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Played Character Chymes Mortimarti

This character is actively played.


Mar 13, 2018
Reaction score

Core Concept
  • Chymes Mortimarti is a fanatic of Int, worshipping the Evolist powers not only as a path to enlightenment, but as a new life code he's come to accept following his experiences in Regalia.
  • He is an adventurous historian and eager savant of all things relating to the soul, and wishes to master the secrets of life and death; willing to delve through forgotten knowledge and unorthodox methods to accomplish his goals.
  • Chymes is extremely secretive with his Sanguinism, using it as an unseen advantage to aid his information gathering. While his abilities rely on Void Magic, outwardly, he presents himself as mundane.
  • His appearance and attire takes that of a suave, well-tempered gentleman. He stands at a tall 204cm (6'8") with a sleek, toned body. His clothing is courtly but darkened.
Life Story
  • Khymïn was conceived during the Dance of Llov in the year 170 AC to Lothraak and Erlavit within the upper-middle districts of Paarthalaar. He learned an appreciation for violence from his uncle, Alcalurd, a trained career-assassin, who served beneath a powerful warlord.
  • He spent his formative years looking up to Alcalurd, and his uncle repaid his diligence by training him alongside his own son, Toromer, and the two young Kathar grew to be fast friends, complimenting each other's skills and proving to be a deadly duo.
  • There came a time in the future where that companionship was put to the test, and in a Henate's Duel, Khymïn was slain, only to be brought back by the Duel's ritualistic magics. He left his home out of shame, leaving behind his name and identity.
  • As time went on, the extent of the deaths he'd caused in the past began to weigh on him, not out of guilt but as a pressing reality to what came of all life. He became obsessed with learning about what came after death, and what could be done to choose one's fate. He explored avenues in alchemy, afflictions, and magic, being met with failure in all attempts.
  • Returning to Regalia once more, he believes he has found a way to once again peer beyond the veil, seeking out the religious minds and historic texts of the City of Light. Whether another setback or success awaits him remains to be seen.
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Hi! I'm claiming this application for review, expect a response soon!
All around this was a well-written app, with an impressively detailed backstory! After a few reads, I've decided to mark this as-

Thanks @Lumiess! I was wondering though, was there any ways to further improve the App though? I'd be willing to hear any and all recommendations.
Hi @Lumiess, I've updated Chymes' stat block to current Massivecraft Proficiency rules.
  • Aged up Chymes to 137.

  • Race changed to Crimson Witch Shenath Kathar

  • Changed Total Points from 60 to 75 Points ( 50 P | 10 T | 10 H | 5 R)

  • Changed 11 Heavy Bow Combat Skill to 10 Heavy Bow Combat

  • Changed 6 Stealth Rogue Skill to 10 Stealth Rogue

  • Changed 5 Medical Sciences to 4 Medical Science

  • Changed 4 Literary Arts to 4 Writing Art

  • Changed 3 Void Ritualism Skill to 3 Ritualist Ability

  • Added 6 Sorcery Ability

  • Added 5 Dagger Combat

  • Added 5 Perception Training

  • Added 3 Circus Art

  • Added 3 Winemaking Art

  • Added 2 Dancing Art

  • Removed Athletic Training

Lemme know if anything else needs changing.
Hi! Everything looks all good, however there are two things I need to point out. For one, you have +6 points invested in sorcery, however I'd note you can just invest these points into something else, given you get two sorcery spells without having to pay due to your Mage-blooded Kathar Racial. Additionally, this might've been intentional, but I wanted to inquire before approving about whether or not you wanted to give this character a Void Sire? I couldn't find any mention of them specifically choosing to not undergo the ritual to choose one, so if this is the case, I'd like if you could note somewhere that you're not picking one of them, purely for the clearance of your reviewer that this was an intentional decision. If this isn't the case, feel free to write one in.

Once you've made these edits, simply toss me a tag and I can approve the application. @Arcanus01134
Hello @Lumiess! I actually didn't know about the Mage-blooded trait, and have put 3 points from Sorcery into Strength Training and Medical Science. I also didn't know about Void Sires and have updated his table accordingly.

