Archived And End? To Griefing? Is That Even Possible?

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Keeper of the Forest
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
OK... a particular grief got my attention, got me thinking and provided me with a solution that I think will make the entire server leaps and bounds more harmonious and lead to much less work for the admins.

This sort of grief wouldn't normally be considered griefing but watch the WHOLE video below before you make ANY assumptions.

Don't discount it after the 30 seconds because you think you've seen it - the admin following me last night made the same mistake... by the end of the journey he was saying "this is f@*cking ridiculous please post this on the forums, something has to be done about this"… you won't fully understand the scale of it until you've seen it all - trust me:

STILL READING! Have you watched the WHOLE movie yet? Why are you reading on? For Christ's sake go back and watch the WHOLE thing trust me.

Finished? Good.

BTW - Locations are in the Hawkeye info shown during a second MUCH LONGER video if you're interested (don't bother if you don't wanna sit through 9 mins)…. link here:

OK… Now the solution:

Imagine: This guy has managed to do ALL of this in a couple of hours across a couple of days? He said he was "just levelling up". Imagine what he could do in months… In fact this player has been around for over a year - it is entirely possible that HE is solely personally responsible for at least one of the maps being decommissioned all by himself. I personally think he should be forced to repair every single bloody bit of it until he has learned his lesson… but I digress.

This simple act has much deeper implications right through to the core of server policy and brings us an opportunity to make some tough decisions about its longevity. I know Cay and the team have made excellent changes along the way to try to minimise this issue:

- Newer maps have a restore function
- Regalia is totally non-editable
- Wilderness is a fair walk away


You are right in thinking Noobs will ALWAYS get on, run around for an hour, chop the trees, cobble tower up the hillsides and then disappear never to return. This is why having the first landing world (Regalia) as non editable is so clever (a master stroke Cay) because the REALLY stupid Noobs (the ones who coincidentally do the most damage) leave before they even realise there is more than one world - that is a good thing - a sort of "loser filter".

But there are two simple steps missing:

[EDIT: Here is a draft proposal diagram that, with your feedback, we can evolve into a workable solution - e.g. "one boat" at Regalia dock would look pretty weird - working on it (with your help)]


STEP 1 - we have this already - Arrive in Regalia - non-editable

STEP 2 - WE NEED THIS - a buffer world (lets call it Anarcadia) between Regalia and the other worlds. Only one boat out of Regalia - Anarcadia is where it goes to:
  • Spawn point in the heart of the island with signs saying "dig and grief to your hearts content you fools".
  • Massive wilderness with EVERYTHING anyone might want to dig/chop/mine etc (sand, clay, emerald... you name it).
  • A Port town with boats to the other worlds just a short walk from spawn (on the south shore).
  • This map gets reset every 3 months - signs at spawn are clear on this and it is a regular server broadcast and listed on the massive website.
  • Yes, Noobs will still build there but they can't say they weren't warned.
STEP 3 - WE NEED THIS - a few new 'locked' worlds where people have to claim an area to build in it - "claim to edit" if you will (Thanks Mecharic):
  • Fixes the Griefing syndrome - no question.
  • MASSIVE reduction in workload for the Admins (no griefing to clean up).
  • Increased economic activity (factions need to trade to make money so they can claim that land for the road they want to build).
  • Everybody happy.
  • World peace.
  • Victoria Secret girlfriends for everyone.
Yes… Greifers will always grief - no whitelist equals less control over that... but if someone doesn't change the non-sustainable nature of the practices here the server will forever be cursed when premiums get on, build their empires, have their world eventually wiped and leave forever in disgust. Sustainable worlds (among other things) lead to sustainable paying clients for the server - simples.

An attitude exists which is not too far from "oh well - this happens - griefers gonna grief - each world in turn will eventually becomes so griefed that it too will be taken down".

That is Bull-shiatsu!

That is weak lazy thinking.

There is always a better way. It won't happen in a heartbeat - server policy takes years to evolve.

[EDIT: We've paid out on Bling enough now also - lets move on to finding the solution guys]
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Anyone else got any comments? I mean other than "I don't like it" or "I like my wilderness" because they roughly translate as "I haven't properly read the thread, It sounds like change, I'm not sure I like change, I can't be bothered really thinking about my reasons... and I just like seeing my name in the forums...ha ha ha, waffles".

