Archived 4all Ideas That Have A Better Chance Of Working

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.
May 2, 2015
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Alright so we need to come up with an idea that needs to replace armor and weapon 4alls. The thing is... its hard to find a solution. We need one that is both something people actually want to donate for and also has to be something that wont ruin the economy. All ideas are welcome. Both for 4all and server event donations.

Now a one idea off the top of my head that wont screw with the EULA

-Now that voting rewards are gone, take the old voting items and give everybody a random one when donated like say $5 or $7 for the item. And by RANDOM i mean the same item to everybody, but what that is, is random. To be complaint it must be the same thing for everybody

Tags (if i forgot anybody im sorry, my memory sucks)
@65jes89 @FireFan96 @Alj23 @pokyug @Tokugawryuu @Traxex20 @Sevak @Kaezir @DomiHoes @METAKNIGHT2X9 @Mightor @Legoclub22 @TheOverseer__ @Teriiyakii @CrazeCow @Kushiban
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think the economy is more balanced since the item for alls came. 300-400r for a weapon was to much. Think about how much 300r is compared to something like Diamonds- A MC block is 3x3x3 feet and market price for diamond block tends to be around 8r. That means a decent weapon was worth the same over 1000 cubic feet of solid diamond.....

Now with 4alls it has balanced to around 100r. I mean, I sell swords and I have no problem making money. Of course, I sell all sorts of other things as well so the economy is naturally less apt to feel ruined since I am not a PVPer whose only commodity is God Weapons.
If you look from a roleplay perspective. It would make more than enough sense for super magical sword to be a weapon for kings (Equivalent to hoards of gold)

Now if you actually ever enchanted weapons. I think you would know a little bit about the difficulty of getting all the necessary enchants for a god weapon. I garunteed that it will take less time to get a half stack of diamond blocks that it would to manually enchant books to replicate the enchantments on Gift4all weapons.

I would also like to add that the issue with introducing gift4alls is a massive overstimulation of the economy. I know personally, I've gotten over 2 doublechest of gift4all items myself (just by people donating). This is honestly ridiculous, and it destroys demand for product. That is why it is bad.
If you look from a roleplay perspective. It would make more than enough sense for super magical sword to be a weapon for kings (Equivalent to hoards of gold)

Now if you actually ever enchanted weapons. I think you would know a little bit about the difficulty of getting all the necessary enchants for a god weapon. I garunteed that it will take less time to get a half stack of diamond blocks that it would to manually enchant books to replicate the enchantments on Gift4all weapons.

I would also like to add that the issue with introducing gift4alls is a massive overstimulation of the economy. I know personally, I've gotten over 2 doublechest of gift4all items myself (just by people donating). This is honestly ridiculous, and it destroys demand for product. That is why it is bad.
I do enchant weapons and tools. It honestly doesn't take me that much effort to get a God sword...
@pokyug do you have a replacement 4all or event idea? Because whether we like it or not 4alls and server events account for some of the income and we might as well come up with one that wont ruin the economy
I just thought of a funny 4all idea.

So, one thing that can still give me a jump every time I'm not expecting it is the mining fatigue guardian effect. It pops up and the noise scares the shit out of you.

So, why not have a prank donation item? Someone donates and the entire server has the guardian particle and noise happen to them. It'll be a great gag, and helps the server.

gimmicky, yes. But effective to get money.
I just thought of a funny 4all idea.

So, one thing that can still give me a jump every time I'm not expecting it is the mining fatigue guardian effect. It pops up and the noise scares the shit out of you.

So, why not have a prank donation item? Someone donates and the entire server has the guardian particle and noise happen to them. It'll be a great gag, and helps the server.

gimmicky, yes. But effective to get money.
That'd actually be really cool tbh
I just thought of a funny 4all idea.

So, one thing that can still give me a jump every time I'm not expecting it is the mining fatigue guardian effect. It pops up and the noise scares the shit out of you.

So, why not have a prank donation item? Someone donates and the entire server has the guardian particle and noise happen to them. It'll be a great gag, and helps the server.

gimmicky, yes. But effective to get money.
What if there was a donation item that played the duration of never gonna give you up in the background?
Arguing the topic of economy on MassiveCraft is so tiring. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy doing it, but it gets to be a little too much sometimes.

Ideally, the "4all" donation options would be more aesthetic. Meaning, things like eclipses or monsoons are fine, because they don't actually implement any physical item or amount of money into the game. When 4all donation options start to implement items into the game, that's where I personally draw the line.

