immediately thinking they are abusing, even though if they looked at the facts for just a moment, they would come to another conclusion. If any of the current staff members abused they would have been removed a very long time ago. Tom1804 was not demoted for any abuse whatsoever, he was re-evaluated due to his inactivity.
- An admin fires fire cannon shots at Osai -> Osai starts screaming staff abuse of flint and steel in ally chat.
- A trusted manages to get into someone's house by shooting wooden buttons which open iron doors -> Algaron starts screaming staff abuse of /f admin access.
- An admin and a trusted attack Osai in character as an army of Regalia -> immediately scream abuse and start flame wars in general chat.
I let out word to some players that tom was going to work his way back up to admin by cooperating with me around the crimson inquisition events and getting stuff done in the Lore department. Arguably one could claim it was Gwen's plan all along to undermine Tom1804's efforts at ranking back up, as she has also been involved with a party celebrating his demotion at Osai.
So yeah, the crimsons being gone is bad.
OK first off she didn't make me cure myself in rp. I do have an excuse for being cured which i could tell you if you asked. She never forced rp us. And another thing, you won't stop attacking Osai OCC. So I suggest you stop before someone gets banned.