I suspect this could really improve gameplay for those who want it while preserving the ecosystem for those who prefer the old way.

I feel I've answered all criticisms so far so if anyone has any other thoughts please fire away.
Even the biggest factions don't have enough room to really go mining underneath them and they would quickly run out of resources and go all the way to another world just to mine.

Not an issue - I go elsewhere to mine all the time - take a bed and use /home and /f home to journey between.

Also the admins would have to make a new world every time they reset this new world, because people would remember where the resources are and go back to the same place every time. But I agree with the rest.

Not an issue - lets make it every six months - in the year or more I've been here the admins have put up at least 5? new worlds? not sure but I think it's in their nature to want to try new worlds and new things anyways so - not an issue.
You see thats the problem... I have an underground treasure room in south Ithania and I love the fact that is unclaimed... because its meant to be secret. If I claim it it stops being secret.
And I dont have money for it.

Not an issue - hide your treasure room in one of the unlocked worlds and make a portal to it
Anyone else got any comments? I mean other than "I don't like it" or "I like my wilderness" because they roughly translate as "I haven't properly read the thread, It sounds like change, I'm not sure I like change, I can't be bothered really thinking about my reasons... and I just like seeing my name in the forums...ha ha ha, waffles".

I suspect this could really improve gameplay for those who want it while preserving the ecosystem for those who prefer the old way.

I feel I've answered all criticisms so far so if anyone has any other thoughts please fire away.

I have properly read this thread, you have yet to reply to my last post and the post before that you misread or misunderstood judging from your reply. You have not answered all criticisms.

Here is my last post if you can't find it.
You may have noticed in my post I said "wilderness" not outer/locked worlds. Just look at the dynmap, most of the worlds' land is not claimed. Unless you were to increase the amount of power a player gets I don't see how it will work. I mean if it did work it could be very good, especially if you couple it with a higher faction cost it would force people to join a faction, making factions bigger.
Not an issue - lets make it every six months - in the year or more I've been here the admins have put up at least 5? new worlds? not sure but I think it's in their nature to want to try new worlds and new things anyways so - not an issue.

Not an issue - hide your treasure room in one of the unlocked worlds and make a portal to it

You realize how impractical it would be to have a treasure room in a world that kept getting reset?
We don't want any restrictions. New players still should be able to just head out into the world, build their settlement, and live like always. We just need to make sure that this resource world is known to all, attractive to all and practical for all. (this 'could' include for maiar's) So people use this world and benefit from it, just as the upkeep of the current worlds should benefit.

Max you know you've always had my deepest respect so don't take offence but I'm either not fully understanding your suggestions or I don't quite agree. Without the restrictions of my proposal Noobs will still find a way to our homes and chop and cobble away.
However, I think the wilderness thing is really extreme and not needed. It would just limit so much of the freedom of minecraft and I believe many players would leave because of it. Maybe having one world with enabled could work. After all whats the point of having a nice looking wilderness if all you can do is look at it.

Apologies Qwerty but "the wilderness thing" is ambiguous.
You're using it as a device to point to a part of my proposal with which you don't agree... but because I can't get my head around which particular part (due to the ambiguity) I can't then go on to deduce the context for the rest of your statement...
...nevertheless... here's my response to what I 'suspect' you mean:

I've moved on slightly from my initial proposed SINGLE world that operates as we currently have to a scenario where there are a number of these open editable worlds. These open or editable worlds would be no different to the worlds we currently have so you can still go about living the way you do now.

The migration to a scenario where some of the new worlds made are these new locked type means that those like me who are jack of Noobs ruining our worlds can eventually move to these protected utopias, claim our little plot, grow our face and claim more and more of it and not be worried that the map will be gone within a year.

New people to the server can start their massive 'journey' on the normal worlds and when they're ready move up to the protection of the outer rim.

You will not be forced to live in one of these worlds although I'm still going to ponder your treasure room scenario to see if there is a way for it to happen in one of the locked worlds. I might go back and add a diagram to my open post to make it clearer.

Thanks again for your feedback - I do appreciate it.
Max you know you've always had my deepest respect so don't take offence but I'm either not fully understanding your suggestions or I don't quite agree. Without the restrictions of my proposal Noobs will still find a way to our homes and chop and cobble away.