Arguing whether or not the economy on MassiveCraft is either healthy or unhealthy at any given time is so complex. A lot of people like to argue their analysis with very specific "what they deem evidence." I'm guilty of it as well. I usually use god armor and god weapons as points of reference for analysis. That's looking a very small and specific subset of what the economy is overall. If someone that mainly dealt with lore items being sold or IRL services being performed for regals, they may reach the conclusion that that sector of the economy is doing well. I think that's how we should look at it for now on, in sectors. (I'm honestly not sure why I didn't do that before.)

What I do know is, that if donation options are implemented that spawn items in game for everyone, it is only logical that the item spawned in will lose its value. The quickest way to begin combating prices of items decreasing is to reduce the supply.
@Alj23 exactly. Thats why i created this thread. We need to find something that people want to donate for but wont ruin the economy, which would mean... something already at low value or something created with something at low value. Or something like cakes that are completely useless which means whatever theyre made of is meaningless since u cant really use it

Or just find more event donations that spawn no items.
did it for the lol.
@pokyug do you have a replacement 4all or event idea? Because whether we like it or not 4alls and server events account for some of the income and we might as well come up with one that wont ruin the economy
There is one solution that could make a higher demand for sharpness, fire aspect, and master weapons. That is to remove all fire aspect/fire/unbreaking enchants from the gift4alls. But in turn allow weapons to do poison damage. It still fufils a want for passive Damage. Weapons will still do the same amount of damage, but break faster (Along with gift4armor). I also know that the poison is really easy to add onto weapons. One of my friends did it with command blocks, so staff better not say this is hard to code.

As for gift4all alternatives... I'll write up a list later today
And iron is a lot more plentiful than diamonds. But i digress. this should be more for solutions instead of picking apart one post.

any other ideas?

hmm, i had a good idea, but i lost it.
BTW the random lore item was an idea of mine a few days back, and i'm glad its getting mentioned.
i think that people have a good point. god weapons are pretty expensive still (although regals are too EZ to get, massive plz make john give out tasks or something).

is custom map-paintings for premiums a thing yet? cause i would buy premium just for that. dwarf rune paintings! i mean, like, that would be a really cool feature.

maybe sparkles 4 all? particle effect permission for an hour for everyone

ooh ooh heres a good one! /repair for all! all players could /repair any item.

btw i know these would be hard to code / would take time and effort. just spitting ideas
we need to d-
i just thought of something! what if there was like taxless 4 all? everyone whos online's faction gets the taxfree flag for like a few days or a week.

anyway, i also encourage doing paid (although they should be more expensive) prem perks for all, like for an hour you can have the specific perk that was paid for. most prem perks are cosmetic so it doesn't ruin the economy, and since people will expirience life with the perks they may even buy premium.

still spitting out ideas. these are just the things the popped into my head.
we need to d-
i just thought of something! what if there was like taxless 4 all? everyone whos online's faction gets the taxfree flag for like a few days or a week.

anyway, i also encourage doing paid (although they should be more expensive) prem perks for all, like for an hour you can have the specific perk that was paid for. most prem perks are cosmetic so it doesn't ruin the economy, and since people will expirience life with the perks they may even buy premium.

still spitting out ideas. these are just the things the popped into my head.
Taxless 4all would probably be just as bad for the economy as a gift4all of God armor.
Maybe you could make a give4all that gives everyone a loot crate (all loot crates given are exactly the same until they open the loot crate. I'm not sure if this workaround complies with the EULA thought) Anyways after choosing to open the loot crate you can get various different items like diamonds, maybe different amounts of regals, lore items (like from voting), enchanted books (like fro making god sets), ect. Of course when adding any items/regals into the world can damage the economy. But because all the items are random it would hopefully spread out the damage so it would be almost non existent (hopefully.) Also for this too happen (non damaging the economy) the loot would need to have lots of differences. Like 10-20r, two books, and a lore item.

I know this would take some time to code but it might be worth it. Also would love to here your guys thoughts on it.
I have another prank idea

Someone pays a few dollars and the server links a yt Vid.

As and it's a rickroll
Taxless 4all would probably be just as bad for the economy as a gift4all of God armor.
Not necessarily. There's an inherent difference between what GodArmor4All and Taxless4All would do.

With GodArmor4All, whether you were a PVPer, RPer, or did just a little bit of everything, if you were online at the time of the donation, you got the item. The server has been peaking out at around 260 players online roughly, and if every piece of God armor is worth let's say 200 regals, that's still 52,000 regals worth of items being added.

If the factions don't have to pay taxes, then sure, they can collect the money from their members still and stockpile it during the time the Taxless flag is applied. Or if they were smart, they could set their taxes for members to 0 for the duration of the Taxless flag from the donation, and their members could use that money for other things.

