Archived Counter Attacks, A More Logical Thread.

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Ever Waiting
Nov 14, 2012
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The reason I am not playing much massivecraft is because pvp isn't really correct on it. I realize the staff have other priorities and not enough time to fully think out pvp, which I respect. I will make a thread later with a full list of suggestions. The counters are not doing what they are intended to do, they are glitches on massive specifically. It should be doing 50% of the damage it countered (3 heart hit = 3*0.5=1.5 hearts of damage. Instead it divides it for some reason, example (3 heart hit 3/0.50= 6 hearts of damage) Now take into consideration that counters do not take weakness pots, faction buffs, or the undead. If you are wearing prot 4, in your own land, undead, and weakness pot the opponent that is 1/2 heart every 2 hits when the opponent hits with a sharp V strength II. Now remember counter takes the base damage and ignores the damage reduction. Now let's put on some thorns 3 on dat shit, pop a golden apple, and sit there holding counter attack. That is a one shot at times, and at least 7 hearts a counter (taking not even half a heart if it isn't counter) Only solution is to make it 5% to counter. Orrrr massive could try fixing it and most likely mess their mcmmo even more up...

Credits for the video @gridiron ^^
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You don't pvp... When is the last time you saw an Alamut fight...

I believe that would have been when they came to fight for Hisoka back during the Solaris Insurrection... if you mean being on the receiving end, they were called Badru last time I was raided by Alamut.
MonMarty thank you very much for commenting on this thread and clearing a lot up. If you ever have any ideas that you want the "pvp community's" opinion on, feel free to ask me and I will ask every pvp oriented fac what they think and get back to you on it. :D (like when you asked me about pearl cool downs)
Joshy54100 -> Joke about us (inlove)

Sahrotaar: Vanilla PvP, maybe better.
[3 post's later]
Joshyfishman: 1k words later, Vanilla PvP, maybe better.
[Sahrotaar reads that post]
Sahrotaar: Dafuq.... Can't he read?
Joshy54100 -> Joke about us (inlove)

Sahrotaar: Vanilla PvP, maybe better.
[3 post's later]
Joshyfishman: 1k words later, Vanilla PvP, maybe better.
[Sahrotaar reads that post]
Sahrotaar: Dafuq.... Can't he read?

I was just listing logical reasons why it's better, if you can't back up your argument with examples and such it won't help.

It's like saying, "The sky is red!" and providing proof to back it up and expecting everyone to believe you.
So, as Marty stated i lead regulations and im also Game3 and i am leading pvp changes forward. What i now will ask you, the pvpers on the forums atleast is that you have some patience and understanding. Dont jump at eachothers throats whenever someone suggest as change, you might not agree with it but they must be allowed their own opinion. If you continue to argue and fight over every suggested change instead of coming with logical respectfull feedback even if its negative then no change will be done or as MonMarty stated we will make a decition based on our research. You can say things in a good nice way and not rage to get your point across.

There is a reason the rp community have gotten so far, its because of unity, they know what they want and they back it all the way. They discuss and refrain from the petty arguments about every little twist and turn and accept whats best for the majority not just for the me, myself and I.

So i ask that you refrain from attacking staff when we make changes, give us feedback yes you are more then welcome to do that when you understand what the change is and can do so in a respectfull manner. Ask questions, by all means that will help everyone understand better. But do not go on rage fests and please try to agree on some things and bring them to me so i can look them over and then i might ask question so you can explain to me properly what it is you want and how we can try to make pvp better for everyone. That is my goal but you guys need to learn to communicate and give feedback without rageposting every 3 seconds.
Thortuna , allow me to pretty much sum up this whole counter attacks thing in one large post. First off, the simple question of what are counter attacks and how they work. Counter attacks are basically an active ability triggered by right-clicking while holding a sword that will make you block as well as give you the chance to deal a counter attack. A counter attack blocks some of the incoming damage and reverses it on the opponent. Videos such as the testing I did in the original post give an idea of how well counter attacks work, minus the actual aspect of Pvp.

Now, the first side of this debate; The people saying nerf it, it is overpowered. This is the side I personally agree with, and here is why; In the test video you see how much damage Sirvan can deflect onto my by just right clicking. He is not drinking potions, swinging, or losing pacifist, yet he was able to kill me 3 times. Although I obviously wasn't trying either, I was still killed while on some basic potions. One thing that is not in that video that really makes counterattack insane is Sirvan not being on potions. If Sirvan were on a strength II potion, his counters would have done double the amount of damage that they did. Although I could show another video if need be, you can probably imagine how brutal it is to get countered while skullsplitting and the enemy is on a strength II. The second video I posted, via the link to twitch, is an example of counter attacks in action. I will flat out say that I should not have killed MDJ. Based on how much health, potions, and armour damage I had taken, he had just about every advantage going into that duel. What I did, however, was held right click and got 4 counter attacks on him while he tried to kill me. Before he could have time to even splash a heal, I was on him with an axe and killed him in 3 hits. I could record more scenarios such as this, but, they are all the same. Fights being won by people who are not even on potions because they can hold right click. That video also captures how to make counter attacks from the "nerfed" active ability they are now, into pretty much the exact same passive ability they were a few months ago. If you simply mash left and right click during a fight, you will get just as much counters as you were able to back before right clicking for counters was a thing. The discovery of how much this is like old counter attacks, and how it can be used to wreck people in a few seconds in pvp, is why this problem has come to light.

