Bad Roleplay Experiences...

I have seen/experienced bad RP with... How often...

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i realy hate it when nooby vampires use such stupid names like: totalynotAvampire, somethimes the use names that just screams "hey look at me i am a vampire!" if you use a proper name you seem at least less nooby.
I agree with the fact that some Vampires are good roleplayers. But most of the Vampires are newcommers who barely know MassiveCraft or barely understand the meaning of Vampires. This is because a lot of the newcommers start crying in global asking to turn them, without even knowing a single thing about Vampires. The thing that annoys me the most are Vampires saying that they are good. Well, there aren't good Vampires, they are all evil and bloodsucking people (in roleplay, not in reall life xD). I even think that the lore says that they are supposed to be evil. And the reason why there are no good Vampires is, because if they are good, that they would cure themselves from the curse. Even before they turn. I think that we should learn the Vampires what they are and how that they have to play it. Because most of them don't know anything about what they are.
I can't blame them though. I still remember my noobdays on MassiveCraft, screaming in spawn that my parents where masters of black magic and that I was looking for a mage school to learn it too. So this proves that everyone needs to learn. It's hard to learn something on your own, so we should support and help the players who are new and would stay for a long while on MassiveCraft. That was all for now.

-Greetings, Theboomyfly.
i realy hate it when nooby vampires use such stupid names like: totalynotAvampire, somethimes the use names that just screams "hey look at me i am a vampire!" if you use a proper name you seem at least less nooby.
That's just the thing though, they do that so they can get the attention, frankly b/c they probably have nothing better to do. They crave to freak us out :P
I walk into the tavern, everyone trying to assassinate me and I'm like:

Alright..*cracks knuckles*
  1. One: The epic mage who just so happens to be 13, who ignores me when I say a 13 year old wouldn't be proficient at magic, and vampire's CANT HAVE CHILDREN. Ignored me for ruining his roleplay.
  2. The girl who, while I was roleplaying as my praedator maiar character, tried to rip my heart out underwater and then said that even though she had basically tried to kill me, I still didn't have permissions to kill her. She then went on to go e: swims faster than the maiar, getting away. At that, I said that wouldn't be possible. Igores me for god-rp.
  3. AND LAST BUT MOST CERTAINLY NOT LEAST. The dinousauroid. He was a super-intelligent dinosaur who had brilliant technology. He couldn't get it thorugh his head that this wasn't Earth. I asked him why he didn't just play as, say, a naga. He said, and I quote "other races are stupid and unrealistic. Why can't we make our own races?" YES. SO. ELVES AREN'T REALISTIC, BUT SUPER INTELLIGENT DINOSAURS ARE. He then wished to know the entire history of Aloria. I talked about magic first. "Magic doesn't exist" Then I talked about Demons. Demons can't exist. I told him about how the goddess Estel created the yanar. Gods aren't real only stupid people believe that. I then said "Fantasy doesn't have to be realistic, that's kind of the point." "Yes it does"
So, yes. that's what went on in my life..
Alright..*cracks knuckles*
  1. One: The epic mage who just so happens to be 13, who ignores me when I say a 13 year old wouldn't be proficient at magic, and vampire's CANT HAVE CHILDREN. Ignored me for ruining his roleplay.
  2. The girl who, while I was roleplaying as my praedator maiar character, tried to rip my heart out underwater and then said that even though she had basically tried to kill me, I still didn't have permissions to kill her. She then went on to go e: swims faster than the maiar, getting away. At that, I said that wouldn't be possible. Igores me for god-rp.
  3. AND LAST BUT MOST CERTAINLY NOT LEAST. The dinousauroid. He was a super-intelligent dinosaur who had brilliant technology. He couldn't get it thorugh his head that this wasn't Earth. I asked him why he didn't just play as, say, a naga. He said, and I quote "other races are stupid and unrealistic. Why can't we make our own races?" YES. SO. ELVES AREN'T REALISTIC, BUT SUPER INTELLIGENT DINOSAURS ARE. He then wished to know the entire history of Aloria. I talked about magic first. "Magic doesn't exist" Then I talked about Demons. Demons can't exist. I told him about how the goddess Estel created the yanar. Gods aren't real only stupid people believe that. I then said "Fantasy doesn't have to be realistic, that's kind of the point." "Yes it does"
So, yes. that's what went on in my life..
-claps slowly for number 3- o.o; Sir Atkins you have impressed meh .-.
That third one… my God. Apart from any of the other stuff… "God doesn't exist, only stupid people believe that"... sounds like a 5 year old with annoying parents to me. (And I'm an atheist myself, sooo…)
Five words: Bloodfang Humandrinker is not a vampire. >.> <.<
It's less "Terror of the night" and more "MST3K joke", isn't it?
Anyway, the worst I encountered has merely been folks that just don't care. I guess there's some leniencey, seeing as they want to be all powerful and stuff, but it's just absurd overall.
I don't mind the noob roleplayers that much (me being one :P) but I don't see the allure of being a vampire
also wrong thread to ask but since I've already posted on this and I believe you guys wont mind are there nobles other than humans?
I believe there are a small number of Elven and Dwarven nobles, but it is almost impossible to become such.
Also, try RPing, my friend! People don't mind noobs, so long as they can see they're not purposefully annoying or trolling! Get out in the world! Have fun! What's the worst that could happen, hm?
dying (I'm a very distrustful person) hahaha also where does this roleplaying take place?

