Archived A Judgement On Nobility

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Mar 11, 2013
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So, we all know MonMarty opened up Nobility as a vacant position you can apply for, obviously to enhance Role-play in a realistic Medieval way, throughout Regalia.
So far I'm liking it - Noble Tea Parties, the change in fashion, the difference in speech, the Plebs and all saying 'Stupid Nobles, think they water on water', the Nobles saying 'Stupid Plebs, can't afford some bread' - Works well. NICE RP, and NICE WORK MonMarty.

Now the problem - It's used as a excuse to get the SIMPLEST and NEWEST of RPERS into NOBILITY! Surely I'm not the only one seeing this?
Now I don't mean to call a fuss or name names, as we all know the people I'm talking about, but their families that are Noble at this time, with over 10 Members!
And half of them weren't even involved in Regalia before being Noble, and still aren't. They are just using it as a excuse to Rp superior...

There needs to be some STRUCTURE. Make a limit for families, or make it so every member has to be accepted! Right now, I've seen about 20 people from this one Noble Family get a introduction I now have to review, and half of them aren't decent. If they can't write a introduction without major flaws, then they aren't going to be great RPERS without training.

So yes, to summarize. Resist Nobility to a number of people per family, to reduce noob rp in high positions, or make sure every member has to be accepted by the Mods themselves.
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I like this idea, as well as you saying the newcomers becoming noble and acting superior. Its true and we need some kind of limit to nobles
I think the best approach would be to accept a family only if all of it's members are capable of good rp (for example checking if their character is approved)

Another way to reduce noob rp would be to make a point system for every family, and each time there's something wrong with any person's rp from that family a number of points would be deduced from that family's points. When their number of points reaches 0 or a certain negative value their family stops being considered noble by the rest of people, So that way the person with approved character would have to make sure members of it's family behave properly.
I think that every family member of a Noble family should have an approved roleplay character, because like you said "They are just using it as a excuse to Rp superior...". Another thing I'd suggest, perhaps the people applying have to be assessed in roleplay, by a member of the roleplay staff, in game. So the staff may decide whether or not they are worthy of the position of being a Noble.
I'm going to be honest, most of the Beauveret's are, when not in OOC, fairly decent roleplayers. I think that while this IS a good idea it could backfire horribly by adding another gap between noobs and older members, driving said noobs away.

"What do you mean I need to be on the server for a month to become noble? F*ck this sh*t, this server sucks!" - Noob101
I'm going to be honest, most of the Beauveret's are, when not in OOC, fairly decent roleplayers. I think that while this IS a good idea it could backfire horribly by adding another gap between noobs and older members, driving said noobs away.

"What do you mean I need to be on the server for a month to become noble? F*ck this sh*t, this server sucks!" - Noob101

From my Knowledge, Nobility for a semi-way of recognizing those involved in Regalia and RP.
Noobs should have to earn that privilege. For me, I see Nobility as a role-model for new RPers, which doesn't really work when half of them are noobs themselves. (Not taking into account the most of them, I was exaggerating).
I would say 'most' of the Beauveret's are decent Rpers. But decent, shouldn't be good enough, I personally reckon. They should be 'good' Rpers if not excellent, to set the standard of why they play such a position.

I'm just gonna focus on real quick: Though I have not been able to form any actual opinion of the people behind the Beauverets, I find that a lot of their family members switch from OOC & back into RP quite frequently, which I find quite distasteful. For example, I'll be talking to someone about some sort of scandalous claim/rumor, and they'll immediately switch OOC to make an attempt to disprove that. I find that that is very distasteful as it immediately removes myself and the person I am speaking to out of RP and into a long conversation about the event in question. I feel this ruins the RP for myself, and I feel I need to physically leave just to restart and have another RP session at said location.

I also feel that creating this 'gap' between noobs and experienced players is something that's inevitable, seeing as this si the same structure in many servers. You start out on the server and you slowly learn more about the social context of the server and the who's & what's. Of course, the experience among every player varies, but those who have ad the ideal experience (the one that I just marked out) tend to become normal active players like you & I.
@The Above Folks - Ok, I can accept that... but I'll need to be kicked from the nobles ranks, I'm not very good at roleplaying lol
@The Above Folks - Ok, I can accept that... but I'll need to be kicked from the nobles ranks, I'm not very good at roleplaying lol

In no way am I trying to disrespect you or offend you, but, unless you have a distinctly large passion for roleplaying, why have your family become noble? Sorry, if I made this come off as being a bitch, but yeah, the question still applies.
Good points, but let's not turn this into a bicker on the current nobles. I just want to see who agrees and who doesn't.
I wasn't intending on bickering, I was just trying to provide an example as to why I agree with your proposal.
In no way am I trying to disrespect you or offend you, but, unless you have a distinctly large passion for roleplaying, why have your family become noble? Sorry, if I made this come off as being a bitch, but yeah, the question still applies.

