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Played Character Alfarin Silverberry

This character is actively played.
Oct 19, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Alfarin Oalfur Silverberry
  • Heritage / Culture: Ailor/ HjordiVelheim
  • Age: 22 (March 9th, 293 Birth Date)
  • Gender / Pronouns: He/Him
  • Religion: Fornoss Vola faithful
  • Character Occupation: Realm Knight/Imperial Officer
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Skin Color: White
  • Hair: Black Curly
  • Height: 6'1
  • Body Type: Muscular
  • Additional Features: Scars rampant around his body, a scar next to his eye, scars covering his chest, and bullet scars, among others.
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: Reading, dueling, ice skating, dog sledding.
  • Mechanics: All of Ailor, both of Fornoss mechanics
  • Languages: Common (Learnt over Time), Ørsti (Native Tounge), Gallwech (Learnt from the Norinn household), Common Sign Language (He can understand it but not speak it)
Backstory/Plot hooks
Since his birth, Alfarin has been focused on two things and two things only.
Revenge and Knowledge.
  • Born on March 9th, 293, in the cold and barren landscape, Alfarin was born into a wealthy family in the nearly decimated bits of Hjordi. His mother, who was a known cruel Baroness by the name of Helega Sighvatsson, and his father, by the name of Aelifr Thorlieksson, a well-respected and known Knight of the Viridian Order, were shunned primarily by the other Velhiem and Hjordi people for their Regalian Approach. Their house ended when heir Alfarin Thorleiksson, as he called himself, abandoned the title.​
  • Not much is known about Alfarin's past and upbringing during his early years. Although his family was primarily of the Elihiem and Unionist faith reserved. Alfarin had always taken a liking to combat, and the knowledge of the Volarik Fornoss faith was bestowed upon him by the Blackmark Companies. He had some interest in the area.​
  • Never staying home, Alfarin had always gotten into disputes with his mother and father, who told him that "The Mother," primarily said by his father and Maedrvid, would not allow him to enter into the afterlife. Alfarin found comfort amongst the Volarik faithful, who proclaimed that his need for revenge was serving him well in his life.​
  • A hatred for long-range and magic users in combat had always been prevalent among young men, and it was usually proclaimed that those who used long-range in combat were nothing more than cowards.​
  • However, a need to help the forgotten and neglected always had a place in his heart. Early to join the Blackmarks, Alfarin always stopped on their way to a fight with his Hjordi Wolf brethren to lend a hand to those that he saw being neglected. Tragedy struck him when he learned that his father, although not close to him, had perished. A burning hatred of nobility as the transition of his Blackmark companies into the Bloodcast Order told him that nobility was why his father had perished.​
  • Squireship was all he knew, supporting the Bloodcast Order blindly, often leaving nobility to their eventual demise because he did not care to help them, viewing it as revenge. However, this would be questioned for the first time in a pinnacle battle. During the battle against the Urlan, the newly knighted Dame Noemi Amenta of the Viridian Order had pulled him out of the wreckage of his hometown.​
  • Separated from his family members, he went on a boat to the Regalian Capital at nineteen, finishing his training at an academy, thoughts racing in his mind about what happened. Everything began to take a shift when he met Lady Constance Norinn in his life, for two years the two talked on and off, Alfarin always avoiding becoming friends with her as his hatred was always there. Eventually, though, his life began to change, and his views changed.​
  • One of the primary reasons for his views changing was whilst, in prayer, he remembered the teachings of Helvard, that to take pleasure in rejecting, even if it was nobility, was not a noble act; eventually, with a few more talks with Lady Norinn, the two become friends, and eventually, then some. Alfarin made the most monumental change in his life, having been Knighted only a few months prior. He changed his mind, leaving the Knighthood temporarily for a bit to give his time to process before taking the Grey of the Realm Knights.
  • On the 20th of February, 315, Lady Constance Norinn proposed to him; Alfarin quickly agreed as he began to take his journey of redemption and make amends with his people and his heritage of nobility.​
Although he became a Knight again by transferring to the Realm Knights, the members of the Bloodcast Order on the 25th of January shunned him out of the Order for his choices. It is discouraged out of character to talk to him in a friendly manner if you are a Bloodcast Knight to keep with these actions. Though he will be more than happy to talk as he always holds a special place in his heart for his previous Order
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
[12/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:

  • Strength: 7
    • Wounded Ego
    • Shattering Strike
    • Technique Parry
    • Shrug off
    • Magebane Strike
    • Steady Body
    • Stampede
    • Weapon Throw (Free)
  • Wisdom: 2
  • Puretek Blessing
  • Puretek Wrath
  • Constitution: 3
  • Rage Counter
  • Breather
  • Iron Will
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 1
  • Guided Prayer
  • Magic: 0
Art by SearchSolace

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