I also put in an edit to his backstory to account for what's happened since in Regalia. Thanks for the review!
Hi @HydraLana, Chymes' Info Block has once again been updated tentatively. The Character Backstory will be updated after the Crimson Witch update drops.
  • Race changed from Crimson Witch Shenath Kathar to Half-Model Kathar (Zolathar/Saivalthar)

  • Changed 10 Heavy Bow Combat Skill to 12 Heavy Bow Combat

  • Changed 3 Circus Art to 4 Circus Art

  • Changed 3 Sorcery Ability to 6 Sorcery Ability

  • Changed 2 Dancing Art to 3 Dancing Art

  • Changed 20 Physical Stat to 16 Physical Stat

  • Changed Ritualist Lightpaint to Ritualist Counter

  • Removed 5 Dagger Combat

  • Removed 2 Strength Training
Remains approved for now pending whatever larger changes will be needed in that update.
Hi, @HydraLana, I made some tentative revisions to Chymes' stat block following the Sorcery Update, as well as adding in a bit of Ordial worship. I don't much of this to remain the same, and it's only so he remains approved while I wait for the Crimson Witch and Ritualism Updates. Changes highlighed in Edgy Red-y.
  • Aged up Chymes by 1 year to 138

  • Added Malefica Ordial Worship (5/10)

  • Added Character Art by FutureTeller

  • Removed Sorcery Ability

  • Removed Category for Sorcery

  • Removed Ritualist Ability

  • Removed Category for Ritualism
I don't actually know if it's possible to worship both a Void Deity as well as an Ordial Entity at the same time, so please let me know if that causes any lore conflict. Thanks!
Hi @HydraLana, following the theme of tentative updates for the Crimson Witch Update, I've momentarily retconned his Crimson-Witchy-ness to be a Graal Bloodline with the currently Vampiric Crimson Witches as the subtype. He looks like one, but doesn't have any of their kit. The backstory will be adjusted once the update is finished. Lemme know if this causes any issues. Until then, changes have been marked in Ghastly Green.
  • Changed Malefica Ordial Worship (5/10) to Malefica Ordial Worship (7/10)

  • Changed Hair Style to Long Slick-Back & Pompadour

  • Changed Clothing to Tux and Jabot with Collared Cloak

  • Changed Bloodline from Crimson Witch to Graal (Crimson Witch)

  • Changed Total Points to 65

  • Changed 12 Heavy Bow Combat to 8 Heavy Ranged Combat

  • Changed 5 Medical Science to 9 Medical Science

  • Changed Physical Stat from 16 to 8

  • Changed Body Shape to Toned

  • Added 3 Metallurgy: Finecraft

  • Added 3 Metallurgy: Rich Family

  • Added 3 Schooling: Diplomacy [Eälessa College for Tact]

  • Added 3 Schooling: Finance [ Narlas College for Commerce]

  • Added 3 Schooling: Natural Science [Al-Hamjad Hamanh College]

  • Removed 10 Stealth Rogue

  • Removed 5 Perception Training

  • Removed 4 Circus Art
Hi @HydraLana, I've updated the character's backstory and Proficiencies to fit current Massivecraft lore. Changes have been marked in Egotistical Ecru.
  • Changed Race from Half-Model Kathar (Zolathar/Saivalthar) to Zolathar Kathar
  • Changed Weapon from 140lb Composite Reflex Longbow to Iron Scourge
  • Changed Bloodline from Graal (Crimson Witch) to Graal
  • Changed Eye Color from Black Sclera with Red Pinpricks to Black Sclera with Red Pupils
  • Changed Hair Color from Bone White to Crimson Gradient to Bone White
  • Changed 5 Medical Science to 10 Medical Training
  • Changed 4 Writing Art to 5 Writing Art
  • Changed Physical Stat from 8 to 15
  • Added Core Concept, Appearance, and Life Story
  • Added 10 Theatre Art
  • Added 10 Warlash Combat
  • Added 3 Alchemy: Conning
  • Added 3 Roguery: Government
  • Added 3 Sorcery: Element Brand 3
  • Added 3 Sorcery: Home Enchant 3
  • Added 3 Sorcery: Magic Sight 1
  • Added 3 Sorcery: True Path 1
  • Added Emotion Sense 1
  • Added Empath Sense 1
  • Added Flux Shift 5
  • Added Void Storage 1
  • Added Katharic Language
  • Added Sorcerer Level 2
  • Added Sage Level 1
  • Removed Heavy Ranged Combat
  • Removed Arcanology: Artifacts
  • Removed Dancing Art
  • Removed Schooling: Diplomacy
  • Removed Schooling: Finance
  • Removed Schooling: NatSci
  • Removed Winemaking Art
  • Removed Kathar-Altalar Language
  • Removed Realm of Want
  • Removed Power's Reach