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Played Character Amelie Solvbekk

This character is actively played.
Jan 2, 2017
Reaction score

✨🛡️❄️Amelie Solvbekk❄️🛡️✨
The Frostbound Sentinel
"The past lies frozen behind me, but I carry its weight in every step."
To view this character sheet on Google Docs, click here.

📝 Character Information
  • Full Name: Amelie Solvbekk
  • Heritage / Culture: Velheim Dramarys Dragonkin Ailor
  • Age: 24 years
  • Gender: Female (she/her)
  • Religion: Fornoss (Eili)
  • Occult: Yes - Eternum-aligned Mage (Elemental School)
  • Character Occupation: Nordskag Military Veteran

🎭 Core Concept

"I've been described as 'cold' by people before. I'm inclined to believe they're making a low-effort joke."

Amelie is a tough, stoic Dragonkin woman from the frigid reaches of the north. Large, physically strong, and with years of extensive military training, she possesses potent icy magic which she combines with her martial prowess as a powerful spellsword. She may appear to others as aloof and emotionally detached, but she is actually very friendly, particularly around those she trusts.

🖼️ Appearance Information

"I'm actually on the shorter end of Dragonkin. That said, I do find it amusing to look down at people sometimes."

Amelie is a tall, physically imposing woman with a fit and muscular build, standing at 6'2" (189 cm) with long platinum blonde hair and sky-blue eyes. Her pale skin is covered in purple dragon scales which are mostly covered by her clothing, which mostly consists of luxurious, comfortable dresses. She prefers blue and white tones, but sometimes is seen wearing other colors in addition to head and hair accessories.

🎨 Gallery 🎨

Artwork drawn by @Spectriel
Screenshot from 2025-02-12 21-51-21.webp
Screenshot of Minecraft Skin
🎓 Skill Information

"I'm quite strong and good with a blade, but I can do more than that. You'd have to be silly to think violence is my only talent."

Hobbies and Talents
  • Magical Talent
  • Athletic Hobby
  • Reading and writing
  • Cooking
  • Playing the violin
Ailor Mechanics:
  • Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divide. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.

  • Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.

  • Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to three Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just one or two. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (breaking cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.
Dragonkin Mechanics:
  • Dragonkin inherit the Mechanics from the Heritage Trait from whatever Heritage the Character is biologically made. For example, if you want to play an Ailor Dragonkin, you can take the Mechanics from the Ailor Heritage as seen on their page. There are some exceptions: Slizzar, Bralona, Mystech, Orion, and Maraya awoken from a Vault cannot be Dragonkin. Urlan can only be Dragonkin if they were Dragonkin before Urlan.

  • Dragonkin can control elements that are closely associated with their Dragonfall. Dijara Dragonkin can control sand and sunlight. Dramarys Dragonkin can control snow/ice and starlight. Aerun Dragonfall can control silver/gold and crystals. Velkaryn Dragonfall can control shadows/darkness and the wind. Control can be defined as moving around, shaping into objects, summoning, extinguishing/radiating, and more.

  • Dragonkin are closely aligned to Dragon Magic. Being made of pure life, they live extended lifespans beyond what is normal. The Immortal War has hardened Dragonkin against Mystech, causing them to take -1 HP Damage from Attack Emotes. However, they are threatened by beings of pure death. If a Character that has Ordial Alignment would do -2 HP Damage, they do -3 HP Damage instead.
  • Skodje (native)
  • Common (fluent)

📖 Backstory

"I wish I'd grown up knowing what it was like to have a loving, whole family."
  • Amelie was born in Hedryll on December 2, 287 AC to her mother Elise Solvbekk and her Dragonkin father Aleksander Solvbekk. She is the youngest of her siblings, those being her older brothers Axel and Rickard.

  • At the age of seven, Amelie's father was tragically killed in a mining accident. At the age of eight, Amelie discovered her ability to wield magic, to the horror of her terrified mother who disappeared, unable to accept the reality that her daughter was a Void mage. The fracturing of her family led to her being raised by her much older brothers, and this experience has made Amelie very apprehensive about discussing or using her magic around others she doesn't know well. It requires a lot of trust for her to become comfortable casting magic around others.

  • At the age of fifteen, Amelie immigrated with her older brothers from Hedryll to Nordskag. A year later, Amelie would attend Skole Militair Nordskag for several years up until the age of 23.

  • Finally, Amelie immigrated from Nordskag to Regalia on June 10, 312 AC, her brothers following days later. Now living on her own, she is looking to expand her interests and find her place in Regalia.

🪝 Plot Hooks

"If only people would just shut up and stop giving me crap for being a mage."
  • Amelie's mother is missing. Amelie is unsure of whether she wants to find and reunite with her. On one hand, she desperately wants to repair family bonds and restore what was lost. On the other hand, she is very angry at her mother for abandoning her at a young age, convinced that she is a terrible mother that doesn't deserve anything from her.

  • Amelie doesn't like Unionism. She associates it strongly with purism, and she has already had enough of people condemning her for being born a Void Mage, something she had no control over.

  • Amelie wears a finely cut crenishard around her neck. She claims this is just an innocuous piece of jewelry, but those who are close to her know what its real purpose is and what deep significance it holds to her.

