"autumn Leaves" Addon For Massivebound

What Would You Like to See in a Winter-Themed Pack?

  • Custom Music

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Changed textures to fit the holiday (I.E. dead flowers, less greenery, etc.)

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • Festive Item Textures

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • 3D Models for Decorations

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Other Additions (Please List Below)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
_____________Download Link:_____________

An Autumnal Scene in Regalia
What is the Autumn Leaves Addon?

Simply put, it is a way to add more of the Autumn (Fall) season into Massivecraft. What I've done is that I've added fallen leaves to most of the blocks that make up Regalia's roads and streets (which require Optifine to see!!!), as well as the grass. I've also recolored the birch leaves to be a golden yellow to be more in-line with the season. This pack is based off of last year's "Fall Patch V1" by Conflee. However, I've been entrusted by him to continue Massivebound in his absence. So, I've taken the Fall Patch and made it into something even greater. Hopefully you'll enjoy.

What's Added/Changed?

I've added fallen leaves that will appear randomly as a texture on the streets of Regalia. They are tied to each block's location, so there is no way to remove the leaves from a block, or add leaves to a block. Leaves only appear on the top of most blocks, aside from a handful of more natural blocks. In addition, the birch leaves are now a golden color across the board.

Any Problems I Should be Aware of?

There is one: If you have the blocks that the resource pack designates as having the ability to have leaves on them inside you house, then leaves can appear in your house. There is no real way around this. However, since most RP happens outside or in major hotspots, I made sure these areas look alright with the pack.

How do I Download?

Just click the link at the top of the page and it'll take you to MediaFire. The download is free. Just get the zip file, extract the folder inside (named "Fall Patch V2"), and place that into the Resource Packs folder in your .minecraft. Make sure the pack is on top of the loaded resource packs (It's easy to spot, since it's orange and has a pumpkin on it!). Then, exit the resource pack menu and you're set once the game reloads.

Anywho, enjoy the pack and have a Massive day!
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Not sure if it's just my version of the pack but it looks like there is a missing texture on one of the blocks. You can see it in a pattern going down mainstreet.