I never actually applied for nobility as a family - I asked on the thread why there weren't noble people, and in the senator thread I asked if wealthy commoners could become senators. Somehow that turned into me becoming a noble - though I do run the only functional bank on the server, so I suppose that influenced it. In all honesty I'd be fine being a commoner who has money to put into a bank, but apparently commoners can't afford that or something...

A note to Admins: If you choose to remove me from nobility (which I have no issues with) allow me to reclaim my supplies from the Paloin Manor before deleting and/or reverting it back to it's original state - I put effort and money into that bugger.
But. . . I'm not as good as a roleplayer than others. . . I don't know if it is Elaine or if it's my skills in general
My question is: How can you say that!?

Confined, when you were roleplaying as Ebony you were fantastic. You are a fantastic roleplayer in my perspective oh and it reminds me I should meet Elaine.
My question is: How can you say that!?

Confined, when you were roleplaying as Ebony you were fantastic. You are a fantastic roleplayer in my perspective oh and it reminds me I should meet Elaine.
I feel that I Roleplay better as "corrupted" characters. Even now Elaine is unstable mentally. . . Not insane, but almost driven to that point. #MyCharactersAreHorribleMothers O-O" Eb was my lil darling. I painted her in acrylic paint (when she was an Agni) And by far my most loved character. She was sort of eet up or designed rather for "failure". And being able to Roleplay as her was amazing. :3
I feel that I Roleplay better as "corrupted" characters. Even now Elaine is unstable mentally. . . Not insane, but almost driven to that point. #MyCharactersAreHorribleMothers O-O" Eb was my lil darling. I painted her in acrylic paint (when she was an Agni) And by far my most loved character. She was sort of eet up or designed rather for "failure". And being able to Roleplay as her was amazing. :3

This isn't a express your character thread, Love. xD Make a thread for that!
This isn't a express your character thread, Love. xD Make a thread for that!
Ehhh. Since I'll get back on topic; I am rather flighty alrighty. My opinion on this is: For the people who Roleplay well should be able to excel at being a noble, and that everyone shouldn't be a noble. My opinion is based off of the way I Roleplay is that some of us aren't made "Noble material" I know that I have never called anyone a 'pleb' yet and don't intend to. Should I be a noble? Not sure I just wanted to Roleplay as my sister puffy's character's mom.
Originally noble families required every active member to be approved as roleplay characters. This is an active insurance for me to make sure that the "active and main" family members of a noble family are at least decent.

The only problem I found afterwards is that the majority of the families seek recognition first, and then start mass recruiting. The issue with this is that they take on a lot of people who simply join the family for the sake of being noble.

With the Kade family, I had an extremely strict recruitment process, and even after that process we still strictly control their actions by stating they cannot marry or engage in criminal actions unless they have the express permission of the patriarch.

I'm personally not motivated to make a change. If a family wants to run the risk of getting knocked off their platter because of shit roleplay, that is their own problem. We assume that the fear of losing nobility status is enough to prevent certain families from going on a recruiting spree taking in a lot of people they don't know.

This way, nobility status is still kindof a "roleplay reward", but at the same time also easily accessible to new players. The idea of the server is full accessibility, people should not be barred from roleplay they want to have by something the server imposes, but rather their own inability to go for it. Ergo this is the way it is, and stays.
Okay, from a non-noble perspective, I always thought of Noble Families as being similar to the Senate and other "RP rewards." That is to say, I've always thought that in order for an RP family to be considered "Noble" each member would have to be approved as "Renowned Characters." If this WAS the case previously, when did it change, and WHY for that matter? I don't mind NOT RPing as noble, and I think more people SHOULD strive to be common folk. That being said, they wouldn't necessarily have to be uncivilized street urchins, there was a semi middle-class in Medieval times, for either wealthy farmers, or normal merchants. They would every once in a while be honored enough to be invited into the homes of nobles, but it would not be a common occurrence.

