Character Info
Attack Stat = 7
Defense Stat = 5
Points Spent = 14/15
Strength = 2
Constitution = 5
Rage Counter
Thick Hide
Iron Will
Dexterity = 7
Fleet Footed
Sharp Reflexes
Close Save
Escape Artist
Improvised Attack
Flexible Maneuver
- Full Name: Ana Cervantez
- Heritage / Culture: Tierravera Ailor
- Age: 29
- Gender / Pronouns: Female (she/her)
- Religion: Unionist sinner
- Occultism: None; sympathizes with the Occult
- Character Occupation: Shady innkeeper, criminal under reform, slums advocate, ex-gang leader
- Character Arc: A troublesome denizen of the Regalian slums, pursuing reform in the Everwatcher's grace.
- Eyes: Muddy brown
- Skin: Unbathed, warm-toned, lathered in dirt
- Hair: Wild, unruly red hair that fought against braids
- Body: Insignificant, sharp, nimble
- Notable Features: Tattered boots, rugged clothes, gloves riddled with holes
- Summary: Rough around the edges with a fierce cut on the lip
- Hobbies: Medical Hobby
- Mechanics: Ailor Mechanics
- Languages: Droque (fluent), Calem (limited), Common
- Regalian Slummers.
- Criminals.
- Unionists.
- Healers & Medics.
- Aristocracy.
- Bloodcast Knights.
- Viridian Order.
- Lothar Order.
- Aelriggan Order.
- Realm Knights.
- Crookback denizen with an ever-evolving political agenda. Worried about Crookback's survival, Ana once fought for Crookback to be an independent, lawless state based on her extreme anarchical views on freedom. After realizing that Crookback falling into the hands of the Undercity was not to Crookback's benefit, she has since changed this view. Ana now wonders what negotiations must be made between Crookback and the State to help Crookback flourish and prevent it from being crushed under the Undercity's thugs or the State's authorities. She actively connects with Crookback denizens to hear their plights and offer solutions.
- Anti-authority criminal and ex-gang leader. It takes an exceeding amount of time for Ana to trust formal authoritative figures. This includes members of the Lothar, Viridian, and Aelriggan Orders. This distrust, however, does not extend to members of the Bloodcast Order because they stand for the common man. She assumes every organization and government is corrupt because its leaders are, by nature, corrupt and its members are, by nature, vulnerable to corruption. She collaborates with Bloodcasts and often clashes with other knights. She will make deals with criminals.
- Occult-sympathizing, mundane commoner. Ana has a history of vampirism and is one of the few fortunate people to have been cured of it. It is for this reason that she fiercely advocates for vampires to be cured instead of killed, despite their misdoings under the sanguine curse. When it comes to mages, she does not involve herself with the morality of magic, so long as the magic is helpful instead of harmful to the living. She tolerates the Occult with good morals.
- Unionist heretic struggling to stay faithful. Ana was once convinced that Evolism was the way forward. After witnessing its destructive nature, she has quietly attempted to re-integrate with the Unionist crowd with great difficulty. She has procrastinated finding a priest to "damn her secrets to." She is wary of religious figures who use religious ideology as a vehicle for war and oppression.
Attack Stat = 7
Defense Stat = 5
Points Spent = 14/15
Strength = 2
Constitution = 5
Rage Counter
Thick Hide
Iron Will
Dexterity = 7
Fleet Footed
Sharp Reflexes
Close Save
Escape Artist
Improvised Attack
Flexible Maneuver
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