Look bro I know this is a good idea and all, but it's not foolproof. It would be just as easy for a griefer to join a faction and start griefing away as it would be to grief wilderness. Now I realize this idea would help, but you seem to think it's gonna remove griefing entirely. And the main grief mentioned in this thread is that guy messing up the wild to level his excavation skill. What Overlordqwerty is saying is that if there were a resource world, he likely wouldn't have messed up the wild. Unless he was a legit griefer who did that on purpose and used leveling excavation as an excuse.
I don't see any rules about griefing the already completely wrecked daendroc… No moderators have asked him to stop and he has been doing it for quite a while, jumping onto a ban on him would be a bit over board..

Jesus christ, this was Daendroc? Get him out of here. There are rules saying not to grief anywhere if you haven't noticed. Why does it matter if Daendroc gets removed? Hundreds of players still live there and it contains the entire city of Sanctus, which I think is by far the most beautiful city in Massivecraft is there. If I just walked into Magnanimus's god awful base and deleted the chunks there because some people punched dirt near there the biggest shit fit the server has ever seen would ignite. Sanctus has at least twenty or probably closer to one hundred times the hours put into it than anything anyone in Magnanimus has ever built. Ever. So next time you and any your friends choose a world in order to waste your lives hitting blocks to get a higher number next to your names, don't choose Daendroc, you're destroying hundreds of hours of work, hundreds of players homes, and countless parts of Massivecraft's history.
Thanks Kirbz - I think we're almost there:

Regalia ---> Resetting Resource World ---> Inner Rim Worlds as we currently have ---> Outer Rim protected worlds

Yes - jerks will always grief within factions if they are not properly vetted but that's a lot less prevalent than the wilderness grieving that happens every second of every day. Intra-faction griefing is nasty but that much I can live with.
Waminer - I agree 100% - I have personally spent a year on my little corner of Daendroc and if it gets wiped that is a deal breaker for me. This particular premium member will sign off never to return. That is unless I can see a scenario where a new kind of map came along (in addition to the existing ones) where it was ALL protected until you claimed a faction area and you can build away. Obviously as I've already stated we will still need the other open worlds but at least you have a choice.
desmonster - While I do think that the whole "claim to edit" rule is good, perhaps they should test it in a world before implementing it server-wide? And maybe put the resource world in first to see how a general buffer works? After all, if you intentionally damage a non-resource world to lvl mcmmo you can't say "I have no where else to go", you've got to take the ban.
desmonster - While I do think that the whole "claim to edit" rule is good, perhaps they should test it in a world before implementing it server-wide? And maybe put the resource world in first to see how a general buffer works? After all, if you intentionally damage a non-resource world to lvl mcmmo you can't say "I have no where else to go", you've got to take the ban.

I agree Mech - these "claim to edit" worlds would be good initially as a choice - not as the norm. Users will always want the old world type to be around but over the course of one or two years I wouldn't be surprised if the new world type became more popular as users realised the others get constantly briefed then wiped.
I'm not sure the sign should say, "Dig and grief to your hearts content, you fools." Not that I have a better suggestion, mind you. I also think that, for people like me who spend most of their time in Regalia, it might be rather time consuming to get to say, New Ceardia from Regalia. Or, one of those claim to edit maps if you just started a faction. Of course, I'm pretty sure that time consuming part is the key to this whole setup thing.
I don't know about that one ship thing. I mean, Regalia is a legit city. Having only 1 ship would be weird. I guess the original ships could still be there but the warps are gone.
I don't know about that one ship thing. I mean, Regalia is a legit city. Having only 1 ship would be weird. I guess the original ships could still be there but the warps are gone.

Roleplay wise, it could be to keep vampires out - easier to monitor just 1 ship rather than 10 or 20. All the trade would go through the spawn harbor at Anarcadia. That or just make 2 docks, one for Anarcadia and the other to get to other locations, but on the far end of the city and without any directions to it - you need to explore on your own to find it?
Hmm all good points - let me think about that - I agree just one ship would be odd - there might be an RP solution to this... I'll get back to y'all.
Roleplay wise, it could be to keep vampires out - easier to monitor just 1 ship rather than 10 or 20. All the trade would go through the spawn harbor at Anarcadia. That or just make 2 docks, one for Anarcadia and the other to get to other locations, but on the far end of the city and without any directions to it - you need to explore on your own to find it?

