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Played Character Bianca di Corro

This character is actively played.


massivecraft's chappell roan
Nov 27, 2021
Reaction score
the door to your mom's room
Character Information
Full Name: Bianca di Corro
Heritage / Culture: Cantaluna Ailor.
Age: 28 years old.
Gender: Female.
Occult: Morgan Godborn. Silence Mage; Schools of Entropy, Stillness, & Body.

Core Concept
She is a Godborn of Morgan, and barely proud of that much. Raised by the Almshouse in Regalia, she took to lingering near the All-Beacon when the more polite Celates were around. Her magic is Petrification through touch or eye contact, only barely trained to not risk Overloading, and with a pair of gloves and sunglasses to minimize her use of it. She comes off as moody and antisocial, mostly due to her closed off appearance and the way Regalians acted around her growing up.

Appearance Information
She has a head of black mambas instead of hair, and usually wears a head-scarf to hide them from the public eye. She wears monotonous clothes, with motifs emulating the clothes Morgan wears in his portraits, purple with gold embroidery.

Constitution | [1]
▷ Training | Bulwark​
Dexterity | [7] (Attack)
▷ Free | Ranger Stance
▷ Ranger | Tag
▷ Ranger | Fan
▷ Ranger | Viper
▷ Ranger | Companion
▷ Ranger | Entrapment
▷ Roguery | Nimble Bola
▷ Roguery | Sharp Reflexes​
Wisdom | [4] (Defense)
▷ Free | Bardic Harmony
▷ Bardic | Aria of Harming
▷ Bardic | Aria of Weakening
▷ Bardic | Elegy of Headwind
▷ Bardic | Sonata of Justice​
Magic | [1]
▷ Arcane | Snare​
Charisma | [2]
▷ Speech | Political Presence
▷ Speech | Undisclosed Presence​

Linguistic Masters
If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
Empire Founders
Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
Heretic Hunters
If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.
Light Manipulator
You can produce bright lights in your hands, at your fingertips, or in the air that will light up large areas like rooms or large open caverns. This light can be used to make an area that is conventionally dark as night appear bright as day, but does not have any Combat applications, and some Magical forms of darkness overrule Light Manipulation.
Emotion Sense
You can sense the emotional states of others, even when they are trying to hide it with their expression or body language. This will not detail why or how they came to such an emotion, you will just be able to feel it by looking at them. You can also try to telepathically heighten or lessen these emotions, though it is up to the other person whether this succeeds.
* This Mechanic only functions if the target responds verbally to something Bianca says.
Vice Master
You are a natural corruptor, able to detect what vices and corruptible traits others have (consent not needed). You can then also initiate a corruption cycle of another person, causing them to take on heightened vices, or go down a "corruption-arc" path where they become "evil" (this does require consent).
* This Mechanic only functions if the target responds verbally to something Bianca says.
Political Presence
Through political connections and social dealings, the user, if they are a non-voting person (for example a Commoner) at Imperial Assemblies, is instead allowed to sit in the noble-voting section, and has 1 vote. If the user already has a vote (for example, they are Noble or a Priest), they gain +1 vote. This Pack is still predicated on the Character being presentable and legal to the Court, obvious criminals, traitors, and monsters will be deprived of a vote. If the Character already has a bonus +1 vote (from for example, Slizzar Mechanics), this Pack does nothing.
Undisclosed Presence
This Pack has the user trained so well in mental fortitude and obfuscation, that they are immune even to Magical attempts to apply Mind Control, or scry their mind for information. Your Character becomes immune to being mind-controlled, Thralled, having their emotions read, or emotions influenced, and so forth. This does not protect against Illusions, or Memory Alterations, however. You can still submit your Character to these functions if you want to, however, it assumes that by default your Character deters any kind of Mind Control.

Cantaluna, Common, Letz, d'Ithanie, Droque​

Plot Hooks
Bianca is a Morgant Curse, the distant descendants of Morgan born with snakes for hair and an ill omen about them to even their own Faithful. As such, she is a tentative Unionist, and really only because the Celacy feared mistreating her would lead to bad things happening.
As a girl, she was raised in the Almshouse of Regalia, and on the streets as a rebel child. Her formative years were spent brawling other children in Crookback, and taking her aggression out on the drums.
Bianca is a musician at heart, though her love for the craft is squirreled away out of embarrassment. She enjoys loud, aggressive music, and excels at drum percussion.
Bianca was born attuned to the Silence, per Morgan's influence, with a talent for Entropy magic. Controlling this lead to her learning the school of Body. She petrifies things, turning them to stone, through eye contact or physical touch. Selfishly, she also learned the school of Stillness, to weaponize sound.​
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