Archived Change To /dynmap Hide

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Keeper of the Light
Nov 25, 2012
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Hey guys, have you ever noticed how empty the dynmap is? Usually only 3-4 people are visible per map since everyone has /dynmap hide active. My suggestion is to make /dynmap hide something temporary, something that will only be used when needed.

I remember /dynmap hide being reset on logout, can this be implemented again?
Or could there be a timer?(I do not know if this is possible)

- New players that look at the map via the website will see that the server is active.
- This will increase player interactions in-game as players will now be able to find other players outside of regalia.
- Dynmap won't be so empty

- Increases risk of being attacked in wilderness

- Players will appear on dynmap when relogging or when the server restarts, revealing where they are hiding untill they do /dynmap hide again.
- May cause all-out pvpers to hunt new/weaker players exploring the wilderness.

Due to a lack of time I can't elaborate more right now, please comment any Pros and Cons that you think of and why you chose the option you chose.

(Note: you will probably still be hidden when under a certain amount of blocks so you won't be shown when inside or underground.)
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I don't think being able to find people outside of Regalia is always a good thing.....
Personally, I rather not be found outside of Regalia. I don't want to be chased around by random people with god armor >->
What's the goal of this? People will be chased by random players. In this way, people less good at pvp'ing will be killed constantly. It's less fun and they will leave the server (perhaps for good?).
Nah, bad idea.
What's the goal of this? People will be chased by random players. In this way, people less good at pvp'ing will be killed constantly. It's less fun and they will leave the server (perhaps for good?).
Nah, bad idea.
The goal is to make the server look more active by having people show up on the dynamic map. If you look at the map nowadays you will only be able to see 3-4 players at the most. Players will still be hidden if underneath something and being attacked by bandits is a risk you take when venturing into the wilds, thus making it more exciting. Looking at the map nowadays is kind of depressing because all that can be seen are hundreds of small empty factions.
Personally, I rather not be found outside of Regalia. I don't want to be chased around by random people with god armor >->
Simply do /dynmap hide when leaving protected areas.
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Player interactions outside of Regalia aren't always good... in fact, if someone's having to use dynmap to find you, it's almost certainly not going to be a nice, happy, fun interaction... and from an RP point of view, using a magic map with everyone on can be justified within the bounds of Regalia by hearsay or shouting, etc. Outside this range, though, this makes no sense whatsoever.
I feel that the system is fine as is. Hiding is practically always needed. One of the first things newbies are taught to do is hide themselves solely to prevent themselves from being hunted down by players looking for kills. As such a lot of players would choose to hide themselves anyway so changing to this would just add extra unnecessary work by forcing us to retype a command over and over again.

(Note: you will probably still be hidden when under a certain amount of blocks so you won't be shown when inside or underground.)
I believe this would be hard to implement or track in real-time. Even then, this would contradict the idea of showing more players on the map as a lot of the gameplay takes place under blocks in some way or another.

The goal is to make the server look more active by having people show up on the dynamic map. If you look at the map nowadays you will only be able to see 3-4 players at the most. Players will still be hidden if underneath something and being attacked by bandits is a risk you take when venturing into the wilds, thus making it more exciting. Looking at the map nowadays is kind of depressing because all that can be seen are hundreds of small empty factions.
A chance encounter is one thing but being constantly stalked when trying to move or build is another. In terms of roleplay, this would also be metagaming.
I believe this would be hard to implement or track in real-time. Even then, this would contradict the idea of showing more players on the map as a lot of the gameplay takes place under blocks in some way or another.

A chance encounter is one thing but being constantly stalked when trying to move or build is another. In terms of roleplay, this would also be metagaming.

In the current version of dynmap you are hidden when underneath a certain amount of blocks (I believe it is 2-3 blocks).

As for stalking, due to the size of the maps players will most likely have to walk for 10+ minutes to get to someone, meaning that if they do reach their target, they will most likely not come back and even if they do, the victim now knows that he is hunted and can do /dynmap hide. If the hunted person is right outside the hunters faction the hunter may be seen as an rp border guard keeping strangers away from his lands, all medieval soldiers weren't all smiles and hugs when a stranger got close to their home.
I find it to be the same amount of metagaming as finding where someone's faction is by checking dynmap or by checking if they are dangerous by doing /inspect.
Just have it turned on when in Regalia by force perhaps?
I actually think that is rather pointless. This would only result in a manhunt and the only ones that would have fun from that would be PvPers and even for them it would be annoying to type in.
Even if it did only reset after disconnecting, there are a lot of Players that get dissconected rather often because of their bad Internet connection, meaning they will forget to type it in at one point or another.
Most other people will forget it too and while it is only a little annoying for Permiums to die by someone who found them on the Dynmap it could be a reason for Nonprems to stop playing since they could loose all their good stuff within some weeks, only because their enemies saw them on the dynmap while they were building or sth like that.

- New players that look at the map via the website will see that the server is active.
- This will increase player interactions in-game as players will now be able to find other players outside of regalia.
- Dynmap won't be so empty

Regarding your Pros, while I agree the Dynmap looks rather empty playerwise there are still loads of Factions what kinda shows that there are many players.
The increased player interactions would be also nice but would most of the time only result in fights, either because people get hunted down or they attack others on sight because they got attacked themselfs far too often.

So therefor I will Vote No, I don´t like that Idea.
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