Archived 4all Ideas That Have A Better Chance Of Working

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.
May 2, 2015
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Alright so we need to come up with an idea that needs to replace armor and weapon 4alls. The thing is... its hard to find a solution. We need one that is both something people actually want to donate for and also has to be something that wont ruin the economy. All ideas are welcome. Both for 4all and server event donations.

Now a one idea off the top of my head that wont screw with the EULA

-Now that voting rewards are gone, take the old voting items and give everybody a random one when donated like say $5 or $7 for the item. And by RANDOM i mean the same item to everybody, but what that is, is random. To be complaint it must be the same thing for everybody

Tags (if i forgot anybody im sorry, my memory sucks)
@65jes89 @FireFan96 @Alj23 @pokyug @Tokugawryuu @Traxex20 @Sevak @Kaezir @DomiHoes @METAKNIGHT2X9 @Mightor @Legoclub22 @TheOverseer__ @Teriiyakii @CrazeCow @Kushiban
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
The problem with the economy is not the overload of regals into the system, it is the the "value" of each item. People can sell god armour and weapons for around 200r a piece, but don't because others sell for less. If everyone would raise their prices, people will still by them. It's just people have it in their mind the value of what they think it should be, rather than what it is.
Something that causes prices to rise/fall irl that we dont have in minecraft is the materials. People find cheaper/faster ways to make things and therefore can sell it for less. God armor costs the same diamonds and the same xp levels that it always has. That wont change. So as @onearmsquid said its really what people price it.
The problem with the economy is not the overload of regals into the system, it is the the "value" of each item. People can sell god armour and weapons for around 200r a piece, but don't because others sell for less. If everyone would raise their prices, people will still by them. It's just people have it in their mind the value of what they think it should be, rather than what it is.
The price of a piece of God armor should always be changing as the prices of the materials it takes to make it changes. That's not even accounting for the labor charge.

If this was the real world, people would be pricing their God armor pieces based on:
  • How many diamonds they used to make the armor and how much diamonds currently cost.
  • How much the enchantments cost that were put on the armor
  • How much they value their time that it took to get the XP and make the armor.
  • And a markup in the end make some profit.
Since nobody really bases their prices on the current market prices of the materials it takes to make the armor, and how much they value the time it takes to make the armor, the price of God armor has never been correct. I don't even know who set the original price of armor back when it costed 2000 regals (200 silver). There's a good chance that if someone had actually evaluated how much diamonds and enchantments costed at that time when God armor first came around, the starting price would had been much higher, and might be higher today as it would have had more to decrease.
FHFdoom has a pricing system based off of Value, and rarity. His prices are what items should be selling for at other shops. Competition is why people don't do so.
So yeah, in short I agree with the general statement/ idea "Items are sold at a lesser price than their actual value"
What people want to sell their items at is 100% up to them, we can only give them guidelines.

I can do some quick calculations to show what items were valued at back at the time God armor was selling for 200 silver (2000 regals)

I'm going to do all the numbers in silver first, then convert to regals at the end.

An unbreaking III book would sell for anywhere between 70-80 silver through a trade chat auction, and usually the same amount in the market shops. So, 70 x 4 gives us 280 silver.

Then, an average Protection IV book would sell for 50 silver. So 50 x 4 gives us 200 silver.

Diamonds if I recall correctly averaged around 1 silver back then. It takes 24 diamonds to make a set of diamond armor. So 24 x 1 is 24 silver.

If you wanted to make a set of God armor, and you weren't account for time and labor, materials alone costed 504 silver, or 5,040 regals today.

This also did not account for the fact that only premium members back then could make diamond armor.

So, just in material cost alone, people were losing 304 silver or 3,040 regals when selling the armor.

When I've got some time, I'm going to go the averages of God armor, enchantments needed to make God armor, and diamonds from the richshops at /tp market, and see how much money people are actually losing out on.
Care to reiterate the point u made?
Well like I said earlier.

Its good to have donations gifts of all kinds. Be it cosmetic or fun.
But I personally believe donating for something that will benefit the player in what they enjoy would be more popular and more effective. And we need to look for more idea's on how to do that.

Donating for something fun is not nothing I say! I even suggested some fun ideas. But the fun does wear off eventually. What I am saying is that there needs to be something that people can donate for, that gives them something they can make use of. And give them reason to donate for it again, and again, and again.

For example, one of my earlier suggestions Dwarven Delight I believed I named it. You get a bonus to your mining yield. If you love to mine or make money out of selling your mining yield. This effectively increases your productivity. (and everyone else on the server for that matter) But it will be something that you can use over and over again. For a builder this would be very interesting aswel. As it basicaly could half the time he spends gathering the materials and allows him to spend more of his time building. The thing he actualy loves doing. +1 happiness! yeay :D

So yea. Donations for fun items are cool too! But I think the suggestion such as the one above could lead to a more constant income.
And with that, ideas that realy give you an incentive to continuesly donate to keep a global bonus active (like premium used to be but then per player) could effectively tackle a part of the income issue.

Or so I believe ofcource ;p
So lets look for more!
There are a few ideas I have.