We're talking about a city here. Cities with harbors for trade have FAR more than 10/20 ships. The amount that's there currently is too small anyway. Seeing as Regalia is a city on a small island, it would require a lot of resources from other continents. You can't run an entire city on a small island. It just doesn't work. But the two different docks might be good.
I'm not sure the sign should say, "Dig and grief to your hearts content, you fools." Not that I have a better suggestion, mind you. I also think that, for people like me who spend most of their time in Regalia, it might be rather time consuming to get to say, New Ceardia from Regalia. Or, one of those claim to edit maps if you just started a faction. Of course, I'm pretty sure that time consuming part is the key to this whole setup thing.

Molimo - when you're moving between Regalia and your usual haunts aren't you using /f home or /home (to the bed you set down for ease of transport)?
I see nothing wrong with what Bling is doing. He is training his skills NOT griefing the world. Daendroc is the most destroyed world on the server, which will probably be removed soon. There is no point in fixing a wrecked world IMO.
what will they think of the server? What would YOU think?

๖ۣۜSend all of the RPers to RP in their base for a month and a half, then he will most likely think otherwise?
Apologies Qwerty but "the wilderness thing" is ambiguous.
You're using it as a device to point to a part of my proposal with which you don't agree... but because I can't get my head around which particular part (due to the ambiguity) I can't then go on to deduce the context for the rest of your statement...
...nevertheless... here's my response to what I 'suspect' you mean:

I've moved on slightly from my initial proposed SINGLE world that operates as we currently have to a scenario where there are a number of these open editable worlds. These open or editable worlds would be no different to the worlds we currently have so you can still go about living the way you do now.

The migration to a scenario where some of the new worlds made are these new locked type means that those like me who are jack of Noobs ruining our worlds can eventually move to these protected utopias, claim our little plot, grow our face and claim more and more of it and not be worried that the map will be gone within a year.

New people to the server can start their massive 'journey' on the normal worlds and when they're ready move up to the protection of the outer rim.

You will not be forced to live in one of these worlds although I'm still going to ponder your treasure room scenario to see if there is a way for it to happen in one of the locked worlds. I might go back and add a diagram to my open post to make it clearer.

Thanks again for your feedback - I do appreciate it.

By 'the wilderness thing' I am referring to suggestion three regarding wilderness not being editable. Its kind of stated when I talk about wilderness only being for looking at with the suggestion, however I see now it was rather vague. Sorry if it was unclear. Also you could have said that it was unclear the first time you responded, but no matter.

Anyway, as I have already said your idea has merit (this is the idea about the locking of wilderness, just to be clear), but it would definitely need to be tried on a new world for a time to make sure enough of the player base liked it before it was implemented on a large scale. You may find it has more issues than you think.
In principle i like the locked wilderness idea. But because it would be too hard to make it properly usable and would make a lot of people unhappy i propose a modification: Since in the new world chunks are rewindable anyway Institute a regular rewind. Every non-claimed chunk will be Set back every three months. To save ressources you schedule it. To enable roads and stuff we could place a block-block (sry). Place a diamond or Gold or whatever unnatural block and the chunck wont get reset. Tis would accomplish everything we want. Make factions more important, keep the landscape good, enable mining and building outside of factions.
Ressources would Not Run out, a world would never be farmed empty. Only downside: old factions would need active protection to keep them.

Edit: actions like blings should still be bannable, though!
Hmm all good points - let me think about that - I agree just one ship would be odd - there might be an RP solution to this... I'll get back to y'all.
Ummm, there is only one boat that you can actually travel on and the rest are just for show?
One thing noone thought about. Some guy will mine and notice the coords of the ores he found and when the world gets reseted he just goes there and mines them out again.
What's to defend? His actions of randomly griefing shit? All the evidence is laid out in front of him, and what proof does he have? His McMMO?

Seriously, xXBlingXx can't defend himself. This is just completely messed up.