The other side of this argument is that counters are beatable and should not be nerfed. I am not going to say there are no ways around counters, but I'll explain the idea of this concept first. If someone is simply holding right click, it is suggested that you just splash debuff them, or shoot them with a bow. Both of these methods would successfully get around counters and damage the scrub doing it, however, there are drawbacks to this idea. The first one, debuffs, would certainly work, however that is assuming that it is a 1v1 with no one else trying to kill you and the target just holding right click, and no more. If he were smart, and took golden apples to get absorption and brought splash heal IIs and a milk bucket or 2, debuffs would be completely useless. Also, this would prove ineffective because of the ability to smash left and right click together creating that feeling of old counter attacks. Next, the bow idea. This idea would only work if the counter attacker was an idiot and didn't use fire resistance. Other than flame on a bow, they do very little damage. It would take quite a few shots to even bring them down 1 heart if they are on a regen. Also, as with the debuffs, it would be inefficient if they were fighting back by smashing left and right click.

My personal thoughts on counters are quite negative. As a long time massivecraft pvper, I am no idiot that will whine because I died from something and try to get it nerfed. Counters, however, are something to the next level. Although I would never just spam an axe against a counter-attacker, 3 deaths to 1 kill against someone not even on potions is very alarming. Counter attacks allow people with a set of god armour, 600 mcmmo levels, and 0 skill to walk onto the battlefield and kill. This feature is especially overpowered, in my opinion, considering the fact that (Theoretically) every 3 hits you get a counter attack. Not to mention that it is possible to 1-shot a fully potions god-armoured pvper with counters, in the right scenario. I understand that the team is looking into improving pvp, which is very exiting to me. That being said, I would hope that team members who have a decent knowledge of pvp take the time to look into these recordings and complaints. If more video of anything is needed, simply let me know as I can go test just about anything.

Thank you for your time, and I hope this issue of Counters can be resolved.
If you simply mash left and right click during a fight
I find this offensive. Block-hitting is a skill not just WoW button mashing.

Also give me a while I am working on my theory of McMMo Equality.
This wasn't even addressed to you specifically.
Doesn't make it any less offensive

It should be doing 50% of the damage it countered (3 heart hit = 3*0.5=1.5 hearts of damage. Instead it divides it for some reason, example (3 heart hit 3/0.50= 6 hearts of damage)
If you go to lines 396 and 397 in the advanced.yml file of McMMo; you will find it is indeed doing 50% as it is dividing by the reciprocal of .5 instead of multiplying by .5
Doesn't make it any less offensive

If you go to lines 396 and 397 in the advanced.yml file of McMMo; you will find it is indeed doing 50% as it is dividing by the reciprocal of .5 instead of multiplying by .5
Ya... Uh no, it's not. 50% is half of the original damage, like it says. 50% of 3 would be 1.5. #%^*Magic*^%#. To get 50% you would multiply, not divide. Is there an uneducated button? :P P.S I have a little test server to test things such as what I wrote in this whole post, in the un edited version it does not multiply by the reciprocal, it multiplies damage output by .50
Well then take away all that Crits then consider the nerf (no offense to you guys), people intend to think that counters are OP when they have failed to realize that the whole point of combat is to use different types of weapons. Like bows counter swords,

Except bows don't counter anything when they do 1/2 a heart to people in god armor with 1k archery :/
Gonna be honest, I have yet to see someone use counter attack in pvp and actually be successful.

Mostly because when you pvp someone, they actually want to pvp, not just sit there with their finger held on the right click button. But if you fight someone who thinks they're the best with 750 swords, and they just sit there countering until you step away to use a health pot, then they take your 2 remaining hearts with an axe. Happened to me plenty of times.
I find this offensive. Block-hitting is a skill not just WoW button mashing.

Also give me a while I am working on my theory of McMMo Equality.

There's a certain point where you have to take a step back and ask yourself if clicking buttons on a video game, no matter how many or how often, is actually a skill.
I was going to refrain from commenting, then decided "f*ck it" so here's the comment:
Counter attacks allow people with a set of god armour, 600 mcmmo levels, and 0 skill to walk onto the battlefield and kill.
So this is basically the perfect skill for me? WOOO! Now leave me alone, I need to grind swords for a few days...
Ya... Uh no, it's not. 50% is half of the original damage, like it says. 50% of 3 would be 1.5. #%^*Magic*^%#. To get 50% you would multiply, not divide. Is there an uneducated button? :P P.S I have a little test server to test things such as what I wrote in this whole post, in the un edited version it does not multiply by the reciprocal, it multiplies damage output by .50

I to have a test server. Would you like a piece of candy little boy. Let's do the math here because math coincidentally is what I am good at.

