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Played Character Josephine Bayard

This character is actively played.


Plant Nerd
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score

  • Full Name: Josephine Tomaise-Croissant Végétaux Coeur Bayard Tortue de Valois
  • Title: Countess
  • Race: Ailor | Ithanian
  • Age: 21
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthdate: October 1st
  • Religion: Unionist | Follower of Ness
Core Concept

  • A naive young woman, Josephine sees the best in people which can be both a good, and bad thing. She came to the city to find who her true self was away from her parents. With the help of her extended family, there is much for Josephine to learn along the way. Especially with what she wants to do with her life now that she is out in the world.
    • Josephine is a Healer

    • Josephine is a Countess
    • Josephine is a Mundane Healer

  • Josephine stands at the height of 5'5 with eyes of green.

  • Her hair is ginger, and usually down with a small bun in the back with a ribbon.

  • Usually wears blue dresses, and clothing due to it being the colors of House Bayard.


  • D'Ithanian (Native)

  • Altalar, Common (Known)
Plot Hooks

A Blue Flower

Josephine is the Viscountess, and head of the Blue Blood Family, House Bayard.

A Healing Angel

Josephine is a Healer, and Doctor. No matter who is in need of healing, she would help. Unless they have done her wrong. But she is very forgiving.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat:
Defense Stat:
[0/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 6
    • Overstep
    • Stampede
    • Steady Body
    • Stalwart
    • Resilience
    • Momentum
  • Constitution: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 7
    • Command Stance [Free]
    • Pursuit Command
    • Assault Command
    • Execute Command
    • Aegis Command
    • Spiteful Command
    • Endure Command
    • Technique Parry
  • Dexterity: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Charisma: 1
    • Undisclosed Presence Pack
  • Magic:


    • Medical Hobby
Medical Hobby covers broadly things done to heal, treat, and diagnose people and animals. This includes but is not limited to diagnosing ailments, prescribing medicine, performing check-ups, and other basic medical roleplay. While "realistically" non-magical Medical Healing is slower, we do not enforce this on players, and can treat people with Medicine and Technology just as good as you can with magic. If you feel choice-paralysis over what you can do with this, or feel creatively lacking ideas, be sure to ask a Lore Staff in a Ticket.

    • Alchemy Hobby
Alchemy Hobby covers broadly things done with potions, chemicals, and science. This includes but is not limited to medical healing and concoctions, salves and potions for different hair colors, gender-bending, making fireworks, cleaning foams, changing materials, or generally adding alchemical parts to daily tasks or the body to create a better standard of living. If you feel choice-paralysis over what you can do with this, or feel creatively lacking ideas, be sure to ask a Lore Staff in a Ticket.

  • Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
  • Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
  • Ailor make for excellent negotiators. Ailor gain +2 on top of every Persuasion Dice roll result, and their Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2 for every Dice Roll. These effects only apply to non-Afflicted, non-Mystech individuals, as their speech and habits are entirely fine-tuned to the more mundane aspects of global society, they must venture beyond their comfort zone to be able to reach Magic things.
  • Ailor whether by divine intervention or by sheer dump cosmic luck, always somehow end up on the right side of history. Ailor Characters when participating in Events, may sometimes stumble into an extreme luck roll that drops an additional loot item for one of the participants. This loot can be physical items, or intangible things like Divinium or an Artifactspark. Chances are higher for non-Magic using Ailor than Magic using Ailor.
  • Ailor have unusual religious flexibility due to their history. Ailor are able to follow two Religions at once, further than Religious Syncretism could allow, but this can never include Evolism or Pagan Faiths. If a second Religion is followed, the Character must declare one as "dominant" from which they receive the Religious Mechanic and Afterlife, and one "subdominant" (from which they get neither of these). Believers of the subdominant Religion can reject this faith sharing, but the Gods never will. Any other Mechanics that derive off faith will only apply to the dominant Religion.

The History We Write (OUT OF CHARACTER PURPOSES ONLY! So I won't forget things.)

Once arriving in the city with her older sister, Margot, the two of them stayed in the Bayard home in Purity District. The early days in the city was simple. Josephine spent most of her days exploring, and getting the layout of the city.

She enjoyed it greatly. The first friend she made in the city was an Asha Fox named Yasu. He too was new to the city, and was without a home. Josephine cared deeply for those she called a friend, and wanted to help him.

As time went on, Josephine decided to become a doctor after seeing a Solvaan nearly kill a fin'ullen in a duel. Each day someone ended up hurt, and Josephine wanted to help in some way. So applied for work at the Gatehead Clinic. There she met an Asha Fox named Miyako who ended up being Yasu's sister. She began to learn a lot in medicine from Miyako.

Then one day in the Qadir District, Josephine met an Vixit Isldar named Pyria. She could not understand her at first as Pyria did not speak common much. But Josephine being the kind hearted person she was, tried her best to communicate with her.

And then he appeared. Yasu had shown up. Changed into a being that she did not notice at first. His eyes that was once green had turned red. It was her first time seeing a vampire, and even then she did not know the signs. Pyria tried to warn her, but Josephine could not understand Sulvaley. Yasu new to the curse lost control, and went to attack. Pyria fought him, but Josephine scared, and not in control of her own feet, ran away in fear.

She was confused, and scared. She felt guilty of leaving Pyria behind to fight alone, but there was nothing Josephine could do except get in the way. She wasn't a fighter. Later that day, Josephine came across Pyria who was still alive, and well for the most part. After that day the two would become the best of friends.