I know a lot of people like to use money sinks as a general "cure all" approach. And sure, maybe it does work in /some/ limited cases. But I assure you, too much money is not the issue right now when it comes to the economy. The issue is a very low demand due to people being able to make whatever they want with ease, and an increased supply because the MassiveCraft economy doesn't adhere to the rules of supply and demand. Everyone can make their own gear and weapons, so they don't need to buy them. People still want to sell armor and weapons, so they lower the price to entice people to buy. And then as demand continues to fall, it gets harder to sell, and one merchant undercuts another, and the cycle repeats itself.

If the supply of any item you think currently sells for too little was decreased, and people had more money to buy the item instead of making it themselves, you would see prices rise.

So in short, if we decrease supply of items we thought were currently priced too low, and people had more money to buy these items, the price would increase, and so long as the price doesn't teach absurd heights, people will most likely buy the item.

So Taxless4All might not be a bad thing. It really depends on a lot of other factors.
i znip witd miez skizorz
i agree with alot of this post.

anyway, i think maybe just a simple money 4 all would fix a lot. you could remove the way-too-easy npc money-giver and instead have money-4-alls. if this doesn't balance out you can maybe have a "money pool." like basically every week 100r or however yall think you should have would be added to the pool. once someone buys "money 4 all" everyone gets the amount of money in the pool. this would mean that it happens at a pretty constant rate, meaning its pretty controllable. players still get their worth out of their money, but one specific item
doesn't get a lower price.

=P and although i still think the wealth on this server is to spread out (its not fun for me when nobody is poor, but that my opinion) i agree with alj, we dont need to hit two birds with one stone right now. economics is a tricky thing, and we cant just try stuff willy nilly.
@Alj23 exactly. Thats why i created this thread. We need to find something that people want to donate for but wont ruin the economy, which would mean... something already at low value or something created with something at low value. Or something like cakes that are completely useless which means whatever theyre made of is meaningless since u cant really use it

Or just find more event donations that spawn no items.

If you make the reward meaningless you kill the incentive to donate for it. Cake4all does generate income. But I do believe something that players have more use for will be donated for more often. I am not trying to say we should only give valueable things then, but we need to make sure its something people will still want to donate for because it helps them.
They are fun and entertaining :)
And having those definatly doesn't hurt.
Just saying we may also need more ideas on something people will have an incentive to donate for beyond just cosmetics.
Something that will benefit them. Yet not nessesairly directly. And indeed without harming the economy too much.
i agree with alot of this post.

anyway, i think maybe just a simple money 4 all would fix a lot. you could remove the way-too-easy npc money-giver and instead have money-4-alls. if this doesn't balance out you can maybe have a "money pool." like basically every week 100r or however yall think you should have would be added to the pool. once someone buys "money 4 all" everyone gets the amount of money in the pool. this would mean that it happens at a pretty constant rate, meaning its pretty controllable. players still get their worth out of their money, but one specific item
doesn't get a lower price.

=P and although i still think the wealth on this server is to spread out (its not fun for me when nobody is poor, but that my opinion) i agree with alj, we dont need to hit two birds with one stone right now. economics is a tricky thing, and we cant just try stuff willy nilly.
Nah, I didn't say give everyone free money. What I was trying to say was that if people had more money to spend that they earned themselves, then they'd be more likely to go out and buy times.

There's a difference between making it easier to earn money from already existing sources and giving people money just because they happened to be online at a certain things.

Oh, and a little tidbit. A few months ago I ran some numbers, and 29.9% of active money on the server (active means money on accounts that haven't timed out) is controlled by the top 10 richest people on the server. The average person controls less than 1% of the total amount of money on the server. So trust me, there are some really rich people, and some really poor people on the server.
If you make the reward meaningless you kill the incentive to donate for it. Cake4all does generate income. But I do believe something that players have more use for will be donated for more often. I am not trying to say we should only give valueable things then, but we need to make sure its something people will still want to donate for because it helps them.
If you are legitimately donating $13 for one piece of God armor you're an absolute idiot. In the current market, $13 can but you literally 7.5k regals, which is enough to buy a double chest of God stuff. I sincerely doubt many people are donating for this reason alone, they're donating for the attention/to support the server, which would not change if gift4alls were at least nerfed to prot 2 or 3.
If you are legitimately donating $13 for one piece of God armor you're an absolute idiot. In the current market, $13 can but you literally 7.5k regals, which is enough to buy a double chest of God stuff. I sincerely doubt many people are donating for this reason alone, they're donating for the attention/to support the server, which would not change if gift4alls were at least nerfed to prot 2 or 3.