Directly from the Advanced.yml of the most recent McMMO
# DamageModifier: Damaged caused by the damage will get divided by this modifier and dealt back to the damage
DamageModifier: 2.0

Thus the damage is being divided in half

However I think you need a greater lesson on Mathing thor5648

To get 50% you would multiply, not divide
Are you even licensed to math?
Multiplying and dividing are reciprocation operations
You can either multiply by 1/2 (which is equal to .5 and 50%) or you can divide by 2.

Now you try thor5648 grab your calculator and please tell me how 100/2 and 100x.5 equal 50

Is there an uneducated button?
I'd love one so I can follow you around and click it. That button would get a lot of pressing.

Also SenorWorkman you might want to pay attention to the lesson as well since you rated his post educated.
Alright after about 4 hours of work I present the very rough MPET (Mikey's PvP Equality Theory). 3 files are attached I recommend opening them in notepad++, for that is where I did my work. The MPET text file is the theory, and the two other files are the current McMMo config files that the theory is based on. Enjoy!


Whatever your math says the fact is that counters are doing too much damage. I 100% agree with what grid has said on this thread.
If there is this problem, can't an admin/moderator or what ever download the current McMMo config files from Massivecraft, put them on a test server and tune them? If the files are better than the ones on Massivecraft then update them but if not then discard the changes or try again. All I am saying is a good majority of the staff are roleplayers but there are the odd few which are into PvP on the server which is somewhat trustable for example gridiron1024 and Imboring56. They can then present their findings to a staff member to go over the changes with them and explain why they have changed each option if they choose to take this option on. Is this possible for a staff member to do or is it against Massivecraft rules or policy?
If there is this problem, can't an admin/moderator or what ever download the current McMMo config files from Massivecraft, put them on a test server and tune them? If the files are better than the ones on Massivecraft then update them but if not then discard the changes or try again. All I am saying is a good majority of the staff are roleplayers but there are the odd few which are into PvP on the server which is somewhat trustable for example gridiron1024 and Imboring56. They can then present their findings to a staff member to go over the changes with them and explain why they have changed each option if they choose to take this option on. Is this possible for a staff member to do or is it against Massivecraft rules or policy?
Start with the default files, the changes to disarm and and axes armor damage are the only PVP changes we have made to the default files.
Just looked into it and the counter attacks are bugged at the moment as it ignores armor. We first tested it on 1x modifier and from a counter he took 5.5 hearts of damage where I took 1.5. I tested this again where I set the modifier to 2x where it divides so 2/2 = 1 but he still took 3.5 hearts of damage. So at this moment, it is down to mcMMO.
I say be friendly and dont flame and try to agree on some things and you guya go at eachother. This is not the battlefield. If you need to vent your frustration then go to a minigame and hit someone with a sword or axe. If your going to post in here keep it respectfull and sivil and please read the posts before making statements...
gridiron1024 Thank you for a well written non flamey thread wich had alot of information but i still dont see any suggested solution to the problem. I understand that some think counter is a problem now. But a month ago up until a week it was axes who was said to be the problem? This confuses me as it makes me think there will always be a new problem after we fix one.

First of all you need to give me suggestions on what exactly to fix and how to do so in a way that will make you all happy. Then i will see if that is do-able and if that is something we can arrange.
There are a couple ways I could see counter attacks being solved. I am not sure what is possible to do with mcmmos config, but here are my ideas. The first way to nerf it, which I think would be most effective, would be to simply lower the chance of gettting a counter attack to 3-5%. That way a counter is a rare thing, but would pay off if you got one. Another idea to add on to that one, is make counter cap at a higher level. 600 is a very low level for such a powerful feature to be maxed. Think about axes, armour damage was a problem when people hit 3000, and swords is now better than axes, and all that is needed is 600 levels. My last idea is make it do less damage. When counters are doing 6 hearts of damage each, they can kill people before they even realize what is happening. Not to mention it is possible to deal 10 hearts of damage. I think if any of these ideas are used, it will at least make counter attacks weaker than they are now, giving axes a chance again.

Your right, this is a new problem that has come after the nerf of axes. However, it has always been a problem, it is just that no one actually used swords or discovers you could spam counters and hits at the same time. Problems arising out of nowhere are sort of a part of MassiveCrafts Pvp history, if you take a look back. People will find out how to use certain features in new ways, which allow them to dominate the battlefield. I think issues such as this are what make pvp hard to regulate, as constant monitoring and changes will be needed to keep a stable pvp server.
I might as well apologize to thor5648 and SenorWorkman for raging at them, and to everyone else for making flame. I just got mad over a small thing like someone challenging my math and went to far, and I am sorry.
I agree with Grid. Counter chance should be nerfed. The real problem here isn't really the damage they deal, but how many times you can deal that damage. If someone ran at a guy and started hammering him with an axe or a sword, and the guy was skilled at blocking, of course he'd get a couple counters in if he was lucky, but not as many as people are getting now. I'm talking about real life in this scenario BTW. I don't think holding right click is a skill.
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