A few days later while working, there was a commotion on the bridge to Crookback. Josephine saw Yasu being led away in chains to the cleansing chamber. He was to be cured of his cursed. Which Josephine felt relief for her friend.

Josephine continued to work, and learn at the Gatehead Clinic. Healing people, and making friends. Then one day, she met with Pyria who introduced her to a Solvaan named Ruven. It was a quick and short introduction. As the two of them would leave quickly.

In the passing days, Ruven would return with Pyria. Pyria had something important to tell Josephine. Something of her past, and with that. The three of them found a secluded spot. And as Pyria told Josephine about who she was, Yasu appeared. However he was not alone... No. He was with the Kathar that had turned him.

Yasu had wanted to make things right with the people he cared about and so he wanted the Kathar to try to explain. It did not go well as the vampire was not welcomed there. He was ran off by a crowd as he was not welcomed there.

After that day, Josephine would begin to meet up with Pyria to go over some studying. And during one of the studies, Yasu appeared. He confessed his feelings to Josephine. She was caught off guard, and needed time to think.

A couple of days went by when the two met again. Yasu was the first to speak saying they should remain friends as he was too quick to think with his feelings. Josephine agreed as she thought it was too soon to be in relationship. She did not fully understand her own feelings on being in a relationship. She had never been in one, or truly felt anything for anyone in that way.
But that would soon change. The man that would steal her heart appeared one day while Josephine sat in the stands of the Arena watching a normal duel. Ruvan approached her, and asked if she or anyone in House Bayard was in need of a temporary guard. She had thought about his offer, and decided to hire him as a private bodyguard for when she walked through the city. She knew him as a friend of Pyria, so he could be trusted.
One day the two would attend a night at the tavern for a casual drinking game with a large group of others. It was fun, and filled with laughter. There was a Silontaar there who managed to get Josephine, and Ruven to grow feelings for each other. It was a blooming romance as the two began to court. It was her first love, and she fell hard for him.

Weeks would go by as life went on for Josephine. Working at the clinic, becoming better in her skills of mundane healing. One day, Ruven would propose to her. She said yes, and was happy to one day marry him. Even with the help of her family, a ring was created.

Her mother would eventually appear the next day in the city. A letter had been written to her mother about Margot. Josephine was not happy at all to see her mother, but she welcomed her into the Bayard Home. Right before she could find out about Josephine's engagement, her sister arrived. An argument among the three Bayard women happened. Eventually her mother would leave the house, but not before she found out about the engagement. She was not happy one bit, and forbid it. However, there was nothing she could do to stop Josephine.

Tragedy would soon strike the Bayards as Enid would had a run in with a Marken. She survived, but injured. To which Josephine would aid her cousin in any help she needed around her home.

A marriage would be planned, and held. Which in the coming weeks would happen in a small private ceremony. Now married, Josephine, and Ruven would leave for a small honeymoon, but as they were leaving, they ran into trouble.

A gunshot was heard from the park. The two went to see what was happening, and came across a Marken attacking a noble woman. Ruven went to hold the beast back, while Josephine quickly went to carry the hurt woman to the clinic for medical aid. Once she was taken care of, the two would leave the city for a bit.

And when they returned, they officially moved into their own home, and began to make a life together in the city. He was a Bloodcast Knight, and she was no longer an Intern at the Gatehead Clinic, but a Medic now.

Josephine continues to live each day with Ruven, and working on her goal of helping those in need at the Gatehead Clinic.

Some months into their marriage, Josephine decided to adopt a child from Ithania that was orphaned due to an accident. She and Ruven would travel to Ithania, and adopted Alinar.


Mother : Clémence Huiviesse-Solarent Têtue Couer Bayard Blaireau de Valois

Father : Louis Vrière-Solarent Confiance Coeur Bayard Ours de Valois
Husband: Ruven Siulvenais Bayard bel-Lorsunna

Adopted Son: Alinar Bayard - 2 years old - Half-Ailor|Half-Teledden

Daughter : Elise Bayard - Newborn

Sister : Margot Bayard

Cousin: Madeline Bayard

Cousin : Enid Bayard

Cousin : Annalisè Bayard

Cousin : Oliver Bayard


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A small ring like machine made by Selthas | Solli.
It is made from electrum, and held together by magical energy. A gem stone rests in the middle. If pressed a projection of sea turtles swimming would appear over the user head.

Ellador Knife bought from an Isldar, but made in Ellador. It was sold in Mercenary Keep by a merchant.
A sharp thick silver blade with a hilt wrapped in leather. The sharp blade is tapered in almost a half-moon, but not quite fully.

A special custom made Medical Pistol

The firearm would have blue engraved lines along the metal. Adorned with flowers. In the center was a engraving of the Bayard Family crest. If one
were to look under the grip, a small Farraan Crest would be visibly carved into the wood. (OOC: It does not shoot bullets, but vials of medicine to help flavor crp)

The Remedial Practices of a Witch by Doortje Jansen Book
It is filled with knowledge about healing herbs, and remedies.

A locket made of Laqoria with a secret.


A special mundane ring
The band is made out of Loon-solay. The whole thing is a dove wrapped around the finger. and the eyes are made of amethyst. Was made by Countess Enid Bayard.


Drawn by @Sasspai

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