Edit- I also hope to, when I'm further along in the server, be a dwarf noble
I personally dislike people who call unique role play bad, some might be doing so, I also am not a great role player but I'm not a HUGE fan of the role play aspect on this server, I do it, but doesn't mean I'm good at it, but yes, I can admit the first time I joined this server I did become a vampire, but when I joined role play was very bad everywhere you went XD, but I think that noobs to the server should not be able to use name tags till a week or so, so they can get rp before hopping in on it, so yes, I do see a LOT. Of bad rp at times, but I think somebody should help the noobs a bit, I do when I can, so don't really complain about bad rp unless you help that person out <3
Ah, that's the glory of roleplaying ;) I'm a shy, fairly kindhearted girl with the relationship experience of a twelve year old :P my character's a swashbuckling, flirtatious tease that picks a fight just for the fun of it... Yeahhhh... It just takes time :) I'd be happy to help you brainstorm a few go-to phrases/reactions if you need the help :3
You basically have a female character of my dudes personality....
My worst RP experiences:
  1. In the sewers, I was RPing with Rip, when I ran into two people who I assumed to be vampires. We talked a little bit and everything seemed normal. Rip then eavesdropped on them and discovered they were to have a meeting (with whom? I never found out) at the dark altar in the sewers. They discovered Rip, but invited him to join them instead of attacking him. Rip, who can be very curious, decided to follow. When we got to the altar, everything went to chaos. I found out the male "vampire" was missing an arm and so needed to summon his blood demon self to replicate it and become stronger. Then, he was to destroy the world along side with his other blood demon brethren (who apparently weren't there at the moment). So I was like "well, he could be possessed and I just don't know enough demonology" but then he turned his entire body into blood, grew several appendages, and sucked the power out of his vampire servant. At which point I asked him about lore, to which he responded "It is compliant as no one has said anything about it yet". When I told him the ere in his ways, he swore at me and told me to go away (OOC).
  2. I met a dude in the tavern with a robotic arm and eye which he controlled with the plants that grew out of his body.
  3. Like everyone else, that vampire lord who controls every other vampire (there is like one on each corner of Regalia).
  4. This last one was actually done by me in my noob days. I had recently got infected by the dark disease and so I was sprouting sickness particles. While walking around Regalia, I ran into some nobles who were planning to have a party. I followed them to their manor before they closed the gate. Inside, I got drunk off of the water in the Maiar pool, was varied in my lewdness, became fully turned into a vampire, and shrieked at some of the nobles (yes, I am ashamed to say I was shrieker). The funny thing is, another noob vampire somehow got there as well, shrieked with me, and got blamed for my shriek and I got away scott free.
So yeah, not too funny but these were my experiences.
My worst RP experiences:
  1. In the sewers, I was RPing with Rip, when I ran into two people who I assumed to be vampires. We talked a little bit and everything seemed normal. Rip then eavesdropped on them and discovered they were to have a meeting (with whom? I never found out) at the dark altar in the sewers. They discovered Rip, but invited him to join them instead of attacking him. Rip, who can be very curious, decided to follow. When we got to the altar, everything went to chaos. I found out the male "vampire" was missing an arm and so needed to summon his blood demon self to replicate it and become stronger. Then, he was to destroy the world along side with his other blood demon brethren (who apparently weren't there at the moment). So I was like "well, he could be possessed and I just don't know enough demonology" but then he turned his entire body into blood, grew several appendages, and sucked the power out of his vampire servant. At which point I asked him about lore, to which he responded "It is compliant as no one has said anything about it yet". When I told him the ere in his ways, he swore at me and told me to go away (OOC).
  2. I met a dude in the tavern with a robotic arm and eye which he controlled with the plants that grew out of his body.
  3. Like everyone else, that vampire lord who controls every other vampire (there is like one on each corner of Regalia).
  4. This last one was actually done by me in my noob days. I had recently got infected by the dark disease and so I was sprouting sickness particles. While walking around Regalia, I ran into some nobles who were planning to have a party. I followed them to their manor before they closed the gate. Inside, I got drunk off of the water in the Maiar pool, was varied in my lewdness, became fully turned into a vampire, and shrieked at some of the nobles (yes, I am ashamed to say I was shrieker). The funny thing is, another noob vampire somehow got there as well, shrieked with me, and got blamed for my shriek and I got away scott free.
So yeah, not too funny but these were my experiences.