Short-ish version: I believe more new players or even veteran players should strive to either be poor folk, or middle-classed folks (educated, but not particularly wealthy). Since Nobility OUGHT to be reserved for the wealthy, famous, and well-educated. I don't want to walk around the streets of Regalia seeing "XxNoobletxX VanSherburne, or XxNubettexX Beauveret". I feel that they should be common folk until they find something that sets them aside from other players, and EARNS them the title of nobility. You would in NO WAY be counting out the noobs, but you would in fact be giving them something to strive towards.

I am thinking that this is beginning to turn into the SAME situation as the mages and demons. Soon, we will have so many Nobles running around, that Regalia will begin to feel like it is populated by nothing BUT nobility.
Originally noble families required every active member to be approved as roleplay characters. This is an active insurance for me to make sure that the "active and main" family members of a noble family are at least decent.

The only problem I found afterwards is that the majority of the families seek recognition first, and then start mass recruiting. The issue with this is that they take on a lot of people who simply join the family for the sake of being noble.

With the Kade family, I had an extremely strict recruitment process, and even after that process we still strictly control their actions by stating they cannot marry or engage in criminal actions unless they have the express permission of the patriarch.

I'm personally not motivated to make a change. If a family wants to run the risk of getting knocked off their platter because of shit roleplay, that is their own problem. We assume that the fear of losing nobility status is enough to prevent certain families from going on a recruiting spree taking in a lot of people they don't know.

This way, nobility status is still kindof a "roleplay reward", but at the same time also easily accessible to new players. The idea of the server is full accessibility, people should not be barred from roleplay they want to have by something the server imposes, but rather their own inability to go for it. Ergo this is the way it is, and stays.

Yeah, I'm happy enough with this response. You can lock the thread now.
I don't think that it'd be that difficult to remove a few Beauverets. Also when our people are in character, we're fantastic role-players. Although when not in character we can become quite ignorant, and we've been working on this. In due time, in due time. Anyways applications are closed, and all non approved Beauverets will be removed within the week.
Originally noble families required every active member to be approved as roleplay characters. This is an active insurance for me to make sure that the "active and main" family members of a noble family are at least decent.

The only problem I found afterwards is that the majority of the families seek recognition first, and then start mass recruiting. The issue with this is that they take on a lot of people who simply join the family for the sake of being noble.

With the Kade family, I had an extremely strict recruitment process, and even after that process we still strictly control their actions by stating they cannot marry or engage in criminal actions unless they have the express permission of the patriarch.

I'm personally not motivated to make a change. If a family wants to run the risk of getting knocked off their platter because of shit roleplay, that is their own problem. We assume that the fear of losing nobility status is enough to prevent certain families from going on a recruiting spree taking in a lot of people they don't know.

This way, nobility status is still kindof a "roleplay reward", but at the same time also easily accessible to new players. The idea of the server is full accessibility, people should not be barred from roleplay they want to have by something the server imposes, but rather their own inability to go for it. Ergo this is the way it is, and stays.

Wait, so does that mean that if some "noobs" of any noble family go ahead and do really bad rp or pull stuff that is totally against the noble etiquette, they risk getting the whole family disbanded?
Wait, so does that mean that if some "noobs" of any noble family go ahead and do really bad rp or pull stuff that is totally against the noble etiquette, they risk getting the whole family disbanded?

Pretty much. We put the reponsibility with the players.
I agree, nobles should be good RPers. But don't make all good RPers nobles. A good, healthy society needs plebs and if all the good RPers are nobles, the only plebs are vampires screaming around for the need of blood.
I agree, nobles should be good RPers. But don't make all good RPers nobles. A good, healthy society needs plebs and if all the good RPers are nobles, the only plebs are vampires screaming around for the need of blood.

I'm a pleb (er, more technically commoner) and I'm not a vampire screaming for blood... I'm just a very shy elf.
The problem with placing the restriction of an approved character is that it seems to me at least that most of the noble families that are recruiting offer assistance with writing a character introduction, making the intro not a direct reflection of the applicant's abilities.
Hiddenmonkey10 has a good point though. Nobility should be something to strive towards, as striving towards a goal is a sure way to keep folks around.
Time spent on the server and general vocabulary should be an important factor. No wun leiks a nroble hu spek liek dis.
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