Archived Armor Drop Change

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Firework Salesman
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Algaron, North West Deandroc
Before all of you flaming naysayers rip me into pieces over my idea, please understand that this is only an idea. I don't necessarily believe it's suitable, but I'm interested to hear constructive feedback.

In a different thread, @Rooseus touched briefly on a serious issue; how utterly stupid PVP is today. It is completely pay to play. A fight is only fair if there is equal risk, which is not the case when armor is not dropped. Here is my idea:

Premiums will keep their armor after death, no matter what material, so long as it is unenchanted.

God armor destroys any chance of non-premium participation, unless the non-premium doesn't mind risking throwing away 750 regals worth of armor, while their opponent risks none of theirs.

(Basically, everything else is me ranting. Feel free to read for entertainment purposes)

Long ago, back in the good 'ol days before god armor, potion spamming, and ridiculous MCMMO boosts, war was great. Some of the older players may remember my brief time as the Emperor of the Serenum Empire, raiding BeeRando daily with dozens or premiums and non-premiums alike. It was balanced, entertaining, and unifying. Nothing in the world matches the feeling of storming up a hillside, two dozen soldiers following closely, with the knowledge that not everyone will survive, yet comfort in the fact that everyone was mortal.

Premiums are immortal. Kill them, they come back with the same armor you tried so hard to pierce. This is not war, my brothers! Do not be satisfied with this calculated and systematic activity once known as PVP!

Comments, questions, opinions, and rants are welcome!
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While I agree with you partially, putting myself in the shoes of a new player with only a few sets or even just one, I think I would want to go seek some help with pvp, maybe get a mentor or something and try to capitalize off of being able to get god armor, and most pvp factions encourage non prems to buy prem for that -15% damage bonus. It hon

battles last a very Long time if there are lots of people. I used to set two raid groups, when there were more pvpers around, so during the raid the enemy would have no break to go repot, if anything people don't die enough with all the pots xD. Anyways short battles tend to happen when there is a lack of people who are pvping. Which seems to be the case when I hop on ts once in a while. Nothing you can really do to fix it.

The reason there are so few pvpers is becouse so few are able to participate within the raids. Since you need both premium and long farming for god sets.
The reason there are so few pvpers is becouse so few are able to participate within the raids. Since you need both premium and long farming for god sets.
double nope, my god set of armor i completly made myself and i am a nonpremium, you just have to get lucky with your enchantments, i can reach 30xp lvl's in one night so it doesn't take that long to farm for your lvl's
double nope, my god set of armor i completly made myself and i am a nonpremium, you just have to get lucky with your enchantments, i can reach 30xp lvl's in one night so it doesn't take that long to farm for your lvl's

But you're still non prem so you can't use it properly ^^
But you're still non prem so you can't use it properly ^^
i can if i want, i would do it, if i wasn't such a hoarder, as for now i only use it in PVE becouse i know i can handle mobs with ease, i will stil stay away from pvp becouse i know i die in seconds in a fight becouse of low MCMMO levels
i can if i want, i would do it, if i wasn't such a hoarder, as for now i only use it in PVE becouse i know i can handle mobs with ease, i will stil stay away from pvp becouse i know i die in seconds in a fight becouse of low MCMMO levels

But you would participate in pvp if the enemy's were in plain dia/iron.
as i think that you don't believe me when i answer "no" on that question let me explain it:
i don't pvp becouse my MCMMO skills are very low and i am way to lazy to spend hours in a darkroom to lvl them, the armor isn't my problem nor are the potions, MCMMO is my problem. if this doesn't open your eye's on why I don't pvp then i don't know what to do anymore to explain it
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