Gives Player {Insert name}
With lore: The mighty {Insert name} was beheaded by a devastating blow, clearing his head clear off his shoulders by {Player who bought}. You're Welcome <3
-Give you your own head, decapitated by buying player-

On screen -The air feels chilling, but gives you new energy-
Gives all players regen1, healthboost1
Hour Duration

@FireFan96 (Inspired by your comments earlier)
Turns flag "harm sunlight" positive
Drinking waterbottle turns "harmsunlight" flag false for 5 minutes
Serverwide Weakness 1
Hour Duration

Lore Grabbag Npc (Enable)
Enables players to buy a Grab bag in regalia for a mere 100 regals (Enable multiple purchases)
Gives buyer 5 random lore items (Some may be rare :O)
-Requres staff to assign new grabbag lore items for the event-
Duration entire day

Gives all players random derp enchant
Splash4, War3, Fireimmune4, Swag1

{Player}'s Sheild
Gives to all players on the server (I liek this bc nobody uses sheilds)

And.....Thats all i got for now. Tell me what you think :)
@Zacatero @Game
Gives Player {Insert name}
With lore: The mighty {Insert name} was beheaded by a devastating blow, clearing his head clear off his shoulders by {Player who bought}. You're Welcome <3
-Give you your own head, decapitated by buying player-
No. This will effectively make all heads worthless. I can donate in any name, not just my own.
Lore Grabbag Npc (Enable)
Enables players to buy a Grab bag in regalia for a mere 100 regals (Enable multiple purchases)
Gives buyer 5 random lore items (Some may be rare :O)
-Requres staff to assign new grabbag lore items for the event-
Duration entire day
This one is interesting... how feasible it is idk.. but i like it..
{Player}'s Sheild
Gives to all players on the server (I liek this bc nobody uses sheilds)
I like this especially if you can put in a design that the shields will have when donating.
No. This will effectively make all heads worthless. I can donate in any name, not just my own.
I Think you misinterpreted my suggestion. Heads4All would give each individual player a copy of their own head, all that does is eliminate the need to hire a premium to kill you 70 times for your own head. Its not like I enter in Sevaks name and everyone gets a copy of his head. I agree that would kill the market. With this gift4all there will always be a market to buy another players head, because the only head your getting for free is your own. Furthermore players who care wont be giving their heads away for free, those players, generally have always been the ones with highvalue heads. I personally do not see the conflict of interest.
- Edit for Clarification -
Player A = Person buying Head4all
Player B = Yourself
Item name: {Player B}'s head
Lore: The mighty {Player B} was beheaded by a devastating blow, clearing his head clear off his shoulders by {Player A}. You're Welcome <3
DISCLAIMER = You only get a copy of your own head, nobody else

The reason why i like this suggestion so much though is that newbs in chat will be all like "Who's @onearmsquid , how did he kill me and give me my head?? Pls dunt hert meh"
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I Think you misinterpreted my suggestion. Heads4All would give each individual player a copy of their own head, all that does is eliminate the need to hire a premium to kill you 70 times for your own head. Its not like I enter in Sevaks name and everyone gets a copy of his head. I agree that would kill the market. With this gift4all there will always be a market to buy another players head, because the only head your getting for free is your own. Furthermore players who care wont be giving their heads away for free, those players, generally have always been the ones with highvalue heads. I personally do not see the conflict of interest.

Lol I could totally see people like Sevak selling their own heads to get lots of regals xD
In the past Gethelp has sold his own head for 10k regals. People have already done it, it's not like its anything new.

Yes but it would be so easy to get multiples of your head (which might make it go down in value) especially if it was only 9$ USA dollars to get your own head.
I Think you misinterpreted my suggestion. Heads4All would give each individual player a copy of their own head, all that does is eliminate the need to hire a premium to kill you 70 times for your own head. Its not like I enter in Sevaks name and everyone gets a copy of his head. I agree that would kill the market. With this gift4all there will always be a market to buy another players head, because the only head your getting for free is your own. Furthermore players who care wont be giving their heads away for free, those players, generally have always been the ones with highvalue heads. I personally do not see the conflict of interest.
Oh so if i donate for it... each person gets THEIR OWN head.. ya i misinterpreted it
And the value of your head lies with you. If you go sell your head4all then yes it will devalue but if you have 1 of your head vs 200.. the value is the same since YOU have them all
Value of heads don't work like that. Everyone has Skeleton heads, and they drop constantly, Thus the reasoning for them only being 5 regals apiece on market. With Heads4All they are just dropping constantly, into your own inventory and nobody else has your specific head (Generally). Nothing is different from before, the only way to get another players head is to kill them or buy it. Technically i could have a doublechest of my own heads right now if i wanted, all i'd have to do is kill myself a couple hundred thousand times. That's why Heads4All would be so cool, I don't have to use one of my alts to kill myself (Which also lowers my faction power) over and over again to just get one stinkin head. Trust me, if you've tried to get your own head before, you would know the fustration.

I guess its just a convenience gift4all then :P
I bought my last hoe4all for convenience. I wanted to get a weapon4all.. and i needed a hoe so thats how i chose

O lol, I guess they are all for convenience in their own way :P

I wish they had more 4all's with special enchants on them (In vanilla you cant make a sharpness 5 hoe.) It would be cool if there was a magic wand4all, it gives a blazerod with sharpness 3 fireaspect 5 (cant get fireaspect 5 normally on any item) and magic 3 (just a flavor enchant). Then maybe so fun lore like: Yay now everyone can become a wizard because of <Username>s generosity!