The last one was slightly hilarious as i had a semi similar nooby rp where i proceeded to explode in a giant rain of lava and obsidian and then reformed because i though agni were full on lava elementals xD
My worse RP experience was when I was RPing with someone and they were both god rping and metagaming. They changed their wording and EVERYTHING. Then they denied doing so, calling me out for doing what they were doing when I was not....fghjgfjkghfgkh.
Here goes mine!
  1. I was in the Tavern with a friend and someone just ounched him, he role-played quite well, but when i tried to kill him he said, You cant kill me my MCMMO skills are Higher than yours ( This was when the Skill appeared next to your Nickname)
  2. When i Role-played with a Girl saying she was a White Crystal Dragon and that she came from ANOTHER PLANET where Dragons and Humans live in Peace, also she had a BoyFriend with a Crystal Amulet that when it approach her, her Heart glow red as it come close and she start crying with Emotions also she could fly and spit out from her mouth Thunderbolts ._.
  3. When i role-played with a Girl saying she was possesed by a Demon and she actually said ( This was when we hadnt e:, so our actions was like -action- ) -Hisses at him and vomits her own Organs out burning him with her Demon acid- I tried to explain her and so i talked about how rp works and the staff ( bla bla ) and she said she was a Role-Play STAFF ._.
  4. When a Vampire said he have drinked all the Races blood and eated a Dragon Soul and he Turned a Ancient Vampire, and he could fly, levitate and even Time Travel, he even said he went to the Future and he told about Actual Technology ( Phones and stuff) he even have bring with him a Computer! ._.
  5. The Last one whas a Mermaid with Mind Controlling powers and also she could summon Flying Whales o-o
Similar to Rip Shoul's last comment, a while back, someone near me in the tavern shrieked repeatedly, then I was blamed for it!
Eh well. I remember as Elitha, these two people had been roleplaying and one got hurt, I tried to help and followed them around which I had started to think I was being ignored by then. They literally asked for help, even though I was right there.
Some noble and his Orc friend showed up, and they decided to just kill em' or something so I was all, whatever. Followed them and the Orc let but he noble called over his relatives. They were inside a house and again, I went to help them and they told me I was a 'friendgot' and to 'f*ck off'. We killed their character, who was a Dakkar, by throwing them into a pond. They somehow survived and crawled out. Alright whatevs. That's my bad roleplay experience, or one of them really.
๖ۣۜI shit you not when I say this. I was laughing so hard for so long.

These two guys were fighting each other with lightsabers in the Emperor's tavern (Not Golden Willow), one of them threw a jar of radioactive piss at the other, and the one got hit by the piss, but ended up being turned into a zombie who ate the other character's testicles in a very bloody manner, so the opponent died from an arrow to the knee. Oh, and the zombie died from the common cold.

Naturally, I approach them, and with my normal dry humour, I go;
"What, are you both drunk or something? Get off the floor and stop playing with those sticks. The game of pretend is for a child..."

"dood ur interupting rp. go away or il tell a mod, u duche"

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๖ۣۜI shit you not when I say this. I was laughing so hard for so long.

These two guys were fighting each other with lightsabers in the Emperor's tavern (Not Golden Willow), one of them threw a jar of radioactive piss at the other, and the one got hit by the piss, but ended up being turned into a zombie who ate the other character's testicles in a very bloody manner, so the opponent died from an arrow to the knee. Oh, and the zombie died from the common cold.

Naturally, I approach them, and with my normal dry humour, I go;
"What, are you both drunk or something? Get off the floor and stop playing with those sticks. The game of pretend is for a child..."

"dood ur interupting rp. go away or il tell a mod, u duche"

Whut? ._.;
I have a character, he wants to kill this dwarf fella, the dwarf fella, always knows he's there, just because I say something ooc, and then, the dwarf attacks him with a jar of piss. Then, it's wash rinse and repeat. Everytime it is voided because he does something stupid and types "e: Calmly walks away" :I

1. It was winter, in Regalia, and these two vampires were having some kinda reject twilight love story with a Naga. They were wearing skins that had modern clothes and stuff. Whenever i got near they kept saying "get out"

I know its not much but ahh.

And also, i think people should have an approved character to become a vampire.