Or people have many alternate accounts on, or many friends online to it makes the $13 worth the purchase, which then brings in multiple Gift4alls which decrease the value. I honestly think that perhaps the price should be raised again for Gift4Alls. Perhaps just the Armour4all and weapon4all should be raised.
Or people have many alternate accounts on, or many friends online to it makes the $13 worth the purchase, which then brings in multiple Gift4alls which decrease the value. I honestly think that perhaps the price should be raised again for Gift4Alls. Perhaps just the Armour4all and weapon4all should be raised.
People already arent buying them as much than when they were $9.
Or people have many alternate accounts on, or many friends online to it makes the $13 worth the purchase, which then brings in multiple Gift4alls which decrease the value. I honestly think that perhaps the price should be raised again for Gift4Alls. Perhaps just the Armour4all and weapon4all should be raised.
i personally thank, now, after reading this, that gift 4 alls are fine the way they are. in response to alj23, the problem I have isnt that there arent alot of players that have low percentages, its that by just logging on and clicking an npc every day for a week, you could buy more or less any item you want, not including super rare lore items. those poor people arent really "poor", they are poor in comparison. but, i also see what you mean. that was just a small issue i have with massive, and its a little off topic.
Well voting USED to be like 9r a day. 3r for 3 sites. Now when that was happening, regalia prices were the same... 300r for 30 days. Thats barely as much as u would make from only voting. Then all of that changed and it was 170r a day for voting. No price raises. That is a slight factor in the current "nobody is poor" thing

But also this "Job Island" that is set to replace johns charity will essentially make everybody work for their money, regardless of what game mode you play
This idea may fuck everything massive's economy is

but server ran shops for money to go into and never leave
if you want to throw away money, just extend the rent on a region, then unrent it.
though this is very off topic and i shouldn't have even posted this.

random idea to keep thread on topic:

So how about simply gag4all. You donate, and everyone gets a really derpy lore item. Like a lored piece of dirt. or cobble. just something that every person on Massive has at least one of already. Derpy, but still somewhat funny.
An idea just struck me out of the blue! Pet4all gives everyone a spawn egg for a tamed pet of the buyers choice (like a Cute Pink Sheep, or a Longhorn (Cow), and maybe even a hostile mob like a Ground Wrecker (Creeper)). Maybe its a good idea maybe its not all I know is that it wont hurt the economy besides creating a new thing to sell.

Please tell me what you guys think.

An idea just struck me out of the blue! Pet4all gives everyone a spawn egg for a tamed pet of the buyers choice (like a Cute Pink Sheep, or a Longhorn (Cow), and maybe even a hostile mob like a Ground Wrecker (Creeper)). Maybe its a good idea maybe its not all I know is that it wont hurt the economy besides creating a new thing to sell.

Please tell me what you guys think.

that sounds pretty cool. spawn eggs4all. would definitely help with mob farms and waiting for two animals to spawn so you can breed.

i like it.
An idea just struck me out of the blue! Pet4all gives everyone a spawn egg for a tamed pet of the buyers choice (like a Cute Pink Sheep, or a Longhorn (Cow), and maybe even a hostile mob like a Ground Wrecker (Creeper)). Maybe its a good idea maybe its not all I know is that it wont hurt the economy besides creating a new thing to sell.

Please tell me what you guys think.

Thats a really great idea. I think that this would be cool! I mean the only issue if u could even call it one is that people could hoard and trade and sell these things but... I mean these arent hostile mobs so is that even an issue?
Thats a really great idea. I think that this would be cool! I mean the only issue if u could even call it one is that people could hoard and trade and sell these things but... I mean these arent hostile mobs so is that even an issue?
Naw. There's not really any mob drops worth anything anymore anyways.
If you are legitimately donating $13 for one piece of God armor you're an absolute idiot. In the current market, $13 can but you literally 7.5k regals, which is enough to buy a double chest of God stuff. I sincerely doubt many people are donating for this reason alone, they're donating for the attention/to support the server, which would not change if gift4alls were at least nerfed to prot 2 or 3.

I think you missed my point there...
Not to mention, I wasn't even talking about godstuff. x3
I don't understand :-0
The big selling point of massivecraft compared to other servers is that the economy is purely driven by the players. Staff shops don't exit because they aren't needed, and never will be needed.

Even though that admin shop suggested would only throw away money, it still is an admin shop, and as such means that there is something else driving the economy than just players.

On the subject, if you wanted to just get rid of money, just /money pay FireFan96. I'll be sure to get rid of it for you <3