I personally think this is all very stupid, the accusations of Bling. A lot of people need to level McMMo some way, its just so happened that Bling picked the wrong location, I mean look at your own damn McMMo, you haven't the slightest idea about leveling excavation let alone most other McMMo skills. Maybe if you put yourself in Bling's shoes where as he is trying too thrive and become one of the top notch players, maybe then you would realize that this matter of Bling is nothing more than just a little digging.
One thing noone thought about. Some guy will mine and notice the coords of the ores he found and when the world gets reseted he just goes there and mines them out again.
true, but i suppose mining the same chunks ever three months would amount to the same yield as mining without coords.
๖ۣۜSend all of the RPers to RP in their base for a month and a half, then he will most likely think otherwise?


One thing noone thought about. Some guy will mine and notice the coords of the ores he found and when the world gets reseted he just goes there and mines them out again.

Generate a new random seed, large bioms, 1.7.2 world each time to randomize it? Bioms and layouts look more natural in the more modern Minecraft worlds, and since it is a resource world it doesn't need to be fancy.

I personally think this is all very stupid, the accusations of Bling. A lot of people need to level McMMo some way, its just so happened that Bling picked the wrong location, I mean look at your own damn McMMo, you haven't the slightest idea about leveling excavation let alone most other McMMo skills. Maybe if you put yourself in Bling's shoes where as he is trying too thrive and become one of the top notch players, maybe then you would realize that this matter of Bling is nothing more than just a little digging.

I will reply to this is the most polite manner I can.

First off, they aren't accusations, they are proven statements. Did you look at that video in the original post, like, all the way through the 2nd one? It literally shows the /he tool of xxblingxx having utterly butchered that entire region, an area large enough to stick a fairly large faction city on. It wasn't so much a "wrong location" issue as a "wrong method" issue. You can level up your excavation (and other skills) in a manner that doesn't destroy the world, for example, digging down to 1 block above the stone layer so that it isn't a stony wasteland like the top of that mountain.

Also, it is best not to involve people's MCmmo or use it as a judge on their skill in the game - I consider people who take the time to make the world pretty after they have lvled up to be much more skilled community players than someone who just leaves their wasteland behind. There is no way to thrive by lvling excavation in this manner because it will kill off the worlds at an accelerated rate and eventually lead to the staff giving up on creating beautiful worlds because they just end up like Daendroc, except it only takes a few months instead of almost a year.

"A little digging" is when you make a chunk deep pit. A little digging is leveling a hill to put a castle on it. This was more like strip mining an entire. Not even kidding, Bling pretty much obliterated the entire area, and this AFTER seeing signs asking him to be kind to the wilderness. Now, I'm not saying he shouldn't be allowed to level up his MCmmo, just that it could have, should have, been done more carefully and with greater regard to the effort of those who try to keep the wilderness intact.
Jesus christ, this was Daendroc? Get him out of here. There are rules saying not to grief anywhere if you haven't noticed. Why does it matter if Daendroc gets removed? Hundreds of players still live there and it contains the entire city of Sanctus, which I think is by far the most beautiful city in Massivecraft is there. If I just walked into Magnanimus's god awful base and deleted the chunks there because some people punched dirt near there the biggest shit fit the server has ever seen would ignite. Sanctus has at least twenty or probably closer to one hundred times the hours put into it than anything anyone in Magnanimus has ever built. Ever. So next time you and any your friends choose a world in order to waste your lives hitting blocks to get a higher number next to your names, don't choose Daendroc, you're destroying hundreds of hours of work, hundreds of players homes, and countless parts of Massivecraft's history.

