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Concerning the Suvial and Civil Status Exemptions


Inexplicable Explicative
Jan 22, 2014
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a time or place.
To whom it may concern,

It has recently come to the attention of this author that there is a movement to overturn the Suvial civil exception, being as follows:

Suvial who are citizens of the Regalian Empire have a so-called Spirit exception on the ownership of Spirits. The State assumes that Suvial know what they are doing when interacting with Spirits, or subjugating them into their arsenal. Suvial have historically been hired to remove Spirits from Regalia and thus managed to negotiate liberties allowing them to keep ownership of any Spirits they capture so long as they do not run free.

Because of this movement, I have felt compelled to write on behalf of the opposition; I should note that my words in no way stand in favor of demons, the practices involving them, or their handlers, only the merit of the law as it currently exists, and shall do so in three points:

1.) I should begin by demanding the burden of proof lay upon those who demand the removal of this exception, of which I know none. I openly call for violators of the law to be brought to justice wherever they may be, however vague rhetoric regarding the presence of demons around someone legally permitted to restrain them, control them, and excise them per their assumed duty is not credible by any means: back your words with legitimacy. Encountering a demon around these individuals may be jarring to the common man, and is entirely reasonable as the common man should not be made to encounter these entities. This understanding seems to be paramount to the argument of revoking a law to let these creatures be detained, but I believe this to be a false equivalence. The association of demons to their handlers, that being an evil creature is able to exist by some means and therefore this law must be bad, reeks of hasty generalization and lack of foresight; unrestrained, these creatures would act far, far worse, and I posit those in favor of the law's removal provide evidence to the contrary, evidence to the current situation being untenable, or a solution otherwise. Until such time, your argument has no merit worth consideration.

2.) Removal of the Suvial exception requires the removal of these entities from their current handlers, a massive governmental undertaking alone, but then subsequently removes an avenue for binding these spirits, making the fight ever-more difficult. The Suvial are uniquely skilled in their control over these entities, and to not take advantage of an innate ability of citizens within our own empire is a squanderous and downright irresponsible waste of resources that currently cost the state nothing, but to remove it would drastically push the burden on already overstretched resources.

3.) The Suvial, of which this law pertains, are a currently warring party on Regalia's behalf, fighting the Dread Empire for the protection of Regalia and her lands. The removal of this law would place an undue burden upon our allies in a time of war, even possibly damaging diplomatic relations.

Until such time as I am presented with evidence greater than "demons are bad" and "we should remove this old exception", I cannot idly sit by and let it be revoked.

I remain,
~Kaya Akersdottir Sorenvik
Grafin of Billund