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Shelved Character Ceres Demeteï La’kshmii Minos Alas

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.
Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score


Name - Ceres Demeteï La'kshmii Minos Alas | Ordvaan Ceiravellon
Age - 346
Race - Minoor Altalar
Gender - Fluid, mostly female
Sexuality - Pansexual
Eye Color - Green
Weapon of Choice - Pacifistic

Core Concept
Religious Views
- Ceres is a religious zealot, practicing as an Ordvaan to the Estellon religion, she has devoted her life to religious practices. She teaches to be one with nature, and has the patronage of Mana, Savellon, and occasionally even preaches Sapphoric doctrine. She takes her time with all of her Rituals, with bulls and Urlan being a frequent go-to for many of these. She hates Slizzar and Kathar, and also is very distasteful towards Geists and Undead, while dragon worshippers are neutral in her opinion. She disagrees with the Allorn Empire, and this is because she doesn't believe that Talea deserves all of the power that she gets. Rather, she shares the Minoor sentiment that power is not determined by family, but rather, should be equal among all.

Core Concept - Ceres is a gentle soul, occupied with her religious duties, but also her duties to the Minoor people. She likes to farm, in fact, gardening is a skill that she has gotten very proficient with, magic as an aid of course. She holds many physically demanding jobs, and really tries to encapsulate the Blue-Collar Minoor spirit.

- Ceres generally appears as a woman, though is not totally against taking on a male persona, though never both. She always has long hair, a thinner form that is well-defined by lean muscle, and as a woman, rather curvaceous. Her hair is extremely long as she only ever cuts once in a decade, and that's mainly due to religious reasons. She has no scars or body hair, and puts in a lot of effort to seem as pure as possible in the Estellon sense. Her clothing varies, but it's normally very vibrant purples or pinks.

Skill Information
Strength - 0
Constitution - 4
Metallurgy Pack
Wood Pack
Threads Pack
Earthenware Pack

Wisdom - 2
Archive Wisdom Pack
Dimenthist Wisdom Pack

Dexterity - 0
Magic - 8
Enchanted Wall
Magic Bolt

Charisma - 1
West Linguist Pack

Specials - Spell Point-Buy | 24
Mage Weapon | Plant Growth | Dreamland | Hueshift | Hex | Ward of Peace | Mending | Hivemind | Pocket Dimensions | Radiant Guise | Arcane Wardrobe | Altered Voice | Evil Tongues | Arcane Sight | Life Wall | Emote Infuse | Rune Smithing | Deuling Brand | Celestial Power | Self Control | Sanctum Vessel | Body Cleanse | Airwalking | Surfwalking |

West Linguist Pack

Life Story
  • Ceres was born into a family of top-level mages in the Allorn Empire before the Cataclysm; she too was strong in magic.
  • Her parents were distant, a political marriage where neither were happy, so Ceres was left to her own devices most of the time.
  • Ceres would go to frequent lessons on how to be a great mage.
  • Her childhood, from birth to age 25, she was taught how to control her magic, she also learned how to be an Ordvaan.
  • After her 20th birthday, she was sent out to Minoora Valon for work, and would live there for most of her life.
  • She would be the primary Ordvaan of Minoora Valon for many years, but as more people came, the more it became diluted.
  • Before the Cataclysm, she lived a peaceful life teaching the ways of Mana while also trying to get closer to the Asha and Allar of the region.
  • After the Cataclysm, and the Minoora Valon was isolated, she continued to do that, but under broader scope
  • She'd learn many trades from the Allar and Asha, all physical labor to show her dedication to the island, which soon became her permanent home.
Late Adulthood
  • Ceres would begin to take a more philosophical approach to religion, seeing that Teledden superiority was simply wrong.
  • She tried, and failed, many times to connect with the gods, but to no avail, though she got a lot of her information when ships started showing back up to Minoora Valon.
  • Instead of leaving, she decided to stay on the island, and fully adopt it's culture, becoming a fully-fledged Minoor.
  • Ceres came to Regalia to preach and hopefully to convince other Altalar to adopt her culture.
Last edited:
15 Sailing Arts | 5 Honed Skill II
12 Metallurgy
10 Horticulture Arts |
5 Racial
10 Bodycare Training | 10 Talent
10 Pottery Arts | 10 Hobby
10 Alchemy Sciences
5 Wood Arts
4 Fabric Arts
4 Needlework Arts
Please remove the 10 talent points. Characters do not receive 10 Talent points anymore, and only receive 50 core points, and 10 hobby points. Tag me when fixed. apologies for delay.
@festiveCorvid Changed the profs around to better fit Ceres into a more priestly role, as well as gave her metallurgy as I've gained the most rp from it!
@festiveCorvid minor changes to proficiency! Changed Alchemy to Sculpting as I didn't see much use in Ceres having alchemy with the update, and changed Cursing + Casting Light I to something different as those better fit the char. Thank you!
@festiveCorvid Because I'm in a sort've rp slump where I don't derive any joy right now from playing Ceres, I switched up the profs again to try and ammend it. Wood, Needlworking, and Sculpting arts has been replaced as I never used them once, and I took some off Metallurgy because it is a a very boring facet of rp for me. Sorry if this is bothersome!
@Kadius Hello I have claimed this application for review, expect a reply within twenty four hours.
@Kadius After reviewing your application, only minor thing needs correction:
  • In order to use the Racial Boost to a Hobby proficiency, you must invest 10 points in it beforehand.
Once you have made the appropriate changes, tag me once more.
Hello! Here's my review:

Basic Information
-Just something to note, the minoor were folded into a culture underneath Teledden.

Skill Information
-Please specify which archive was chosen for your archive wisdom pack.
-Please specify which magical dimension that was chosen for your spell point buys.

These are just some things that I saw when taking an overview. Since the Teledden update just got released, please update this application to fit with the new racials and abililites.

Tag me when you do!
Hello, please make the above edits in the next 48 hours or I will have to reject this application.