๖ۣۜMoreover, if you plan to just throw down a wall, kill our worlds, and declare war on almost every faction on the server, don't bother touching the worlds at all...
It would benefit almost everyone, in a way.
  • Less RP factions have to turn to war against them, probably at an inactive pace, but some more than others.
  • The world looks prettier.
  • Admins and players don't scream at you for destroying a world to level up.
  • Noobs can enjoy the beauty, and their grief won't kill a world as fast because they don't have people whom can spend 6 hours a day online helping them to destroy everything.
  • If you build a base, make the pretty wall, and destroy everything IN the wall. Not out. People can't disturb your if you do this. If you won't bother keeping it within your borders, there is a lot more chance to be bothered by angry players and in the rare case of the angry admin.
  • Players whom actually like a server for it's built beauty would stay longer to marvel and venture the worlds, later on probably becoming RPers or PVPers, in some cases, actually adding more players and premiums to the much needed count.
  • You can do everything without McMMo. Yeah. You heard. Stop leveling your crap up. You might want to be on mctop, but we're getting close to blowing our tops. If you aren't on the Mctop for digging, poor you. You still have a shovel you can use. Take a damn moment and dig where you are ~supposed~ to!
Not sure about you, but this is a pretty big list for not doing one thing.
I see that Bling hasn't been on in a bit, someone must have tipped him off. Okay, who did it?
-Looks around holding onto a baseball bat-
Not me, skipper! But this thread did remind me... his one-man faction declared war on Haven a little while back for a reason that was little more than "because I want to". While this admittedly did fly from an RP perspective, I don't think anyone actually got attacked by him. F: was filled with plenty of remarks regarding his heritage, animals, and the combination thereof.
Also, I had no idea Daendroc was so badly wrecked. If I had my way, I'd love to spend a week or so just trying to patch over the damage. Unfortunately, due to permanent damages, the only way that's happening is via creative mode (unless you want to potentially wreck the other lands), and whilst I would never abuse such a privilege I understand I can't be trusted with it. Besides, I have no idea what Daendroc looked like originally
In regards to the original post, this does seem like a fairly good idea, as having somewhere which is basically "collateral damage" might mitigate the worst of the damage. The resets in combination with the new "amplified" generation option might be cool - a land irradiated by magic, for lack of a better term.

EDIT: Also, yes, I would rather we did not embark as a lynch mob, as that will essentially make us little better than him. Having said that, is it possible that a Yanar could drag him into court as a civil case? Or possibly even a criminal case - considering the purposeful terrain restoration made by desmonster, I that counts as damage to public property.
Not that I expect it to be, I'm just full of bile at the moment. It would probably be a good idea to go and lie down.
I know I've said this already, but we need more staff, big time. The blue staff members mostly just develop the server, and don't really have time to really notice stuff like this. Although, come to think of it, I'm sure they've noticed multiple times how the outside of world spawns look like a nuke just blew up.
(Didn't notice the topic going on so fast, :P anyways my reply on an old reply)

Max you know you've always had my deepest respect so don't take offence but I'm either not fully understanding your suggestions or I don't quite agree. Without the restrictions of my proposal Noobs will still find a way to our homes and chop and cobble away.

I just wonder why we must give up any of our freedome to bring a stop to these individuals that grief. I am currently building a city of which its size is just... Restrictions will make this server more complicated, and that is not verry friendly for the people who care for the worlds.

Making a resource world is only one step. One that happens to only have a positive influence. (not gona name all it does)
Further we could use small changes that may seem ineffective, but if you think about it...

Put the ship that leads you to the resource world instead of the ship taking you to Daendroc, and put Daendroc last in line. Right now the first ship in the harbor leads to Daendroc. What do griefers think? First best world. People who care only to collect resources? First best world. If your new to the server and you want to start building and surviving? First best world.
(I hope that makes my point clear enough :D)

We can never fully protect the server against grief. We can restrict as much as we can till we suficate from it.
But why should we lower our quality of gameplay for these people? Just make some changes so the flow of these people is altered. Yes, people can still go to Daendroc and grief it. But what are the odds they will?
(Didn't notice the topic going on so fast, :P anyways my reply on an old reply)

I just wonder why we must give up any of our freedome to bring a stop to these individuals that grief. I am currently building a city of which its size is just... Restrictions will make this server more complicated, and that is not verry friendly for the people who care for the worlds.

Making a resource world is only one step. One that happens to only have a positive influence. (not gona name all it does)
Further we could use small changes that may seem ineffective, but if you think about it...

Put the ship that leads you to the resource world instead of the ship taking you to Daendroc, and put Daendroc last in line. Right now the first ship in the harbor leads to Daendroc. What do griefers think? First best world. People who care only to collect resources? First best world. If your new to the server and you want to start building and surviving? First best world.
(I hope that makes my point clear enough :D)

We can never fully protect the server against grief. We can restrict as much as we can till we suficate from it.
But why should we lower our quality of gameplay for these people? Just make some changes so the flow of these people is altered. Yes, people can still go to Daendroc and grief it. But what are the odds they will?

Yeah, what this guy said.
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