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Archduchess Seeking Desirable Partner


unabashed music and whiskey snob
Mar 12, 2018
Reaction score
A missive is sent to the individual residence of each family of the peerage.



To those who this missive may concern,

I, Archduchess Constanze du Brierüst, am formally announcing my re-entrance to the candidacy for marriage. I was previously engaged in marriage, but due to unforeseen circumstances, this bond has come to an end. I am seeking to re-marry a suitable bachelorette.

My interests lie in, but are not excluded to: fencing, hiking, exploration, wine and spirit tasting and horror fiction. I am thirty-four years of age and a woman. I have just resigned from the position of Lord Chancellor, so I have many an hour of free time to spend, and plenty of pent-up animosity and stress to release for the sake of fun and relaxation.

If you are a marriageable woman who may be interested in a possible courtship and you have gained the approval of your family's patriarch or matriarch to consider such in partnership with me, then please send a brief missive in reply to this to the du Brierüst estate and include your name, age, sex, a brief description of your interests, and a time you would be available for an initial meeting.

Thank you and Spirit protect.
Constanze du Brierüst
Archduchess of Maraisburke

Guy Delmotte, being gay himself, was curious yet again why the Archduchess in insistent on marrying a woman. 'Even I intend to marry the opposite sex' he would think to himself. 'How else can one build alliances unless pure offspring are born?' Puzzled as ever he was, but he wished her the best.
Thea Rote cries, not having seen Constanze's tinder profile..
Coming across one of the many flyers spread around the city, the Draylas couldn't help but eye the page with a bemused grin. Her gaze flickered over to the lavender-skinned woman at her side, displaying the paper for her to see. "This does mean I won the showdown, right?"
Faust glanced across the paper as it was mailed towards the Manor he conveniently worked in. With a vague understanding of Common, he gave a light-hearted smile. " Ah. Glad to see that she's trying to relax. I hope she finds someone soon. "

" .. Though, I'm having terrible deja vu-, what--, what do you mean this is the second time? "
Milena du Brierüst huffs as she looks over the page, turning to her sister. "I thought I was finding you someone this time!"
Richarr stumbled across one of the flyers in his gallivanting with curious eyes. He held the missive aloft with a gentle pinch as Vulmar sat in the background of Richarr's vision, his head blurred, and poking up from beneath the obstruction of the paper. A smirk, devilish and wry, spread his lips from cheek to cheek. "Vulmar... Vulmar..." He spoke softly "We must keep this engagement within the family." -- "A shave... A fine ballgown. Some powder and a wig, Galanthus? I dare say you could woo yourself a new wife?" the Ravenstad mustered in jest. "And, with one step more." He said with the motion of snipping scissors "perhaps you may even keep her?".

@Tibertastic @Mooffins
"To Archduchess Constanze du Brierust, on this day, July 31st, 307 AC.
"My name is Elizabeth du Weste, I am 29 years old and am a female. I enjoy exploring, reading, wine and fashion! I manage a tailoring and cosmetics shop that is mobile to festivals and delivery. I'm sure we would get along greatly and have a wonderful time together!
Sincerely, Elizabeth du Weste."
Lida mentioned aloud while viewing the posted note "What. What the fuck is that on their chin."
Rosana blinked at the paper for a moment and more or less went outside? "Is this marrying season? Come at me! I'm single!" - The Isldar comedically enough said...

Eirunn was studying and biting her lip with excitement in her eyes. "Ooh! Love is in the air!"

Faerith more or less picked up Na'vos and hid him.. @Ynzy
Elizabeth Rote looked it over, slightly then over to her quill and ink before then ignoring it, she then focused back on her book.
A ginger woman slid her letter into the mailbox. She hadn't actually known there had been any letters sent to the peerage, though she knew from her good friend Aesling that the eligible bachelorette was seeking a bride. Her murky gaze glittered in the early light of the day with a hint of hope, and with a long inhale drawn to her lungs, the letter was plunged away. Her fingers withdrew, and she walked away with her cares and worries behind.

To the Archduchess Constanze du Brierüst,

I know that to receive this sort of letter from me must appear as an outrageous act of vanity on my part. We have met a few times. I don't know if you ever even saw me as a potential Sweetheart, nor do I know if you remember me at all. I certainly remember you, I was captivated by you. I knew that when you were married, you would not be visiting me anymore, and I thought you would be happy. I don't know what happened between the both of you, though I heard the news of you searching for another wife through a friend of mine. I thought, even though I'm not as eligible as someone with noble blood, that I would at least let you know that I'm interested, if you had ever thought me a woman enough for you.

I hope that you receive as many proposals as you are worth. Spirit Bless You.
Amelia Starrett