  • Despite being physically strong and having military training, Amelie is not eager to find someone to fight. She believes that just because she is strong does not mean she should be looking for people to beat up.

  • Amelie likes to practice playing the violin on her own time. After dedicating a large portion of her life to learning to fight, she wanted to pick up a hobby that was much more peaceful and allowed her to create something beautiful.

  • Amelie owns a pet glacial drake that she summoned with magic. She calls him Comet.

♥️ Relationships

- James Waters (@jono_98)

"I enjoy having you around, James, and your family is a delight. You're one lucky man."

Amelie was hired as a house guard for the Waters family by James. While her responsibility to them is great, Amelie enjoys the time she gets to spend with them, acting as much as a family friend as a guard.

- Lieven Gwentyr (@Trackedpilled)

"He's really damn annoying. I kind of want to smack him in the face, but I also don't."

Amelie has a somewhat humorous relationship with Lieven. While she doesn't harbor any animosity towards him, she also finds his antics mildly irritating and obnoxious to the point that it's kind of funny.

- Rosha Farraan (@MightyElf90)

"An ice-cold woman, and a Dramarys like myself. She's a better leader than I could have been too."

Amelie has a lot of respect for Rosha, whose leadership she was under while she was in the Damh-Mara mercenary company in Amontaar. She feels as if Rosha is in a better position to relate to her than others, being the only non-family Dragonkin she knows.

- Avril Morselli (@MasqueOfMelody)

"She single-handedly helped change my perspective on my magic, and I couldn't possibly be more thankful for that."

Amelie used to hate her magic, and by extension herself because she saw it as the cause of immense suffering and trauma. But Avril helped her understand that her magic isn't inherently evil, and Amelie now feels far less anxious about her magic thanks to her.

ℹ️ Miscellaneous Info
  • Amelie prefers to speak Skodje, but understands that it's easier to communicate with people in Common. She communicates with her brothers primarily in Skodje.

  • Amelie really enjoys wine and prefers it over other alcoholic beverages.

  • Amelie has mixed feelings about her draconic features. She sometimes wonders if they make her look less like an Ailor, or like some kind of mutant or monster. As a result, she often hides her features to try to look more "normal."

  • Amelie can often be very blunt and straightforward with how she speaks to people. She doesn't mean to offend people, though. This is just how she is.

⚔️ Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: Strength
Defense Stat: Magic
[15/15 points spent]

Proficiency Points:

💪Strength: 7
"All those years of training in Nordskag have prepared me for war."
⚔️Melee | [Technique Parry]
⚔️Melee | [Chaining Throw]
⚔️Melee | [Diving Tackle]
⚔️Melee | [Tangle Strike]
⚔️Melee | [Weapon Throw] (Free, from purchasing at least 4 abilities from Melee Point Buy)
🏃Athletic | [Breakthrough]
🏃Athletic | [Heavy Throw]

📖Intelligence: 1
"People like to create a false dichotomy between brains and brawn. You can have both."
🧠 Adapt | [Safeguard Pack] ✨(Magical Variant)✨

🛡️Constitution: 2
"I'm not the most resilient, but I can definitely take a hit."
🏋️ Training | [Iron Will]
🏋️ Training | [Thick Hide]

✨Magic: 5
"I was born with my powers. And I intend to use them."
🧙Arcane | [Arcane Blade]
🧙Arcane | [Arcane Aura]
🧙Arcane | [Arcane Snare]
🧙Arcane | [Arcane Warp]
🧙Arcane |
[Arcane Shove]
Edit Log
July 1, 2024: Updated abilities:
- Replaced Debuff Endurance with Rebound.
- Replaced Magic Revive with Magic Shove.

July 6, 2024: Ability update: Amelie now has Bruiser Stance. Because of this, she no longer has Knockback Sweep, Bruising Strike, and Cheap Shot as they are not compatible with it.
New abilities:
- Bruiser Slam
- Bruiser Tackle
- Bruiser Agony
- Bruiser Rampage
- Replaced Magic Trip with Magic Smog.

August 14, 2024: Added new sections for relationships, plot hooks, and miscellaneous info.
Updated abilities:
- Replaced Careful Fighter with Weapon Throw.
- Replaced Concussive Blow with Bruiser Feint.
- Replaced Rebound with Mounted Armory.

January 15, 2025: Massive overhaul to Amelie's sheet, including a full rewrite to update her abilities according to the January 11 proficiency update.


  • Spectriel_Amelie.webp
    22.9 KB · Views: 6
Last edited:
Updated abilities:

- Replaced Debuff Endurance with Rebound.
- Replaced Magic Revive with Magic Shove.
Last edited:
Updated abilities:

- Amelie now has Bruiser Stance. Because of this, she no longer has Knockback Sweep, Bruising Strike and Cheap Shot as they are not compatible with it.
- New abilities:
- [Bruiser Slam]
- [Bruiser Tackle]
- [Bruiser Agony]
- [Bruiser Rampage]

- Replaced Magic Trip with Magic Smog.
Character sheet updated:

- Added new sections for relationships, plot hooks, and miscellaneous info.
- Updated abilities:
  • Replaced Careful Fighter with Weapon Throw.
  • Replaced Concussive Blow with Bruiser Feint.
  • Replaced Rebound with Mounted Armory.